
Ability to make connections. Networking - useful business connections or how to expand your business through the right contacts! Don't showcase your strengths and weaknesses all at once

What is the key skill for a new leader? But not what you thought - first of all, he must be able to make useful connections. You ask, why waste time and energy on empty chores? The answer is simple: either you acquire the necessary acquaintances, or continuous failures await you. What useful connections are and how to make them correctly, an article from the new issue of HBR-Russia will tell.

As a rule, people rise up the career ladder who know their business well and are able to achieve results from subordinates. When at one point they go beyond their department and face the problems of the business as a whole, they do not immediately understand that the most important thing is not to master the methods system analysis and learn how to connect and maintain relationships. Meeting people who are interested in their projects or who may take part in them in the future is not a waste of time, distracting from the “real business”, but the most main job, the essence of their new responsibilities.

Most newly minted bosses consider building connections with the “right” people a matter of little honor, they say, at best, such communication is outwardly the most decent way to use a person in their own interests. It is not surprising that only a few easily make acquaintances - for most beginners it is not easy to overcome this prejudice. But after all, there is nowhere to go: either a person acquires useful connections, or sheer failures await him: he will either not be promoted to a leadership position, or he will not correspond to it.

Watching executives take on this daunting task, we learned that there are three types of social media: workers, personal And strategic. The former help in current affairs, the latter are needed for personal development, others - to enter new areas of business and people who would be good to involve in new projects.

Working ties

Leaders should support good business relationship with everyone on whom the results of work depend to some extent - this is their working social network. Many boast a huge number business dating, because not only subordinates and bosses get into the working network, but also colleagues in the shop, authoritative employees who can block or, conversely, support the project; clients, etc. People working together need to get used to each other - and then mutual trust will appear between them. This task is not as simple as it seems, but at least it is clear with whom you need to be “friends”. In your network you need to include everyone who can do the work and who is needed for the success of the business - the criterion that determines belonging to the work network is completely unambiguous.

The mistake of most leaders is to rely on the people with whom they work side by side day in and day out. It is good to solve specific problems with them, but not to chart a strategic course. After all, even informal working relationships are tied to short-term goals. The potential of a working network depends on the mutual understanding and mutual trust of its members. But any, even the strongest working relationship is unlikely to help the manager reach a new level - after all, these contacts are focused on current problems.

Personal connections

When a newly minted leader finally realizes that focusing on his department will not lead to good, he begins to look for like-minded people on the side. And then it becomes clear to him how imperfect his ideas about business and social skills are, in particular, that he knows little about others. professional fields. Because of this, it is difficult for him to find a common language with people with whom he is not connected. daily work. It is necessary to expand your horizons, for this you should join a professional association or club, for example. This is how a network of personal acquaintances is formed.

Many managers are perplexed: why waste precious time on all this fuss, since it has no direct relation to work? It's simple: new people can recommend you to someone, open new horizons for you, teach you something and help with advice. Thanks to personal acquaintances, a person not only develops himself, but also acquires strategic connections.

Most often, we make friends outside of work: we are looking for those with whom we have something in common. And already they can connect us with the right people, and in this sense, personal social media have great potential. And the value of our contacts is determined by how many people we can reach the one we need.

Strategic connections

When a young leader who previously managed a small department is promoted to a larger high position, he has to rebuild - learn to think strategically. What contribution he personally makes to the common cause largely depends on how he builds relationships with other leaders and what place he takes in the strategic network with its extensive system of communications and information exchange.

Influence on many different people - in terms of profession, position, experience, goals and motivation - can be someone who offers ideas for the entire company, and not just for his department. In order to “sell” these ideas to the management and get what you want, you need to join coalitions and press all available levers.

A real leader differs from an ordinary leader in that he knows where to go and knows how to gather the right people under his banner. Win over influential employees, surround yourself with loyal followers, feel the atmosphere inside, bring together the right people - all this an integral part of his works. But not every beginner understands this. As career development someone, realizing his growing dependence on others, tries to make others dependent on himself.

People who masterfully establish strategic connections not only influence their environment, but actively shape it: they select and transfer their subordinates to key positions, find new sources of funding, provide patronage to the right people when hiring, and even reshuffle boards of directors for the sake of prosperity. business. It is not easy for a young leader to acquire strategic connections - it takes a lot of time and effort, and there is barely enough of it anyway. But the retribution for such short-sightedness comes at the most inopportune moment - when a failure occurs in the work of their unit. This is where they need to call for help from outside, but they, as a rule, try to save the situation on their own, and it is clear that during a rush job they are not at all up to “idle” communication. The trick is not to become isolated in your working network, but to gradually add new links and turn it into a strategic one.

