
The work program for the discipline quality management spo. The work program of the academic discipline "quality management

The course "Quality Management" studied by students in parallel with other general professional disciplines reflects the specifics professional problems and lays down:

Fundamentals of Knowledge industrial relations and principles of product quality management, taking into account technical, financial and human factors;

Practical skills in using methods for solving problems to determine the optimal ratios of quality and reliability parameters of various man-made systems in their design, development, and organization technological preparation production, in the preparation and development of experimental and serial production;

Understanding the essence and social significance of one's own future profession, the main problems of product quality management and ensuring market competitiveness complex technical systems, vision of the relationship of these problems with the level of management development specific enterprise and the industry as a whole;

Ability to project activities in the field of system organization and product quality management based on a systematic approach, the ability to build and use models to describe and predict the quality level of designed complex man-made systems, to carry out their qualitative and quantitative analysis;

Justification abilities management decisions taking into account modern concepts of quality management and rational use resources.

The main goal of studying the discipline is to teach students approaches to the development of quality management systems for complex man-made systems at the stage of their design, development and development of experimental and serial production based on a set of knowledge in the field theoretical foundations and modern quality assurance practices.

The main objective of the discipline is to understand quality as a factor in the success of an enterprise in the conditions market economy, mastering the methodology and terminology of quality management, knowledge of the recommendations of Russian and international standards on quality assurance at enterprises, on procedures for certification of products and quality management systems, mastery of professional approaches to the design of quality assurance systems and the organization of product quality management.

This discipline is associated with the following courses: probability theory and mathematical statistics, economics, enterprise economics, organization of production at an enterprise, management, marketing.

have a concept

- about the essence of economic phenomena and processes;

About the history of quality management;


Methodology and terminology of quality management and reliability of complex man-made systems;

Features of existing management and quality assurance systems, evolution and main stages of development of quality management and general management;

Modern methods of forecasting and ensuring a given level of product quality, used at various stages of its life cycle;

Procedures for certification of products and quality management systems.

be able to:

Use probabilistic-statistical methods for assessing the quality of complex man-made systems and changes in product quality during their operation at various stages of the life cycle;

It is correct to make a choice of probabilistic - statistical laws of distribution for correct evaluation calculations of the level of quality and reliability of the operation of various man-made systems;

Use methods to ensure the specified quality and reliability of complex man-made systems at various stages - from design to mass production;

Conduct structural and functional analysis the quality of complex man-made systems with various construction schemes using probabilistic methods;

Apply existing forecasting methods in assessing the quality and operational life of complex man-made systems;

Design product quality management systems, plan the organization of activities and work to ensure a given level of product quality at the enterprise and to eliminate emerging defects;


The main methods for assessing the quality of industrial products;

Special terminology of the discipline.

Section of discipline

Hours total

including (hours)

Myself. Job

Aud. classes

Practical work and seminars

Topic 1 Subject and scope of quality management

Theme 2 Methodological foundations of quality management

Theme 3 Content modern approaches to quality management

Theme 4 Quality management in the design and development process

Theme 5 Quality management in the procurement process

Theme 6 Quality management in production and service

Theme 7 Quality Cost Management

Theme 8 Certification of products and quality systems

4.2. The content of the sections of the discipline

Topic 1 Subject and scope of quality management

Competitive environment of the market economy as an incentive for the development of quality management. Relationship between general management and quality management. The complexity of the concept of quality, which characterizes the effectiveness of various aspects of the enterprise. Modern approaches to the definition of the content of the category "quality". Quality management methods. Classification of quality management methods. Formation and development scientific schools quality management.

1. Competitive environment of the market economy as an incentive for the development of quality management.

2. Relationship between general management and quality management.

3. The complexity of the concept of quality, which characterizes the effectiveness of various aspects of the enterprise.

4. Modern approaches to the definition of the content of the category "quality".

5. Quality management methods.

6. Classification of quality management methods.

7. Formation and development of scientific schools of quality management.

8. A systematic approach to the organization of the quality management system at the enterprise.

9. Methods for modeling quality management systems.

10. Making managerial decisions in the field of quality.

11. Formation of a generalized assessment of the quality level in a multi-criteria assessment.

12. The concept of integral quality.

13. Classification of levels of quality management.

14. Principles and functions of quality management.

16. Trends characterizing the main approaches to quality management in domestic and foreign practice.

17. Basic provisions of the concept All general management quality.

18. a brief description of MS ISO 9000:2000 series.

20. The concept of continuous improvement.

21. The impact of the design and development process on the quality of the final product of the enterprise.

22. Quality management methods in the design and development process.

23. Elements of quality control in the procurement process.

24. Methods for assessing the capabilities of suppliers.

26. Formation of a system of partnerships with suppliers.

27. Quality management functions implemented in the production and service process.

28. Factors that shape quality in the production and service process.

29. Classification and content of types of quality control.

30. Statistical methods of quality control.

31. System of indicators of product quality and methods for their determination.

32. Stages of formation and types of costs for product quality.

33. Information base for cost analysis on product quality.

34. Methods of cost analysis for product quality.

35. Methods for analyzing marriage and losses from marriage.

36. The concept of product certification. Benefits of product certification.

37. Stages of certification of quality systems.

38. International practice of certification.

1. Salimova T.A. Quality control. – M.: Omega-L, 2007. – 414 p.

2. Quality management: Textbook for universities / S.D. Ilyenkova, N.D. Ilyenkova, V.S. Mkhitaryan and others.; Ed. S.D. Ilyenkova. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2006. - 334 p.

3. Mazur I.I. Quality control. – M.: graduate School, 2005. - 334 p.

1. Aristov O.V. Quality Management: Textbook. - M.: INFRA-M, 2006. - 240 p.

2. Basovsky L.E. Quality control. -M. : INFRA-M, 2006. - 212 p.

3. Mironov M.G. Quality control. - M.: Prospekt, 2006. - 288 p.

4. Nikiforov A.D. Quality control. – M.: Bustard, 2006. – 272 p.

5. Chupilin A.I. Quality control. – M.: Dashkov i K, 2005. – 156 p.

(SITELINK-S516)Quality and Reliability(/SITELINK)


Faculty of World Economy and International Trade

Department of Management



Developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

080200.62 - "Management"

Training profile

"International Management"

For full-time, part-time and part-time students

Graduate Qualification - Bachelor of Management



at a meeting of the Academic Council

Minutes No. 5 dated 01.01.2001

This program was developed by Doctor of Science, Professor of the Department of Management of NOU VPO IMES.

Designed for full-time, part-time and part-time students.

Developed in accordance with the FGOS VPO.

at a meeting of the Department of Management


Minutes No. 2 dated 01.01.2001


"Quality control"

The discipline "Quality Management" studies the methods, forms, means of the most effective and rational management of the quality of goods and services, based on the concept of total quality management (Total Quality Management - TQM).

Program academic discipline"Quality Management" is intended for full-time, part-time and part-time students studying in the direction 080200.62 "Management".

Annotation of the work program was compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of the third generation in the direction 080200.62 "Management" for the discipline of the variable part of the professional cycle of the profile "International Management" is studied in the variable part of the professional cycle (B3).

1. The purpose and educational objectives of the discipline

The aim of the course "Quality Management" is:

formation of a complex of knowledge of theoretical foundations and primary practical skills for students in the methodology, methodology and technology of product quality management (goods and services), methodology for analyzing and planning quality, its technical, organizational and information support, as well as coordination and control functions in the process of functioning quality system, knowledge of the main provisions of international standards ISO 9000 (ISO - International Standard Organization) in quality assurance and its certification.

