
System analysis as a way to solve problems. Modern problems of system analysis and management System analysis methods of problem research

Mathematical description of the system and its properties. External and internal description of systems. Implementation task. Description in the language of set theory and the language of states. Communication "input-output". Systems with a finite number of states. Choosing a convenient description. Automata class. Description in the language of entropy and potential functions. Stochastic systems. Identification. The role of constraints in the system. The concept of a fuzzy set and its application to describe systems, basic operations on a fuzzy set, membership function and its definition. Fuzzy arithmetic. Fuzzy sets of higher order. Global properties of large systems: dimension, complexity, connectivity, stability, unpredictability of behavior. Structural stability of systems. Catastrophes and adaptability of systems. Types of system complexity and methods of determination. Structural, dynamic and computational complexity. Relationship between structural and dynamic complexity. Axioms of complexity. Classification of system problems by computational complexity. Turing machine.

Methods for analyzing the connectivity and complexity of systems. Connectivity of the structure of large systems. Description of connectivity using a graph. Simplexes, complexes and multidimensional connections. Eccentricity. The concept of homotopy. Holes and obstacles. Chains and borders. Extension of the concept of topological connectivity. Coverings, partitions and hierarchy. Building permit forms. Algebraic connection. Linear and non-linear systems. Semigroups and nodal connections. The Kron-Rhoads decomposition theorem and its application. Decomposition of analytical systems. Structural complexity and hierarchy. Connectivity scheme. The concept of diversity. Interaction levels. Dynamic complexity and the problem of different time scales. The complexity of the machines. evolutionary complexity. topological complexity. Complexity and information theory.

Methods for analyzing the stability and adaptability of systems. Using external and internal descriptions to analyze the stability of systems. structural stability. Connected stability and adaptability. Graphs and processes of perturbation propagation in the system. Stability of the "black box" system with feedback. Internal models and stability. Hopf bifurcation. Structurally stable dynamical systems. Catastrophe theory and its use in solving system problems. Feature types. Build type crash. Stability with respect to perturbation and with respect to the initial value. Adaptability of dynamic processes. Adaptability and catastrophes. Morse-Smale systems and adaptability.

Problems of management and decision making. The main tasks of system analysis in management. Active and passive control. evolutionary systems. Managed and unmanaged systems. reachable area. Features of the reachability boundary. Control stability and feedback. Stability according to Lyapunov. bifurcation control. Managed adaptability. The concept of control of singular distributed systems. The problem of optimization in decision making. The problem of choice and complexity. Single-purpose and multi-purpose decision-making models. Usefulness of solutions. Risk and its assessment. Heuristic methods for finding a solution. Application of fuzzy set theory to problem solving optimal choice. A functional approach based on the introduction of a fuzzy distance measure. Fuzzy classification, fuzzy logic. Tasks optimal control under many criteria. Discrete multiobjective problems and problems with continuous time. Markov decision making models.

List of main literature

1. Romanov V.N. Complex systems analysis technique: Tutorial. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of SZTU, 2011.

2. Romanov V.N. Basics of system analysis: Training and metodology complex. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of SZTU, 2008.

3. Romanov V.N. Fuzzy systems. St. Petersburg: LEMA Publishing House, 2009.

List additional literature

4. Bellman R. Decision making in vague conditions / R. Bellman, L. Zadeh // Questions of analysis and decision-making procedures: Sat. translations. Ed. I.F. Shakhnov. M.: Mir., 1976.

5. Viner N. Cybernetics, or control and communication in animals and machines. Moscow: Nauka, 1989.

6. Volkova V.N. Theory of systems and methods of system analysis in management and communication / V.N. Volkova, V.A. Voronkov, A.A. Denisov. Moscow: Radio and communication, 1983.

7. Zheleznov I.G. Complex technical systems. M.: graduate School, 1984.

8. Mesarovic M. General theory of systems: Mathematical foundations / M. Mesarovic, I. Takahara. M.: Mir, 1976.


According to the Regulations on the test form for monitoring students' knowledge and the quality of education of the Mining University, the state exam is held in the form of testing and includes 200 questions. From the disciplines included in the first block, 100 questions of the final test are formed (exemplary test tasks are given in Appendix 1). The remaining 100 questions are formed from the disciplines of the second block.

Exam tests are developed by teachers who lead the relevant academic discipline, and are submitted a month before the final state exam to the chairman of the state examination committee, signed by the author, head of the department, an expert from among the leading teachers of the department. The Chairman of the State Examination Commission forms the final version of the test and, after approval by the Vice-Rector for academic work passes it to the testing department.

The subject of test tasks is complex and corresponds to selected sections from various training cycles that form specific competencies: OK1-8, PC1-5, PC7, PC10, PC12.

Testing is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the test form for monitoring students' knowledge and quality of education

The results of the final state exam (printout of the results of the exam) are issued to the chairman of the state examination committee in the testing department on the day of the exam and submitted to the state examination committee for consideration.

Based on an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the state examination commission for rating score test results (scales), the chairman puts down the received marks in the questionnaire cards, in the examination sheet and in the students' record books.

The graduate's answer at the final state exam is determined by the marks: "excellent", "good", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory" in accordance with the scale approved by the minutes of the meeting of the state examination commission.

Compiled by:

Annex 1


No. p.p. Questions Answer options
1. Forecast, the result of which is presented as a single value of the characteristic of the forecasting object without specifying confidence interval, is called ...
2. What is the name of the forecasting principle that requires the coordination of normative and exploratory forecasts of different nature and different lead times?
3. A leading reflection of reality, based on the knowledge of the laws of nature, society and thinking, is ... 1. flashback. 2. reconstruction. 3. verification. 4. scientific foresight. 5. intuition.
4. Equality is used to define... 1. family of level lines. 2. Algorithm for solving the problem. 3. objective function. 4. MM-criterion. 5. S-criterion.
5. What is the name of the forecasting principle that requires interconnection and subordination of the forecasts of the forecasting object and the forecast background and their elements? 1. the principle of profitability. 2. the principle of consistency. 3. the principle of consistency. 4. the principle of continuity. 5. the principle of verifiability.
6. A forecast, the content of which is to determine the possible states of the forecasting object in the future, is called ... 1. search engine. 2. regulatory. 3. interval. 4. dotted. 5. one-dimensional.

7. Information technology is... 1. procedure for evaluating the effectiveness of the system. 2. a process that uses a set of means and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data to obtain information of a new quality about the state of a system, object, process or phenomenon. 3. procedure for restoring the system state vector from information about the output vector. 4. the process of transferring the system from one state to another due to the influence of some control. 5. property of the system to maintain good condition.
8. Shannon's entropy is... 1. measure of uncertainty. 2. method for solving the problem. 3. information system. 4. uncertainty factor. 5. distribution law.
9. Type of initial data storage in Statgraphics environment? 1. graphic. 2. text. 3. spreadsheet. 4. coded. 5. program.
10. The realization of the purpose of the forecast by combining specific forecasts based on the principles of forecasting is called ... 1. predictive system. 2. comparison of forecasts. 3. planning the experiment. 4. synthesis of forecasts. 5. time series analysis.
11. What characteristic corresponds to PPP Statgraphics? 1. there is no data import. 2. integrated graphics. 3. no interactive graphics. 4. lack of statistical consultation. 5. non-modular design.
12. Evaluation of the reliability and accuracy or validity of the forecast is ... 1. verification. 2. approbation. 3. decorrelation. 4. clustering. 5. analysis of time series.
13. What module allows you to solve the problem of one-dimensional forecasting using the Statgraphics PPP? 1. descriptions of data. 2. planning of the experiment. 3. data comparison. 4. quality control. 5. analysis of time series.

14. Principal Component Method allows... 1. compare data. 2. build a regression. 3. reduce the dimension of the data. 4. choose the law of distribution. 5. increase the dimension of the data.
15. If the pairwise correlation coefficient is 0, then the relationship between the two variables... 1. missing. 2. directly proportional. 3. inversely proportional. 4. non-linear. 5. optimal.
16. PATTERN is... 1. forecasting method. 2. computer complex. 3. idea generator. 4. database. 5. predictive system.
17. The preference functions of which criterion are shown in the figure? 1. S-test. 2. G-test. 3. MM-criteria. 4. The gambler's criterion. 5. BL-criterion
18. What criterion is determined by this ratio? 1. minimax criterion. 2. Savage's criterion. 3. Hodge-Lehman criterion. 4. Hurwitz criterion. 5. gambler's criterion.
19. The level lines (preference functions) in a rectangular coordinate system for the Germeier criterion are given by… 1. isosceles trapezoids. 2. parallel lines. 3. right triangles. 4. rectangular cones. 5. isosceles triangles.
20. What kind of criterion exists? 1. Criterion with preference normals. 2. criterion with preference planes. 3. criterion with direct preferences. 4. criterion with a preference angle. 5. criterion with preference curves.