Just do it

Relationships with people need to be cared for and cherished, otherwise they will wither away. It's a real job, sometimes quite hard. What to do so that it brings both pleasure and benefit? Change your settings. Often leaders brush off the problem: "I'm already up to my neck." Someone thinks that traveling through acquaintances is indecent. Be that as it may, if a novice leader does not understand that building relationships with people is one of the key points of a new job, he does not devote enough time and effort to this and, therefore, cuts the branch on which he sits. The ability to make and maintain connections, treating people with respect, and not manipulating them like pawns in your game, is a question. common sense and intuition. Much can be learned by watching and listening to those who are especially gifted with this talent.

Build connections within the organization through "outside" contacts. Making strategic contacts is not at all easy, because there is not always a “natural” reason to communicate with a person from another department, if he also occupies a higher position than you. When there is no common task or excuse for meetings, create them yourself.

Take the time to communicate. If a young leader does not learn to transfer part of his responsibilities to subordinates, he will always find good reason to evade communication, formal and informal, with colleagues from other departments, because it really takes time from work. But the less often we train in some business, the worse it is given to us. Thus a vicious circle is formed.

Keep your connections updated. If you have created a large database of business acquaintances, constantly replenish your phone book, this does not mean that you have an extensive social network. Many start with this, but then things stop - it turns out to be difficult to maintain acquaintance by phone. Therefore, the majority realizes only when the thunder strikes and the right person is needed, as they say, desperately. But communication virtuosos act differently. They grab every opportunity to remind themselves, get or give advice to friends.

To reap a good harvest, you need to tirelessly cultivate the soil. The same is true in dealing with people. We are not forgotten as long as we are visible and heard. Do not be afraid to once again ask for a small favor, take the initiative yourself - bring together people who, in your opinion, can be useful to each other. Do something, it doesn't matter what. Most importantly, do not let your connections rust, make people believe that getting to know you is useful to them.

To create a reliable social network, you need not only to be able, but to want to do it. When the first efforts do not bring quick results, many give up. Then comes the hasty conclusion: this job is not for them. But in fact, special innate talents are not needed here, and it is not necessary to be an overly sociable extrovert. This is a skill, and it is acquired by constant training.

You can't become a true leader without stepping outside your work network. The budding leader will have to weave his own strategic network, including people who are not related to his profession or business and do not work in his company. Such a transition - from working in a specialty that brings quick practical results, to such an ephemeral activity as communication - is not easy for anyone. You have to rethink your tasks and build relationships in accordance with your new status. The young manager will have to realize that in a new role he is simply obliged to form a wide circle of acquaintances, which means that he must devote as much time and effort as necessary to this work in order to get a return.

Erminia Ibarra - Professor, Head of the Department of Organizational Behavior international school INSEAD business (Fontainebleau, France); runs a program for managers moving to senior management positions. Her latest book, Gaining the Self: Extraordinary Career-Changing Strategies, was published in Russian translation in 2005. Mark Hunter is a journalist, lecturer at INSEAD where he teaches communications courses, and author of The Passions of Men. Work and Love in the Age of Stress" (Putnam, 1988).

