
What professions require applied mathematics. Physico-mathematical scientist: mathematician, physicist, astronomer

Specialties: mathematics, physics, mechanics and cybernetics, astronomy

Specializations by fields of science and selected topics ( nuclear physics, laser physics, computational mathematics, astrophysics, etc.)

Required education (level of education, type of educational institution):

Higher (Researcher by specialty) - Physics and Mathematics, Mechanics and Mathematics, Physics departments of academic universities

Specific abilities necessary for the successful development of the profession:

Introverted personality, love of reading popular science and scientific literature, mathematical abilities, ability to easily solve physical and math problems, interest in purely mathematical and physical problems and problems.

Major subjects of the school curriculum:

Mathematics - geometry, algebra, physics, astronomy. Foreign languages, primarily English.

The nature and content of the work:

Conducting experimental work, performing work and developing individual projects under contracts, writing articles and reviews, teaching activities are possible

Obvious advantages

High social prestige of the profession, the possibility of realizing creative abilities, work in a highly cultured and creative environment, work abroad in Russia as part of international scientific groups.

Pitfalls, obvious disadvantages

Problems of the “transitional period” in relation to science: the lack of a clear public policy, insufficient level of funding for programs and projects in the scientific field.

Possible occupational diseases: nervous disorders, the danger of cardiovascular diseases, visual impairment and the possibility of diseases caused by systematic work on a computer, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, osteochondrosis, physical inactivity, coronary heart disease, and other disorders caused by a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle are possible.

Depending on the specific place of work, occupational diseases are possible caused by violations of safety rules and exposure to penetrating radiation, high-frequency currents and radio emission, physically and chemically active waste from experimental work, etc.

Salary fork (in rubles on average per month):

in Moscow and the Moscow region: 20,000 - 40,000

in large regional centers: from 15,000 - 30,000;

in scientific campuses of remote areas of Russia: 10,000 - 25,000

abroad - from 2.5 thousand euros

To whom from very smart people, like the founder of cybernetics Norbert Wiener, belong the words: "Science is a way to satisfy personal curiosity at the expense of society."

This article is devoted to three specialties at once - mathematics, physics and astronomy, because the problems of modern Russian science have general character, and that today you need to know about these possible areas of activity much more in common than different. The development of science and technology has already led to the fact that undressing people engaged in these activities is almost impossible. Many physical experiments are now being carried out in a "test tube", more precisely, they are simulated on computers, and the preparation of such an experiment is the writing of appropriate programs. The physicist is faced with the task of successfully mastering applied mathematics and cybernetics. Even if these questions his research team a specially invited specialist in mathematics is engaged. Mathematical physics is a long-standing and well-established branch of theoretical. Astronomy in our time has become so much a cosmic physics with various subsections that this name itself has been preserved only for that part of physics that continues to observe - electronic and optical over the visible part of the Universe. There is already space geology, which is engaged in the study of the geological structure and chemical composition of the planets closest to us. solar system, meteorites and comets, as well as stars. Usually, modern science is built in the form of separate scientific teams created from different specialists to solve certain cognitive problems. Big number scientific discoveries are born precisely at the intersection of sciences, and mathematics - as a universal scientific language - allows you to be at the "right time in the right place."

How do people get into science now and what are the prospects now successful life and successful career in this field?

Twenty years ago, science was organized like this: there were academic institutes - they were part of the Academy of Sciences and were considered the place where "real science" was "done", there were departmental institutes, for example, the Ministry of Medium Machine Building - under this funny "average" were hiding structures, associated with nuclear production and nuclear weapons. There were also educational institutions, the departments of which theoretically also participated in scientific work, had to deal with their own developments. Judging by a number of positions - space, military rocketry, a number of original developments, for example, Alekseev's screen-planes, and articles in the journal Science and Life about the Bureaukan Astronomical Observatory - science occupied a fairly prestigious place in the Soviet Union. Films like "Nine Days of One Year", "I'm Going into a Thunderstorm" were filled with the romanticism of scientific research, selflessness. In any case, the idea of ​​solving a scientific problems at all costs and against all odds until 1986 seemed quite nice and fascinating. But with the explosion of the Chernobyl reactor, sympathy somehow evaporated. Moreover, in some reports of the disaster, "scientific experiments in the shutdown mode of the reactor" were mentioned.

Probably, with this catastrophe, the romantic attitude towards science also disappeared. The understanding came, what a terrible and dangerous occupation it is, releasing the powerful energy of atoms and matter. But the idea of ​​the need for science. Her important role for society and development could not disappear. Rather, there was a growing up: the attitude towards science became more pragmatic.

A career in science in recent times was lined up as follows.