21. The coefficient of influence is determined ... 1. 2. . 3. . 4. . 5. .
22. Relevance is... 1. identifying the importance of one alternative relative to another. 2. a measure of the disorder of a system consisting of many elements. 3. the number of parameters in the system. 4. a measure of the characteristics of an object, indicating its value. 5. measure of the influence of parameters on the result of the solution.
23. The evaluation function is defined... 1. values ​​of vectors of dependent variables. 2. vector values independent and dependent variables. 3. Vector values independent variables. 4. values ​​of modules of vectors independent and dependent variables. 5. sum of vectors independent and dependent variables.
24. Entropy is... 1. speed of reaction to external influence. 2. degree of certainty. 3. a measure of the uncertainty of a signal transmitted by a random source. 4. increase in the power of the signal transmitted by a random source. 5. Reducing the power of the signal transmitted by a random source.

25. The predictive confidence factor for a series of ω realizations, taking into account the probability α of the error, is defined as… 1. . 2. . 3. . 4. . 5. .
26. The flexible criterion looks... 1. . 2. . 3. . 4. . 5. .
27. The prerequisites that must be met for a flexible decision criterion do not include… 1. . 2. . 3. . 4. . 5. .
28. The number of conditions for fulfilling the flexible decision criterion… 1. 3. 2. 4. 3. 6. 4. 5. 5. 7.
The adaptive Kofler-Meng criterion is defined by the expression… 1. . 2. . 3. . 4. . 5. .

30. It does not apply to the properties of piecewise linear information ... 1. In the probabilistic subspace of this information, there is a real extremum point, the coordinates of which form a matrix. 2. the ability to assess the degree of objectivity of this information. 3. On the basis of a priori probability distribution or a priori specification of the frequency distribution of parameter values ​​over intervals, it is possible to obtain a posteriori probability distribution. 4. The a priori distribution of piecewise information is presented in the form of a part of this simplex. 5. a part of the simplex forms a convex multidimensional space.
31. General systems theory is the science that studies: 1. characteristics of individual objects and their elements. 2. the ratio of the whole and the particular in systems. 3. state and behavior of collections of objects and their elements. 4. strength of connections between the elements of the system. 5. characteristics of objects.
32. System analysis is a methodology: 1. search for management solutions. 2. study and creation of objects as a single system. 3. designing instruments for analyzing the behavior of systems. 4. control of the behavior of systems and their elements. 5. study of interelement relationships.
33. Determine the correct wording of the concept of "system" 1. a set of elements with established links. 2. a set of objects combined to achieve the goal. 3. a set of elements randomly selected from a finite set of objects. 4. set of interelement connections. 5. set of objects and their connections, limited by the total number of elements.
34. Choose the correct group of problems related to general systems theory 1. analysis and prediction of the state of systems under given conditions. 2. assessment of system decision procedures. 3. development of methods for searching for information about an object. 4. determination of the structure of the external environment. 5. determination of the limiting conditions for the state of systems.

35. Determine the correct wording of the concept of "closed system" 1. a system presented as a "black box". 2. a system with restrictions on the state of its elements. 3. a system whose elements have no connection with the external environment. 4. a system in which at least one element is associated with the external environment. 5. a system in which all elements are connected with the external environment.
36. Define the term "element of the system" 1. part of the system, the indicators of which do not affect its state. 2. an established part of the subsystem, not related to other elements. 3. part of the system, not included in any subsystem. 4. external disturbance. 5. part of the system, further division of which leads to the destruction of system-wide ties.
37. Give the correct definition of the concept of "interelement connection" of the system 1. the established direction and magnitude of the influence of one element of the system on another. 2. connection between the output of the object and the external environment. 3. connection of two elements of the system. 4. combining two or more elements of the system. 5. connection between the input of the object and the external environment.
38. The black box principle is: 1. representation and study of the totality of elements according to the principle of an open system. 2. representation and study of the totality of elements according to the principle of a closed system. 3. representation and study of a non-coherent set of elements. 4. representation and study of a random collection of objects. 5. representation and study of a set of elements according to the principle of "input-output".
39. Choose the correct definition of the concept of "system structure" 1. the order of listing the elements of the system. 2. the procedure for the formation of a system from a selected set of elements and their relationships. 3. the procedure for assessing the strength of the connections of the system. 4. matrix of interelement connections and their directions in the given system. 5. order of enumeration of interelement connections of the system.

40. The definition of the term "system decomposition" means: 1. selection and justification of interelement connections. 2. search for an element with largest number connections. 3. formation of a system from a selected set of elements. 4. formulation of restrictions on system parameters. 5. conditional division of the system into its components.
41. Emergence is: 1. discrepancy between the aggregate properties of the set of micro-elements of the system and their connections with the properties of the system as a whole. 2. heterogeneity of the characteristics of the set of micro-elements of the system and their connections. 3. criterion of complexity of interelement connections. 4. Correspondence of the aggregate properties of the set of micro-elements of the system and their connections with the properties of the system as a whole. 5. criterion of the strength of interelement bonds.
42. A diagram of a system of two parallel-connected elements is given. Indicate the correct formula for determining the state of the system if the states of their elements P1, P2 are known 1. P = (1-P1) (1-P2). 2. P = 1- P1 P2. 3. P = 1-(1-P1)(1-P2). 4. P = 1-(1-P1 P2). 5. P \u003d 1- (P1 P2) 2.
43. The probability of a given level of the quality state of the system "P" over the time of operation (use) of the system can: 1. just go down. 2. only increase. 3. be permanent. 4. be equal to "1". 5. be equal to "0".
44. Name all types of connections of elements adopted in the design of systems 1. random-sequential and direct. 2. direct, indirect, parallel. 3. parallel, sequential and random. 4. parallel, serial, parallel-serial. 5. random-sequential and parallel.
45. A diagram of a system of two series-connected elements is given. Indicate the correct formula for determining the state of the system if the states of their elements P1, P2 are known 1. P = P1 - P2. 2. P = P1 / P2. 3. P = P1 + P2. 4. P = P1 = P2. 5. P = P1 x P2.

47. Which of the following principles is the principle of building models? 1. the principle of ranking. 2. the principle of function priority over structure. 3. the principle of the experiment. 4. the principle of decentralization. 5. the principle of hierarchy.
55. Which of the following principles is the principle of building models? 1. the principle of feasibility. 2. the principle of preference. 3. the principle of consideration together with connections with the environment. 4. the principle of a global goal. 5. the principle of uncertainty.
56. Which of the following principles is the principle of building models? 1. the principle of ranking. 2. the principle of function priority over structure. 3. the principle of the experiment. 4. the principle of decentralization. 5. the principle of hierarchy.
57. How is the degree of conformity of the model to the described phenomenon checked? 1. empirical evaluation. 2. peer review. 3. additive analysis. 4. multiplicative analysis. 5. series-parallel evaluation.
58. What would you attribute to the features of system modeling? 1. putting forward hypotheses in the study. 2. operational research. 3. the use of algorithms that allow operational readjustment. 4. the need to obtain an indicator of the effectiveness of the system. 5. taking into account the characteristics of the system at the system level.
59. Which of the following requirements apply to mathematical models? 1. synchronicity. 2. compatibility. 3. performance. 4. emergence. 5. adequacy.
60. What is the basis for assessing the accuracy of the model? 1. on the maximum likelihood method. 2. on realism. 3. on compatibility. 4. on performance. 5. on feasibility.
61. How can you estimate the error of a model? 1. a method of measuring preferences. 2. least squares method. 3. correlation analysis. 4. functional cost analysis. 5. factor analysis.
62. How can the error of a statistical test method be assessed? 1. degree of certainty. 2. the boundaries of the interval specified by the decision maker. 3. correlation analysis. 4. confidence probability. 5. statistical testing of hypotheses.
63. What is the probability distribution underlying the procedure for generating random numbers? 1. normal. 2. exponential. 3. uniform. 4. logarithmic. 5. indicative.
64. Choose the most accurate definition of the term "Internet": 1. the totality of all websites. 2. a global computer network built on the use of the IP protocol and the routing of data packets. 3. consolidation of all web servers. 4. a service provided by provider companies for communication between computers. 5. the totality of all networked computers.
65. A host computer is a computer that: 1. works under Windows Server operating system. 2. has a very high CPU performance compared to other computers in the local network. 3. performs certain functions at the request of other computers on the local network. 4. is permanently connected to the Internet and provides access to the network for other computers. 5. uses IP address
66. The server is: 1. A computer with the highest performance CPU in the local area network. 2. a computer with the largest amount of ROM in the local network. 3. a computer dedicated and/or specialized to perform certain service functions. 4. a program that distributes access to the Internet for all computers in the local network. 5. a computer capable of working without a monitor.
67. Define the term "client program" in the program concept "client-server": 1. operating system terminal. 2. A program for instant messaging between terminal users. 3. A program for accessing the Internet through a server. 4. Program for determining the performance of the server. 5. A program that requests some data from the server, manipulates data directly on the server, launches new processes on the server, etc.
68. How is DNS decrypted? 1. Digital Name System. 2. Direct Network System. 3. Digital Network System. 4. Domain Name System. 5. there is no correct answer.
69. IP address is: 1. The physical address of a computer network card in a computer network. 2. Network address of a node in a computer network built using the IP protocol. 3. Network address personal computer, depending on the choice of Internet browser. 4. Physical address that defines the location of a device that has access to the Internet. 5. Address of the network printer in the local network.