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Along with questions about how to get rid of energy bindings, magicians are often asked how, on the contrary, to strengthen them, and whether it is possible to do it on their own and safely. I answer - it is possible! I will only be glad if the practices that I give you are useful to you. Once I myself received them from my teachers, and now I am happy to tell the readers of my blog about them. So, how to establish a strong energy connection with your loved one? There are many ways to do this, and not necessarily magical ones. The main thing is to know the basic principle of the formation and existence of these connections.
At the moment of finding new relationships or to maintain existing ones, you need to invest your inner warmth and energy in them. Each person has his own "account" in the "bank of emotions" of another person. It is on this principle that all relationships between people are based. You to me, and I to you. Any relationship is a mutually beneficial cooperation between two partners. Like it or not, you need to accept this axiom so that you can successfully move on.
The main tool in creating or strengthening an energy connection is the subconscious.
Plus, of course, it will take some patience. The material world is inert, slowly changing, so it takes time to fulfill your desire. Set aside at least five to ten minutes a day for this. Best time for this night, when you have already gone to bed and closed your eyes. Another auspicious time is the morning, when you have just woken up and have not had time to open your eyes yet. In this relaxed state, you are in between sleep and wakefulness. At this moment, the gates of the subconscious are most open to influence.
1. Merge. Imagine your lover standing in front of you. Connect with him in complete love, let your imagination merge your bodies and souls together. Penetrate each other, connect every cell of your bodies, become one whole at the energy level. Imagine that there was a real diffusion of your cells. You have penetrated each other with your whole body, your whole being. Now imagine that rose and lotus petals are falling on you from the sky, and surround you with a magical, beautiful aroma. Both of you are engulfed in a golden and green glow that is getting brighter and brighter. This light becomes so bright that it floods everything around. At the moment of visualization, it is necessary to maintain the concentration of attention on the Anahata (heart) chakras, and at the moment of unification on Svadhisthana (the area below the navel), as well as evoke a feeling of love, tenderness and interpenetration. This will replenish your emotional "balance" in your partner's account and will constantly refresh your feelings.
In real life, do not forget to replenish this balance by giving your beloved various nice things and gifts, massage and various services, it strengthens relationships and adds love.
2. Love telepathy. How to convey to your partner the necessary thoughts, feelings and emotions about you and your harmonious union. To do this, take a photo of the person to whom you want to convey your "message". If you do not have a photograph, you can draw the object on paper, write its name, date of birth. Try to feel his presence. All people constantly unconsciously accept and radiate subtle information in the form of energy impulses-waves. Each is at its own wavelength. To tune in to the wave of the person you want to bind to yourself, you need to focus on him and feel him nearby.
- dive into a light trance and relax the muscles of the body;
- carefully look at the photo (drawing) of this person, 1-3 minutes. Focus on it;
- close your eyes, imagine it very vividly and realistically;
- mentally say the words that you want to convey to him;
- imagine how your thoughts go to the forehead chakra, Ajna (third eye, bridge of the nose) and radiate from there in the form of a golden ray of energy;
- this golden ray reaches this person, penetrates through his third eye into his head and is fixed there by light, bright ones - yours! - images.
It sounds complicated, but it's really easy, especially if you practice. The execution time of this practice is from 5 minutes every day. To make the effect stronger, you can do this 3 times a day.
3. "Night mail". The formation of energy bonds during sleep is especially effective. Therefore, you can transmit your thoughts and images when he (she) is sleeping. When a person sleeps, during REM sleep, the consciousness exchanges information with the subconscious. In this case, the programming of the brain (behavior, instincts, metabolism) takes place. At this time, the words you put into his mental stream will be very powerful.
4. Solar circle. Helps to kindle the flame of love in the heart of the one you like.
This practice can be done anytime and anywhere if you want to win the heart of your loved one. It is performed in close contact or at a far distance. Works for both men and women. It is also advisable to perform at night, when the beloved is sleeping.
- close your eyes and imagine both of you in a kind of outlined circle, the boundaries of which can be any;
- imagine the shining Sun above you;
- now focus on feelings of love for this person;
- put all your love and your image into this Sun;
- then order the Sun to fly to this person, penetrate into his very heart and kindle a fiery love for you there;
- hold the Sun and your image in its heart for 3-5 minutes;
- imagine that the boundaries of the circle have shifted a little, thus bringing this person closer to you. Then release the vision.
Repeat daily for 28 days and soon you will notice that the person has become indifferent to you.
Works very effectively and is not a love spell. The sun does not leave negative consequences And

To be successful in business, one must not only know what others know, but also those they know. Making business contacts isn't just about a LinkedIn profile or a bloated Rolodex. Making connections and maintaining relationships with people who have the power to advance your career is the key to success for most. By effectively building relationships with colleagues, business partners and others, you can be sure that when you need new client, new job or advanced training, you will be able to help yourself with the help of your connections. Establishing business contacts is a key task, as well-established connections put you apart from the competition. One of best advice, which everyone who has ever worked as an intern in a large organization has received is: “Make connections, make connections and make connections again while you are here! Take advantage of the access that you have and that allows you to meet smart people and build your network of contacts so that when you leave from there (or they do it first), there is a foundation for relationships. This article will teach you to distinguish different types contacts in your network, better use some of the latest features of LinkedIn, and finally show once again why face-to-face networking, so-called face-to-face (offline) networking, is still the best.