Since the beginning of the 1970s, various Olympiads for schoolchildren have been held at the school level - in mathematics. Physics, etc., which made it possible to identify talented schoolchildren early enough. Some of them could enter physics and mathematics schools at universities (for example, the FMS at Novosibirsk State University). Then followed study at a promising university - as a rule, there were several such universities, of which it was relatively easy to open up prospects for interesting work and further growth. Universities of Moscow and Leningrad (St. Petersburg) - Moscow State University, universities in the areas - MAI (Moscow Aviation - Problems of Aviation and Space), Moscow State Technical University. Bauman ( missile direction), etc., then came the universities at the famous Akademgorodok and scientific centers: Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, etc. An important factor in this has always been the active position of the student: participation in scientific circles, self-training reviews and abstracts, deepening and development of knowledge, participation in laboratory work. Interest in science, shown already on the student's bench, and certain successes made it possible to establish oneself and be in good standing with already well-known scientists and recognized specialists. In this regard, nothing can change: if the desire to engage in science does not manifest itself in active position student, it means that the student actually has no interest in science, and he was mistaken in choosing the path of a scientist.

After graduation, the distribution began. In fact, it was about the satisfaction of the state order for specialists from various ministries and departments, mainly dealing with applied problems and scientific developments of a military defense nature. Physicists were needed by nuclear and rocket industry, physics of alloys and heat engineering were in the service of engine building, radio electronics solved the problems of detecting flying objects "on distant approaches", rocket scientists had a lot of problems - from pointing missiles to flying to Mars; lasers, aviation, the physics of explosions - science served the military industry, which put scientists in "sharashki", closed laboratories and entire towns. Mathematicians were needed to “calculate” all this; With the development of cybernetics, the task of "counting" among mathematicians acquired a new and very interesting meaning. Astronomy stood apart in all this, in the ordinary view it served only to satisfy interest in the stars. But with the development of technology, with the development of scientific ideas, which revealed interesting parallels and correspondences between the macrocosm of the Universe and the microcosm of the structure of matter, astronomy began to arouse more and more interest. The ideas about what is interesting for us in space, and the ideas about the people involved in it, have changed. Astronomy became the physics of the cosmos. The scientist cut off from life with a telescope and an academic cap on his head is long gone. Too many important and interesting things can be learned by studying space modern means. And the result of the study can become the basis of interesting scientific discoveries. For example, from modern ideas about the origin of the solar system and the distribution of "building material" in it - various elements, one can draw conclusions about the composition and structure of the Earth, which are extremely important for geology.

Some prospect of openness and pure science was opened up only through the institutes of the Academy of Sciences or in teaching. Most university graduates ended up in closed laboratories as junior researchers, the best of them “with or without interruption from work” entered graduate school and began to write dissertations under the guidance of their own “heads of laboratories” - heads of laboratories. The best of the best eventually defended their doctoral dissertations on the topics they developed, became laboratory heads, directors of institutes and academicians, received state awards, special rations and housing at an increased rate (a doctor of science had the right to an additional room in an apartment).

But this system was poorly linked to the economy. Atomic bombs, rockets, lasers and much more were made "at any cost", in the logic of survival and confrontation. About peaceful economic application there were practically no developments of speech. All discoveries were classified, and promising developments were evaluated only from the point of view of a future war: will they be useful or not? Therefore, ekranoplanes have not yet been able to find their application, and the powerful A-40 Albatross (Be-42) amphibious jet aircraft only in recent years has shown its outstanding efficiency and multipurpose purpose as a firefighter and rescue aircraft. And this project, including its various civilian modifications, was frozen due to lack of funds.

Closeness led to degradation and inefficiency. Currently, Russia officially has 17% of the scientific personnel of the whole world (and this is despite the outflow of "brains" that occurred in the 1990s!), but at the same time, the rate of innovation (the introduction of discoveries into life) is only 1%. It can be compared: America has GPS - a system of space orientation on the ground, which is open (shared by the US military and everyone for a fee) and which is used around the world by civil aviation pilots, ship captains, motorists, tourists, etc. It is enough to buy a GPS device, enter data into it and, with an accuracy of several meters, immediately find out your location on the globe. Thanks to this, the US Army uses this system almost free of charge, and, if necessary, will simply turn off all civilians, stopping modern life on all continents. Russia has the same GLONASS, for which there is not enough money. But until now, civilians have practically not been able to use it either for free or for money.

The position of modern pragmatic leaders of Russia is understandable, they are not disposed to finance science to such a degree of inefficiency. We need points of growth, points of introduction that give economic returns, opening up opportunities for self-financing and self-sufficiency. One such example is the ongoing development of nanotechnologies.

Today, science is very much internationalized, there is a fairly high chance to be part of an international group working on some kind of problem.

Model of becoming a modern scientist: (1) international or Russian grant. Temporary work team. (2) Discovery or development based on some scientific discovery. (3) Creation of an innovative company (science + implementation). (4) Organization of effective commercial use of the development. Market Success. Then the cycle repeats.

The current generation of graduates Russian schools has many chances to implement a similar career model.

The path to science begins at school. The student should already understand and accept the idea that advancement in science is his own business, the result of his educational and cognitive activity. It begins with interest in some scientific areas or problems and is expressed in the student's active position on issues of interest to him. These are reading books, writing essays, being active on the Internet, developing relationships with teachers of an interesting profile, participating in various intellectual competitions and thematic Olympiads. While still at school, you can try to establish relations with the university where you plan to continue your studies. You can show yourself at the bottom open doors which have become traditional in modern universities, you can try to write off by e-mail, use preparatory courses to show yourself with the best side. Summer can be used to participate in the work of summer PMS, the traditions of which are preserved by many universities.

