
Complete ideas about the satisfaction of a person with his own professional. Job satisfaction and professional motivation of staff

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"The Relationship of Satisfaction professional activity and individual psychological characteristics of preschool educators "


Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of job satisfaction

1.1 History of job satisfaction research

1.4 Structure of job satisfaction

1.5 Job satisfaction factors

2.1 Characteristics of the sample

Chapter 3

3.1 Motivation for the professional activities of preschool educators

3.2 Features of social frustration of preschool teachers

3.3 Value orientations and the severity of internal conflicts among preschool teachers

3.4. Socio-psychological attitudes of the individual in the motivational-need sphere among preschool teachers

3.5 Job satisfaction among preschool teachers

3.6 MLO "Adaptiveness" by A. G. Maklakov and S. V. Chermyanin

3.7 The relationship of satisfaction with the PD and the individual psychological characteristics of the teachers of the preschool educational institution





Success in the education and upbringing of children is determined by many factors, each of which is quite significant, and the neglect of these factors inevitably leads to failure.

A professional teacher is the only person who devotes most of his time to teaching and raising children. If teachers were not involved in the education and upbringing of children, then after a few generations, society would stop its development. The new generation of people would simply not be prepared enough to sustain social, economic and cultural progress.

IN modern society the educator is a figure who demands special attention, and where his place is taken by insufficiently professionally trained people with a negative or indifferent attitude towards their profession, children suffer first of all, and the losses that arise here are usually irreparable.

Thus, the relevance of the problem and the available methodological developments make it possible to choose this topic.

The purpose of the study is to study the relationship between satisfaction with professional activities and individual psychological characteristics of preschool teachers.

In accordance with the goal, the following research objectives are defined:

1) to study satisfaction with the professional activities of preschool educators;

2) to study the individual psychological characteristics of preschool teachers;

3) to study the relationship between individual psychological characteristics and the degree of satisfaction with the professional activities of preschool educators;

The subject of the study is the relationship between satisfaction with professional activities and individual psychological characteristics of educators of preschool educational institutions.

The object of the study are preschool teachers educational institutions.

The hypothesis of the study was the assumption that there is a relationship between job satisfaction and individual psychological characteristics of preschool teachers.

motivation work educator

Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of job satisfaction.

1.1 History of job satisfaction research

Addressing the topic of job satisfaction has always occupied a central place in psychology. Questions of satisfaction of workers with their work attracted attention already in the 30s of the XX century. And although a sufficient number of articles on its various aspects have been published over the past half century, nevertheless, this problem is still far from its theoretical understanding and, moreover, a practical solution. Researchers explain this by the fact that such a form of life as work takes a person 1/3 of the time during which he is in an active state, and there is no other sphere of activity that would be comparable with it in terms of time costs.

IN modern conditions the combination of the achievements of the scientific and technological revolution with the strengthening and development of socialist society presupposes not only new technology, but also new social forms organization of labor, new relationships between people, a new attitude to work.

These problems are especially important for young people, who already today influence the development of society. Responsibility for the future requires from her not only solid professional knowledge, but also an understanding of the underlying logic social processes. For young man vital and relevant questions about what is work for each of us, how it should be organized in order to become more efficient and at the same time more humane, what should be the relationship of people in the process of joint labor activity.

Motives of labor behavior different people are different, but there is no doubt that each person has a certain system of individual needs, interests, values, the satisfaction of which is or should be carried out in labor. Today, the question of the need to intensify such behavior is becoming more and more urgent, which, as a result, will reduce unemployment, increase job satisfaction at the micro level, and at the macro level, the efficiency of the economy as a whole.

The problem of job satisfaction has long attracted the close attention of many scientists both in our country and abroad. It should be emphasized that the historical leadership in the study of the problem of job satisfaction and the factors that determine its level belongs to Western scientists. Being the first to face a problem whose relevance is especially high in developed societies market economy, they laid the foundations for its further study. A great contribution to the study of job satisfaction, attitudes towards work, work motivation was made by such scientists as F. Taylor, A. Fayol, E. Mayo, G. Ford, A. Maslow, D. McGregor, K. Alderfer, D. McClelland, F. Herzberg, L. Porter, E. Lowther, W. Vroom, R. Hughesman, J. Hatfield, W.E. Deming, B.F. Skinner and others. These scientists created various theories and models of motivation and job satisfaction, developed practical advice to apply their theories.