Categories of linking

Back when regular mail was the main form of business communication, it took days to get in touch with someone from another company. With the advent of the telephone, all you need to do is pick up the phone and make a call. But modern technologies even the telephone has been rendered unimportant in many respects. Knowing only people's names, you can google them, look up their LinkedIn profiles, find out about them on Facebook, and if they have Twitter, read their tweets. Information about people is becoming fundamentally more accessible, but this does not detract from the importance of old-fashioned offline networking. If you ask for ten different people define networking, you get ten different answers. But according to the Oxford Dictionary, a network is a group of people who exchange information, contacts and experiences for professional and friendly purposes. Networking is building relationships before you need those relationships. This is difficult because we tend to do things only when we need to. But, for example, if you're going to run a marathon, you don't start running until the day of the competition, do you? You remember the day of the race all the time and work hard, train to achieve your goal. It’s the same with established connections: when you really need a new job or new clients, existing contacts will be your key to success. As you qualify your contacts, you can classify them into five different subgroups within your network, try not to mix them up, and think of them as an inverted pyramid. 1. Database. Everyone in your network that you have interacted with (via email, phone, speech, Rolodex, Twitter). This is the largest group. 2. Network. Your friends and family, fellow students or business network are certain subgroups of people you trust. Their number rarely exceeds 200 people. To check who exactly is on your network, try calling. Those who call you back immediately are online. 3. Narrow circle. Ideally - about 50 people, which can change every year. They give unbiased assessments of your career. 4. Personal advisory board. 5-6 people with whom you are very close, and who can be your competent adviser not only in career matters, but in general in life. 5. Friends, family and loved ones. The most obvious group: those who probably love you. For something or just because.

Building connections through social networks

While networking has always been vital to business relationships and expansion client base, this process has never been as easy as it is now. While face-to-face communication remains the best form of networking, you no longer need to send regular mail or even call to interact and form groups. Social media has made it much easier to find and connect with other professionals. The leader among such networks is LinkedIn, a seven-year-old business-oriented social network. This is a mixed type of networking: from online to offline. Launched in May 2003, LinkedIn has grown tremendously over the past few years. From 30 million members and 200 employees at the beginning of 2008 to over 75 million members worldwide and over 600 employees today, according to company spokesperson Christa Canfield. Plus, new members are joining LinkedIn every second of every day. LinkedIn is used in 200 countries around the world. There are many additional options for networking through social media, from the self-evident Facebook and Twitter to the lesser known ones. local networks. But the real value of LinkedIn lies in the ability to use it to find invisible connections between your network and the rest of the world. There are not so many all kinds of services or games that will distract you. But to be successful on LinkedIn, you must have a detailed profile and strategy. According to research, more and more people prefer to communicate through social networks than write letters. Here are some tips and tricks on how to use LinkedIn (besides just creating a profile and making connections) to get the most out of it.

Take advantage of LinkedIn features

If you joined LinkedIn but didn't complete your detailed profile, you won't get everything from the network. Everything is needed to meet in the community. And the more complete your profile, the more likely it is that potential client, HR manager or friends will be able to find out about you. Don't think it's that easy. Your LinkedIn profile is search engine optimized, so the more information about you, the more referrals you receive, and the more good contacts you have, the less barriers your site visitors will have to learning about you. There are a few more ways to optimize your profile on LinkedIn that you need to take note of.

Avoid general invitations

One of the biggest mistakes you can make on LinkedIn is sending a request to contact former colleagues or business partners without personally identifying it. “I'm fed up with letters like, 'Please join my professional network,'” says Darlene. Don't you have time to change at least one word in the invitation? Why should I accept this invitation? And even if I accept it and do not remove you from my contact list, I hardly want to do anything for you.

Remember good online manners

Your LinkedIn network is not the same as your Facebook friends or your Twitter followers. Only business dealings are accepted here, so think carefully before you say or post any information. If your friends are interested in knowing that you got sushi poisoning and will never go to that same restaurant again, do your business contacts need to know this? Think of managing your network and groups like you would at a business lunch. If you're not going to lunch to tell someone to buy your product or service, then don't do it in a LinkedIn group either. Think about how you would feel if you saw a post like this.

Quality, not quantity

While sites like Twitter are interested in the number of users, LinkedIn should be considered as a platform for quality connections. This applies to truly personal relationships. There are people on LinkedIn called LION users (short for LinkedIn Open Network). They connect with almost everyone, often without having a real relationship. Slow down and don't try to connect with the whole world on LinkedIn. If your network has 5000 contacts, then it is good to manage such a network - beyond human strength. The reason people love John & Kate Plus Eight is because it's a devastatingly unrealistic story. It is impossible to cope with eight children without help or a lot of money. It's the same with networking. Spend more time with people you actually know.

Follow companies

One of the coolest features on LinkedIn, launched on April 29, 2010, is the ability to follow companies. It's a bit like the familiar feature on Facebook, where you can become a fan of the page of a person or organization, but much more useful. By following companies like Apple, Microsoft, and others, as well as people, you can see constant updates, including company news, new appointments, resignations, and vacancies. Given LinkedIn's relevancy, you might be pleasantly surprised to learn that someone in your network knows someone from this company or can put you in touch with a client or hiring manager. In addition, if you have a small company, you can constantly see who is monitoring your development.