The next stage begins at the university. The cognitive activity of the student and his desire to take part in real scientific work are of fundamental importance. As a rule, the university always has the time and energy to organize student research work. There are grants allocated by Russian and international organizations for such activities, there are opportunities to take part in Russian and international student symposiums. Without waiting for the completion of studies already in the 1st or 2nd year, you can decide on a scientific direction, find a supervisor. Which will help to take the first serious steps on the scientific ladder, to involve in some simple work as part of a scientific team or group. Participation in student and other scientific conferences, symposiums, meetings, additional study of literature and sources, practical participation in the work of scientific groups, independent work- required! Moreover, when modern system distribution of university graduates by specialties, successful distribution for inclusion in serious and interesting work is possible only with personal activity.

Such a position will give new acquaintances and contacts, interest and respect from already established and well-known specialists. The door will open! What you will do there - depends on you in the future. Prospects depend only on your knowledge, the ability to use it and the love of solving mysteries and problems that people can find anywhere - from the ground under their feet to the starry sky above their heads.

Mathematics is the basis for all other natural sciences and many humanities. It can be said that it is thanks to the development of this science that humanity has made an impressive technological breakthrough. Without mathematics, the development of physics, chemistry, engineering, programming, architecture and many other disciplines is impossible.
Without knowing mathematics, it is impossible to build a house, design an internal combustion engine, make a computer, and even conduct a sociological survey. Mathematics is a tool, a tool for other scientific disciplines, thanks to which they can translate the real properties of an object or system into abstract mathematical symbols and build models of the future operation of a system or object.
It is difficult to live without knowledge of mathematics. But if the elementary foundations of this science are enough for an ordinary citizen, then for successful work in some areas of human activity, deep knowledge of this discipline is required.


A mathematician conducts mathematical research to solve scientific, technical and production tasks. He explores the theoretical objects of mathematics and develops methods for solving problems using computational methods and computing facilities. He also deals with the solution of theoretical problems of mathematics, i.e. building mathematical models(quantitative characteristics of real things) to study life processes; conducting research in various areas of mathematical science in order to search for new laws and patterns of the phenomenon or process under study.

Mathematicians work in branch, specialized scientific and practical organizations (research institutes, research and production, computer centers), in educational institutions as teachers (schools, colleges, technical schools, universities) and in the defense industry.

For effective work mathematicians need mathematical and analytical skills, logical thinking, a high level of development of concentration and stability of attention, good development of short-term memory, memory for numbers and symbols, spatial imagination. The propensity for analysis, detailing of information and the propensity for research work are important. Such qualities as erudition, curiosity, methodicalness, and patience are of great importance.

hinder efficiency professional activity there will be a humanitarian mindset, inability to analyze information, distraction, inconsistency in actions, daydreaming.


An economist is a specialist who analyzes financial and economic activities (enterprises, industries, etc.) in order to improve them. An economist takes part in the organization's budget planning system and controls its spending, conducts an audit, and often does accounting himself.

The main task of an economist is the competent distribution of the company's cash flows in order to ensure the profitability of production activities. An economist collects, processes, organizes information about economic phenomena and processes. He analyzes the course and the result economic activity evaluates its success and improves its process; plans the activities of the enterprise; determines the systems of remuneration and incentives for all categories of employees; analyzes the reasons for the overspending of the wage fund.

Economists work in banks, public institutions involved in economic problems, departments financial planning and distribution of funds of organizations and enterprises, financial and economic departments, financial institutions (tax inspections, pension funds, insurance agencies) consulting companies and other organizations.

The main quality of any economist is the ability to think logically, which is sometimes called a mathematical mindset. More likely to succeed in the role of an economist are people with high organization, composure, attentiveness, accuracy, and mathematical abilities. Of great importance is the overall emotional stability. The ability to keep a "cold head", not to succumb to momentary moods, strict self-control - no doubt, positive traits, and their absence is a good reason to once again think about the correctness of the choice made.


The accountant carries out accounting of the financial assets of the enterprise, audit and financial control, checks the accuracy of the information received, controls the observance of the law when spending financial resources. He pays salaries to employees of the organization, keeps records of material assets, calculates the cost of production or tax deductions, and makes settlements with suppliers and subcontractors. He also prepares the reporting of the organization and submits it to the regulatory authorities (tax inspectorates, state funds).

Typically, an accountant specializes in one of the functions of accounting, but must navigate in all its forms.

These specialists can work in the accounting department of any institution or organization, in large firms and banks, in enterprises in the departments of economic planning and analysis.