70. TCP/IP is: 1. Protocol for the transmission of e-mail and instant messages. 2. A personal computer bus used to work with the Internet. 3. A set of network protocols of different levels of the network interaction model used in information networks. 4. The main characteristic of the network board of a personal computer. 5. A network protocol that allows computers to automatically obtain an IP address and other parameters necessary for working on the Internet.
71. HTTP is: 1. data transfer protocol. 2. top-level domain on the Internet. 3. programming language for creating web pages. 4. hosting, where Internet servers are located. 5. formal title of the web page address.
72. Which of the following is a version 4 IP address? 1. 2. fe80:0:0:0:200:f8ff:fe21:67cf. 3. 00-1D-3F-A2-48-56. 4. 2:466/466. 5. yandex.ru.
73. Which of the following programs is not an Internet browser? 1. Netscape Navigator. 2. Internet Explorer. 3. Google Chrome. 4. The Bat! 5 Mozilla Thunderbird
74. What is the name of a set of elements (objects of any nature) that are in relationships and connections with each other? 1. system. 2. ordered set. 3. link. 4. complex. 5. combination.
75. When elements are combined into a system, the latter acquires specific system properties that are not inherent in any of the elements. What are these properties called? 1. predictability. 2. tolerance. 3. synergy. 4. emergent. 5. manageability.
76. Which systems include systems with weakly predictable behavior and the ability to make decisions? 1. to simple. 2. to mixed. 3. to complex. 4. to critical. 5. to managed.
77. What is the name of a system of purposeful actions united by a common plan and a single goal? 1. strategy. 2. operation. 3. tactics. 4. process. 5. management.

78. What is the measure of the degree of compliance of the real result of the operation with the required one? 1. efficiency criterion. 2. degree of efficiency. 3. measure of efficiency. 4. potential efficiency. 5. performance indicator.
79. What is the name of the form of ordering the elements of a set, that is, the elimination of uncertainty in the choice of some element or some subset? 1. preference. 2. tolerance. 3. symmetry. 4. ranking. 5. construction.
80. What determines, first of all, the choice of relation to describe the system? 1. Subject area. 2. External systems. 3. The purpose of the analysis. 4. The preference of the decision maker. 5. Information environment of the task.
81. What properties does the preference system of an individual have on the set D of choice elements if he can compare any two elements with each other and always make one of three alternative judgments: a) it is preferable; b) and equally preferred: c) preferred ? 1. resistant. 2. emergence. 3. informative. 4. manageability. 5. the property of completeness.
82. What is the name of the method in which the decision maker asks to indicate the degree of influence of a change in the value of a private performance indicator on the result of an operation? 1. a way of expressing preference by subjective probabilities. 2. a way of expressing preferences by coefficients of importance. 3. a way of pairwise expression of preference as a share of relative intensity. 4. a method of pairwise expression of preference as a share of the total intensity. 5. way of expressing preferences by linguistic variables.
83. How are the time intervals distributed between the events of the simplest flow? 1. according to the exponential law. 2. according to the uniform law. 3. according to the normal law. 4. according to the logarithmic law. 5. according to the hypernormal law.

Characteristics of the ATP and the welding and tinsmith site: Transport is currently one of the most important sectors of the national ...

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Artificial elevation of the surface of the territory: Options for artificial elevation of the surface of the territory must be selected based on an analysis of the following characteristics of the protected territory ...

Principles of cash flow management: one of the methods of controlling the state of cash is ...




Vice Rector for Academic Affairs

O.G. Loktionova

"____" ________________2017


Compiled by: O.V. Shugaeva



Systematic analysis of enterprise problems covers a significant range of tasks of an organizational, technical and economic nature, ranging from the selection and updating of the production structure of an enterprise, its organizational forms, economic methods production and ending with the development of a plan for organizational and technical improvements. In the process of production management, organizational links are established and conditions are created that ensure interaction on economic basis all elements production process and internal divisions of the enterprise as a single socio-economic system.

The object of study of the discipline "system analysis of enterprise problems" is the organizational system of enterprise management. Such enterprises represent a complex dynamically developing production system, in which the formation, selection and adoption are most complicated. management decisions.

Tasks of the discipline

The objective of the course is to reveal the content and organizational forms of work in the field of personnel management in modern conditions, based on the theoretical provisions of management and generalization of practical experience.

In the course of studying the course, students should receive the following basic knowledge:

grade economic activity enterprises

personnel work at the enterprise;

labor relations and their management in order to ensure a balance of interests from an economic and social standpoint;

formation and organization of the activities of personnel management services of the enterprise;

The acquired knowledge will allow future specialists to:

To provide innovations in production, increase the flexibility of the enterprise, the ability to withstand the destabilizing effects of external and internal environment;

Create conditions for effective work enterprises, increase business activity and dedication of the employee;

Create a positive image of the company.

Introductory remarks. We live in a world of organizations. An organization is a collection of people and other resources necessary to achieve certain goals based on established rules and procedures, division of labor and responsibilities.

Organizations allow a person to achieve their goals more successfully than alone. This is due to the fact that different types of people unite, each of whom makes his individual, but extremely necessary for success, contribution to the common cause. The unity of heterogeneous, but mutually complementary parts creates synergistic effect. The task of the head of the organization is to ensure that it is positive, as much as possible. In other words, any organization can be viewed as a system.

A system is a set of elements and relations that are naturally connected into a single whole, which has properties that are absent from the elements and relations that form it (emergent properties).

A systematic study of an organization is a large-scale, time-consuming, expensive procedure that allows you to identify its problems, give recommendations for improving the existing one or creating new system management.

Purpose of the task. Preliminary system analysis of the organization. Identification of problem areas of the enterprise that require more thorough research.

Operating procedure. Initially, you need to give general characteristics organization, namely to describe its activities, the size of the enterprise, the form of ownership, the time of formation and the main stages of development.

Further, the organization as a whole and its management system (any of the departments or individual managers) should be described using the MSH, which is a table consisting of system elements (function, output, input, processor) presented in four dimensions: physical , dynamic, control and predictive (see table).

The matrix of system characteristics can be considered as an information model of the system. It allows you to get a holistic view of the organization by highlighting its quantitative, qualitative and spatio-temporal components.

SWOT analysis

Execution algorithm:

1. Write down the opportunities and threats that have arisen in the external environment (micro and macro environment)

Of great importance for the organization are the fields: "BC", "VU", "SS"

The fields do not deserve attention: "SM", "NU", "NM" Threat Matrix

Very big danger, require immediate elimination, fields: "BP" "VK" "SR"

Are in the field of view and must be eliminated, fields: "BT", "SK", "NR"

Attentive and responsible approach to elimination, fields: "NK", "ST", "VL"

3. Write down the strengths and weaknesses that the organization has for each factor of the internal environment.

4. Give an assessment of the effectiveness and importance of the factors of the internal environment:

Internal environmental factors Efficiency Importance (weight)
high Low high Low
Product quality
Production costs
Service level (payment terms)
Promotion efficiency
Production capacity
Personnel qualification
inner spirit

5. Make a matrix "importance and effectiveness" and draw conclusions Matrix "importance - effectiveness"

6. Establish connections between strong and weaknesses and opportunities and threats by compiling a SWOT matrix, to do this, consider all possible pairs of combinations in each field of the matrix.

SWOT matrix

7. Highlight the main pairs and draw conclusions about possible strategies

Environment Profile

1. Write down the factors of the internal and external environment in the table

Importance rating for the industry (A) on a scale:

3-strong importance, 2-moderate, 1-weak

Impact on the organization (B) on a scale:

3 - strong, 2 - moderate, 1 - weak, 0 - no effect

Assessment of the direction of influence (C) on a scale: +1 - positive, -1 - negative

3. Determine the degree of importance of the factor (D)

4. Group the factors by degree (major, minor) and direction (negative, positive) and draw conclusions

Control questions:

1. Name the main financial and economic indicators of the functioning of the enterprise and reveal their essence.

2. Define the dynamic standard. What is its purpose?

3. Specify functional areas enterprise activities. Explain the essence of the peer review method.

4. Describe the method of profile analysis of the organization.


Milch cow


High Share Market Low

(receiving the money)

Types of strategies for quadrants of the BCG matrix

Quadrant Characteristic Marketing strategy
Market growth rate (industries) Market share
"Difficult Child" (question mark) High (emerging industry) Low Requires large investments. Intensification of efforts (price reduction, new distribution channels, etc.) or withdrawal
"Star" Fast (emerging industry) Maintaining distinctive advantages. Intensifying efforts to maintain or increase market share
"Milch cow" High (leading position) Maintaining the status quo. Use of profits for the development of other SEB
"Dog" Slow (mature or declining industry) Low(limited sales volume) Effort reduction or elimination

Control questions:

1. How is the competitive position of the enterprise determined?

2. Describe the method of profile analysis of the external environment of the organization.

3. Define the scenario. What is its purpose?


1. Why research becomes a function modern management?

a) the educational level of managers is increasing;

b) competition intensifies;

c) the computer expands the possibilities of analysis;

d) the complexity of the problems being solved increases;

e) the development of science contributes to this;

2. Which of the definitions of the study is the most complete?

a) it is a way to obtain additional information;

b) it is a type of human activity;

c) it is a way of using knowledge in practice;

d) these are analysis and design skills;

e) knowledge of the laws of nature and society;

3. Why study management?

a) to improve the skills of managers;

b) to improve the quality of management decisions;

c) to develop a management strategy;

d) to effectively improve management;

e) for additional information when making decisions.