However, it is impossible to say that the problem has been fully studied. Many models and theories contradict each other, defend opposite statements about the phenomenon under study. Each of the theories and models has been criticized by other scientists, and it should be noted that these theories and models created by foreign scientists are products of a different society, reflecting different cultural standards, and therefore are not always applicable in Russian conditions.

Domestic scientists began to study the problems of job satisfaction relatively recently. During this time, they obtained important results, which revealed, in particular, the structure and hierarchy of motives for the labor activity of workers in enterprises of industry, agriculture, etc. But, unfortunately, the level of these studies and practical use their results do not fully meet modern requirements.

There are ambiguities in defining the essence of this phenomenon, in establishing its connection with philosophical and economic categories.

The meaning and ways of using labor satisfaction indicators in the practice of enterprise management have not yet been clearly established. It should be noted that most domestic specialists consider job satisfaction as a psychological or socio-psychological category. Most dissertations devoted to the problem of attitude to work, job satisfaction, staff turnover in our country are defended in philosophical sciences and consider job satisfaction as a philosophical category (A.E. Levin, A.K. Meshcherkin, K.R. Khaava, G .P. Bessokirnaya).

1.2 The concept of job satisfaction

In the context of labor psychology, job satisfaction is considered as a set of psychological attitudes in relation to the labor activity carried out by the personnel of the enterprise, since job satisfaction primarily depends on the compliance of the result of labor with the internal needs of the subject of labor.

The American sociologist E. Locke, defining the concept of "job satisfaction", initially formulated it as "a pleasant positive emotional state as a result of evaluating one's work or one's experience." Later he changed a little. this definition. "Job satisfaction is the result of evaluating one's work in order to achieve certain values ​​associated with work, provided that these values ​​make it possible to satisfy the needs of the individual."

V.A. Yadov and A.A. Kissel consider job satisfaction as a level of adaptation of an employee in a given organization, indicating that “the requirements placed on him and the opportunities provided to him meet his needs and correspond to his orientations, social attitudes, and orientation of interests.

Satisfaction - dissatisfaction, characterize the emotional perception of employees of various aspects of labor activity. There is no doubt that the role of emotions in a person's labor activity is enormous, including in the psychophysiological mechanism of job satisfaction. Satisfaction with work, writes R. Stolberg, is nothing but the mental state of an employee, reflecting his work attitude, attitude to life, his work motivation, his needs and expectations regarding work.

Satisfaction with work is a manifestation of mental balance, the result of the presence of such circumstances in labor process that are consistent with the needs and expectations, or the result of the absence of such needs and expectations, which in this labor system would remain dissatisfied.

Some authors will try to systematize human needs as a basis for grouping work motives, personality requirements, and job satisfaction factors. Thus, five types of needs can be distinguished:

1) the need for labor,

2) the need to develop mental and physical abilities,

3) the need for creative activity in a team, in social contacts in cooperation, in social security,

4) the need for material support,

5) the need for social integration through the labor process.

Satisfaction with work is an important characteristic of the consciousness of the members of the labor collective and acts as a verbally expressed attitude towards work, that is, verbal behavior.

Satisfaction with work is a universal criterion for explaining and interpreting a variety of actions of individual workers and labor groups. It defines the style, method, manner of communication and management of satisfied and dissatisfied people.

Low job satisfaction can be considered as one of the reasons for the decline in staff productivity. Lack of satisfaction with the results of their activities can be additional source reduction of individual resources of the individual, which as a result becomes a threat to the mental and physical health of a working person.

Job satisfaction is a pleasant, positive, emotional state emanating from the evaluation of one's work or work experience. It is the perception by the employees themselves of how well their work delivers the things that matter to them.

There are three important parameters of job satisfaction:
emotional reaction to the situation at work;
compliance of labor results with expectations and the development of appropriate reactions and attitudes; manifestation of other related attitudes in behavior.

The following five parameters of work are distinguished, which most accurately characterize it in terms of those affective reactions that it causes in the employees of the organization.