Keep track of your competitors

Of course, constant monitoring of what your competitors (not only companies, but also individuals) are doing cannot be called special function LinkedIn. But if you're a VP of Sales, spend quick search by position to see what profiles people in the same position have created for themselves. You can see what works for them, where they are, and so on. This can in turn help you get more out of your profile and, more importantly, maximize your value in your company.

Join groups

Create them, join them and engage in them. Depending on your industry, there are many groups that bring together professionals in similar positions, as well as companies that you may not even know. Users can click on the group tab at the top of the LinkedIn homepage to find a group by interest, industry, or career. As a group administrator, you can send messages to any contacts in your subgroups or read others.

The Importance of Offline Networking

While networking online naturally makes it easier to connect and stay up to date on status and career changes, nothing beats the effect of face-to-face networking. The most obvious places where you can make connections live are all kinds of networking events, conferences, etc. Conferences are not only an opportunity to get information about new technologies and companies, but also a great way to make contacts. And technology can help you both before and after. Before heading to a conference or other event, you can research speakers and attendees online and see who you'd be most interested in talking to and listening to. You used to be puzzled by pamphlets and a three-line biography of a person, but now you can find out much more for yourself. You can also send an e-mail to the person you are interested in in advance under the heading “I look forward to meeting you at the conference”, and at the conference find him and talk. Has not lost its importance and the art of exchanging business cards at various events. You can share information about yourself with anyone in an instant. And many creative people today put on business cards much more than just basic information (LinkedIn URL, link to a personal website, indicate their nickname on Twitter, etc.). Some even manage to put their photos on business cards, which helps others a lot to remember who you are. On the other hand, technology and smartphones make it possible to share information at offline events much faster than before. With Bump Technology, a cutting-edge new iPhone app and operating system Android, you can literally pair your phone with another person's phone and your contact information, including photos, important dates, and even connections via social networks like LinkedIn, will be instantly shared. But even if you exchanged information, it is still better to focus on the meeting when you have already returned from the conference. Send a private message saying you were pleased to meet you and set up a time to meet again when they're in town, or join a group they're in to take part in conversations. Effective networking is knowing people and getting to know new people through acquaintances. Your network is only as strong as how well you manage it.

If you have no work experience, or you decide to change the field of activity, or have not worked for a long time for various reasons, you probably think that you have absolutely nothing to interest a potential employer. You feel like an impostor who will certainly be exposed and politely refused.

Do not despair. There are some simple and effective ways to get the attention of the people you need, even if you have nothing to show off.

Probe the soil

Relationships are two-way. Much depends not so much on your self-presentation, but on your desire to get to know the interlocutor as best as possible.

Getting to know a potential employer is like a first date: you just look at each other.

If it turns out that you are not at all suitable for each other, well, it's good that you figured it out quickly. You can immediately start looking for someone more suitable.

Ask questions instead of retelling your own. Think in advance what is important to you and what is unacceptable in your future work. Be interested in project details and company policies. It will be awkward at first, but it will pass quickly.

Show genuine interest

Don't ask questions that can be answered with "yes", "no" or "I've been with this company for three years." You don't need data. You need a conversation that will be remembered.

Do not forget that every person, even the highest rank, wants to be heard and understood. The trouble is that in most cases we listen to the interlocutor in order to answer and say what we think. Suppress that urge and just listen.

When answering, repeat what you heard in different words and ask a new question.

From the moment you approach the interlocutor, he expects you to start presenting yourself. When he sees that you are listening to him without trying to draw attention to his own person, he will gratefully tell you everything you want.

Think about what you can offer the interlocutor

Even if you have never worked, you have something to offer. The main thing that your future leader wants to know about you is how you can be useful. Therefore, do not start communication with a potential employer by asking about salary and working conditions.

If he sees you as a worthy candidate and wants to get you on his team, you can certainly negotiate acceptable terms. But first, think about what you can give your employer.

Don't rush and don't push

If you succeeded with the person you are interested in, do not start planning your further relationship and do not offer to meet tomorrow morning to continue the conversation. All you have to do is enjoy the here and now. In the future, this will play into your hands.

Don't showcase your strengths and weaknesses all at once

In an effort to please, you do not need to demonstrate all your virtues at once. Your interlocutor will mentally compare himself with you, and he will not be very pleased to lose in this comparison.

Rushing to the other extreme and demonstrating self-doubt is also not worth it. Just do not hide the fact that you would like to improve your skills and learn something new.

Recognizing their weak sides, you give your opponent the right to their own imperfections. Both of you will relax and your conversation will become more relaxed.

Even if you don't have the most impressive resume, don't despair. Your desire to work and grow is much more important.

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