4. What is the main feature of the study of socio-economic systems?

a) it is difficult to obtain objective information;

b) the boundaries of the object of study are blurred;

c) the possibilities of experimentation are limited;

d) the decisive importance of a systematic approach;

e) the dynamism of the functioning process.

5. What is the name of the manager's ability to attract people to joint activities without resorting to means of material or administrative coercion?

a) antinomy;

b) exuberance;

c) innovation;

d) attractiveness;

e) latency.

6. When managing on a large scale, the control system is called:

a) the totality of management relations in the socio-economic system;

b) the system of actions of the manager for the implementation of managerial impact;

c) the totality of the links exercising control and the links between them;

d) the area of ​​activity in which the problem is detected and recognized;

e) a set of means and opportunities for the effective functioning of the organization.

7.What is the problem?

a) the direction of the research;

b) a set of information about the state of the system;

c) trends in the development of the management system;

d) a contradiction requiring resolution;

e) crisis situations in the development of management.

8. What is meant by the purpose of the study?

a) the choice of the subject of research;

b) the main focus of the study;

c) the problem of development;

d) knowledge of development trends;

e) search for ways of effective development.

9. What does knowledge of research typology give a manager?

a) allows efficient use of resources;

b) determines the organization of the study;

c) successful formation of a team of researchers;

d) promotes the choice of the best type;

e) gives an objective assessment of the problem.

10. What is the research methodology?

a) a set of research methods;

b) research logic;

c) planned approach to research;

d) compliance with the goals, means and methods of research;

e) an effective method of obtaining knowledge.

11. On the exaggeration of the role of a fact in scientific conclusions, the following is built:

a) dualistic methodology;

b) the methodology of agnosticism;

c) the methodology of positivism;

d) methodology of existentialism;

e) materialistic methodology.

12. Based on the connections born by contradiction:

a) mechanistic approach;

b) metaphysical approach;

c) organismic approach;

d) dialectical approach;

e) systems approach.

13. What is the main thing in a systematic approach to research?

a) the type of thinking of the manager;

b) knowledge of the subject of research;

c) the possibility of simulation modeling of phenomena;

d) determination of the integrity and connection of phenomena;

e) availability of all necessary information.

14. What are the advantages of a dialectical approach to research?

a) requires quantitative assessments;

b) involves taking into account the human factor;

c) focuses on the search for contradictions;

d) gives new knowledge;

e) is universal.

15. What is the main feature of the research concept?

a) availability of all necessary information;

b) the availability of resources needed to conduct the study;

c) complex key points on the methodology and organization of the study;

d) a set of effective approaches to research;

e) plan for the organization and conduct of the study.

16. Which of the listed methods refers to general scientific?

a) statistical analysis;

b) experimentation;

c) sociometric analysis;

d) testing;

e) timing.

17. What role does the classification of problems, factors, conditions, etc. play in research?

a) defines A complex approach in research;

b) allows you to determine the properties of phenomena;

c) contributes to their ordering and ranking;

d) gives Additional information;

e) contributes to the search for new factors.

18. Classification by dividing according to a modified attribute is called:

a) combinatorial classification;

b) decomposition;

c) stratification;

d) dichotomy;

e) typology.

19. What is the advantage of testing methods?

a) the depth of disclosure of the problem;

b) simplicity and accessibility, does not require special knowledge;

c) quantitative certainty;

d) allows to exclude psychological and personal nuances;

e) allows you to quickly get information material.

20. What characterizes the validity of the indicator?

a) the design of the indicator;

b) compliance with the measured parameter;

c) indicator syntheticity;

d) methodology for constructing the indicator;

e) the purpose of practical use.


to the exam in the discipline "System Analysis of Enterprise Problems"

1. Place and role of the course "Research of management systems" in the system of management training.

2. The concept of research, the ratio of its elements.

3. Typology of studies according to various criteria.

4. Characteristics of the study, taken into account in its organization and conduct.

5. Research in management practice.

6. Evolution of management functions, its causes.

7. Research as a style of functioning of the control system.

8. Issues of research in modern management.

9. Requirements for a modern manager.

10. The main features of a research type manager.

11.Methodology of management research: concept and practical content.

12. Concept and classification of research objectives.

13.Object and subject of study of control systems.

14. Concept and classification of approaches to research.

15. Landmarks and limitations in the study of control systems.

16. Role in the methodology of research tools and methods, their classification.

17. Problem and task in the methodology of research of control systems.

18. Stages and criteria for selecting problems in the practice of research of control systems.

19. The sequence and characteristics of the stages of defining and recognizing the problem.

20. The quality of the problem, its parameters.

21. Levels of problem statement, their content.

22. Methodological principles of research.

23. Stages of research of control systems and the possibility of their combination.

24.Procedural and methodological schemes for the study of control systems.

25.Development of the hypothesis and concept of the study of the control system.

26. Results of management research, their classification.

27.Problematics of the study of control systems.

28. Control and diagnostics of functional, structural and parametric problems. Typical problems of transition economy and their symptoms.

29. Basic approaches to the study and improvement of management.

30. Stages of evolution of methodology and approaches to research.

31.Practical formula of the dialectical approach to research.

32.Principles of the dialectical approach to research.

33. Dialectical research methods, their specifics.

34. Combination of different approaches in the study of control systems.

35.Composition and use of general scientific methods in the study of control systems.

36. Designing definitions as a research method, their classification.

37.Principles of constructing correct definitions.

38. The question as a technique for posing a problem and a form of research thinking.

39. Research questions, their design and classification.

40. Classification method, its varieties.

41.Principles and rules for the implementation of classification in the study.

42. Application of decomposition, stratification, generalization, dichotomy and typology in research.

43. Method of morphological analysis, its technology.

44. Construction of a morphological scheme.

45. Operators of morphological analysis.

46. ​​Application of the "bouquet of problems" method in the study of control systems.

47.Method of evidence in research activities. The structure of the proof.

48. Receptions and methods of proof.

49. Rules of evidence. Errors and falsification of evidence.

50.Modeling method in the study of control systems

51.Language of modern models: forms of expression of data about the modeling object.

52.Requirements for research models.

53.Principles for the development of research models.

54. Types of models: composition, conditions of use, efficiency. Difficulties in using models in the study of control systems.

55. Research on the robustness of the simulation result to errors in information conditions.

56.Controversy as a method of research of control systems.

57.Principles of scientific and research controversy.

58. General scientific method of experimentation. Types of experiments, their advantages and disadvantages.

59. The concrete real content of the concept of "system".

60. Subject-methodological content of the concept "system".

61. Complex system. Properties of complex systems.

62. Control system as an object of study. Influence of the scale of management on its content and characteristics.

63.Goals and functions of the organization's management system.

64. Building a tree of goals. The basic tree of goals of the organization's management system.

65. Coordination of the goals of the administration and staff of the organization.

66. Subsystems of the control system, their classification and elements.

67. The composition of the target subsystems of the organization management system.

68. The composition of the functional subsystems of the organization management system.

69. The composition of the supporting subsystems of the organization management system.

70. Classification of management systems by types and status interaction of management links.

71. Indicators of the state, functioning and development of control systems.

72. Factors and characteristics of the external environment of the organization.

73. Research of interaction "control system - external environment", its technology.

74. Typical representations and their application in the study of control systems.

75.Requirements for the amount of information in the typification of representations of objects, subjects and management processes.

76. Classification of typical representations, the sequence of their development.

77.Functional-decompositional representation of the control system.

78. Table of functional portraits: purpose, development, analysis.

79. Representation of the control system in the form of service loops.

80.Aggregative-decompositional representation of the control system.

81. Cybernetic representation of the control system in the form of a "parameter - tolerance field" model.

82. Study of goal setting: requirements for goals, classification of goals.

83.Formalization of goals in the formation of criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the system. System efficiency parameters.

84. Mono- and polycriteria statement of research problems. Criteria linearization methods, their advantages and disadvantages.

85.Basic principles of a systematic approach to research, their relationship.

86. The sequence and characteristics of the stages of system analysis in the study of problems of the organization.

87. Diagnosis of the organization as the most significant stage of system analysis.

88.Composition and use of specific methods of research of control systems.

89. Influence of the degree of certainty of the problem on the choice of research method.

90.Method of studying documents in the study of control systems. Success factors for documented research.

91. Formation of an album of documents of the organization. Table of characteristics of documents.

92. Composition and choice of methods for diagnosing information flows.

93. Matrix information model: appointment, development, analysis.

94. Scheme of information links of the unit: purpose, development, analysis.

95.Documentogram: purpose, development, analysis.