Work itself (the degree to which work provides a person with interesting tasks, opportunities to learn new things, to feel a sense of responsibility for the task assigned). The most important motivational factors associated with job satisfaction are:
a) the content of the work itself;

b) autonomy in its implementation;

c) the level of interest and complexity;

d) work that leaves no room for boredom and gives a person a certain status.

Satisfaction with work is a generalized attitude of the individual towards his work. Any work is not limited to the performance of individual functions or tasks, but is a wide range of various activities. General satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) with one's work includes the totality of feelings of satisfaction from each form of activity and interaction included in labor.

The fact of the existence of such different interpretations of job satisfaction, which sometimes contradict, and more often complement each other, is evidence of both the complexity of the problem and its incomplete development. Industrial-organizational psychologists have been researching job satisfaction for over 60 years; it is one of the most extensively researched topics in this field of psychology. Despite a large body of research, theories of job satisfaction that point to its sources and reveal the mechanisms of causal processes have not yet been adequately developed. Most theoretical claims are consequences of theories of motivation.

1.3 Job satisfaction theories

Within the framework of modern psychological science, the two-factor "motivational-hygienic" theory of job satisfaction by F. Herzberger is generally accepted and generally recognized as the most heuristic and interpretive resource in this area. Conditionally referred to as motivational criteria include the actual content characteristics of labor activity, the successes and achievements of an individual or group in work, the prospects for qualification and professional, including career development, recognition from the social environment, in particular, indicators of a prestigious and "image" nature. The hygienic criteria conditionally designated as improvements include ergonomic working conditions, the level of material remuneration, leadership style, the nature of interpersonal relations in the workforce. It should be specially noted that job satisfaction, as a rule, increases with the optimization of "motivational" factors. In the case of "hygienic" indicators, dissatisfaction with work most often decreases, but the indicator of job satisfaction does not always change. At the same time, it is clear that a rigid division of the factors influencing the degree of job satisfaction into “motivational” and “hygienic” factors is rather arbitrary, since in some cases it is precisely “hygienic” factors that act as motivationally determining the activity of both an individual and a group in in general. In addition, it is necessary to specifically stipulate the fact that in groups of different levels of socio-psychological development " specific gravity"Different factors of job satisfaction also differ. So, for example, in groups of a high level of development, the "motivational" component and such an indicator as the "system of relationships", in F. Herzberger's theory, included in the list of "hygienic" factors, as a rule, are of decisive importance for a positive subjective vision and assessment of their work activity, while for groups of a low level of development, indicators such as wages and ergonomic working conditions often become decisive.

Satisfaction with work, as shown by numerous studies, acts as a serious component of the socio-psychological climate in the team, being both an essential basis for the formation and implementation of a positive psychological atmosphere in the group, and at the same time a consequence of well-established positive relationships between employees. As for the efficiency of activity, for an adequate assessment of this paramount parameter of the social activity of an individual and a group, taking into account such a subjective factor as job satisfaction is necessary condition.

In the process of operationalizing the theory of F. Herzberg, organizational psychologists J. Hackman and J. Oldham identified five basic factors that, from their point of view, are necessary for the work to be perceived by the employees of the organization as meaningful, interesting and satisfying. These include:

1. Variety of skills. More meaningful are those jobs that require a lot, rather than one or several different skills.

2. Job identity. Works that make up a whole are more meaningful than works that are only some part of the whole work.

3. The importance of the task. Works that are important to other people are more meaningful than works of little importance.

4. Autonomy. Jobs in which a person can exercise independence, enjoy freedom and make decisions about the performance of work are more meaningful than jobs that do not provide such opportunities.

5. Feedback regarding work. Jobs that include feedback on how an employee performs their job are more meaningful than jobs without feedback. feedback

And yet, the results of fifteen years of research by F. Herzberg and his colleagues do not allow a clear distinction between hygiene and motivating factors. Such partial verification is characteristic of all so-called dispositional theories of labor motivation. To this group of approaches describing the structure work motivation and conditions of job satisfaction, traditionally refer to A. Maslow's hierarchical needs model, S. Alderfer's ERG theory and D. McKelland's achievement needs theory.