· preparation of a bachelor - a middle manager who owns the basics of quality management as an indispensable component of the overall management of a socio-economic organization.

To achieve the goal in the process of teaching the course, the following tasks:

· quality management of products (goods and services) at different stages of the project life cycle - from creation to implementation;

selection of the most effective ways of forming a quality system, its control and improvement;

The process of studying the discipline is aimed at deepening the formation of the following competencies:


As a result of studying the discipline, the student must:


Quality indicators and methods for their assessment (establishment);

· the basic requirements of the International Quality Standards of the ISO 9000 series;

Formation and functioning of the quality system of the enterprise (organization);

· methodology for the development of quality documentation and quality systems;

· general principles certification of products (goods and services);

· hometasks;

preparation of reports, abstracts, speeches;

preparation of reports, group and individual projects;

Interim testing for separate sections disciplines.

Final control of knowledge in the discipline:

· Exam

Educational technologies

In the process of mastering the discipline "Quality Management" the following educational technologies are used:

Standard teaching methods:

· Lectures;

· Seminars;

· Computer classes;

· Homework;

· Calculation and analytical tasks;

· Independent work students, which includes the development of statistical methods for analyzing information and interpreting results;

· Consultations of teachers.

Teaching methods using interactive forms of educational technologies.

The main components of interactive learning are interactive methods:

· Creative tasks

Use of public resources (invitation of a specialist)

Study and consolidation of new material (interactive lecture, work with visual aids, video and audio materials)

Discussion of complex and debatable issues and problems

6. Laboratory workshop

not provided.

7. Approximate topic course projects (works)

not provided

8. Educational, methodological and information support of the discipline

1. Bass quality: A textbook. - M.: INFRA-M, 2007.

2. Dmitriev socio-economic organization. Tutorial. – M.: IMES, 2008.

2. Efimov and quality management methods: Textbook. - M.: Knorus, 2009.

3. Tepman quality [ Electronic resource] studies. allowance / Ed. - M .: Unity-Dana, 20s. - Access mode: http://www. *****/book/452/

4. Sheveleva quality: modern approaches and methods: Proc. allowance / Ural. state ped. un-t. - Yekaterinburg, 2010. - 223 p. - 25 copies.

5. Quality management. [Electronic resource] textbook. allowance. 4th ed. - M .: Unity-Dana, 20s. – Access mode: http://www. *****/book/452/


1. Magazines "Standards and Quality"

2. Journals "Standards and monitoring in education"

3. Journals "Methods of quality management"

Educational and professional remote access resources

6.http://www. qaulity. *****/ - information portal to support quality management in education

7.http://www. eqc. *****/ – European Quality Foundation

8.http://www. *****/ – Deming Association

9. http://*****/ - 6-Sigma Association

10. http://www. *****/ - Center "Priority"

11. http://www. *****/ - Russian site dedicated to ISO 9000, quality management and certification. The site contains sections: library, quality management, quality tools, quality terminology, news and others

12. http://www. *****/ - Publishing house "Standards and quality"

13. http://www. *****/vok. php - Russian Quality Program

14.http://rc. *****/rc/ - Research Center for Quality Problems in Specialist Training

15. http://www. *****/ - Standards Portal

16. http://quality. *****/ - Materials according to ISO 9001:2000. Materials for the development, implementation and certification of quality management systems.

9. Logistics of discipline

Specially equipped classrooms and auditoriums: computer classes, auditoriums equipped with multimedia teaching aids.

As part of the study course provides:

· current control held in the form of discussions on thematic issues at lectures, as well as in the form of reports (abstracts) and presentations at seminars.

· final examination is carried out in the form of a test conducted in the form of computer testing. To receive the final certification for the course in the test, the student must attend classes and be active in the classroom. Directly during the mastery testing, it is required to answer fifteen to twenty questions, accompanied by answers built on a selective basis.

Sample list of questions

to prepare for the test

1. Name and describe the main stages in the development of quality management systems.

2. Outline the essence of integrated quality management.

3. What is the product quality loop?

4. What is the essence of the concept of "quality spiral"?

5. What are the goals and scope of structural and functional analysis?

6. What are the goals of the functional cost analysis?

7. What principles underlie the functional cost analysis?

8. What are the main goals of total quality management.

9. What are the benefits of a total quality management system?

10. What are the goals, objectives and role of standardization in quality management?

11. What are the classification and types of standards?

12. What are the purposes and structure of the system of international standards ISO 9000 series?

13. What are the similarities and differences between the provisions of the ISO 9000 series and the concept of TQM?

14. What are legislative framework standardization in Russian Federation?

15. What is the role of certification in quality management and what are its benefits from the point of view of producers, consumers and the economy as a whole?

16. What are the goals of voluntary and mandatory certification?

17. Give a classification of types of certification.

18. What are the standard schemes and standard certification procedures?

19. What are the features of the certification system in Russia?

20. What is the legislative framework certification in Russia?

21. What is the specificity of the economy of quality management?

22. How is it determined economic effect and cost-effectiveness of quality change?

23. What are the components of the cost of quality?

24. What are the components of the total losses from internal marriage?

25. What are the features of the company's modern strategy in the field of quality costs?

Essay topics

1. Product quality as a factor of competitiveness.

2. Evolution of the quality management paradigm.

3. The role of quality management in the overall management system.

4. Modern concept quality management.

5. Foreign and domestic quality management experience.

6. Problems of implementing the concept of TQM in the activities of the organization.

7. Quality indicators and methods for their determination.

8. Features of the Japanese quality management system.

9. Main directions in the field of quality management.

10. Formation of the company's strategy and tactics in creating quality.

11. Circles of quality, their role and features of activity.

12. Collective forms of participation in quality improvement. Forms of staff motivation to constantly improve the quality of work.

13. Loop and spiral of quality as organizational and methodological principles of quality assurance and management.

14. Functioning of the quality assurance system.

15. Functional cost analysis in quality management.

16. The role and purpose of standardization in quality assurance.

17. Organizational and legal foundations of standardization in Russia.

18. International standardization as a quality assurance tool.

19. Certification in the quality assurance system.

20. Organizational and legal basis for certification in Russia.




INSTITUTE OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROBLEMS (IPEEf) ____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

Field of study: 140100 Thermal power engineering and heat engineering

Master's program: “Autonomous energy systems. Hydrogen and electrochemical energy”

Qualification (degree) of the graduate: master

Full-time form of education




general scientific

Part of the loop:

No. of discipline according to the curriculum:

IPEEf; M1.5.2

Hours (total) according to the curriculum:

Labor intensity in credit units:

2 semester - 3


36 hours

2 semester

Practical lessons

18 hours

2 semester

Laboratory works

Laboratory work is not provided by the curriculum

Calculation tasks, abstracts

20 hours on your own. work

2 semester

The volume of independent work according to the curriculum (total)

54 hours


2 semester

Course projects (works)

course project(work) not provided by the curriculum

Moscow - 2011


The purpose of the discipline is assimilation by students of the value of quality in activities modern organization and formation of a knowledge system for organizational, managerial and design and analytical activities in the field of quality management.

