
How to find out the average salary by industry. Why are salaries low in Russia? Comparison of salaries by profession, region and year

As in other countries of the world, the level of income in the Russian capital is higher than in other regions. Moscow salaries attract those who want to earn money from all over Russia and even from abroad - citizens of the countries of the former USSR, Asian countries, and less often some European countries come here to earn money.

Below IQReview deal in detail with current situation according to Moscow salaries.

According to official data (Mosgorstat), the salary in Moscow for the first half of 2017 amounted to 67,899 rubles. At the current (end of April) exchange rate, this is:


Official statistics are usually given "dirty", that is, before income tax.

Slightly different figures are given on the Yandex.Work website: the average figure according to his calculations is 63 thousand.

About statistical errors

For individual cities, statistics usually show approximately the correct average salary level. However, the data is still inaccurate for several reasons:

    Too much difference between the minimum and maximum salaries. In Moscow, one person can receive 30 thousand rubles, and another - 200 thousand. The average size their salaries will be 115 thousand, but this figure will be far from reality for both the first and the other person.

    Not always the official salary is equal to the real one. In Russia (and Moscow is no exception) it is widely practiced. On paper - one salary, but in fact the employee receives another amount unofficially - bypassing taxes.

    Websites for finding jobs (and employees) often provide incorrect information. There may be inflated data or a “net” salary, or just an arbitrary number.

The real numbers will be slightly lower than those given by the statistics.. If you conduct a survey on the streets among Muscovites, it is unlikely that the majority of the salary will be higher than the conditional 60 thousand.For ordinary citizens more real th indicator - 50 -55 thousand.

Expectation and reality: about Moscow salaries from Muscovites (video)

How did the average salary in Moscow change over the years?

For the sake of interest, you can compare today's salaries in Moscow with the salaries of past years.

In the past, Muscovites had these:

YearSalary, thousand rubles
2000 3.3
2005 14.4
2008 30.5
2010 38.4
2012 48.8
2013 55.4
2014 61.2
2015 64.3
2016 66

As can be noted, the average salary in Moscow in 2017 increased slightly (and has not increased much over the past 3 years). There can be two reasons for this:

    The crisis that began in the first half of 2014 and has not yet ended.

    Achieving the optimal "ceiling" for salaries.

salaries in other major cities RF

Now, for comparison, we present salaries for other settlements RF. We will take only large cities:

CityAverage salary, rubles
Saint Petersburg45500
Nizhny Novgorod27000

Higher salaries can be found in northern regions. The average salary in the Russian Federation is approximately 37,400 rubles.

Comparison of Moscow salaries with salaries of other capitals

Another interesting comparison is the average salary in the capitals and largest cities of other states:

City, country)Average salary (in dollars at the exchange rate for April 2017)
Kyiv, Ukraine)280-310
Minsk, Belarus)470
Prague, Czech Republic)900-1000
Sofia (Bulgaria)500
Rome, Italy)1600-1700
Athens, Greece)800-900
Paris, France)3100
London, Great Britain)3100
Tokyo, Japan)3200-3400
Bern (Switzerland)5400-6000
Geneva, Switzerland)7500
New York, USA)6000
Amsterdam, Netherlands)2700-3000
Sydney, Australia)5800-6200

As you can see, Moscow incomes (average $1,200) are significantly behind those in Western countries, but they are far from being the lowest.

Average salary in Moscow

If we take into account that before the crisis the average salary of Muscovites in terms of dollars would have been equal to the conditional $ 2,000, then we can say that the capital's incomes are quite high. In addition, in Western countries, taxes are several times higher.

Who gets the most?

Any person is interested in how much others receive. Do you want to know who has the highest average official salary in the capital?

Most of all in Moscow can receive:



    Chief accountants.



    Managers top management, leadership team.

The salaries of the listed specialists can exceed the mark of 80-100 thousand rubles. However, the requirements for them are high, and to get a job in good company difficult (except for programmers - for them everything depends only on skills and experience).

Who gets the least?

Least of all in the capital region receive:


    Catering workers (cooks who do not work in restaurants, but in canteens, eateries, inexpensive cafes).

    Babysitters in kindergartens.

    Guards, watchman.

  1. Salesmen and cashiers.







The most demanded and most unclaimed specialties

As in the rest of the world, not all specialties are equally in demand on the Moscow labor market. Some professions are in great demand, others - on the contrary.