The theory of S. Alderfer, in essence, is a modification of the hierarchical model of A. Maslow: "The starting position of this theory is the hypothesis of the existence of three groups of needs, listed in order from the most specific to the least specific. These needs for existence (existence - E) , relationships with other people (relatedness - R) and growth (growth - G).According to the ERG theory, if efforts aimed at satisfying needs of any level constantly lead to frustration, then a person can regress to behavior that satisfies more specific needs An employee who is not able to satisfy the needs for personal growth, can stop at the fact that he will do his job only as much as necessary so as not to lose his place and satisfy social needs (the need for communication), that is, the needs of a lower level. "The main difference between this approach and A. Maslow's hierarchical model is Rejection of a strict ranking of needs It is clear that the level of job satisfaction in the framework of S. Alderfer's theory directly depends on the breadth of the spectrum of needs that can be realized within the framework of labor activity.

It must be said that the ERG theory, like all other dispositional theories of motivation, has not received exhaustive empirical confirmation. However, the common advantage of these approaches is their simplicity and a high degree of adaptability to the solution. practical tasks in the specific context of an organization.

If all theories, one way or another, proceed from the presence of an individual certain needs, which in the classical interpretation of A. Maslow are innate, can be quite abstract, irrational and not always conscious, then cognitive theories of labor motivation proceed from the fact that motivation is always a conscious choice made on the basis of complex process decision making that compares options, weighs costs and benefits, and assesses the likelihood of achieving desired outcomes.

Therefore, job satisfaction in the framework of cognitive approaches ultimately depends on the correspondence of the real result of the activity to the expectations of the individual. However, each of these approaches has its own nuances.

The theory of general expectations was developed in the late 60s. of the last century, based on the research of a large group of organizational psychologists, in particular, W. Vroom, J. Campbell, L. Porter, I. Lawler and others. It proceeds from the fact that there are four groups of interrelated variables, the totality of which mediates the expectations of the individual, the level his labor activity, and ultimately the results of labor activity and the degree of satisfaction with it. These include: the expectation of a certain level of work performance depending on the effort, the expectation of the result depending on the level of work performance, instrumentality and value.

Expecting a certain level of performance based on effort reflects the belief that effort will lead to achievement. desired level work. This probability strongly depends on the person's assessment of his own skills and knowledge regarding work, on the expectations of other people, as well as on the support from colleagues and the favorable influence of working conditions and other environmental variables.

Expectation of the result depending on the level of performance of the work. This probabilistic notion, similar to the previous one, reflects the belief that the performance of work will be followed by certain direct results (or first-level results) - from salary increases, promotions and a sense of achievement to recognition, increased workload and longer working hours. .

Instrumentality is the usefulness of a certain behavior or result in terms of achieving some other meaningful goal; this variable reflects belief in what is between behavior. and the achievement of this goal there is a connection. The concept of instrumentality is particularly relevant to labor results the second level is the desired consequences that do not follow directly from labor activity, but become possible due to the direct results (first level) of labor behavior. Value. The results of the first and second levels are assigned a certain value (sometimes called valency) - this is a variable that reflects the degree of attractiveness of the results for a person. The pay increase (Level 1 outcome) that results from a promotion can have a high positive value because it is instrumental in achieving second-level outcomes positively assessed by the employee, such as a higher standard of living.

Although, as already noted, the theory of general expectations is based on completely different methodological premises than dispositional theories, it is easy to notice certain parallels, in particular, the two-level structure of expected performance results, which are obviously related to the hierarchy of human needs. In general, this approach seems to be quite complex and eclectic, which significantly complicates its practical use. Moreover, as L. Jewell notes, although many hypotheses based on the theory of general expectations are confirmed in various studies, evidence of the correctness of this model as a whole has not been obtained.

From a practical point of view, the theory of justice by J. Adams seems to be much more convenient in assessing the degree of job satisfaction. According to this concept, people compare the ratio between what they get in their work situation (their results) and the efforts expended on it (their investments) with the ratio of the results and investments of other people. Outcomes include salary, status, and job level. The most significant investments are. skills, knowledge, experience, work experience and education. According to the theory of justice, job satisfaction will be high if the individual result/effort ratio is equal to or slightly higher than the average value for this type of activity. It is quite obvious that satisfaction drops sharply if this ratio is below average - this situation is perceived as a clear injustice. However, as a number of studies have shown, job satisfaction often decreases even when this ratio is significantly higher than the average. Many individuals in such cases experience a sense of guilt and seek to get rid of it by increasing their contribution to work, thereby correcting the identified injustice.