Upon completion of mastering this discipline, the student is able and ready to:

Improve and develop your intellectual and general cultural level, achieve moral and physical improvement of your personality (OK-1);

fluently use Russian and foreign languages ​​as a means of business communication, the ability to actively social mobility(OK-3);

Purchase and use independently practical activities new knowledge and skills, including in new areas of knowledge not directly related to the field of activity, to expand and deepen their scientific outlook, including with the help of information technology (OK-6);

use the idea of ​​the methodological foundations of scientific knowledge and creativity, the role of scientific information in the development of science (OK-8);

the ability to analyze the natural scientific essence of the problems that arise in the course of professional activity(PC-5);

· draw up, present and report the results of the work performed (PC-8);

· to use modern and perspective computer and information technologies (PC-9);

readiness to supervise all types of work related to the efficient and smooth functioning production equipment(PC-17);

· willingness to use modern achievements of science and advanced technology in research work (PC-22);

the ability to plan and set research objectives, choose methods of experimental work, interpret and present the results of scientific research, give practical advice on their introduction into production (PC-23);

readiness to present research results in the form of reports, abstracts, scientific publications and public discussions (PC-24);

readiness to lead a team of performers, make decisions, determine the order of work (PC-25);

The ability to develop long-term plans the work of production units, planning the work of personnel and payroll funds (PC-27);

· readiness to develop plans and programs for organizing innovation activities at the enterprise (PC-30).

The tasks of the discipline are:

    studying the essence of the category "quality" in relation to the tasks of managing an organization, forming an idea of ​​quality as one of the main goals of an organization; acquaintance with the evolution of quality management, patterns of development of the theory and practice of quality assurance in the organization; analysis of the main methods of quality management at enterprises of any form of ownership and types of activity; formation of an idea of ​​quality management as a systemic process interconnected with all aspects of the organization's activities; studying the role of the state in ensuring product quality, familiarity with the main legislative acts of the Russian Federation in the field of quality; consideration of specific methods of quality assurance in the organization, study of modern approaches to quality management, analysis of the economic mechanism of quality assurance.


The discipline belongs to the variable part of the general scientific cycle M1 of the main educational program for the preparation of masters under the program “Autonomous Energy Systems. Hydrogen and electrochemical energy” direction 140100 – Thermal power engineering and heat engineering.

The discipline is based on the following disciplines: "Mathematical Analysis", "Information Technology", "Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics", "Economics and Production Management".

The knowledge gained in mastering the discipline is necessary when performing the master's final qualifying work.


As a result of mastering the academic discipline, students must demonstrate the following educational outcomes:


methods and procedures for assessing the level of product quality (OK-1, OK-6, OK-8, OK-9, PC-1, PC-5);

· the evolution of the development of quality management systems, patterns of development of the theory and practice of quality assurance in the organization (OK-1, OK-6, OK-8, OK-9, PC-1, PC-5);

· basic principles modern systems product quality management (OK-1, OK-6, OK-8, OK-9, PC-1, PC-5);

· the relationship of quality management, as a system process, with all aspects of the organization's activities (OK-1, OK-6, OK-8, OK-9, PC-1, PC-5);

· the main standards of quality management systems, navigate in their comparative characteristics, advantages and limitations (OK-1, OK-6, OK-8, OK-9, PC-1, PC-5);

· bases of the Russian legislation in the field of quality, standardization and certification (OK-1, OK-6, OK-8, OK-9, PC-1, PC-5);

· general concepts economics of quality (OK-1, OK-6, OK-8, OK-9, PC-1, PC-5).

Be able to:

    use legal documents in their activities (OK-8, PK-1, PK-9, PK-23, PK-27); find organizational and managerial decisions and be responsible for them (OK-8, PC-1, PC-9, PC-23, PC-27); search for information on the received task, collect, analyze the data necessary to solve the set economic tasks (OK-8, PC-1, PC-9, PC-23, PC-27); choose tools for processing economic data in accordance with the task, analyze the results of calculations and justify the conclusions (OK-8, PC-1, PC-9, PC-23, PC-27); apply in practice specific methods for analyzing the causes of quality problems and finding solutions to these problems (OK-8, PC-1, PC-9, PC-23, PC-27); analyze the economic mechanism of quality assurance, calculate the cost of quality assurance, and predict the economic effect (OK-8, PC-1, PC-9, PC-23, PC-27).


· methodology for assessing the level of product quality (OK-8, OK-9, PC-1, PC-5, PC-8, PC-9, PC-22, PC-23, PC-24);

· methods of quality assurance in the organization (OK-8, OK-9, PC-1, PC-5, PC-8, PC-9, PC-17, PC-25, PC-27, PC-30);

· methodology for calculating the cost of quality assurance (OK-8, OK-9, PC-1, PC-5, PC-8, PC-9, PC-22, PC-23, PC-24);

· methodology for calculating the economic efficiency of consumer quality (OK-8, OK-9, PC-1, PC-5, PC-8, PC-9, PC-22, PC-23, PC-24).


4.1 Structure of the discipline

The total labor intensity of the discipline is 3 credits, 108 hours.

Section of discipline.

Total hours per section

Kinds academic work, including independent work of students and
labor intensity (in hours)

Forms of current progress control

(by sections)


Written survey on theory

Settlement task

Methods and procedures for assessing product quality

Organization of product quality control and defect prevention

Written survey on theory

Statistical quality control

Written survey on theory

Statistical quality control methods

Control work, calculation task

Standardization and certification in the quality management system

Evolution of approaches to quality management

Quality management methodology

Quality Cost Management

Written survey on theory

Combined form

4.2.1. Lectures:

2 semester

1. Introduction

Subject and objectives of the course. Quality management as a factor in the success of an enterprise in the competitive struggle.

2. Qualimetry and its use in quality management

Quality indicators as the main category for assessing consumer values. Classification of values. Classification of product quality indicators. Service quality indicators and their features. Stages of assessing the level of product quality. Classification of methods for determining product quality indicators. Methods for assessing the level of product quality. Differential method for assessing the level of product quality. A comprehensive method for assessing the level of product quality. Integral indicator of quality. Mixed method for assessing the level of product quality. Clustering base samples.

3. Control, accounting and analysis of quality management processes

Organization of product quality control and defect prevention. The concept of control. Stages of control. Types of technical control. Means of product quality control. Statistical quality control. Ways of presenting products for control. Methods for selecting units of production in the sample. Sample classification. Ensuring randomness and representativeness of samples. Criteria for making a decision on the results of control. Control standards. Control plan. Definition and indicators of marriage. Classification of defects Supplier's risk and consumer's risk. Layering method. Graphs as a method of quality control. Pareto chart. Causal Ishikawa Diagram. Bar chart. Scatter chart. Control cards.

4. Special subsystems of quality management

Standardization in the quality management system. The essence of standardization processes. Russian standardization system. The system of international standards. Certification of products and quality systems. Definition, objectives and principles. certification systems. certification schemes.

5. Evolution of approaches to quality management

Basic principles of modern product quality management systems. Development of a systematic approach to quality management. Quality loop. Deming cycle. Quality management mechanism. Existing systems quality management.

6. Methodology of quality management

Principles of quality management in the organization. Cycle PDC(S)A. Process and systems approach in management Quality management processes: classification, description, management and regulation (ISO 9000, ISO 9001). Classification of quality management processes. Description (modeling) and regulation (documentation) of the process. Techniques for modeling business processes.

7. Quality Cost Management

General concepts of quality economics. Economic efficiency consumer quality. Classification of costs for quality assurance. PAF cost model. Measuring the cost of quality.

4.2.2. Practical lessons:

2 semester

Methods and procedures for assessing product quality. Determination of weight coefficients of quality indicators. Determination of a complex indicator of quality according to the principle of weighted average.

Methods and procedures for assessing product quality. Differential and complex methods for assessing the quality level of homogeneous products. Integral and mixed methods for assessing the quality level of homogeneous products. Clustering base samples.