96. Operogram: purpose, development, analysis.

97. Scheme of information flows between departments: appointment, development, analysis.

98. Scheme of movement of documents between departments: appointment, development, analysis.

99. Scheme of information linkage of management tasks: purpose, development, analysis.

100. Measurements, their necessity in research. The most important problems of data collection. Development of the theory of measurements.

101. Refinement of the structure of the object of study: functional and object approaches.

102. Limiting research factors, their classification and content.

103. Structuring the information bases for the study of control systems by the nature of the conditions.

104. Structuring the information bases for the study of control systems according to the degree of their formalization.

105. Structuring the information bases for the study of control systems on the basis of removing uncertainty in knowledge about the object.

106.Sources of information in the analysis and study of control systems. Relevant and irrelevant data.

107. Qualitative and quantitative criteria information support research of control systems.

108. Hierarchical levels of leadership. Managers' Time Wasted various levels for information operations.

109. Statistical studies of control systems.

110. Stages of statistical research of the control system.

111.Factor analysis of the functioning and development of control systems.

112. Sociological studies of management systems, goals and directions of their implementation.

113.Methods of sociological research of control systems.

114. Success factors of sociological research.

115. Stages of sociological research of the management system.

117. Critical factors in the quality of a research experiment.

118. Method of managerial experimentation "business game".

119.Method of testing in the study of control systems. Design and quality criteria of tests.

120. Rules for the formulation of statements in the preparation of tests.

121.Method expert assessments, the scope of its application in the study of control systems.

122.Selection of experts. Expert requirements.

123. Varieties and principles of examination.

124. Method of SWOT-analysis in the study of control systems.

125.Method of SMART-analysis in the study of control systems.

126.Method of studying the interaction of factors.

127. Research program: concept, structure, development and content.

128. Research plan: concept, structure, development and content.

129. Research algorithm: concept, structure, development and content.

130.Principles of planning the study of control systems.

131. Research of forms of representation of plans, their classification.

132. Organization of research: concept, conditions, requirements, forms.

133.Technology of research of control systems.

134. Composition and choice technological schemes research.

135. Linear, cyclic, parallel and sequential research technologies, their content and efficiency conditions.

136.Technology of rational branching of research, its content and conditions of effectiveness.

137.Technology of research of adaptive type, its content and conditions of effectiveness.

138.Technology of random search in the study, its content and conditions of effectiveness.

139.Technology of criterion-based adjustment of the study (algorithmic), its content and conditions of effectiveness.

140. Matrix of preferences (paired comparisons): purpose, development, analysis.

141. Matrix of distribution of administrative functions of management: appointment, development, analysis.

142. Distribution and redistribution of responsibility using the network model.

143. Consulting as a form of organizing the study of management systems: the concept, content and conditions of effectiveness.

144. Types of consulting and research activities.

145. Educational and research structures in the management system.

146. The emergence and formation of training management.

147. Necessity and formation of integral research intelligence.

148.Principles of formation of integral research intelligence.

149.Typological characteristics of the creative individuality of researchers.

150. Organizational and technological principles of the activity of integral research intelligence.

1. Glushchenko V.V., Glushchenko I.I. Study of control systems: sociological, economic, predictive, planned, experimental studies. - Zheleznodorozhny, Moscow. region: LLC NPC "Wings", 2000. - 416 p.

2. Gorsky Yu.M. Information aspects of management and modeling. - M.: Nauka, 1978. - 223 p.

3. Evchenko A.V., Kuzbozhev E.N. Methods for the study of control systems: Uch. allowance/ Kursk State Technical University - Kursk, 2001. - 168 p.

4. Zinger I.S. Modeling of information processes in enterprise management systems. - M.: Statistics, 1974. - 128 p.

5. Ignatieva A.V., Maksimtsov M.M. Study of control systems: Uch. allowance - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2000. - 157 p.

6. Korotkov E.M. Study of control systems. - M.: LLC Publishing and consulting company "DeKA", 2000. - 288 p.

7. Short course practical management: Uch. allowance / Ed. Dr. Econ. sciences, prof. E.N. Kuzbozhev ; / Kursk State Technical University - Kursk, 2001. - 244 p.

8. Litvak B.G. Expert assessments and decision making. - M.: Patent, 1996. - 271 p.

9. Makarenko M.V., Makhalina O.M. Production management: Uch. allowance for universities. - M.: Publishing house "PRIOR", 1998. - 384 p.

10. Melnik M.V. Analysis and evaluation of management systems in enterprises. - M.: Finance and statistics, 1990. - 136 p.

11. Organizational structures of production management / Ed. B.Z. Milner.- M.: Economics, 1975. - 319 p.

12. Management organization industrial production: Proc. / O.V. Kozlova,L.A. Aleksandrov,M.A. Sarkisov,N.A. Salomatin and etc.; ed. O.V. Kozlova, S.E. Kamenitser.- M.: Higher. school, 1980. - 399 p.

13. Enterprise: strategy, structure, regulations on departments and services, job descriptions. - M.: Economics, Norma, 1997. - 526 p.

14. Statistical methods of information analysis in sociological research / Otv. ed. G.V. Osipov.- M.: Nauka, 1979. - 319 p.

15. Management of the organization: Proc. / Ed. A.G. Porshneva, Z.P. Rumyantseva, ON THE. Salomatina.- 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: INFRA - M, 1999. - 669 p.

16. Fatkhutdinov R.A. Organization of production: Proc. - M.: INFRA-M, 2000. - 672 p.

17. Khabakuk M.Ya. Target management methods at the enterprise. - M.: Economics, 1981. - 56 p.

18. Shikin E.V., Chkhartishvili A.G. Mathematical methods and models in management: Uch. allowance - M.: Delo, 2000. - 440 p.


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for students of the direction of training 38.03.03 "Personnel Management"


Compiled by: O.V. Shugaeva


Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor M.A. Smirnov

System analysis of enterprise problems: guidelines on the implementation of practical exercises and training tasks for independent work/ Southwest. state un-t, comp.: O.V. Shugaev. - Kursk, 2017. - 61 p. – Bibliography: p.51.

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Systematic analysis of enterprise problems covers a significant range of tasks of an organizational, technical and economic nature, ranging from the selection and updating of the production structure of the enterprise, its organizational forms, economic methods of conducting production and ending with the development of a plan

It has already been noted above that the methodological basis of system analysis is a systematic approach, the essence of which is quite simple: all elements the system under study and all processes occurring in it, should be considered only as a whole, only in totality, only in relationship together. Local solutions, inclusion of an incomplete number of factors into consideration, local optimization at the level of individual elements almost always lead to an inefficient result as a whole, and sometimes even a dangerous result. Such a vision of the world determines a number of fundamental provisions that must be strictly observed in system analysis.

First principle: a phenomenon or process can be studied only when they are considered as a system or part of it. This principle means the need to consider the phenomenon under study in terms of the elements of the system and the environment. The strategic task should be to determine which elements ensure the functioning of the phenomenon under study, what connections they form with each other, in what conditions the phenomenon functions and develops. A single fact is not available for a full-fledged study.

The second principle is is a requirement to consider the structure of any system in the form holistic the totality of its elements, the focus on the search for specific mechanisms of integrity, the identification of a fairly complete typology of relationships. In a more rigid interpretation, this principle is understood as a ban on considering the system as a simple combination of elements and consists in recognizing that the properties of the system are not just the sum of the properties of its elements, but something more, manifested in the phenomenon of integrity, integrativity. This postulates the possibility that the system has special properties that its constituent elements may not have. This principle is based on the position that there are no properties of integrity that are not properties of the elements that form it or their functions, although the whole is not a simple sum of all elements.

This principle asserts the possibility of inferring all properties of a system from the properties of its elements and their interactions. Otherwise, it can be called the principle relative reductionism. It reflects the dialectic of the general, particular and singular in each element of the system. A complete set of individual properties, qualities, features and relationships makes each element of the system unique. The presence of the special makes it possible to typologize the totality of elements, i.e., to combine them into appropriate groups, within which this special is relatively similar, and from group to group it forms a continuum. Knowledge of the general leads to the patterns of functioning and development of the system.

A very important attribute of the system is its efficiency. It is theoretically proven that any system always has its value function in the form of dependence of its efficiency (in economic systems these are cost indicators in monetary or physical terms) on the conditions and forms of its implementation and functioning. In addition, this function is limited, which means that you can and should look for its maximum. The need to determine the maximum efficiency of the system is third principle system analysis.

Meaning fourth principle consists of mandatory requirement consider any system not as self-sufficient, autonomous, isolated, etc., but in close interaction with its environment. This means the obligation to consider any system as open to perception. external relations or, more generally, the requirement to consider the analyzed system as a part (subsystem) of some more general system.

The listed principles predetermine the content fifth principle system analysis - the possibility (and sometimes the need) of dividing a given system into parts - subsystems. If the latter are not simple enough for analysis, they are treated in exactly the same way. But in the process of such a division, the previous principles must not be violated: as long as they are observed, the division is justified, permitted in the sense that it guarantees the applicability practical methods, techniques, algorithms for solving problems of system analysis.