The main disadvantage of the theory of justice is that within its framework it is significantly limited, and in a number of cases it is simply impossible to take into account such factors that determine job satisfaction as a system of interpersonal relations, the status-role position of an individual in an informal group structure.

1.4 Structure of job satisfaction

The structure of satisfaction with professional activity consists of the following elements:

1) satisfaction with social status;

2) satisfaction with the production situation;

3) satisfaction with the functional content of labor.

The social level of satisfaction with work depends on satisfaction with the profession as a type of work that provides the desired social status. We are considering certain profession not “from outside”, but “from within”, as an individual manifests himself within a group engaged in this type of labor. From this point of view, job satisfaction is an indicator of inclusion in the social context of this type of work.

At the same time, the study of job satisfaction is carried out in connection with a specific job occupied by an individual. This means that the reflection of the social element in the structure of job satisfaction is a mental state indicating the degree of its integration with the social context of the workplace. The social context of the workplace is understood as a set of social and socially significant qualities directly or indirectly inherent in this workplace.

Going beyond the social context of a certain workplace and integrating with the context of another, which significantly differs in a higher status from the one occupied, manifests itself as dissatisfaction social element job satisfaction structures. It includes the following factors: social status, the possibility of career advancement, advanced training, the achievement of socially significant results, public recognition, etc.

The psychological element of the structure of satisfaction is understood as the degree of adaptation of the worker to the production environment. But this level of the structure of job satisfaction includes only the following substructures: working conditions; organization of labor, since in reality only they constitute a sphere in labor activity, in relation to which the process of adaptation is possible. Working conditions are understood as sanitary and hygienic, aesthetic conditions of production and the psychological climate of the team.

The organization of labor includes the organizational and technical elements of production, which include the mode of work and rest, the principles of payment, the features of involvement in technological scheme, organizational structure, financially organizational support, safety. Adaptation to all these factors has qualitative differences due to the respective specifics.

The third level of job satisfaction - psychophysiological - is understood by us as the degree of correspondence of the functions performed in the process of work to the abilities of the individual, as the correspondence of the functional content of labor to the psychophysiological characteristics of the worker. (Psychophysiological features here are understood as the totality of the mental and physical inclinations of the individual, which forms his ability to work, as well as such characteristics of the employee that exist on the basis of these inclinations, such as the success of mastering the profession, skills, knowledge, and so on. This level of the structure of job satisfaction is sometimes distinguished as an independent type of satisfaction and is called “job satisfaction” or “activity satisfaction”.

The psychophysiological element of the structure of job satisfaction includes such factors as interest in work and various parameters of nervous and physical activity (severity, monotony, rhythm, and so on).

As general characteristics elements of the structure of satisfaction, it can be noted that the social level of the structure of job satisfaction is formed as a result of social influence and can be changed by this influence. The psychological level is predetermined by the adaptation of the employee and the production environment, that is, the situation can change both by the mobilization of adaptive capabilities and as a result of appropriate measures that rebuild the state of the substructures that form this level of satisfaction. The psychophysiological level of satisfaction with work turns out to be a given objective correlation of the properties of the individual and the functions that he must perform at a given workplace, and nothing can be changed here without changing either the employee or workplace. As a result, the problem of correspondence: "individual - workplace" is solved on two sides:

The development of the issue from the point of view of the correspondence of the individual to the workplace is carried out by such a branch of science as professional selection;

The aspect of the correspondence of the workplace (means of labor) to the properties and capabilities of a person is being developed by engineering psychology and ergonomics. This degree of flexibility in each of the levels of satisfaction, apparently, should be taken into account when conducting appropriate research.

1.5 Factors of job satisfaction

What determines job satisfaction? The answer to this question is necessary both from the point of view of a correct explanation, interpretation of many phenomena, and from the point of view of their effective regulation. There are a number of factors that shape the estimated attitude of people to their work activity or significantly affect it.