Statistical methods of quality control. Pareto charts and their use to identify the main defects and the most serious causes of marriage. Stages of building a Pareto chart. Using ABC analysis in conjunction with Pareto charts. Bar chart. Construction and analysis. Scatter chart. Construction and analysis. Control charts as a means of recording quality measurement results. The use of control charts in the analysis of the quality of technological processes.

4.3. Laboratory works: Laboratory work is not provided by the curriculum

4.4. Settlement tasks: During the 2nd semester of study, students must complete and submit the following calculation tasks for verification.

Exercise 1.

1. Select an object of expertise. The object of examination can be food, household appliances, measuring instruments, etc.

2. Form single quality indicators. Determine which classification group (subgroup) they belong to.

3. Determine the measures of quality indicators (in units of physical quantities or in dimensionless units).

4. Arrange the results in the form of table 1.

Table 1

Single quality indicators

Classification group

Classification subgroup

Task 2.

1. Select an object of expertise. The object of expertise can be any service.

2. Form single quality indicators. Determine which classification group they belong to.

3. Arrange the results in the form of table 2.

Table 2.

Single quality indicators

Classification group

Task 3.

The goods selected as the object of examination in the first task shall be accepted as the evaluated sample. Take a similar product as a base product and compare the quality level using a differential, complex (set the weight coefficients yourself) and a mixed method.

Task number 4.

Build and analyze the Pareto chart and the Ishikawa chart. As a problem that needs to be analyzed and eliminated, consider the reasons given by the teacher (the number of reasons should be taken at least 7, the number of delays should be set approximately, based on personal experience).

Essay topics

1. Various philosophical approaches to the definition of the category "quality".
2. Basic terms and concepts of quality management.
3. Evaluation of the effectiveness and quality of management.
4. Features of the system and process approach to quality management.
5. Diversification of quality management and product life cycle.
6. Internet technologies in quality management.
7. Experience in creating a quality management system for Russian enterprises.
8. Features of the US experience in the field of quality management.
9. Features of the Japanese experience in the field of quality management.
10. Quality management in countries Western Europe.
11. Domestic experience in organizing quality management.
12. Product quality control systems.
13. Use of control charts for product quality management.
14. Use of qualimetry for quality management tasks.
15. Importance of standardization for quality management.
16. The history of the creation and development of international standards ISO 9000.
17. Modern version of ISO 9000 quality system standard.
18. The value of integration and disintegration for the tasks of improving the quality of management.
19. Product certification, its importance for quality management.
20. Certification of quality systems according to ISO 9000.

21. Quality awards. Experience of leading enterprises.

4.5. Course projects and term papers: course project ( course work) not included in the curriculum


Lecture classes are conducted in the form of lectures with presentations.

Practical lessons conducted in the traditional form with the analysis of specific situations.

Independent work includes preparation for lectures, tests, doing homework, preparing an essay and preparing its presentation for defense, preparing for tests and exams.


Current control: intermediate written surveys on individual sections of the discipline, written homework, test papers on the topics of practical classes, preparation of an essay.

Certification by discipline- test and exam.

The grade for mastering the discipline is calculated from the condition: 0.25´(arithmetic mean grade for tests and abstract) + 0.25´grade for the calculation task + 0.5´grade for the answer in the exam.

An assessment for 1 semester is entered in the Diploma Supplement.


7.1. Literature:

1. Quality management: a textbook for university students / Evans: translated from English. Ed. ; foreword - M.: UNITI - DANA, 2007 - 671 p. - (Series "Foreign textbook")

2. Quality management: Textbook for university students / ed. - 3rd ed., revised. And extra. - M.: UNITI - Dana, 2007, - 352 p.

Gissin, quality: textbook for universities / . - 2nd ed., add. and reworked. - xxx: Mart, 2s. - Economics and management) Aristov quality: Proc. Allowance for universities. – M.: INFRA-M, 2003. – 240 p.: ill. - (Series "Higher education"). Fomin. Quality control. Certification: Textbook. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Os-89, 2007. – 384 p. Ogvozdin, quality: Fundamentals of theory and practice: Textbook / . - 4th ed., Rev. and additional - M.: Business and service, 2s. Basovsky, quality: a textbook for universities in economic specialties /,. - M. : INFRA-M, 2s. - Higher education)

7.2. Electronic educational resources:

distance learning system Prometheus; EOR posted on the website of the Department of IVF

b) others:

a set of presentations on the subject of the discipline.


To ensure the development of the discipline, it is necessary to have a classroom equipped with multimedia tools for presenting lecture presentations.

The program was drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education and taking into account the recommendations of the PrEP VPO in the direction of preparation 140100 - Thermal power engineering and heat engineering



Head Department of ChiEE

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor


Head Department of IVF

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yev


higher education


At a meeting of the methodological council


Deputy Director of MMR

MC Chairman

E.V. Ilyichev



Name of specialty

27.02.07 Quality management of products, processes and services

(by industry)

Graduate Qualification


Stary Oskol

Working programm academic discipline was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Education (hereinafter FSES SVE) in the specialty

Organization developer: OPK STI NUST "MISiS"


Vasilevskaya G.N.-Lecturer OPK STI NUST MISiS

Protocol #_ 1 _ from "" 201

Chairman of the P(C)K …………………………… Slobodenyuk N.V.


examination of the training program for mid-level specialists in the specialty 09.02.07 was carried out by OEMK JSC in 2016



    1. Scope of the work program

      The place of the academic discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program

      Goals and objectives of the academic discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the academic discipline

      List of formed competencies

      Number of hours for mastering the work program of the academic discipline


    1. Volume of academic discipline and types of educational work

      Thematic plan and content of the discipline

3. conditions for the implementation of the academic discipline

    1. Minimum Logistics Requirements

      Information Support learning

      General requirements to the organization of the educational process

4. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the academic discipline


A set of control and evaluation tools

1. passport of the working PROGRAM of the EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE


1.1 Scope sample program

The work program of the academic discipline is part of the training program for mid-level specialists in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty SVE:27.02.07 "Managing the quality of products, processes and services (by industry)".

The work program of the academic discipline can be used in additional vocational education as part of the implementation of retraining programs for personnel in secondary vocational schools.

1.2 The place of the academic discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program:

the discipline is included in the professional cycle of the PPSSZ.

1.3 Goals and objectives of the academic discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the discipline:

Purpose of the discipline : the formation of students' knowledge and professional skills necessary for professional activities.

As a result of mastering the academic discipline, the student should be able to:

Use in practice methods of planning andorganization of the work of the unit;

Analyze organizational structures management;

Carry out work motivationstaff activities;

Apply in professional activitiesmethods of business and managerial communication;

Accept effective solutions usingvarious management methods;

Conduct market research.

As a result of mastering the academic discipline, the student should know:

Essence and character traits contemporarymanagement and hisfeatures in the areaprofessional activity;

Methods of planning and organizing work divisions;

Fundamentals of formation of motivational policy organizations;

The process of adoption and implementation of management decisions;

Functions of management in a market economy:activities of an economic entity;

Strategic, commodity, pricing and marketing policy of the organization;

1.4 List of formed competencies

General competencies(OK)

OK 01. Choose ways to solve problems of professional activity, in relation to different contexts.

OK 02. Search, analyze and interpret the information necessary to perform the tasks of professional activity.

OK 03. Plan and implement your own professional and personal development.

OK 04. Work in a team and team, interact effectively with colleagues, management, clients.

OK 05. To carry out oral and written communication in the state language, taking into account the peculiarities of the social and cultural context.