For effective work, an accountant needs stability and concentration of attention, developed logical thinking, the ability to calculate, high efficiency and resistance to monotonous, monotonous activities. A good accountant has a high degree of attentiveness and concentration, the ability to self-check and self-control (after all, any of his mistakes is fraught with losses and other serious troubles). For an accountant, these are important personal qualities, as patience, accuracy, perseverance, responsibility, organization, conscientiousness, conservatism, caution and vigilance.

Distractedness, forgetfulness, negligence, impulsiveness, irascibility, lack of mathematical and analytical abilities will hinder the effectiveness of professional activity.


A financier is a specialist in the field of financial transactions with an economic education who conducts large monetary transactions on a legitimate basis. He solves the problems of planning and rational use accumulated credit resources of financial authorities, exercises financial and banking control over the turnover (receipt, investment, spending) Money, analyzes the state of financial and economic activity.

A representative of this profession should know the economic situation in the country, legislation on the organization of financial flows and reporting, quickly analyze incoming information. The financier must master the art of managing financial flows, confident knowledge in the field financial management, have a good background in mathematics, statistics, finance, management, money circulation.

It is important to possess such qualities as sociability, stress resistance, efficiency, a penchant for reasonable financial risk developed logical abilities.

Tax inspector

Each state needs large financial resources to maintain state apparatus, budget organizations, army, for funding social programs. The state receives these funds by imposing taxes on economic entities and citizens. The tax inspector is responsible for collecting taxes.

A tax inspector is a person who controls compliance with tax laws, the completeness and timeliness of receipt of tax payments to the budget by all categories of taxpayers.

The tax inspector controls the receipt of tax and other payments to the budget, checks the financial documents of taxpayers: tax declarations, accounting books, reports, estimates, etc. Conducts tax audits, analyzes the results, and applies financial sanctions to violators. Sends demands for the payment of taxes and fees to organizations, entrepreneurs and citizens. Composes a free statistical tax reporting: analyzes the level and dynamics of taxes and fees, debts and arrears on them.

For a full-fledged and high-quality work, a tax inspector needs a penchant for accounting and analytical work, a high level of development of concentration and switching of attention, and efficiency of thinking. A person who has chosen this profession must be stress-resistant and diligent, be able to quickly navigate in the environment. It is important to have such moral qualities as responsibility, correctness, adherence to principles, honesty, emotional and volitional stability.

Inattention, selfishness, dishonesty, low level of responsibility will prevent successful work.


The programmer works in the field of design, production and operation of software tools based on modern information technologies. The main task of a programmer is the development of programs based on the analysis of mathematical models and algorithms for solving scientific, applied, economic and other problems that ensure the implementation of these algorithms and tasks by means of computer technology.

The duties of a programmer include the development of technology, stages and sequence of problem solving; choice of programming language and translation into it of used models and algorithms of tasks; determination of information for processing on a computer (its volume, structure, layouts and input schemes, method of storage and reproduction).

The programmer prepares programs for debugging and conducts debugging, checks programs based on logical analysis, and corrects them in the process of finalization. Accompanies implemented programs and software. Develops instructions for working with programs, draws up the necessary technical documentation.

For effective work, a programmer needs mathematical abilities and technical thinking, developed long-term and operative memory, memory for conventions(signs, symbols, plans, diagrams, graphs), concentration of attention, abstract thinking, analytical mindset, the ability to perceive a large amount of information.

It is important to possess such qualities as pedantry, ability long time engage in painstaking work, independence, diligence, purposefulness, striving for professional excellence.


An architect is a specialist in the design of various buildings, creating a comfortable living environment for a person. The architect is engaged in the design of human settlement systems - cities, districts, ensembles, squares, residential and industrial buildings, structures, garden and park facilities; development of projects for the restoration of architectural monuments, interiors of buildings and individual premises; conducting research related to the design solution; construction supervision.

Architects work in research institutes, design bureaus at various ministries and departments, architectural divisions of industrial enterprises.

The profession of an architect requires a person to have a large amount of knowledge of building design standards, innovative technologies, as well as huge amount building materials which are constantly being improved. For successful implementation in this profession, a specialist must have a great creativity and at the same time have mathematical and technical abilities.

An architect must be a broad-minded person, in addition to professional skills, it is desirable for him to be fluent in knowledge from the most various areas sciences: history and climatology, demography and social psychology. He must be able to analyze and compare facts, have spatial thinking. He needs to have good eyesight and an excellent eye.

The work of an architect is accompanied by a constant creative search. An indispensable condition for professional suitability is the presence of artistic intuition, a developed aesthetic sense, the ability to analyze and generalize facts.


Engineering professions are the most massive professions of highly skilled labor. In our country, more than a third of specialists with higher education- engineers.

The engineer is involved in the production of all wealth society - from food and goods daily demand to complex computers, space rockets, nuclear submarines. A modern engineer is a highly cultured specialist who knows modern technology and technology, economics and organization of production, able to use engineering methods in solving engineering problems and at the same time possessing the ability to invent.