Sixth principle: the system is relatively stable, homeostatic when it functions on the basis of exchange (information, energy, resource, etc.) between the controlling and controlled subsystems. The presence of feedback required condition homeostatic functioning.

Seventh principle: control (cognition) of a complex system will not be effective if the control (cognition) system has insufficient intrinsic complexity. This is a partial conclusion from the law of necessary variety.

All of the above allows us to clarify the concept of "system". It can be formulated as follows: a system is an integral structure consisting of interconnected and interacting elements that are combined into subsystems of several levels based on the achievement of a single goal (goals) of functioning (target function) common to all subsystems.

  • 1. Dynamic interaction (equifinal systems). This condition determines conformity principle, from which it follows that the interaction of subsystems in the system in relation to the system as a whole occurs on an ambivalent basis: the functioning of the subsystems is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the system, and the functioning of the system occurs on the basis of taking into account the specifics and capabilities of the subsystems. This means that although the system-wide requirements for subsystems are prioritized, they should not conflict with the integrity requirements of each subsystem individually.
  • 2. Availability of flexible cross-feedbacks. This condition is a consequence of the principle advanced information response and support actions and decisions. For dynamic systems (namely, this class includes socio-economic and socio-political systems), this means the need for proactive correction of decisions based on predictive estimates of the dynamics of the characteristics of the control object. The meaning of this principle lies in the fact that direct managerial actions must be preceded by auxiliary ones, the content orientation of which should contribute to the development of processes that contribute to the achievement of the goals set, and dampen those processes that hinder this. In the general case, certain characteristics of both the object and the subject of control should be subject to correction. Applied to social practice this means that any decisions made while fulfilling the first principle must have proactive information support, preparing the public consciousness for a positive perception of these decisions. At the heart of this principle is hallmark life, discovered by P.K. Anokhin and N.A. Bernstein, which consists in its ability to proactively respond to disturbing influences. At the same time, the nature of the reaction of the body is adequate not to the effect or signal itself, but to the event, a sign of which they are.
  • 3. The trend in the development of the system towards transformation into a homeostat by W. Ashby, in which it achieves stability through trial and error. In practice, this means creating mechanisms for minimizing deviations from the values ​​of development targets.

The functioning of systems with such a complex substrate inevitably leads to the emergence of various problems. The nature, essence and objective basis of the problems of the functioning of social systems can be illustrated with the help of an example that has become a classic.

Suppose a firm produces certain types products and, in full accordance with the "market" laws, seeks to obtain the maximum profit from their sale. Let the simple question be solved: "How much finished products needs to be stored in the warehouse of the enterprise and how many varieties of it should be produced? Consider the "private" interests of the various departments of this firm. It will immediately be revealed that contradictions arise already at the intra-company level.

Theoretically, each of the departments is interested in achieving a common goal for all structures of the company - the maximum profit (if this is not the case, then by definition this company cannot be considered as a system). However, in reality, things are somewhat more complicated.

Production Department will be interested in long-term and continuous production of the same type of product. Only in this case will lowest cost for equipment setup.

Sales department, on the contrary, it will defend the idea of ​​expanding the range of products and large stocks of it in warehouses.

Financial department, of course, he will insist on a minimum of stocks: what is in stock cannot be profitable and, moreover, the storage process itself requires quite significant unproductive costs!

Even Human Resources Department will have its own local target function - to always produce products (even during periods of a business downturn) and in the same assortment, since in this case there will be no problems with staff turnover.

Like these ones multi-vector processes arise in a relatively small organization, which the manager needs to combine into a single, holistic mechanism, the functioning of which is subject to one goal is to achieve maximum profit.

It is obvious that it is necessary to set and solve problems harmonization of goals individual subsystems and it is good if the performance indicators of subsystems have the same dimension as the indicator (criterion) of the system efficiency as a whole. After all, it may well turn out that the efficiency of some subsystems will have to be measured not in monetary terms, but with the help of other, non-numerical indicators.

When organizing the full functioning of social systems, other problems arise. In particular, we are talking about the assessment of the links between the subsystems that form the system, as well as between the latter and the environment.

It has already been noted above that an essential element of any system is relationship characteristics between individual elements of subsystems, subsystems of different levels and their connections with the external environment. Due to the significant difference between the substrates and functions of subsystems in any complex system, the problem arises of coordinating, as a rule, indicators that are completely incomparable in terms of dimensions, bringing them to a “common denominator”. Indeed, without such coordination it is impossible to establish a single indicator of the effectiveness of the system as a whole.

In addition, there is the problem of defining dynamic characteristics connections and interactions both between subsystems and their connections and interactions with the external environment. The question is how these characteristics will change in the future, how these changes will affect the final result.

There is a long tradition to consider the dynamics of changes in these characteristics as random processes. The temptation of this approach lies in the fact that a very diverse formal analytical apparatus has been developed for the study of random processes. However, the social world significantly is determined, and to impose a stochastic nature on it just because it opens up the possibility of using a huge arsenal of probabilistic statistics methods for its formalized analysis is completely incorrect. This must be remembered when the problem of analyzing empirical information about the state of socio-economic and socio-political processes arises. A positive way out of this situation is that there are a number of areas in which, under certain assumptions, the processes occurring in them can be interpreted as random. This applies mainly to economic processes, where most of the parameters are of a mass nature and can be fully represented by quantitative indicators. The assumption of their random origin, although it distorts their meaning in a certain way, allows us to assess the direction and intensity of the observed variables at the level of tendencies. The characteristics of other spheres of society in the overwhelming majority are of a qualitative nature. These spheres themselves (social, political, cultural, etc.) are significantly differentiated, which does not allow us to consider them as mass random processes. Therefore, the area of ​​even not very correct use of probabilistic statistics methods is radically narrowed here.

If we now recall the main purpose of systems analysis - to provide decision makers with recommendations on the management of the system, or at least on the improvement of this management - then we are faced with the need to soften the rigidity of the position expressed. We will have to admit that even the most precise adherence to the recommendations of science does not guarantee the achievement of exactly the result that was conceived, designed, planned. The most convincing argument seems to be this: after all, it is better to make a decision (perhaps even risky) with at least estimated (inaccurate, approximate) information about its consequences, than to take risks "in the dark", without any attempts to calculate its results at all.

  • Ashby W. Introduction to cybernetics. M., 1956.

System analysis from a practical point of view is a universal technique for solving complex problems of an arbitrary nature. The key concept in this case is the concept of "problem", which can be defined as "subjective negative subject attitude to reality." Accordingly, the stage of identifying and diagnosing a problem in complex systems is the most important, since it determines the goals and objectives of conducting a system analysis, as well as methods and algorithms that will be used in the future with decision support. At the same time, this stage is the most complex and least formalized.

An analysis of Russian-language works on system analysis allows us to single out the two largest areas in this area, which can be conditionally called rational and objective-subjective approaches.

The first direction (rational approach) considers system analysis as a set of methods, including methods based on the use of computers, focused on the study of complex systems. With this approach most attention is given to formal methods of constructing system models and mathematical methods of system research. The concepts of “subject” and “problem” as such are not considered, but the concept of “typical” systems and problems is often encountered (a control system is a control problem, financial system- financial problems, etc.).

With this approach, a “problem” is defined as a discrepancy between the actual and the desired, i.e., a discrepancy between the actually observed system and the “ideal” model of the system. It is important to note that in this case the system is defined solely as that part of objective reality that must be compared with the reference model.

If we rely on the concept of "problem", then we can conclude that when rational approach the problem arises only for a system analyst who has a certain formal model of some system, finds this system and discovers the discrepancy between the model and the real system, which causes his "negative attitude to reality." Volkova, V.N. System analysis and its application in automated control systems / V.N. Volkova, A.A. Denisov. - L.: LPI, 2008. - 83 p.

Obviously, there are systems whose organization and behavior is strictly regulated and recognized by all subjects - these are, for example, legal laws. The discrepancy between the model (law) and reality in this case is a problem (offence) that needs to be solved. However, there are no strict regulations for most artificial systems, and the subjects have their own personal goals in relation to such systems, which rarely coincide with the goals of other subjects. Moreover, a particular subject has its own own representation about which system it is a part of, with which systems it interacts. The concepts with which the subject operates can radically differ from the "rational" generally accepted ones. For example, the subject may not allocate from environment control system, but to use a certain model of interaction with the world that is understandable and convenient only for him. It turns out that the imposition of generally accepted (even if rational) models can lead to the emergence of a “negative attitude” in the subject, and hence to the emergence of new problems, which fundamentally contradicts the very essence of system analysis, which involves an improving impact - when at least one participant in the problem will get better and no one will get worse.

Very often, the formulation of the problem of system analysis in a rational approach is expressed in terms of an optimization problem, i.e., the problem situation is idealized to a level that allows the use of mathematical models and quantitative criteria to determine the best solution to the problem.

As is known, for a systemic problem there is no model that exhaustively establishes cause-and-effect relationships between its components, therefore the optimization approach seems not quite constructive: “... the theory of system analysis proceeds from the absence of an optimal, absolutely best option for solving problems of any nature ... the search for a realistically achievable (compromise) option for resolving the problem, when the desired can be sacrificed for the sake of the possible, and the boundaries of the possible can be significantly expanded due to the desire to achieve the desired. This assumes the use of situational preference criteria, i.e., criteria that are not initial settings, but are developed in the course of the study ... ”.