1.5 The number of hours for mastering the work program of the academic discipline:

the maximum study load of a student is 96 hours, including:

obligatory classroom teaching load of the student 64 hours;

student's independent work 32 hours.


2.1. Volume of academic discipline and types of educational work

preparation for classroom studies (studying literature on given topics, writing abstracts, reports, and other written works)


1 2

Final certification in the formexam

2.2 Thematic plan and content of the discipline:


Watch Volume

Level of development

Section 1. Fundamentals of Management

Lectures (lessons)


Essence and characteristics modern management. The concept of management, its content and place in the system of socio-economic categories. Features of management of organizations of various organizational and legal forms. Goals and objectives of management organizations. WITH essence and characteristic features of modern management

Topics of extracurricular independent work

"Management as a science and art"


Topic 1.2 The management cycle

Lectures (lessons)


Management cycle(planning, organization, motivation and control) - the basis of management activities. The main components of the management cycle. Characteristics of the functions of the cycle. Relationship and interdependence of functions managerial management. The role of planning in the organization, forms of planning. Types of plans. The main stages of planning. Strategic (prospective) planning. Process strategic planning: mission and goals, analysis external environment, analysis of strengths and weaknesses, alternative analysis and strategy selection, strategy implementation management, strategy evaluation.

Independent work of students

Topics of extracurricular independent work

Preparation of an essay on the topic: “Practical prerequisites for the emergence of management, its role in the development modern production.».


Lectures (lessons)


External and internal environment of the organization. Organization as an object of management. Governing bodies.

Basic principles of building organizational structures.

Principles of building organizational management structures

organization. Types of control structures: linear,

functional, linear-functional, linear-scale, etc.

The internal environment of the organization. external environment of the organization:

environmental factors of direct action: suppliers,

consumers, competitors, unions, government bodies;

environmental factors of the organization of indirect impact:

the state of the economy, political and socio-cultural

factors, international events, scientific and technical progress.

Practical lessons

Practical lesson number 1. Analysis of the organizational structure of management

Practice #2. Mission of the organization

Independent work of students

Topics of extracurricular independent work

"Factors of internal and external influence"

Homework: 1 -Ch.1.3 addition to the lecture notes

Subject2.1. Decision making process. Control and its types

Lectures (lessons)


Decision making process. Control and its types. Types of solutions and requirements for them. Methods

decision making. Decision Matrix. Decision levels. Decision-making stages: problem identification, identification of factors and conditions, development of solutions, evaluation and decision-making. Control, concept and essence; control stages: development of standards and criteria, comparison with real results, correction. Control rules and types: preliminary, current, final. Final control documentation

Independent work of students

"Identifying the causes of difficulties in organizing the work of subordinates", "A strategic approach to managing operations."

Homework: 1-ch.9 addition to the lecture notes

Lectures (lessons)


Effective Communication. Functions and purpose of managerial communication. Role and significance information technologies in the field of production management. Rules for conducting conversations, meetings. Planning of these events. Abstract types of interlocutors.

Factors to improve the efficiency of business communication. Technique telephone conversations. Phases of business communication: the beginning of a conversation, the transfer of information, argumentation, refutation of the arguments of the interlocutors, decision making.

Practical lessons

Practice #3.Conducting meetings. Business meeting.

Independent work of students

Topics of extracurricular independent work:

"Phases of business communication".

Homework: 1-ch.8 addition to the lecture notes

Lectures (lessons)


Self-management. Planning and organizing the manager's work. Improvement of working conditions and mode of operation. Analysis of team participation in management. Essence of delegation, rules and principles of delegation. Socio-psychological climate in the team.

Independent work of students

Topics of extracurricular independent work: Preparation of an essay on the topic: "Organization of work


Homework: 1 - ch.6 addition to the lecture notes

Topic 2.4 The system of labor motivation.

Conflict Management

Lectures (lessons)


Motivation and criteria of labor motivation. Individual and group motivation. Group rules. primary and secondary needs. Needs and motivational behavior. Motivation and hierarchy of needs. procedural theories of motivation. Essence and classification of conflicts. Causes of conflicts. Conflict management methods. Rules of conduct in conflict

Organization of work and methods of planning the work of departments. Management decisions

Techniques and methods of business and managerial communication

Resolution of conflict situations. Methods and techniques for resolving conflicts.

Independent work of students

Topics of extracurricular independent work:

"The Essence of Delegation"

Homework: 1 - Ch.3.3 addition to the lecture notes

Lectures (lessons)


Manager image. Technological stability of the leader as the basis of a normal situation in the organization. Power and influence. Types of power: power based on coercion; power based on reward; legitimate authority (influence through tradition); power of example (influence through charisma); expert power. Methods of influence, their content. Leadership and power. Leadership styles in management. Two-dimensional interpretation of styles. Management grid

Management styles

Independent work of students

Topics of extracurricular independent work:

Preparation of a report on the topic: "Power and influence."

Homework: 1-ch.10 addition to the lecture notes

Section 3Marketing

Topic 3.1Market economy concepts

Topic 3.2

Objects marketing activities


Introduction. History of origin and main stages of marketing development. The need for the emergence and improvement of marketing in modern conditions. The main concepts of market relations, their distinctive features.

Marketing as one of the concepts, its essence. Socio-ethical marketing: concept, difference from marketing.


Independent work students: essay writing: "the birth of marketing"

Homework: 1 -ch.1,2 addition to the lecture notes



Objects: need, need, request, exchange, deal. Definition of concepts, their commonality and differences. Classification of needs: physiological, social, mental, intellectual and spiritual; priority needs.

Exchange conditions. Deal types. Demand. Marketing events for different types of demand.

Establishment of the main types of needs and goods as a means of satisfying them.

Independent work: work with textbooks, writing essays, reports, work with periodicals; preparation of crossword puzzles, glossaries, production of posters, layouts; preparation for participation in scientific and practical conferences; performances at seminars; work with directories. Writing essays "Concept socially ethical marketing».

Homework: 1-2 - Ch.3 addition to the lecture notes.

Topic 3.3



Subjects: legal and individuals carrying out marketing activities. Services and departments of marketing in organizations, specialized marketing firms. Marketing Specialist Requirements. Regulations regulating specified requirements.

Organizational structure marketing management. The relationship of the marketing department with management, other departments of the organization. Marketing control system. Consumers: concept, classification.

Analysis of consumer behavior when making purchases

Independent work students: work with a textbook and Internet resources, writing essays " Job description marketer."

Homework: 1-2 -Ch.4 addition to the lecture notes

Topic 3.4

Market segmentation



Basic concepts: segmentation, segment, market niche. Purpose of segmentation. Signs of segmentation of the consumer market: geographical, demographic, socio-economic, psychographic, behavioral.

Product positioning: concept, purpose, conditions for the correct positioning of goods on the market, alternative methods of positioning. Preparation analytical report about the state of the market.

Market segmentation by geographic, demographic, socio-economic and psychographic characteristics

Independent work students: work with a textbook and Internet resources, writing essays "Classification of marketing tools".

Homework : 1-2 -Ch.5 additionlecture notes

Topic 3.5

Marketing Environment



Marketing environment: concept, types, factors that shape environment. Marketing microenvironment: concept. Subjects and controlled factors that form the microenvironment of the organization.

Marketing macroenvironment: concept. Subjects and uncontrollable factors that form the organization's macro environment. Varieties of the macro environment: demographic, social, economic, natural, competitive, legal, technological, cultural. Strategic and opportunistic marketing priorities.