Engineers apply theories and principles of various sciences in technical and economic solutions to technical and practical problems. Their work is like a link between scientific discoveries, developments and their practical application. They manage the production sites on industrial enterprises, in construction, agriculture and other industries, work in design bureaus, laboratories and research institutions, deal with the organization of production, planning and economics. Engineers design technology industrial equipment, machines, participate in the design and development of production control systems, production automation, business, management processes. They study the causes of deterioration and production failures, test products, determining their quality, etc.

For full-fledged and high-quality work, an engineer needs mathematical and technical abilities, an analytical mindset, concentration of attention, abstract thinking, a penchant for research and drawing skills.


Manager - a specialist in the management of production and circulation of goods, a hired manager. Managers organize work in a company, firm, manage production activities organizations. The main function of managers is management, which includes the process of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling.

The manager manages and supports the entrepreneurial or commercial activities of an enterprise, institution, organization business reputation. He plans entrepreneurial or commercial activities based on the strategic goals of the organization; controls the development and implementation of business plans and commercial terms of agreements, agreements and contracts, assesses the degree possible risk. Analyzes and solves organizational, technical, economic, personnel and socio-psychological problems in order to stimulate production and increase sales of products, improve the quality and competitiveness of goods and services, economical and efficient use of material, financial and labor resources. Establishes communications with business partners, a system for collecting the necessary information for expanding external relations and exchange of experience.

To work effectively, a manager needs highly developed organizational skills and leadership skills, developed communication and verbal skills, analytical mindset, logical thinking, good long-term and working memory. Confidence in oneself and in the decisions made, business acumen, initiative, energy, efficiency, determination, perseverance, purposefulness are important.


A logistician is a specialist who optimizes the processes of delivery, storage and shipment of goods and organizes the transportation process itself. He is responsible for organizing, planning and managing traffic material resources. The main goal of a logistician is to deliver products to a given place on a certain day and hour, in the right quantity and assortment at the optimal level of costs, while maintaining its quality.

The logistician must effectively manage and plan the work of the procurement department, warehouse, manage the available transport. In his work, he constantly has to communicate with many people: suppliers, sales managers, forwarders, couriers, customer representatives, regulatory authorities.

The logistician must be well versed in the organization of transportation of goods and the processes of placing orders. He must know warehouse logistics, special programs, as well as the rules for conducting document management, which is associated with accounting and tax reporting.

Logisticians work both in specialized forwarding companies and in the largest manufacturing and trading companies that have their own logistics service.

Representatives of this profession must have analytical thinking, leadership qualities and the ability to lead not only in direct contact with subordinates, but also at a distance. Every logistician must have the ability to "see" big picture transportation, a closed chain consisting of small parts: route selection, inventory management, order formation, work with forwarders, sales organization and much more.

An analytical mindset, the ability to think strategically, simultaneously solve several problems and properly allocate time are important for success in professional activities.

Choosing a profession is a responsible step. It is useful to listen to advice and recommendations, but you should not rely on them. There is a huge list of professions after grade 11. Whom to go to study? It is this issue that is acute for boys and girls after graduating from high school. Often parents make choices for children and this is wrong. If the profession is at odds with the dreams and desires of the child, then it is unlikely that he will benefit society in the future, working "under pressure", and you will have to completely forget about high earnings. This article is to help graduates how not to make a mistake and choose the right profession.

How to choose a future profession and not make a mistake

An unsuccessful choice of profession is getting a higher education only for the sake of a diploma. Employers are interested in real knowledge and skills, and if a specialty is chosen at random and does not bring satisfaction, it means that good work results will not work, and, accordingly, a quick career will be put to rest.

Quick success can only be achieved in your favorite field. You need to choose a profession based on your own interests and desires. Determine the area of ​​​​knowledge that you like the most. If you can’t choose the type of activity on your own, you need to try to go different tests Or seek the advice of a psychologist.

It is important to consider whether the chosen profession is in demand. There are many specialties in all fields of activity. And if one profession does not fit, you can always find another, no less interesting. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account where you have to study - in your city or you have to leave. In this case, it is important to determine in advance the material side and place of residence.

When choosing a profession, it is necessary to take into account the complexity of study, its duration, the demand for this specialty and the level of future salary. However, these are all secondary factors. Initially, you need to focus on your own preferences. If algebra and geometry were always bad at school, then you shouldn’t go to physics and mathematics - study will be too difficult and the resulting hard-won profession can even cause rejection.

List of professions after grade 11 for guys

IN modern times There are a number of interesting and demanded professions. You can choose less popular, but also more difficult to access. For example, not everyone who wants to go into medicine will be interested in the field of virology. Or take the field of astronautics. It would seem that this is an ideal choice for the younger generation. However, not everyone will be able to match the physical parameters, and then you will have to work in less interesting positions.