1. Objective characteristics of labor activity. The level of job satisfaction directly depends on the characteristics of the nature and working conditions, while the principle " good job satisfies, bad does not satisfy. "The individual characteristics of people in this case are not of great importance, since within certain limits there are criteria of acceptability - unacceptability common to all.

In explaining, interpreting people's evaluative attitudes towards anything, including work, right work typical mistake- subjectivization of the factor. We are talking about a situation where satisfaction is explained, interpreted by the subjective characteristics of a person or group, while in reality it has an objective basis.

The "subjectivization of the factor" error has concrete consequences. For example, in his dissatisfaction with work, a person sees some kind of individual case, therefore, he experiences his inability to this activity, exaggerates his shortcomings in terms of adaptation to it, and so on; Others perceive the employee's dissatisfaction as his individual weakness and individual incorrect behavior, although it is natural.

2. Subjective features of perception and experience. First, as a result of research and observations, it was noticed that there are the most unpredictable and unexpected features of the attitude of different people to the same aspects of the conditions and nature of activity, including labor. In practice, they are almost impossible to take into account. Secondly, all people as workers differ in the level of claims and criticality. Even in American industrial sociology, it was popular to discuss the thesis "There is no good or bad bad work, but there is a satisfied or dissatisfied person.

Claims and criticism can be fair and unfair. They always give rise to discussions about the culture of behavior. For example, overestimated claims and criticism regarding the nature and working conditions are an indicator of selectivity, adherence to principles, taste, the level of professional thinking, or, conversely, immodesty, lack of will and character, disrespect for others. From the point of view of managers and managed, views on the "normality" of the nature and working conditions differ.

Thirdly, both in everyday consciousness and in science, the level of satisfaction with work is associated with the degree of its complexity. The scheme of thinking is as follows: complex work has more creative content than simple work, so the probability of satisfaction is higher here. In the end, everything is decided by the factor of creative imagination. The following points must be taken into account here. All people have different creative needs, so the creative content factor may not be the main factor. Moreover, many do not need "creativity at work" at all.

Fourth, all people have different creative abilities. If we compare two experimental categories of workers engaged in complex and simple work, we will find that in the first category there are individuals who do not experience creative moods at work, do not consider their work as interesting, and, conversely, in the second there are individuals who can give your work an "interesting" rating or avoid "uninteresting" ratings. Among those who are engaged in seemingly primitive labor, there are those who are able to "see and make" their work creative, not to get bored in work time, to transform their tasks and functions from monotonous to diverse, to show ingenuity in the creative enrichment of their own work.

Along with such a mistake as the subjectivization of a factor, there is another one - its objectification. We are talking about a situation where the level of satisfaction with work is random, depending on the individual characteristics of a person, and it is explained as objective, natural for everyone in this case. For example, an employee is incompatible with this work, but a conclusion is made about poor organization of labor.

3. Qualification and education. Sociological surveys and special events for the attestation of workplaces often record facts that education and qualifications either correspond or do not correspond to the work tasks and functions performed.

From the point of view of job satisfaction, it is worth paying attention to the following two situations. If education and qualifications are higher than the requirements of the content of labor, then this naturally determines the lack of interest, monotony, or, conversely, the ease of performing tasks and functions. If education and qualifications are below the requirements of the content of work, then this creates complexity and increases the severity, or, conversely, stimulates the creativity and development of the worker.

4. Duration (length of service) of labor activity. This factor is usually seen as contributing to satisfaction, since over time there is an adaptation to the unfavorable aspects of work. Negatively evaluating their work at the beginning of their career, a person can perceive it normally or positively later. Even in cases where, according to some studies, there are clear disadvantages in the work, many senior workers no longer cite them as a problem.

There are different periods of adaptation, depending on the objective characteristics of labor and the subjective characteristics of the employee. Sociologists who have specifically studied this issue limit the period of adaptation to 0.5 to 3-5 years. At any stage of a career, dissatisfaction can be observed; this means that complete and absolute adaptation in certain cases is not possible at all.

The length and length of work experience can also negatively affect job satisfaction, if content is exhausted over time, elements of novelty in work disappear, and some expectations are not realized.

It should be borne in mind that in each case, job satisfaction can be decisively influenced by the total length of service, length of service in a given profession, length of service in a given workplace. There are situations when these three factors either obviously interact or obviously contradict each other.