Environmental analysis trade organization

Independent work

Homework: 1-ch.4 addition to the lecture notes

Topic 3.6

Competitive environment




Basic concepts: competition, competitive environment, competitiveness of organizations and goods, competitive advantages. Competition: substantiation of the need for market conditions, types, their characteristic features, conditions of occurrence, methods of creation and maintenance. Governmental support small business, competitiveness of organizations and goods, evaluation criteria, their competitive advantages.

Assessment of the competitiveness of the organization and the establishment of its competitive advantages

Independent work: work with textbooks, writing essays, reports, work with periodicals; preparation of crossword puzzles, glossaries, production of posters, layouts; preparation for participation in scientific and practical conferences; presentations at seminars; work with directories.

Homework: 1-ch.6 addition to the lecture notes

Topic 3.7

Sales policy



Sales types. Marketing means: distribution channels, distribution, their types, functions, levels, their capabilities. Criteria for selecting distribution channels. Sales systems. Resellers: types and types. Analysis and evaluation of effectiveness marketing policy. Classification of methods and means of stimulating the sale of products

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the marketing policy of the organization.

Independent work students: Work with educational and normative literature. Making practical work with computer technology; educational and research work; usage computer technology, Internet; compilation of tables for systematization educational material; study of regulatory materials; solution of situational productive (professional) tasks; preparation for business games; performance of special creative tasks.


Topic 3.8

Marketing tools



Classification of marketing means: means of satisfaction

needs, means of sales promotion. Marketing concept of goods. Product and its commercial characteristics. RLC of a product, its main stages. Specifics of the RLC of goods + product range different groups. Development of new products: justification of the need, stages. Product levels and reinforcement. Brand and brand policy.

Independent work students: Work with educational and normative literature. Registration of practical work using computer technology; educational and research work; use of computer technology, the Internet; drawing up tables to systematize educational material; study of regulatory materials; solution of situational productive (professional) tasks; preparation for business games; performance of special creative tasks.

Homework: 1-ch.7 addition to the lecture notes



3.1. Minimum Logistics Requirements

The implementation of the academic discipline requires the presence of a study room "Management".

Technical means learning:

    licensed computer software and multimedia projector.

Educational and visual aids:

    a set of teaching and visual aids for the discipline " Management";

    statistical reference books;

    illustrative material on individual topics of the discipline;

    lectures-presentations on topics;

    individual task cards

    e-learning material,

    presentations on the topics studied,

    guidelines for practical work,

    interactive posters,

    stands in the officesocio-economic disciplines(themed).

Specialized furniture:

    seats by the number of students;

    teacher's workplace.

3.2. Information support of training

Main sources:

1. Adizes I.K. Management styles - effective and ineffective =

Mismanagement Styles: How to Identify a Style and What To Do About It-

M.: AlpinaPublisher , 2016.- 198 With.

    Basovsky, L.E. Marketing: a course of lectures / L.E. Basovsky. - M. : INFRA, 2015. - 219 p.

    Baskhovsky, L.E. Management: textbook allowance / L.E. Baskhovsky. - M .: INFRA-M, 2015 - 504s.

Vikhansky, O. S. Management: people, strategy, organization,

process: textbook / O.S. Vikhansky, A.I. Naumov. - M.: MGU, 2015 -

4.[Electronic resource]:

5.[Electronic resource]:

6.[Electronic resource]:http:// biblioclub . en / index . php ? page = register


    Economy and life. Business economic newspaper. Comes out weekly.

3.3 General requirements for the organization of the educational process

Classes in the academic discipline are conducted both in the traditional form and using active interactive forms and methods of conducting classes (group discussions, case tasks), information technologies. The set of assessment tools and methodological guidelines includes tasks for active and interactive learning. Advisory assistance to students is provided weekly.

The development of this discipline was preceded by the study of the following disciplines: psychology of communication (OP 01),organization economics (OP.01).

4. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the EDUCATIONAL Discipline

Control and evaluation of the results of mastering the academic discipline is carried out by the teacher in the process of conducting practical classes, testing, as well as the performance of individual tasks by students.

Assessing the quality of development curriculum includes current monitoring of progress, intermediate certification based on the results of mastering the discipline.

Current control is carried out in the form of performing practical tasks, testing, individual tasks performed by students.

Intermediate certification is carried out in the form of an exam.

Learning Outcomes

(learned skills, acquired knowledge, general and professional competencies)

Main indicators for evaluating the result

Forms and methods of monitoring and evaluating learning outcomes

Be able to:

U1 put into practice the methods of planning andorganization of the work of the department

OK 1

analysis and evaluation of the methodology for using in practice the work of the unit, methods of planning and organization

Group tasks;

Individual consultations;

2 analyze organizational structuresmanagement

OK 1-3

Analysis various kinds organizational structures of management,

U3. carry out work motivationstaff activities

OK 1-3

Organization of the definition of motivational activities labor activity personnel;

U4. apply in professional activitiesbusiness and managerial communication techniques

OK 1-4

Finding and using in professional activities the methods of business and managerial communication;

Independent selection and evaluation of various types of communication;

U5. Make effective decisions using various management methods

OK 1-9

analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of decision-making when using management methods in practice

U6. conduct market research

OK 1-5

finding and using in professional marketing activities the techniques of effective market research;


Z1. the essence and characteristic features of modern management and its features in the field of professional activity;

    possession of terminology, concepts, their correct use in answers.

    possession of knowledge, essence and characteristic features of modern and professional management

Presentation of the product at different levels;

Group tasks;

Expert review doing practical work

Individual consultations;

Expert judgment, additions to the answers.

Expert assessment of the performance of independent work

Z2. methods of planning and organizing work divisions

Possession of knowledge of the composition of material, labor and financial resources,

Resource Efficiency Analysis

Z3.bases of formation of motivational policyorganizations

Possession of the methods of the pricing mechanism for products (services),

Possession of forms of remuneration in modern conditions

Z4 the process of adoption and implementation of managementdecisions;

Analysis of the various levels of solutions used in the organization,

Possession of various methods of making managerial decisions

Z5 management functions in a market economy:organization, planning, motivation and controlactivities of an economic entity

Possession of knowledge about the management cycle and the relationship management functions,

Analysis of the effectiveness of planning, organization, motivation and control

Z6 strategic, product, pricing and marketing policy of the organization

Knowledge Possession in area marketing strategy, market research



Control and evaluation of the development of the academic discipline


Forms and methods of control

current control

Intermediate certification

form of control

Checked OK, U, Z

form of control

Checked OK, U, Z

form of control

Checked OK, U, Z

Section 1. Fundamentals of Management

Practical work


U1, U2, U3

Z 1, Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5

OK1 - OK2


U1, U2, U3

Z 1, Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5

OK1 - OK2

Topic 1.1. Essence and characteristic features of modern management

oral questioning

Independent. Job

U1, U2;


OK1 - OK2

Topic 1.2 The management cycle

oral questioning

Independent work

U1, U2, U3;

Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5

OK1 - OK9

Topic 1.3. External and internal environment of the organization

Oral survey, practical work No. 1, Practical work No. 2, Testing

Independent work

U1, U2, U3

Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4

OK1 - OK3

Section 2 Modern technologies personnel management


U1, U2, U3, U4, U5

Z 1, Z2, Z3, Z4

OK1 - OK3


U1, U2, U3, U4, U5

Z 1, Z2, Z3, Z4

OK1 - OK3

Topic 2.1. Decision making process. Control and its types

Oral survey, Practical work No. 3, Testing

Independent work

U3, U4, U5

Z4, Z5, Z6, Z7,


OK1 - OK3

Topic 2.2. Managerial and business conversation

oral questioning


Independent work

U3, U4, U5

Z1, Z3, Z4, Z5,

OK1 - OK4

Topic 2.3. Fundamentals of organizing the work of a team of performers

oral questioning


Independent work

U1, U2, U3, U4,


Z1, 2, Z4;