Another direction of system analysis - an objective-subjective approach, based on the works of Ackoff, puts the concept of the subject and the problem at the head of system analysis. In fact, in this approach, we include the subject in the definition of the existing and ideal system, i.e. on the one hand, system analysis proceeds from the interests of people - it introduces a subjective component of the problem, on the other hand, it explores objectively observed facts and patterns.

Let's go back to the definition of "problem". From it, in particular, it follows that when we observe irrational (in the generally accepted sense) behavior of the subject, and the subject does not have a negative attitude to what is happening, then there is no problem that needs to be solved. Although this fact does not contradict the concept of “problem”, in certain situations it is impossible to exclude the possibility of the existence of an objective component of the problem.

System analysis has in its arsenal the following possibilities to solve the problem of the subject:

* intervene in objective reality and, having eliminated the objective part of the problem, change the subjective negative attitude of the subject,

* change the subjective attitude of the subject without interfering with reality,

* simultaneously intervene in objective reality and change the subjective attitude of the subject.

Obviously, the second method does not solve the problem, but only eliminates its influence on the subject, which means that the objective component of the problem remains. The opposite situation is also true, when the objective component of the problem has already manifested itself, but the subjective attitude has not yet been formed, or for a number of reasons it has not yet become negative.

Here are several reasons why the subject may not have a “negative attitude to reality”: Director, S. Introduction to Systems Theory / S. Director, D. Rohrar. - M.: Mir, 2009. - 286 p.

* has incomplete information about the system or does not use it completely;

* changes the assessment of relationships with the environment at the mental level;

* interrupts the relationship with the environment, which caused a "negative attitude";

* does not believe information about the existence of problems and their nature, because believes that the people reporting it denigrate his activities or pursue their own selfish interests, and perhaps because they simply do not personally love these people.

It should be remembered that in the absence of a negative attitude of the subject, the objective component of the problem remains and continues to influence the subject to one degree or another, or the problem may significantly worsen in the future.

Since the identification of a problem requires an analysis of a subjective attitude, this stage belongs to the non-formalizable stages of a system analysis.

No effective algorithms or techniques have been proposed so far, most often the authors of works on system analysis rely on the experience and intuition of the analyst and offer him complete freedom of action.

A system analyst must have a sufficient set of tools to describe and analyze that part of objective reality with which the subject interacts or can interact. Tools may include methods for experimental study of systems and their modeling. With the widespread introduction of modern information technologies in organizations (commercial, scientific, medical, etc.), almost every aspect of their activities is recorded and stored in databases that already today have very large volumes. Information in such databases contains a detailed description of both the systems themselves and the history of their (systems) development and life. We can say that today, when analyzing most artificial systems, an analyst is more likely to encounter a disadvantage effective methods systems research than with a lack of information about the system.

However, the subjective attitude must be formulated by the subject, and he may not have special knowledge and therefore is not able to adequately interpret the results of the research conducted by the analyst. Therefore, knowledge about the system and predictive models, which the analyst will eventually receive, must be presented in an explicit, interpretable form (possibly in natural language). Such a representation can be called knowledge about the system under study.

Unfortunately, effective methods of gaining knowledge about the system on this moment not suggested. Of greatest interest are the models and algorithms of Data Mining (intelligent data analysis), which are used in private applications to extract knowledge from "raw" data. It is worth noting that Data Mining is an evolution of the theory of database management and online data analysis (OLAP), based on the idea of ​​a multidimensional conceptual representation.

But in recent years, due to the growing problem of “information overload”, more and more researchers are using and improving Data Mining methods to solve knowledge extraction problems.

The wide application of knowledge extraction methods is very difficult, which, on the one hand, is due to the insufficient effectiveness of most of the known approaches, which are based on fairly formal mathematical and statistical methods, and on the other hand, with the difficulty of using effective methods of intellectual technologies that do not have a sufficient formal description and require the involvement of expensive specialists. The latter can be overcome by using a prospective approach to constructing effective system data analysis and knowledge extraction about the system, based on automated generation and configuration of intelligent information technologies. This approach will allow, firstly, through the use of advanced intellectual technologies, to significantly increase the efficiency of solving the problem of extracting knowledge that will be presented to the subject at the stage of identifying the problem in system analysis. Secondly, to eliminate the need for a setup specialist and the use of intelligent technologies, since the latter will be generated and configured automatically. Bertalanfi L. Fon. History and status of general systems theory / Bertalanfi L. Fon // System Research: Yearbook. - M.: Nauka, 2010. - C. 20 - 37.

System analysis as a methodology for solving problems 1. 2. 3. 4. Essence and purpose of the method. Classification of methods Characteristics Main stages of implementation

The place of SA in scientific research Consistency should not seem like some kind of innovation, the latest achievement of science. Consistency is a universal property of matter, a form of its existence, and hence an integral property of human practice, including thinking. Any activity can be less or more systemic. The appearance of a problem is a sign of insufficient consistency; problem solving is the result of increasing systemicity. Theoretical thought at different levels of abstraction reflected the systemic nature of the world in general and the systemic nature of human knowledge and practice. At the philosophical level, this is dialectical materialism; at the general scientific level, it is systemology and general systems theory, organization theory; in the natural sciences - cybernetics. With development computer science informatics and artificial intelligence emerged.

The place of SA in scientific research In the early 1980s, it became obvious that all these theoretical and applied disciplines form, as it were, a single stream, a "systemic movement." Consistency becomes not only a theoretical category, but also a conscious aspect of practical activity. Since large and complex systems necessarily became the subject of study, control and design, it was necessary to generalize the methods of studying systems and methods of influencing them. A kind of applied science has emerged, which is a “bridge” between abstract theories of systemicity and living systemic practice. First, in various areas and under different names, and in subsequent years it was formed into a science, which was called "system analysis".

The system approach is a set of methods and tools that allow you to explore the properties, structure and functions of objects and processes as a whole, presenting them as systems with complex inter-element relationships, the mutual influence of the system itself on its structural elements. The system approach consists in considering the elements of the system as interconnected and interacting to achieve the global goal of the system functioning.

The main advantages of a systematic approach Highlights that common in various objects and processes that is obscured by various details and is difficult to detect until particulars are discarded. Decision-making methods are transferred from one functional area to another; It is not allowed to overestimate the capabilities of individual decision-making methods, for example, only mathematical modeling to the detriment of expert assessments; The synthesis of knowledge from various sciences is carried out.

Principles of the system approach: Unity - joint consideration of the system as a whole and as a set of parts; Development - taking into account the variability of the system, its ability to develop, accumulate information, taking into account the dynamics of the environment; Global goal - responsibility for choosing a global goal, the optimum of subsystems is not the optimum of the entire system; Functionality - joint consideration of the structure of the system and functions; Combinations of decentralization and centralization; Hierarchies - taking into account the subordination and ranking of parts;

Essence and Purpose The course of system analysis is a typical inter- and supra-disciplinary course generalizing the methodology of studying complex technical, natural and social systems. As a result of the manifestation of the integrative trend, a new area has emerged scientific activity: systems studies that are aimed at solving complex large-scale problems of great complexity.

Essence and purpose System analysis develops a system methodology for solving complex applied problems, based on the principles of the system approach and general systems theory, developing and methodologically generalizing the conceptual (ideological) and mathematical apparatus of cybernetics, operations research and systems engineering. Systems analysis is a new scientific direction integration type, which develops a systematic methodology for decision-making and occupies an important place in the structure of modern research.

Classification of problems according to the degree of their structuring According to the classification proposed by Simon and Newell, the whole set of problems, depending on the depth of their knowledge, is divided into 3 classes: 1. well-structured or quantitatively expressed problems that lend themselves to mathematical formalization and are solved using formal methods; 2. unstructured or qualitatively expressed problems that are described only at a substantive level and are solved using informal procedures; 3. semi-structured (mixed problems), which contain quantitative and qualitative problems, and the qualitative, little-known and uncertain aspects of the problems tend to dominate.

Principles for Solving Unstructured Problems Mathematical methods of operations research are widely used to solve problems of the first class. To solve problems of the second class, it is advisable to use the methods of expert assessments. Methods of expert assessments are used in cases where the mathematical formalization of problems is either impossible due to their novelty and complexity, or requires a lot of time and money. To solve problems of the third class, it is advisable to use the methods of the system. analysis

The main stages and methods of SA System analysis is a multi-step iterative process, and the starting point of this process is the formulation of the problem in some initial form. When formulating a problem, two conflicting requirements must be taken into account: 1. the problem must be formulated broadly enough so as not to miss anything essential; 2. the problem should be formed in such a way. so that it is visible and can be structured. In the course of system analysis, the degree of structuring of the problem increases, i.e., the problem is formulated more and more clearly and exhaustively.

