
What you need to hand over to the oilman. Is a Petroleum Engineer Career Right for You?

Oil became one of the most important strategic products of mankind at the end of the 19th century and has not lost its relevance to this day, despite the abundance of alternative energy sources. All branches of industry, without exception, and, as a result, the entire population of the planet depend on oil and its products.

Mankind has used oil since time immemorial, for example, as binding materials in construction, for embalming the bodies of the dead, as a combustible material, etc. However, it has become truly indispensable since the discovery of distillation, cracking and other options for its processing. Gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, fuel oil, as well as many important substances for chemical, food and pharmaceutical industry produced directly from oil.

Description of the profession

Consequently, all professions related to the extraction and processing of oil are in great demand and highly paid. The demand for oil professionals is very high and is growing steadily with the expansion and development of this high-tech industry.

An oilman is a very broad concept, it includes a number of professions, from a worker in an oil field or an oil refinery to a top manager of a global corporation. Each specialty has its own requirements for candidates.

However, usually, when the term “oilman” is used in everyday life, they mean exactly a geologist who explores and develops oil and gas fields (these minerals often accompany each other).

Field exploration is a complex process that includes the actual discovery of an oil deposit, its analysis in terms of the complexity and profitability of production, and the conduct of survey and research work. The great complexity of exploration is due to the fact that each field is individual, and often it is necessary to apply unique techniques which require high qualifications from a petroleum geologist, the ability to work in difficult conditions and make quick and correct decisions.

The first stage of exploration is the search for deposits by external, indirect signs. Such signs may be oil films on water, the direct release of oil to the surface of the earth, traces of asphalt (oil oxidation product) on cracks in the rock, the smell of its light fractions, etc.

IN Lately high-tech geological exploration methods are actively used, geophysical research methods, for example, seismographs in combination with directed explosions, make it possible to study the shape, volume and location of oil reservoirs underground. After the initial determination of the location, reference drilling is carried out. An exploration well can reach several kilometers; the extracted core is examined by various methods, which show the composition and quality of oil from a given field, the prospects for its further commercial use.

This is followed directly by oil production, which is produced by drilling wells. Drilling can be rotary and impact. In wells, oil is under high pressure, therefore, it flows out of the wells on its own. Over time, the pressure drops; for further oil production, water or gas is pumped into the reservoir (or both) to push it to the surface.

Hundreds of wells of different functionality can operate in one field - drilling, exploration, injection. All this requires a large number highly skilled workers and specialists for service. The extracted oil is cleaned of gas and solid impurities and enters the gas pipeline that connects the wells with oil refineries.

A specific method of oil production is offshore production. To do this, drilling platforms are being built in coastal waters, which are both stationary and floating, depending on natural conditions. Drilling vessels can be carried out at great depths, up to 3 km.

Oil refining - a complex of physical and chemical processes for processing petroleum feedstock into fuel, lubricants and raw materials for chemical industry. It includes atmospheric and vacuum distillation, thermal and catalytic cracking, coking, reforming, isomerization, etc. Oil is used as efficiently as possible, production is practically waste-free.

Professional quality

As seen from the above short description process of oil production and refining, specialists of any level must have a high level of qualification, good education and at least basic knowledge of professional software. The higher the salary offered, the more serious the requirements for the applicant.

So, among the requirements we can distinguish:

Professional education. For workers - secondary specialized, for engineering and scientific staff- higher.

At least a minimum work experience in the specialty, experience in geological exploration and survey work.

High level of computer use, knowledge of geological modeling programs, AutoCAD, etc.

Knowledge of technical English at a level sufficient to understand the documentation and literature in the specialty.

Willingness to travel, live and work in the field.

Candidates for leadership positions are presented with increased requirements e.g. organization experience geological parties, work experience in non-standard conditions, deep knowledge of specialized software, ability to make decisions quickly and clearly, skills strategic planning and much more. Naturally, the responsibility of a manager is much higher than that of an ordinary oilman, which is reflected in his salary.


The profession of a petroleum geologist is somewhat alluring and romantic. However, for some people, advantages can turn into disadvantages; however, the choice of activities in the oil industry is very high, and everyone can find a job to their liking. However, the lists of disadvantages and advantages will be almost identical.

Its main advantages:

Lack of routine in field work. The development of each new field is associated with trips to new places, the use of new research methods, and the adoption of non-standard decisions.

Constant business trips and moving, visiting new picturesque places, remote for many kilometers from the hackneyed tourist routes.

Frequent exposure to fresh air in environmentally friendly places.

A sense of belonging to a cause that is socially useful and important to many.