So, we present a list of the most popular and sought-after professions for a young man:

  1. Marketers are gaining more and more popularity. Their services are needed not only in large enterprises, but also in small firms. Marketers are people with a higher economic education who promote goods and services through advertising. This profession requires creativity, strategic thinking and quick reaction to any changes in the business. This job is more suitable for young people, as they are more confident in their decisions than girls. It is also necessary to take into account the factor that marketers sometimes have to work overtime or in an emergency mode. Currently, such a relatively new specialty as an Internet marketer is also developing. Many schools now offer educational programs to train specialists in the field of Internet marketing. For example, Synergy University.
  2. An architect-engineer must not only have an excellent knowledge of geometry, but also other exact sciences. The profession is highly paid and prestigious, in demand in all countries. It is not difficult for architects with higher education to find a job even immediately after graduation.
  3. Lawyers are also very popular. Jurisprudence is a fairly broad area, so any graduate can choose the most suitable direction for himself in this area. The profession of a lawyer requires from its owner not only deep knowledge, but also activity and attentiveness. Lawyers must know thousands of laws, be able to operate with them. High demand for competent lawyers and state structures, and in commercial organizations. Over time, you can open your own legal services company.
  4. IT-specialist is a relatively new specialty, but rapidly developing and in great demand. The work will be interesting for all those who are fond of computer technology. The demand for IT specialists has not decreased over the years, and this profession is quite highly paid.
  5. A loan officer is a popular profession today. The representative of this specialty must have a higher economic education. Since banks now offer an increasing number of services under credit programs, a lot of specialists are required. The main task of a loan officer is to assess the risks of issuing loans, properly execute transactions, etc. A person who decides to choose this profession must have responsibility, organization and be able to make independent decisions. This specialty is highly paid, but also very responsible.
  6. Any financial analyst needed big company. Analysts are required in the banking and financial sectors, educational, political and public organizations. The profession is highly paid and even a small organization will not refuse a competent specialist.
  7. The profession of a web designer is connected with Internet technologies. The demand for specialists is increasing all the time. New approaches are required, the ability to work with modern graphic resources and styles. The profession requires not only knowledge computer technology but also creative and innovative ideas.
  8. Specialist in website promotion on the Internet (SEO-specialist) is a very interesting and highly paid profession. An SEO specialist can work both in a company and as a freelancer, i.e. remotely. The level of salary depends on the professionalism of the specialist and his employment.
  9. The profession of a programmer in our time is one of the most sought after and highly paid. But to become a good programmer and get a high salary, you need to study hard and for a long time. The main subjects that are needed for admission are mathematics, physics or computer science and the Russian language.

You can find out which universities train programmers and IT specialists from the article “Who should I study for in order to earn a lot?”

  1. There was and still is a shortage of qualified doctors. The most demanded specialists are dentists, allergists, surgeons, gynecologists, cosmetologists and nutritionists. However, there is a shortage of doctors in all areas of medicine. In public clinics, there is a shortage of pediatricians, endocrinologists, orthopedists, otolaryngologists and gastroenterologists, etc.
  2. The profession of a sales representative is also very popular. These are specialists who promote the goods or services of organizations. Sales representatives must be persuasive, communicative and well-delivered. A sales representative has a lot in common with a marketer.

List of professions after grade 11 for girls

The list of professions for girls is not inferior in size. So who can you go to study for a girl after grade 11?

Many of the areas listed above are available to both boys and girls. The same sales representatives, loan officers, doctors, etc. But there are other specialties that are preferred specifically for girls, and some of them are very attractive and in demand:

  1. Traditionally, only women are employed as librarians, although there are no gender restrictions.
  2. Cosmetologist at this moment a highly demanded and prestigious profession. Although there are no restrictions on gender, it is believed that work is more suitable for women who always strive for beauty and understand a lot about it.
  3. A clerk is a job for those who like to "dig into papers" and work in the office.
  4. Interior designers are mostly girls. It is women's intuition that helps to achieve great heights, although men also have a fantasy and a sense of beauty.
  5. Methodist is a little-known but widespread profession. The work is considered predominantly female.
  6. Girls can choose pharmaceuticals for themselves. This is not a doctor, but also a medical worker.
  7. Speech therapist is a highly demanded specialty. You will not find good speech therapists during the day with fire. Since this work is mainly related to children, it is suitable for girls who love children.
  8. Nursing is a sought after profession. After graduation, you can get a job in a hospital, clinic, help people at home.
  9. The profession of a philologist is considered purely feminine. Despite the fact that there are no restrictions on gender, young people do not seek to acquire this specialty.
  10. HR manager - a good option for girls with ambitions. Such work can quickly lead to career growth.
  11. Sociology is a common profession. However, it is suitable only for humanitarian girls.

Girls can successfully go to study as lawyers, analysts, doctors (especially pediatricians).

The most demanded professions in Russia TOP-10

In recent years, some professions are kept in the TOP-10 in the labor market. Employers are constantly interested in narrowly focused specialists. Therefore, graduates can view the list of professions and choose which one to go to study further.