Comparison of salaries of teachers and educators

In Moscow, the most popular are:

    All professions related to sales. Cashiers, sales assistants, merchandisers, couriers,. The level of salaries for such personnel is far from the highest (according to rough estimates - about 35-40 thousand), but there should be no problems with finding a job in sales. This is explained by a large number of companies (from small stores to huge shopping centers and supermarkets). Another reason is the high staff turnover: according to statistics, people often regard such positions as temporary, and leave at the first opportunity.

    Majority medical specialties. There is also an acute demand in Moscow for junior medical staff (nurses), nurses, and most medical specialties of the highest category (primarily dentists, gynecologists, venereologists, therapists, surgeons). More "narrow" specialties like allergists, valeologists, endocrinologists, immunologists, and so on are less in demand.

    IT- specialists. Due to the dynamic growth IT- sector, the demand for all specialties that are associated with it is also increasing. First of all, they are programmers with knowledge foreign languages. Both layout designers and high-level designers are in demand (but for novice designers, on the contrary, it will be difficult, since such workers are easy to find remotely).

    Sphere specialists e-commerce. Since a significant part of business processes is now carried out over the Internet, there is a high demand for specialists who are involved in these areas. SEO and SMM specialists, editors, content managers, copywriters, link builders - these are the personnel that every second company needs. True, in this industry, finding a job in Moscow is complicated by the fact that in order to save small businesses they recruit employees not in the office, but on a “remote” basis.

    All "working" specialties (locksmiths, electricians, welders, plumbers, repair specialists household appliances and electronics).

    All construction specialties.



    Service industry personnel(nannies, waiters, cooks).

    Education staff. First of all, there is a demand for school teachers in the main subjects. There is also a demand for tutors in basic school subjects and in "basic" foreign languages.

    Bank staff.

    Translators (first of all, those who know English and Chinese, to a lesser extent, European languages).

    « Ordinary" office staff.

    IN drivers of all types of transport (including special equipment).

An important nuance: demanded does not mean “highly paid”. Most of the listed professions, on the contrary, are classified as non-prestigious and low-paid.

E If we talk about the digital ratio - now in demand:

    about 20% of vacancies are construction specialties;

    about 13% of vacancies are specialties related to industry and production;

    about 12% of vacancies are specialties from the service sector.

Problems with employment will be experienced by those who want to get a job in such positions:

    Teachers in "narrow" subjects (music, philosophy, fine arts).

    The Economists. In major cities, and professions and quickly losing yu t demand due to the transition to electronic document management.

    Personnel in the field of tourism business, sale and rental of real estate, advertising, insurance . Demand in these industries is falling due to the emergence of applications and services that allow you to automate and simplify many processes.

    Legal specialties. There is an oversaturation of staff in this area. Due to high salaries and a shortage of specialists at the beginning of the 2000s, law faculties received a large number of students. Therefore, the market is oversaturated with specialists with diplomas, and there are not enough jobs.

    Civil servants (, inspectors).The drop in demand is due to cuts that are being made in government agencies.

    HR Managers, Recruiters.

Is it difficult to find a job in Moscow?

The labor market in Moscow is quite lively and extensive. There are many offers, but in many ways everything is complicated by the location. Due to the large area of ​​Moscow, one has to look for work only in the immediate vicinity of one's home. And still, most Muscovites are forced to spend about 2-3 hours on the road every day.

Salary difference by profession

Those who have a more or less demanded specialty for Moscow will have no problems with work. It may not be possible to immediately find a position with a sufficiently high salary, but you will not have to suffer from unemployment either.

Average salaries for different specialties

Now let's give specific figures - the average salaries of various professions:

ProfessionAverage salary, thousand rubles
Shop assistant30-45
Taxi driver35-45
Security guard30-45
office worker40-50
Programmer60 and above
Bank employee40-50
Nanny, nurse30-35
Fast food staff25-35
Senior manager60 and above

Average in Russia in 2019

  1. Tver region - 20,100 rubles;
  2. Oryol region - 16,200 rubles. etc.
  3. Volgograd region - 23,650 rubles;
  4. Ivanovo region - 21,120 rubles;
  1. compensation payments;
  2. wages in monetary and non-material terms;
  3. incentive payments and bonuses;
  4. allowances and surcharges;
  5. systematic payment for housing, food.

The average industry level of wages 2019 according to OKVED

The average industry level of wages 2019 according to OKVED Where you can see the average industry level of wages by OKVED and by region. Information on the average level of wages per employee by type economic activity in the city, district or in general for the subject Russian Federation can be taken from the sources proposed in clause 5 of the Public Risk Assessment Criteria: 1) official websites of statistical bodies or regional departments of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

On average salaries in Moscow in 2019: who has how much?