Can not be ideal professions; the oilman is no exception. Any romance can turn into difficult working conditions, constant fatigue and dissatisfaction with life.

The main disadvantages of the profession of a petroleum geologist:

The need to work in difficult field conditions. For many people, it is very difficult to have to work long time in uncomfortable conditions - living in a tent, meals in a field kitchen, etc.

Frequent business trips can lead to conflicts in the family.

Possible long periods of routine processing of data received in the "field".

Limited choice of jobs, because the number of oil producing and oil refining companies is small. As a result, competition in the labor market is very high.

Dangers associated with oil production. By and large, they are no worse than the dangers in any industrial enterprise.

Where to study

Professions related to the extraction and processing of oil are very popular, therefore, on educational market there are many offers for those who want to get the relevant professions.

The leading Russian educational institution in the oil and gas industry is the Russian State University. Branches of the university operate in Orenburg, Ashgabat and Tashkent. The university is at the forefront of science, its graduates easily find prestigious job by specialty.

- (training of managers)

It is worth noting the joint master's program of Tomsk Polytechnic University and Scottish Heriot-Watt University. It includes training in two specialties - petroleum engineering and oil and gas geology. Most of the subjects are taught by Scottish teachers, diploma projects are defended before a commission from Edinburgh. Graduates receive an international diploma and have the opportunity to work in leading oil companies peace.

An engineer is a specialist who has a higher technical education. What do you need to take for an engineer to enter a university? What subjects are in priority, what exams are waiting for the applicant? Let's find out!

A lot of guys studying in the 11th grade of the school think about where and whom to apply for, and when the choice falls on the engineering specialty, everyone has a logical question - what entrance tests meet on the way to this goal, and what to take for an engineer?

What to take to be an engineer?

In order to become a highly qualified specialist, and in order to learn easily, you need to be good at subjects such as mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Admission to a university is possible after graduating from 11 classes, as well as after graduating from a college or lyceum in a specialty.

What subjects to take as an engineer, most often, depends on the place of study and previously received education. It often happens that upon admission to a certain specialty, additional tests will be required.

Engineers work in almost all sectors of human life, which is why they are one of the most sought after, as well as the most highly paid professions, on modern market labor.

The main responsibilities of engineers are:

  • Development of various types of equipment, as well as other manufactures and components for them.
  • Manufacturing of developed products.
  • Planning and cost analysis of finished products.

Sometimes, the desire to enter an engineering specialty appears among those who are interested in the structure and operation of various mechanical devices.

People with a technical mindset know from school that they will become engineers. All technical subjects are easily given to them and what needs to be taken for an engineer is included in the list of their favorite subjects.

For those wishing to become an engineer, it would be good to know the basics of such technical disciplines as engineering graphics, strength of materials, mat. analysis, and some others that are basic.

Each engineering student will need to study the basic technical disciplines, as well as an in-depth program of some school subjects.

What subjects to take for an engineer?

All applicants who have decided that they definitely want to enter an engineering specialty are interested in the question of what subjects to take for an engineer.

This is very important to know in advance in order to be able to prepare for admission. Mandatory to passing the exam, when entering a technical university, are subjects such as mathematics, physics and the Russian language - that's what to take for an engineer.

But when applying for some engineering specialties, you may additionally need English language and chemistry.

What to take for an engineer after college?

After graduating from a college or lyceum in a technical specialty, many decide to get a higher degree of education, and for this they also enter a university. This decision is the right one, and will help you get a good job.

For such applicants, there is a slightly different way of admission. Those who already have a secondary specialized education can go to study both full-time and part-time, without passing the unified state exam.

By studying part-time, a person will have the opportunity to combine study with work. Also a big plus for admission will be the opportunity to graduate from the university in a shorter time.

To do this, each such applicant will have to pass entrance exams in specialized subjects, in the prescribed manner. You can find out what exams to take for an engineer at the educational institution where you plan to enter.

After graduating from a higher technical educational institution, it will be possible to find a job as an engineer, and, accordingly, the salary of engineers is higher than that of ordinary workers. In most cases, that is why people with a secondary special education continue their education.

The engineering profession has a lot of specializations, because engineers are needed in almost any place of work. Before applying, you need to initially know what specialty you want to work in.

Also, the subjects that will need to be taken at the USE or entrance exams, depending on the specialization, may differ. Therefore, it is very important to find out in advance what subjects you need to take for an engineer of the chosen specialization.

Before you settle on any specialty, be sure to find out what exams you need to take, what requirements will be imposed on this specialist in the workplace, and also weigh all the pros and cons. Only by doing this and drawing the right conclusion will the study and work of an engineer be enjoyable.