  1. IT specialists are among the most in demand in the labor market. Many companies require information technology professionals. The most valued programmers system administrators and web designers. The development of technologies should also be taken into account, respectively, the demand for IT specialists will increase in the future.
  2. Design engineer is another profession in demand. The passing score for technical specialties is usually low, so almost any graduate can enter the university. Design engineers are very promising profession. She is on the same level as architects and designers.
  3. Teachers are needed at all times. Considering that in recent years the demand for professional education significantly increased, changed and modernized new school programs, more and more teachers are required. In addition, the state seeks to increase the salaries of teachers.
  4. The profession of a lawyer has been in demand at all times. However, to become a high-profile specialist, you need to take training seriously, as this is work for the future. It requires deep knowledge and high professionalism. A competent lawyer will find a place in almost any organization, and their wages are quite high.
  5. There are many specialties in the field of medicine. There is a shortage of specialists in some professions so much that their salary exceeds the salary of an ordinary therapist. For example, allergists, ophthalmologists, etc. The highest paid specialists are dentists. But it must be taken into account that we are talking about commercial dentistry.
  6. The profession of a marketer appeared relatively recently and is currently in great demand. The advertisement is engine of the trade. Marketers monitor the market, predict the services provided and create new winning trading schemes for employers. Competent specialists are still lacking. Therefore, the profession will be in the TOP for decades to come.
  7. Recruitment Specialist. Any organization is interested in the fact that employees not only come to work, but also bring the maximum benefit to the enterprise. Therefore, the selection of qualified personnel is an important direction. Good HR professionals are required in any company.
  8. Production workers. Of course, these are not ordinary loaders. Workers with the highest qualifications include electricians, machinists, welders, etc. All these specialists are required at factories and enterprises. In recent years, organizations have been increasingly short of welders, electricians and locksmiths. Accordingly, these specialists receive a considerable salary.
  9. Beauty industry workers are becoming more and more in demand. This area includes hairdressers, makeup artists, stylists, cosmetologists and nutritionists, etc. It will not be difficult to get a job later, since a lot of beauty salons and cosmetology centers are now open.
  10. In recent years, not only Russia, but also other countries have been concerned about natural anomalies and pollution. To improve the environmental situation in the world, it is necessary qualified specialists- ecologists. The demand for environmentalists is growing every year.

According to experts, engineers, chemists, biologists and many others will also be in demand in the near future. In progress scientific and technological progress and the development of nano- and biotechnologies, new professions are constantly appearing, but the former ones do not lose their relevance. The development of tourism and hotel business, the service market is constantly growing and expanding, so more and more service professionals are required. The food industry is also developing - new factories and plants are emerging that require many different specialists.

Rating of the highest paid professions in the country

In Russia, the ranking of the most highly paid specialties differs from the world TOPs. For graduates who have to decide on their future profession, the issue of wages is not in last place. The TOP 10 highest paid specialties include:

  1. Managers top management who are engaged in PR of the company and promotion of its goods or services, marketers. The salary is approximately the same as the income of a successful entrepreneur.
  2. Oil and gas workers receive high salaries. Drillers and engineers are especially valued. Moreover, there is currently an acute shortage of such personnel.
  3. IT specialists are required almost everywhere. Their earnings are quite high. IT specialists create and protect information bases, control access to files, data leakage, and much more. The uninterrupted operation of the enterprise largely depends on IT specialists.
  4. A business consultant not only informs his client about financial sector, but also controls transactions with individuals and legal entities. Simultaneously conduct trainings and seminars.
  5. Auditors are not only involved in audits, they give opinions on the work of organizations and enterprises, advise on accounting and all updates.
  6. The programmer is engaged in the creation, implementation, adjustment and configuration of software. Professionals are worth their weight in gold, and therefore their salaries are very high.
  7. Profession Chief Accountant very responsible. This is practically the right hand of the director, and the earnings of the chief accountants are corresponding.
  8. Good doctors are always in demand, but the dentist, as a rule, receives more than other medical workers for his work.
  9. Logisticians organize the transportation of products of an enterprise or organization. It is the duty of specialists to avoid stagnation of goods and establish markets. The profession of logistics is paid very well.
  10. A chef can become as famous as an actor or a pop star. There is no limit to growth in this profession. Each new career step can become another springboard. Accordingly, the earnings of chefs are constantly growing.

The directors of enterprises and organizations always have a large salary. But without work experience it is very difficult to get a job in such a specialty. It is best to choose the initial specialty, and then gradually climb up the career ladder.
And I would like to finish the article with words from the poem of the great Vladimir Mayakovsky - “Having turned the book over, wind it around your mustache - all works are good, choose to your taste!”

Mathematics is the queen of sciences that emerged from philosophy. At first glance, it seems to be absolutely abstract and of little use in areas of real life, with the exception of elementary operations.

Surprisingly, mathematics in professions is so common that it has even become familiar. It is unobtrusive, but describes all those actions in which there is at least some logic. Let's take a closer look at the science of mathematics. In the professions in which it is used, accuracy and calculation are important.