On average salaries in Moscow in 2019: who has how much? Below, IQReview will deal in detail with the current situation with Moscow salaries. According to official data (Mosgorstat), the amount in Moscow for the first half of 2019 was 67,899 rubles.

At the current (end-April) exchange rate, these are: Official statistics are usually given "dirty", that is, before income tax.

In what cases will the salary of your employees raise questions from the tax authorities?

In what cases will the salary of your employees raise questions from the tax authorities? The reasons why employers hide their real employees are understandable.

The higher the salary, the larger size insurance premiums for employees, which employers pay at their own expense. Employees also often keep silent about their salaries in envelopes - firstly, because they want to keep their job, and secondly, to pay less income tax. Wages are below the industry average.

Salary commission: how we found out the average salary in the industry

Salary commission: as we learned the industry average A condom-dressed bottle in the ass, which received more than one member at the same time, will stretch the anus of a lascivious heifer with its bottom.

And the long neck of an erotic vessel can reach very deep into the rectum.

The head of the company was called to the "salary commission".

Payroll commissions: How to protect your paycheck

"Salary" commissions: How to protect your salary Cases when company executives are called to "salary" commissions are not uncommon. In order for such challenges not to interfere with work, one must know their cause, be prepared for the accusations made and be able to fend them off.

The heads of those companies that pay wages below the average level by type of economic activity, taking into account data on “low-wage” organizations.

Salary by type of economic activity

Salary by type of economic activity According to the tax authorities, all companies should pay employees the maximum possible salaries which will ensure the growth of payments to the budget.

But the fight against shadow payments, or rather the efforts of inspectors aimed at legalizing such payments, sometimes make conscientious taxpayers worry, for whom it is not easy to maintain even the previous level of salaries during a crisis.


Where can I see the industry average level of wages by OKVED and by region.


Information on the average level of wages per employee by type of economic activity in a city, district or in general for a constituent entity of the Russian Federation can be taken from the sources proposed in paragraph 5 of the Publicly Available Risk Assessment Criteria:
1) official websites of statistical bodies or regional departments of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. Their addresses can be found respectively on the websites www.gks.ru and www.nalog.ru;
2) various collections of economic and statistical materials published territorial bodies Rosstat (statistical collection, bulletin, etc.).
You can also request information directly from your statistics office or tax office (regional administration Federal Tax Service of Russia).
Note that from the literal meaning of par. Clause 1, paragraph 5 of the Publicly Available Risk Assessment Criteria implies that one should be guided by data on salaries for the subject as a whole.

Also this information can be seen in the attached files.

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We present the statistics of vacancies and market analysis in Moscow. The data is current as of August 15, 2019. The total number of vacancies is 602,148, the average salary is 49,101. Below you will find extended data with graphs.

Distribution of vacancies by industry in Moscow

The largest need for employees is observed in the Sales industry, 106234 vacancies are open here. Next - Production and 81448 vacancies. The number 27909 closes the top three - so many offers are open in the Transport, car service industry.

The highest paid industries in Moscow

In the first place - Real Estate and 77,000. Second place with an average salary of 74,400 - Marketing, advertising, PR. On the third - IT, Internet, communications, telecom with 63,700.

TOP job offers in Moscow

The most popular specialty in Moscow is the Head of Sales Department, there are 2994 vacancies open here. Next comes Work for students for the day and 2987 vacancies. And 2972 ​​- so many applicants are required for the profession Leading Specialist.

Rating of salaries by profession in Moscow

First place Deputy CEO in development and 268,500. Second place with an average salary 249,100 is occupied by the General Director of the holding. The top three is completed by the Deputy General Director for Production with 227,000.

The financial and economic crisis has had an impact on all spheres of life of Russians, the average salary in Moscow in 2017, as well as - is no exception.

Statistics point to a drop in the income level of Russians since the beginning of 2015. Will the situation stabilize this year and what level of income can Russian citizens expect? These and other questions will be discussed in the article.

The indicator "average salary": the essence and methodology of accrual

The average wage is an indicator that reflects the amount of accrued income that falls on one structural unit (employee) of an enterprise, industry, region, etc.

Its size is determined by dividing the total payroll by the number of staff.

Skeptics consider such a value to be relative, not reflecting the real picture of what is happening.

When analyzing averages, do not forget about their relativity. It looks something like this: one person eats meat, another cabbage, but on average each of them eats cabbage rolls.

Important:in practice, the average wage is a basic indicator; it is used in various calculations and forecasts. The calculation methodology is not always the same. The easiest way is to calculate the arithmetic mean, sometimes more complex multi-stage formulas are used.