Features of the profession of an oilman

Oil is one of the most valuable and expensive minerals in the world. In addition, oil can also be considered the most effective instrument of politics - it is precisely because of the opportunity to take possession of oil production sites that wars and negotiations between states begin. Oil can revive the economy of any country. This resource today is not in vain called black gold. Oil production is carried out by people of various professions and specialties, which can be combined under the general name of oil workers - employees of oil fields.

Considering that most modern countries are very dependent on oil, an oilman who is engaged in the extraction of such an important resource can bring great benefits to his country and its economy. The relevance of the profession directly depends on such factors as the region of residence of a specialist, the consent to leave him for a long time native home. After all, oil workers are needed only where oil is produced, and in order to find work, specialists have to leave their hometown and even the country. The work involves shift method, therefore, it is necessary to be prepared for such a schedule - not everyone can withstand difficult conditions and prefer to work in other areas with a more familiar work schedule.

In order to work as an oilman, regardless of specialization, a person must be in good health, be in excellent physical shape, be diligent and attentive, and have a technical mindset. For some reason, it is generally accepted in society that for successful career it is enough for an oilman to have physical strength, but this is far from being the case. The specialist will have to monitor pressure gauges, respond to various pressure changes, use complex power tools, etc.

A qualified professional can count on high level income, since oil is always valued. Particularly good prospects open up for those who are ready to leave to work for one of Western companies- there the world's oil tycoons are willing to generously pay for the work of experienced professionals. True, there is always a risk that the next sale of company shares to a new owner will entail a change in personnel and you will have to look for work.

The profession of an oilman is associated with a certain risk - a specialist at a well risks own life and health. Cases of oil fires right at the place of production are not uncommon. Many operations have to be performed at a considerable height, which also increases the risk of falls and injuries. An important disadvantage of the work of an oilman is the significant remoteness of the place of work both from his native home and from any settlement. Many employees in this field are generally forced to work at sea, which implies even greater danger. As a rule, all these shortcomings are compensated by high salary, which allows you to live comfortably, help the family.

The profession of an oilman is best suited to young people in good health (preferably without a family) who need to make good money to open own business, buying an apartment, etc. For people with not very good health and those who have a family, such work can only bring longing for home and problems with well-being.

Profession oilman

One of the most valuable minerals and commodities in the world today is oil. This is a tool of geopolitics, wars are fought for it, it revives the economy of any state. Oil today is called black gold and this resource is extracted by people of different professions, who are united under the general name - oilmen. This is the name of workers in the oil fields from an engineer to an assistant driller.

Oilfield traces found in Iraq are over 4,000 years old. So, then there were already oilmen. Oil was first seen in Moscow in the 16th century and was called "burning water". Boreholes were invented only closer to the middle of the 19th century and then they began to be used as the main method of oil production. Until 1823, no one knew that oil could be refined and kerosene extracted from it. The profession of an oilman gained its distribution already in the 20th century, when the widespread use of this fuel began. ...

Most countries modern world depend on oil more than on the political situation in the country. Of course, an oilman who extracts a resource so necessary for the people brings great benefits to his fellow citizens. The need for specialists in this field depends on the region of the country and, in general, on the place on the world map. In our state, most of the oil deposits have already been discovered, but not all deposits are being developed. Therefore, it is not difficult for an oilman to find a job, but he must be ready to work away from home on a rotational basis.

People in this profession should have a penchant for technical sciences, good physical condition and be attentive. The oilman must keep an eye on pressure gauges, respond to pressure changes in time, own power tools and have many other skills, depending on his specific function in the industry. A good specialist in this field has great prospects. Oil is good way to earn, including for employees of the field. In addition, a smart engineer and designer of gas wells can go to work abroad, where the world's oil giants generously pay experienced specialists.

An oilman at a well is risking his life, as there have been cases of black gold burning right in the field. Some operations have to be performed at high altitude, so the possibility of falling and injury is not excluded. A significant disadvantage should also be considered the remoteness of the place of work from home and in general from settlements. A significant part of the employees of this industry work in general at sea, which entails even more dangers. But in general, all this is compensated by decent wages.

Petroleum engineers are trained at universities and institutes. The preparation of such a specialist takes 5 years, after which an internship at the place of work is required. Workers such as drillers or fitters of well equipment and oil rigs are trained in vocational schools and training centers oil companies. Often, graduates are qualified as an assistant or junior specialist and only after a few years of experience can become an independent worker.

The most common entrance exams are:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (profile) - profile subject, at the choice of the university
  • Informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the choice of the university
  • Physics - at the choice of the university

The most profitable branch of the Russian economy is, of course, the oil industry. That is why the profession of an oil technologist is very popular among future students.