Definitions 1. A system is a separate part, a fragment of the world that has emergence and relative self-sufficiency. 2. A system is a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other and form an integrity or organic unity. 3. System - a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other, which forms a certain integrity, unity. Taking into account the generally accepted statements that a system is always a whole, and the whole indicates the connectedness of parts, when considering an object systematically, first of all, its composition and internal connections are determined. As centuries-old observations show, in a system object, along with elements, there are larger components - subsystems.

MAIN PROPERTIES OF THE SYSTEM SYSTEM INTEGRITY COMPLEXITY ORGANIZATION The internal unity of the object, the system acts and is perceived in relation to the environment as something whole. Maximum focus on action, which in this moment produced. Any impact on the system in the general case does not unambiguously determine the processes that occur within the system. The transformations that the system undergoes are caused by the interaction of external and internal factors.

Definitions Organization, interconnectedness and integrity are considered as the main properties of systems by numerous definitions found in modern science. The concept of a system is a way of finding the simple in the complex in order to simplify the analysis. System properties Emergence is a property of systems that causes the emergence of new properties and qualities that are not inherent in the elements that make up the system. The integrity of the system means that each element of the system contributes to the implementation of the target function of the system.

System properties Organization is a complex property of systems, consisting in the presence of structure and functioning (behavior). Functionality is a manifestation of certain properties (functions) when interacting with the external environment. Structurality is the ordering of the system, a certain set and arrangement of elements with links between them. The property of growth (development). The fundamental property of systems is stability. Reliability is a property of maintaining the structure of systems. Adaptability is the ability to change behavior or structure in order to maintain, improve or acquire new qualities in a changing environment.

Definitions A subsystem is a relatively independent component of the system under study, which, in turn, is considered as a system. Element (from Latin elementum - initial substance) is a component of the system under study, considered as indivisible due to the insignificant influence of its internal relationships and interactions on the properties of the system. For a subsystem and an element, the general term "component" is used. The environment (hereinafter referred to as the environment) is a set of objects that are not included in the system under study, but which influence it and / or are affected by the system.

Definitions Quality is a property of an object, meaning its suitability for use for one purpose or another. Relations here are considered in the generally accepted sense, and communication as an n-ary relation (n ≥ 2, where n are the objects on which it is defined), characterized by the presence of a physical exchange channel between n objects. Relationships are classified according to their physical nature, power, directionality, and the presence of intermediary elements.

Classification of connections According to the physical nature, material, energy, informational, as well as others, including mixed connections, are distinguished. According to the power of connections, strong and weak connection are distinguished. The strength of connections is usually understood as their number. Directionality distinguishes between directional and non-directional (neutral) links, and among directional ones - direct, directed from the input to the output of the system (and from the initial to the final vertices of the basic structure of the system), and reverse having the opposite direction.

Definitions The integrity of a system object has two semantic aspects: -isolation from the environment; -definite structure. The unity of the system object has the following semantic aspects: system and environment; components of the system, its mutually exclusive sides.

Definitions System features are used to recognize systems, and system characteristics are used to describe systems. A sign is a property (or a set of properties) by which objects are classified or identified or their state is determined. As signs of a system object, we will use: articulation, connectedness; integrity, unity; emergence. A characteristic is an essential distinguishing property of an object.

Emergence means the irreducibility of the properties/patterns of a system to the properties/patterns of its components and the irreducibility of system properties/patterns from the properties/patterns of the components. This feature distinguishes system objects from non-system ones, such as a glass of water or a bag of potatoes, between the parts of which there are no stable and strong (structural) connections (do not have emergent properties).

Characteristics of the system The main characteristics of the system are: the composition of the components; structures and organization; properties; state and behaviour. The study, creation and modification, as well as the management of any system (even a natural one) are carried out differently by different persons due to the complexity of systems, the unpredictability of their behavior, and many other factors.

System analysis 1. system research 2. system approach 3. specific system concepts 4. general systems theory (metateory) 5. dialectical materialism (philosophical problems of system research) 6. scientific system theories and models (the doctrine of the earth's biosphere; probability theory; cybernetics etc.) 7. technical system theories and developments - operations research; system engineering, system analysis, etc. 8. private theories of the system.

Scope of SA Problems solved with the help of systems analysis have a number of characteristic features: the decision being made refers to the future (plant that does not yet exist) there is a wide range of alternatives the decision depends on the current incompleteness of technological advances the decisions made require a large investment of resources and contain elements of risk requirements related to the cost and time of solving the problem are not fully defined the problem is internally complex due to that it requires a combination of different resources to solve it.

The main provisions of the concept of system analysis 1. The process of solving the problem should begin with the identification and justification ultimate goal, which they want to achieve in a particular area, and already on this basis, intermediate goals and objectives are determined. 2. Any problem must be approached as a complex system, while identifying all possible sub-problems and relationships, as well as the consequences of certain decisions. 3. In the process of solving the problem, the formation of many alternatives to achieve the goal; evaluation of these alternatives using appropriate criteria and selection of the preferred alternative. 4. The organizational structure of a problem-solving mechanism should be subordinate to a goal or set of goals, and not vice versa.

Main stages and methods of SA SA provides for the development of a systematic method for solving a problem, that is, a logically and procedurally organized sequence of operations aimed at choosing the preferred solution alternative. SA is implemented practically in several stages, however, there is still no unity regarding their number and content, since there is a wide variety of applied problems.

The main stages of system analysis According to F. Hansman Germany, 1978 According to D. Jeffers USA, 1981 According to V. V. Druzhinin USSR, 1988 Problem selection criteria 2. Description 3. Formation alternative solutions 2. Setting the task and limiting the degree of its complexity 3. Establishing criteria 4. Identification of significant environmental factors 3. Establishing a hierarchy, 4. Idealization of goals and objectives (maximum simplification, an attempt to build a model)

The main stages of system analysis According to F. Hansman Germany, 1978 According to D. Jeffers USA, 1981 According to V. V. Druzhinin USSR, 1988 ) 6. Evaluation and prediction of model parameters 6. Evaluation of possible strategies 6. Composition (“gluing” parts together) 7. Obtaining information 7. Implementing results 7. Making the best decision based on the model 8. Preparing for choosing a solution 9. Implementation and control

The scientific tools of SA include the following methods: the scenario method (an attempt to describe the system) the goal tree method (i.e., decomposition to tasks that can be solved) the morphological analysis method (for inventions) the methods of expert assessments probabilistic-statistical methods (MO theory, games, etc.) cybernetic methods (black box object) IO methods (scalar opt) vector optimization methods simulation methods (e.g. GPSS) network methods matrix methods methods economic analysis and etc.

The place of SA in scientific research In the process of SA at its different levels, various methods are used, in which heuristics are combined with formalization. SA plays the role of a methodological framework that unites all necessary methods, research techniques, activities, and problem-solving resources. Modern systems analysis is applied science aimed at finding out the causes of real difficulties that arose before the "owner of the problem" and at developing options for their elimination.

The place of SA in scientific research The features of modern systems analysis stem from the very nature of complex systems. Having as a goal the elimination of the problem or, at least, the clarification of its causes, system analysis involves a wide range of means for this, uses the possibilities of various sciences and practical fields of activity. Being essentially an applied dialectic, system analysis attaches great importance to methodological aspects any systematic study. On the other hand, the applied orientation of system analysis leads to the use of all modern means scientific research - mathematics, computer technology, modeling, field observations and experiments.

Obvious signs of systemic structure of the system; interconnectedness of its constituent parts; the subordination of the organization of the entire system to a specific goal. Systemic practical activity Every our conscious action pursues a well-defined goal; in any action it is easy to see its constituent parts, which are performed in a certain sequence. Consistency of cognitive activity One of the features of cognition is the presence of analytical and synthetic ways of thinking. The essence of analysis is to divide the whole into parts, to represent the complex as a set of simpler components. But in order to cognize the whole, the complex, the reverse process is also necessary - synthesis. This applies not only to individual thinking, but also to universal human knowledge. Let's just say that the division of thinking into analysis and synthesis and the interconnectedness of these parts are the most important sign of the systematic nature of knowledge. The systemic nature of our thinking follows from the systemic nature of the world. Modern scientific data and modern system concepts allow us to speak of the world as an infinite hierarchical system of systems that are in development and at different stages of development, at different levels of the system hierarchy.

Areas of application of systems analysis At the national level in the development of Comprehensive programs technical progress The main directions of economic and social development Targeted comprehensive programs Improving the structures of the economy At the industry level under development Forecasts for the development of the industry Sectoral main directions of development Sectoral short-term plans Sectoral comprehensive programs Improving the structure of the industry and the management system Industry programs informatization At the regional level when developing Comprehensive programs for the development of the region The main directions for the development of the region Regional plans for the short term Intersectoral regional comprehensive programs Management structures in the region Regional informatization programs At the enterprise level when developing the Concept for the development of the enterprise The main activities of enterprises Annual production plans When organizing operational management of production organizational structures enterprises Information Systems production management

Task 1. Classify the system, taking into account the main classification features. Object - KSTU Classification feature By degree of organization By interaction with the external environment By structure By the nature of the relationship between elements By the nature of functions By the nature of development By the degree of organization By the complexity of behavior By purpose

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