The average salary always has a certain framework - by region, industry, enterprise, etc. It shows the average level of income.

And, although the specifics in this concept are not expressed, many people use it when looking for work in a particular city, when analyzing the well-being of a structural unit.

The scope of the indicator is wide. The average wage characterizes the general condition, pointing to the upper and lower ceilings of the income of the population.

Analysis of the average salary in Moscow for 2016

For a more accurate analysis of the average salary in Moscow by year, the following sources are taken into account:

  • job sites and .

The financial and economic crisis could not but make its own adjustments to the development of the Moscow region. But, despite a number of negative factors, in general, Moscow managed to maintain fairly high rates of development, which are similar to financial and social trends growth big cities peace.

During 2015 - early 2016, the birth rate increased, the death rate decreased, and the level of life expectancy of Moscow residents increased. According to experts, such indicators indicate an increase in the income of the population.

If we analyze the first half of 2015, then the average wage amounted to 55 thousand rubles. - this is 85% more than the income of the population throughout the country (according to Rosstat).

For the second half of the year, this indicator maintained its growth dynamics. You can analyze the changes for 2014-2015 by occupations based on the table:

The fact that the incomes of Muscovites exceed the rest of the regions will not be a discovery for anyone. As of January 1, 2016, the average salary in the city was 60 thousand rubles. This is still 83% more than in other regions.

At the same time, in some areas, the average salary level falls short by a third of the income of Muscovites in similar professions. For a more accurate picture, pay attention to the table:

If we analyze the distribution of income between men and women in the city of Moscow, then the income of men will be higher.

This is due to the fact that the most highly paid specialties more suitable for men - programmer, Sales Representative, foreman, plumber, miller.

Women's professions are at the bottom of the table and are characterized by lower pay - accountant, secretary, salesman, etc.

Relatively high level income justified by the extractive industries. Also, a high indicator is formed due to huge payments to the management staff, top managers of corporations (for example,), whose branches and associated companies are located in the capital.

Their income varies within 300 thousand rubles. per month.

A significant part of the population of Moscow is involved in industry and financial sector, where earnings start from 70 thousand rubles.

Important:in 2015, there were two trends in the behavior of Moscow residents - the complete withdrawal of money from and the purchase of dollars, euros. The reasons for this phenomenon was the fall. Experts predict that the situation will stabilize in 2016-2017.

Analysis of the level of salaries in Russia

Despite the positive trends in income in Moscow, in other regions there has been a decline in wages in recent years. According to Rosstat, wages in the Russian Federation in 2014 decreased by 7.3% over the same period of the previous year.

For analysis, the average figure for the whole of Russia is taken. Behind last year official data is not indicated, therefore, for comparison, it is necessary to build on previous periods:

Analyzing popular employment sites, you can form a more detailed picture of the labor market in the Russian Federation. The characteristics of income by major cities are presented in the table:

The growth trend can be seen on the chart:


Moscow continues to outstrip all regions in terms of income. The Moscow Development Department predicts growth by 10,000 rubles by the end of this year. Such data were approved in the 2014-2016 Moscow development program and approved by the Government.

The press service of the Department claims that all the planned indicators are being met in full and it is planned to be successfully completed by the end of the year. The city is actively developing without losing growth prospects.

Important:According to the report of the Department, by the end of 2016 the average salary in Moscow will be 70 thousand rubles. The growth rate of citizens' incomes is 5.8%. Such data are significant for the development of the capital, although the inflation rate, according to experts, will exceed the growth rate of wages.

Growth of wages of public sector employees is expected. This Decree was signed in 2012. According to the document, by 2018 revenues should grow by 200% throughout Russia.

But due to the crisis, such an increase can only be achieved by structural changes - staff reduction, abandonment of technology and equipment, minimization of the used space. As a result, it is possible to achieve the set goals, but the efficiency of work is reduced.

Also since the beginning of 2016 introduced new system population income calculations. Previously, to determine the average wage, the accruals of employees of public sector, large and medium-sized enterprises were taken into account.

Now this indicator will include income from small businesses, earnings individual entrepreneurs which will give a more realistic picture of reality.

According to experts, the new calculation methodology will show lower figures, since the "informal" sectors cannot boast of high earnings.

Is it worth believing the statistics

Poll-based analysis also cannot reflect a clear picture of what is happening - if you interview bank employees, their income will turn out to be more than 60 thousand rubles. If we focus on builders, the salary level will drop to 30-40 thousand rubles.

Is it easy to find a job in Moscow during a crisis?

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