Young people are attracted not only by high wages. Growing and developing in such a promising industry is quite interesting. The latest developments of our scientists are constantly being introduced here, which means that there is always a chance to show their abilities. Like most professions, the specialty 21.03.01 "Oil and Gas Business" is received at higher educational institutions.

Admission conditions

After graduating from 11 grades, high school graduates take the Unified State Exam. If the oil and gas industry is the area in which the applicant wants to work, then he needs to know what subjects to take in the USE.

Most universities that teach technologies in the oil and gas industry are interested in the results of exams in the Russian language, mathematics (as a core subject), as well as physics or computer science and ICT. Graduates, whose score approaches 80-86, have excellent chances to become students of universities, institutes and academies with a degree in oil and gas business.

Future profession

Given the fact that oil and gas rigs are located in fairly remote areas of the state, students should be aware that sometimes working conditions will be far from a comfortable office. Although there is an opportunity to work, so to speak, "on the coast."

If the duties of an employee include repair, adjustment, installation and maintenance of wells, then visits to the places of extraction of natural resources are mandatory. At the same time, after graduation, you can organize the work of teams, control over compliance with safety regulations. In this case, the activity of a specialist involves working in an office.

The oil and gas industry provides an applied and practical direction for the technologist. But a place for research work is also here. After all, to increase profitability, along with environmental safety, the latest technologies are needed.

Where to apply

Technologists in the field of the oil and gas industry are trained in many universities in Moscow. But residents of other regions of the Russian Federation also have an excellent opportunity to master this specialty without leaving far from home. This faculty is especially popular in the regions of oil and gas production. Here is just a short list educational institutions where you can get the profession of a technologist and engineer in the oil refining and gas industry:

  • Moscow State Engineering University;
  • Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze;
  • Far Eastern State University of Communications;
  • Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
  • Kazan (Privolzhsky) Federal University;
  • Branch of the Tyumen State Oil and Gas University in the city of Nefteyugansk.

Training period

If a student has the opportunity to attend classes in person, he will spend 4 years on obtaining a bachelor's degree. If young people choose part-time, evening or blended education, it will take 5 years.

Disciplines included in the course of study

To understand the peculiarities of oil and gas production, school course chemistry and physics will obviously not be enough. Therefore, in the process of obtaining higher education students study the following subjects:

  • oil and gas hydromechanics and hydraulics;
  • qualimetry, metrology and standardization;
  • basics of automation technological processes in oil and gas production;
  • chemistry of gas and oil;
  • technology of structural materials and materials science;
  • heat transfer and thermodynamics;
  • engineering computer graphics and descriptive geometry.

Acquired Skills

After such a serious and versatile training, a graduate of the "oil and gas business" direction has sufficient qualifications to work in the industry. This is facilitated by the skills that young people acquire in the learning process.

In addition to participation in the development and design of the extraction of natural resources, specialists perform schematization of deposits and create their geological model. It uses the most modern Computer Engineering and software.

Wells already put into operation also need constant maintenance, repair and reconstruction.

In order for the extracted oil and gas to be stored reliably, it is necessary to properly design and build gas and oil storage facilities and gas and oil pipelines. Participation in such projects is extremely important and is often entrusted to young professionals.

Organization of the work of teams, small teams is also the responsibility of engineers oil and gas industry. Well, control over the extraction of hydrocarbons, the quality of semi-finished products and finished products trusted only by the best specialists.

Employment prospects by profession

University graduates majoring in oil and gas are rarely left alone with the question of who to work with. Their place of work is usually at the enterprises of the oil and gas industry. However, it is worth remembering that the competition in this area is too high.

After graduation, young people can count on the positions of a driller, foreman, laboratory technician, technician or engineer. It is also possible to participate in the work of research institutes as a laboratory assistant or junior researcher.

Level wages for employees working directly at oil and gas production sites, it starts from 40-50 thousand rubles. After several years of work, this figure can reach 70-90 thousand rubles.

In the manufacturing industry, salaries are slightly higher. An engineer can count on 60-80 thousand, and Chief Engineer- for 100 thousand rubles.

Benefits of a Master's Degree

In order to engage in research activities, as well as to take a position in one of the oilfield services companies or government bodies management of oil and gas production, one should obtain a master's degree.

Most universities provide such an opportunity on the basis of a bachelor's degree. In addition to fundamental knowledge in the field of geophysics, geology and geodynamics, undergraduates receive invaluable practical experience in exploration and economic evaluation of deposits, study the management of the oil and gas industry and legal framework management of the oil and gas production base.

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