Justification of involvement in all sciences

Mathematics is an amazing science. For all its artificiality, it manages to describe every process that happens to us and around us. With the help of mathematics, you can derive the rules by which metabolic processes occur in our body, describe muscle contraction, and much, much more. Also, it is always aimed at some result or at the proof that the result cannot be achieved. In other words, everything in mathematics is subordinate - this is a given sequence of actions aimed at achieving a specific goal. Looks like work, doesn't it? The goals are the same. Of course, it is difficult to directly find areas in which pure mathematics is used. Such professions are very narrow in specifics, but we will consider the general options below. It must be understood that the list is not limited to what we will tell, since any human activity, no matter how creative and abstract it may be, at its core contains the simplest thing - the mechanism of action. Something that can be described and decomposed step by step into mathematical formulas. Mathematics is the skeleton of any process.

Mathematics in technical professions

This is the area closest to mathematics. Engineers combine in their activities the theoretical and the accumulated over the years. Having a clear mind and scientific base, they create more and more new elements of our modernity, ranging from universal household appliances to spaceships. On their shoulders is the calculation, planning and construction of buildings, roads, bridges and so on.

Engineer is a very general name for a profession. Directly related to mathematics, engineers divided into many specialties of narrow areas in order to cover our today and tomorrow as fully and qualitatively as possible. All projects before practical implementation are endless calculations and calculations performed using special formulas that describe certain characteristics of materials in individual conditions. The laws of physics are also applied, without which nowhere. All of them are again painted in the form of mathematical expressions.

Mathematics in the profession of an auto mechanic

At first glance, it seems strange, but an auto mechanic cannot do without mathematics, since the list of his duties includes the following items:

  • driving car headlights. For correct functioning, the headlight mirrors must reflect the rays in a parallel beam;
  • making the right gears: basic knowledge in the field of geometry is indispensable;
  • correct selection of pistons to cylinders (for this it is necessary to correctly calculate the gap between them);
  • drawing up a table that indicates the maximum allowable wear of engine elements.

Naturally, the duties of an auto mechanic related to mathematics do not end there. The topic is so deep that a separate article can be devoted to it, considering each individual case separately.

Mathematics in the profession of a cook

Don't underestimate this one - this isn't just a person who can quickly make sushi or dumplings (depending on request). He is a creator, capable of a handful of the most simple products create a masterpiece, while taking into account all the errors and the nature of food changes during the heat treatment process. So, some of his duties are:

Mathematics in the profession of architect

By and large, an architect is the same engineer who works exclusively with projects of buildings and other immovable objects. The main task of the architect - the most complete control construction works. He also creates an erection plan and makes adjustments to it along the way, depending on the needs. All documentation that is maintained during the construction process includes mathematical calculations that describe not only the desired result, but also the characteristics of the materials used. In addition to mathematics, architects operate with such sciences as chemistry, physics, mineralogy, and geology.

Mathematics in the profession of a musician

Surprisingly, but true: mathematics plays the first violin in the professions of musicians. Sound is a natural phenomenon. So, it is ideally described by mathematics. Harmonious melody is impossible without the laws of numbers.

Chords and other elements are based on mathematical formulas. Also, this science is needed in order to create the "correct" musical instruments - that is, those that, in finished form, can produce the necessary, pure sounds.

Mathematics in the profession of weather forecaster

When listing professions related to mathematics, it is worth mentioning weather forecasters. Translated from Greek, the word "synopticos" means "viewing everything." In other words, weather forecasters are people who are similar in occupation to meteorologists, only the latter are engaged in the study of natural processes and a more superficial primary analysis, while the main duty of weather forecasters is to make forecasts.

This profession is associated with constant stress, since people's lives often depend on the quality of their work. When studying professions with mathematics, it should be noted that it is not enough to be a brilliant theorist. You need to develop strategic skills in yourself, that is, the ability to think a few steps ahead. In other words, it is like playing chess, only with the elements, and, depending on the region, the principle of the "game" varies. Well, what game can be more mathematical than chess?

Mathematics in the profession of a navigator

Finding out in which professions mathematics is needed, it is necessary to mention navigators. They have a huge responsibility. The general definition says that a navigator is a specialist who lays courses, drives ships, and the whole degree of seriousness is already visible here.

This profession is as old as the first attempts to move a person over long distances. Ancient caravans would not have been able to carry out their missions without competent "guides". Infrastructure as such did not exist, but the world was nevertheless known and learned - piece by piece, continent by continent. Then the stars and the first navigation devices led the navigator, but now devices and maps corresponding to the spirit of the times have been created for his work. It is impossible to work with them without knowledge of mathematics. And in principle, the main task of the navigator is to find the shortest way to pass some points. This goal fully corresponds to what relates to the course of higher mathematics.

Mathematics in the profession of analyst

Mathematics in professions related to analytics is necessary and important, and in all its diversity. These people work with information. Their responsibilities include:

The second point is entirely based on mathematical calculations. In the course of mathematical analysis, there is and is actively developing such an area as mathematics in economics. It allows you to collect effective stock portfolios based on the laws of mathematical statistics. Specialists in this industry are now at the peak of popularity, they are valued and expected in companies that conduct financial transactions, insurance companies, banks and other organizations that manage "dynamic" money.


Wondering what role math plays in my future profession, young minds must understand that it will be everywhere they set foot. Independently or in symbiosis with other sciences, it forms the foundation for new achievements.

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