OK1 - OK4

Topic 2.4 Fundamentals of organizing the work of a team of performers

oral questioning


Independent. Job

U3, U4, U5, Z1, Z2, Z3

OK1 - OK4

Topic 2.5. Features of management in the field of professional activity

oral questioning


Independent. Job

U3, U4, U5

Z1, Z3, Z4

OK1 - OK4

Section 3 Marketing


U1, U2, U5, U6, Z2, Z4, Z6

OK3, OK4, OK5


U1, U2, U5, U6, Z2, Z4, Z6

OK3, OK4

Topic 3.1

Market economy concepts

oral questioning


Independent. Job

U6, Z6

OK3, OK4

Topic 3.2

Objects of marketing activity.

oral questioning


Independent. Job

U6, Z6

OK3, OK4, OK5

Topic 3.3

Subjects of marketing activity.

oral questioning

Testing, Independent. Job

U6, Z6

OK3, OK4, OK5

Topic 3.4

Market segmentation.

oral questioning


Independent. Job

U6, Z6

OK3, OK4, OK5

Topic 3.5

Marketing Environment

oral questioning


Independent. Job

U1, U2, U5, U6, Z2, Z4, Z6

OK3, OK4, OK

Topic 3.6

Competitive environment


oral questioning


Independent. Job

U1, U2, U5, U6, Z2, Z4, Z6

OK3, OK4

Topic 3.7

Sales policy

oral questioning


Independent. Job

U1, U2, U5, U6, Z2, Z4, Z6

OK3, OK4

Topic 3.8

Marketing tools

oral questioning


Independent. Job

U1, U2, U5, U6, Z2, Z4, Z6

OK3, OK4, OK5

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Starooskolsky Technological Institute. A.A. UGAROVA

(branch) federal state autonomous educational institution

higher education

"National Research Technological University "MISiS"


Questions for input control:

    How do you understand the term "economy"?

    How is the subject of economics related to geography, physics, chemistry, history, social science?

    Are "economy" and "economy" the same thing?

    Why is it necessary to study this subject if the future field of activity is not related to the economy?

    When did the first money appear?

    What is a bank?

    Name the main bank of our state

    What is an exchange?

    What is a currency?

    What types valuable papers do you know?

    What is inflation?

    Who is the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation?

    What is a market?

    How do public goods differ from private goods?

    What is a budget? What types of budgets do you know?

rating "excellent" - 85% - 100%;

rating "good" - 70% - 85%;

grade "satisfactory" - 70% - 50%;

rating "unsatisfactory" - less than 50%.

"____" _____________ 201_

Considered at the meeting of the PCC specialty 27.02.07

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Starooskolsky Technological Institute. A.A. UGAROVA

(branch) federal state autonomous educational institution

higher education

"National Research Technological University "MISiS"


PCC specialty 27.02.07

Topics for writing essays

by discipline MANAGEMENT

    The concept of social and ethical marketing.

    Classification of goods.

    Job description of a marketer.

    The history of marketing.

    Classification of needs.

    Classification of marketing tools.

    Methodology for conducting surveys.

    Observation technique.

    State of the consumer market in Russia.

    Life cycle goods.

    Methods for studying demand.

    marketing planning.

    Business planning and its marketing aspects.

    Origins of modern management science;

    Management approaches of various scientific schools;

    The origins of the problems of Russian management;

    The role of entrepreneurship in society;

    Social responsibility of the entrepreneur;

    Ethics and modern management;

    Increasing indicators of ethical behavior;

    Management Science;

    Methods of forecasting and modeling;

    strategic management;

    Strategic approach to operations management;

    Motivation and compensation;

    adaptive leadership;

    Situational approaches to effective leadership;

    Theories of leadership;

    Formation of labor resources;

    Improving the quality of working life;

    Conflict and ways to resolve it;

    Forms of power and influence;

    Ability to manage stress;

    Management - science or art?

    External environment JSC OEMK;

    Internal environment of OAO OEMK;

    Effective motivation;

    Conflict. How to be?

    Power and its management;

    The need for control in the organization;

    Negotiations and their rules;

    Etiquette of conduct at receptions;

    The ability to dress

    Manager image.

Criteria for evaluation:

    rating "excellent" given to a student if creative task created using computer technology ( power presentation Point, Flash presentation, video presentation, etc.) additional sources information. The content of the given topic is disclosed in full. The structure of the report is reflected (introduction, main part, conclusion, there are conclusions and examples). Work form. Originality of execution (work done independently, presented for the first time);

    rating "good" exhibited to the student if the creative task was created using computer technology (presentation power point, Flash presentation, video presentation, etc.) The content of the report includes information from the main sources (methodological guide), additional sources of information were not used. The content of the given topic is not disclosed in full. The structure of the report is preserved (introduction, main part, conclusion, conclusions and examples are present);

    the grade "satisfactory" is given to the student if the creative task is completed without the use of computer technology. The content of the report is limited to information only from the methodological manual. The content of the given topic is not disclosed in full. Conclusions and examples are missing. The originality of performance is low;

    rating "unsatisfactory" exhibited to the student if the task is completed orally, without the use of computer technology and other visual materials. The content is limited to information only from the methodological manual. The given topic of the report is not disclosed, the main idea of ​​the message is not conveyed.

Teacher G.N.Vasilevskaya

"____" _____________ 201_


Minutes No. ____ dated "____" ____________ 201_

Chairman of the PCC ______________

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Starooskolsky Technological Institute. A.A. UGAROVA

(branch) federal state autonomous educational institution

higher education

"National Research Technological University "MISiS"


PCC specialty 27.02.07


in the discipline "Management"

1. The concept of management, the main roles of the manager, implemented in the management process.

2. Management functions.

3. The concept and characteristics of the external environment of the organization.

4. Concept and characteristics internal environment organizations.

5. Factors characterizing the external environment of the organization.

6. The concept of managerial decision.

7. Requirements for management decisions.

8. Types of management decisions.

9. Classification of management decisions.

10. Levels of acceptance of administrative decisions.

11. Stages of making managerial decisions.

12. Strategic planning.

13. Initial theories of motivation.

15. Process theories motivation.

16. Risk management.

17. Types of risks.

18. Types of conflicts.

19. Ways to resolve interpersonal conflicts.

20. Psychology of management.

21. Features of management in the field of professional activity.

22. The concept of motivation, incentive, communication.

23. A. Maslow's theory.

24. Alderfer's theory.

25. McClelland's theory.

26. Herzberg's theory.

27. Vroom's theory.

28. Adams theory.

29. Porter-Lawler theory.

30. Planning function.

31. Two components of the external environment of the organization.

32. Control function.

33. Negotiation process.

34. Power and leadership.

35. The function of the organization.

36. History of marketing development.

37. Concepts of marketing.

38. Differences in social and ethical marketing.

39. Modern Marketing.

40. The concept of need, need, request, exchange, deal.

41. Classification of needs.

42. Exchange conditions.

43. Types of transactions.

44. The concept of demand.

45. Services and departments of marketing in organizations.

46. ​​Specialized marketing firms.

47. Requirements for a marketing specialist. Regulatory documents regulating these requirements.

48. Organizational structure of marketing management.

49. Relationship, marketing department with management, other structures, departments of the organization.

50. System of marketing control.

51. Consumers: concept, classification.

52. Purpose of segmentation.

53. Signs of consumer market segmentation: geographical, demographic, socio-economic, psychographic, behavioral.

54. Product positioning : concept, purpose, conditions for the correct positioning of goods on the market, alternative ways of positioning.

55. Preparation of an analytical report on the state of the market.

56. Marketing Environment : concept, types, factors that form the environment.

57. Marketing microenvironment: concept.

58. Subjects and controllable factors that form the microenvironment of the organization.

59. Marketing macro-environment: concept.

60. Subjects and uncontrollable factors that form the organization's macro environment.

61. Varieties of the macro environment: demographic, social, economic, natural, competitive, legal, technological, cultural.

62. Strategic and competitive marketing priorities.

63. Basic concepts : competition, competitive environment, competitiveness of organizations and goods, competitive advantages.

64. Competition: substantiation of the need in market conditions, types, their characteristic features, conditions of occurrence, methods of creation and maintenance.

65. State support for small business.

66. Competitiveness of organizations and goods, evaluation criteria, their competitive advantages.

67. Types of sales.

68. Means of marketing : distribution channels, distribution, their types, functions, levels, their capabilities.

69. Criteria for choosing distribution channels.

70. Marketing systems.

71. Resellers: types and types.

72. Analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing policy.

73. Classification of methods and means of stimulating the sale of products.

74. Classification of marketing tools : means of meeting needs, means of sales promotion.

75. Marketing concept of goods.

76. Product and its commercial characteristics.

77. RLC of a product, its main stages.

78. Specifics of the RLC of goods + product range of different groups.

79. Development of new products: justification of the need, stages.

80. Product levels and reinforcement.

81. Brand and brand policy.

82. Retail trade.

83. Types of retail trade enterprises: offered product range, prices, form of trade, type of store concentration.

84. Marketing decisions in retail.

85. Wholesale trade.

86. Types of wholesale trade enterprises: wholesalers, merchants, brokers and agents; wholesale offices and manufacturers' offices.

87. Marketing decisions in wholesale trade. Dealers and distributors.

89. The history of the emergence and improvement of advertising.

94. Features marketing research. Types of research.

95. Scheme of marketing research: establishing the problem and formulating the objectives of the study, collecting, analyzing information, evaluating the results, applying the results to make decisions.

96. Correction and optimization of results.

97. Marketing information: purpose, sources, principles of their selection.

98 Use financial statements, reports of managers when collecting marketing information.

99. Marketing planning: strategic planning. Concept.

101. The main stages of the strategic planning process: determining the goals and objectives of the company, creating strategic business units setting marketing goals, situational analysis, development of a marketing strategy, implementation of tactics, control over the implementation.

102. Marketing part business plan.

103. Results of strategic planning.

104. Development of a marketing budget.

105. Strategic Analysis.

Criteria for evaluation:

- score "pass" exhibited to the student, if given a complete, clear description of the scientific definition; the ability to give examples in accordance with the lecture course listened to; the ability to independently analyze the concepts and phenomena proposed for consideration during the offset;

- score "failed" given to a student if the student demonstrates extremely fragmented knowledge within the curriculum; does not realize the connection of a given concept, theory, phenomenon with other objects of discipline; does not own the minimum necessary terminology; makes gross logical errors when answering teacher questions that he cannot correct on his own.

Teacher G.N.Vasilevskaya

"____" _____________ 201_

Considered at the meeting of the PCC specialty 27.02.07

Minutes No. ____ dated "____" ____________ 201_

Chairman of the PCC ______________

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Starooskolsky Technological Institute. A.A. UGAROVA

(branch) federal state autonomous educational institution

higher education

"National Research Technological University "MISiS"


Fund of test tasks

in the discipline "Management"

Tests and situations

    1. Government of the Russian Federation

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education
"National Research University
"High School of Economics"

Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics National Research University Higher School of Economics

Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Engineering

discipline program"Quality Management in Information Systems"

for the direction of training 221400.62 "Quality Management"

Approved at the meeting of the department

"___" ____________ 201

Head department ______________ V.N. Azarov

Approved by the US MIEM NRU HSE "___" _____________201

Scientific Secretary __________ V.P. Simonov

Moscow, 2014

This program cannot be used by other departments of the university and other universities without the permission of the department that developed the program.

  1. Scope and normative references

This program of the academic discipline establishes the minimum requirements for the knowledge and skills of the student and determines the content and types of training sessions and reporting.

The program is intended for teachers leading this discipline, teaching assistants and students studying in the direction 221400.62 "Quality Management", studying the discipline "Quality Management in Information Systems".

The program is designed in accordance with:

    Educational program of direction 221400.62 "Quality Management".

    The working curriculum of the university in the direction 221400.62 "Quality Management".

  1. The goals of mastering the discipline

The objectives of mastering the discipline "Quality Management in Information Systems" are:

    The study of basic concepts and principles of information systems quality management.

    Modern forms of information systems quality management.

    Mastering the methods of quality management of information systems in solving problems of informatization of systems.

  1. Competences of the student, formed as a result of mastering the discipline

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must:

    Know theoretical and methodological foundations and principles of information systems quality management;

    Have an idea about the life cycle of an information system and the main stages in its construction, organization of the process of implementing an information system.

    Be able to use normative and instrumental means of quality management in information technology.

    Have skills (gain experience) on modern, promising approaches, theoretical and methodological foundations of quality management in information systems, basic concepts in this area.

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student masters the following competencies:


GEF / NRU code

Descriptors - the main signs of development (indicators of achievement of result)

Forms and methods of teaching that contribute to the formation and development of competence

Receives knowledge and ability to monitor and own methods for evaluating progress in the field of quality improvement.

Receives knowledge, develops methods and techniques.

Lectures, practical exercises.

Receives the ability to apply tools for the implementation of information systems.

Receives ability to apply IP implementation tools.

Practical lessons.

Acquires the ability to apply knowledge of the principles and methods of development and rules for the application of regulatory and technical documentation to ensure the quality of information systems.

Acquires ability to apply knowledge.

Practical classes, independent work

Acquires the ability to participate in the implementation of corrective and preventive measures aimed at improving quality.

Acquires ability to participate in corrective and preventive actions

Practical lessons

  1. The place of discipline in the structure of the educational program

This discipline belongs to the cycle of general professional disciplines and the block of special disciplines in the educational program of direction 221400.62 "Quality Management".

The study of this discipline is based on the following disciplines:

    Means and methods of quality management.

    Statistical quality control.

    Informatics and computer technology.


To master the academic discipline, students must have the following knowledge and competencies:

    Know the theoretical and methodological foundations of product and service quality management.

    To know the basic methods of means of ensuring the quality of information systems.

    Be able to use quality management tools in terms of quality assurance of information systems.

    Have an understanding of the basic principles of ITSM, the structure of the standards of the ISO 9000, ISO 2000 series, the main statistical methods in quality management.

    Be able to use tools for quality management and quality assurance of information systems.

    Possess the skills of professional argumentation when analyzing situations in the field of international certification of quality systems and quality audit.

The main provisions of the discipline should be used in the future when studying the following disciplines:

    Technology and organization of production and services.

    Quality management in information systems.

    Testing and testing equipment.

    Process management.

  1. Thematic plan of the academic discipline

Section name

Total hours

classroom hours

Independent work

Practical lessons

The role and place of information systems in quality management

Traditional IT standards

Life cycle of information systems

Management Information Systems

Production support information systems

Organization of the process of implementing information systems

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