5. Stages of the labor cycle. Labor activity is cyclical. In the process of achieving the final result of labor, the initial, middle and final stages can be distinguished, which have more or less
clear boundaries that are set by the criterion of product readiness or simply by working time - a year, a season, a month, a week, a day. There are three main options for the dependence of job satisfaction on the work cycle:

a) the final stage of work is characterized by overcoming the main difficulties and problematic situations; at this stage, a positive experience of the closeness of the final result dominates and therefore satisfaction with work is relatively maximum;

b) the final stage corresponds to maximum activity, tension, responsibility, irregular work and time, and therefore satisfaction is relatively minimal;

c) in the process of labor activity, such differences in job satisfaction are not observed, which is associated with the peculiarities of the nature and working conditions, the uncertainty of the cycle itself and its stages, the volitional traits of the employee, his tendency to plan.

6. Awareness. Any evaluative relationship of individuals and groups is affected by the presence or absence of a "comparative plan". An individual or group perceives the nature and conditions of their labor activity by comparing them with the nature and conditions of the labor activity of others, i.e. in other organizations, professions, even countries, for which it is necessary to be aware to a certain extent.

Awareness can have both a positive meaning, contribute to a more correct, adequate assessment, which is especially important in the case of low satisfaction caused by an exaggeration of the difficulties and unfavorability of one's work, and a negative one, be used in a speculative plan. For example, having incomplete or incorrect information about the nature and conditions of work in other enterprises, an employee or labor group may underestimate the nature and conditions of their work in order to raise economic demands on the administration.

By studying the perceptions of workers and labor groups about the presence or absence of better job than their own, it is necessary to limit the comparison to a specific profession, specialty, occupation.

From the point of view of comparative ideas about the conditions and nature of a certain work, sociologists distinguish between groups of workers who name one enterprise where working conditions are better, i.e. refer to private specific example; in general generalize all enterprises as the best in comparison with their own; are not familiar with the nature and working conditions at other enterprises and admit their ignorance; more or less categorically believe that it is not better to work at other enterprises, it is hardly better, it cannot be better.

7. Special material or moral motivation of work. If an employee or work group for some reason is passionate about the content of the work, attaches more importance to the tasks and functions performed, then they tend to ignore the unfavorable aspects of the nature and working conditions as something secondary. Meaningful attractiveness or awareness of the need for labor activity blunts criticism of its nature and conditions. Salary has a similar effect on job satisfaction. Like any other incentive and compensation mechanism, it is able to reduce criticality to the nature and conditions of work, if it is high enough.

8. Administrative regime in the organization. On the one hand, job satisfaction expressed by an employee or a work group may be a simple consequence of unwillingness, disposition to criticize the administration. In this case, satisfaction is a hidden version of conformism. On the other hand, an expression of dissatisfaction can be in a simple way demonstrating a threat, forcing demands and putting pressure on the administration.

9. Maintain positive evaluation and self-esteem. An expression of job satisfaction by an employee or work group may simply be a demonstration or suggestion of self-confidence, which helps maintain authority and improves mood. Dissatisfaction with work can be interpreted from the outside as weakness, mismatch of qualifications, inability to perform certain tasks and functions and solve some problems in the workplace.

Almost all of these factors are manageable, that is, there are very real social technologies that allow them to regulate job satisfaction.

Chapter 2. Organization and methods of research

2.1 Characteristics of the sample

The study was conducted in 2011-2012. on the basis of the Faculty of Psychology, Leningrad State University. A.S. Pushkin. The survey involved 25 educators of preschool educational institutions studying at the correspondence department of the Faculty of Psychology in the specialty "Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology". The age of the respondents is from 20 to 49 years. The experience of work as educators in preschool educational institutions at the time of the survey ranged from 3 months to 29 years.

2.2 Characteristics of research methods

The main research method was testing. In accordance with the goal, objectives and subject of the study set in the work, the following psychodiagnostic methods were chosen:

1. Methodology "Integral job satisfaction";

2. Methodology K. Zamfir in the modification of A. A. Rean "Motivation of professional activity";

3. Methodology for diagnosing the level of social frustration L.I. Wasserman (modified by V.V. Boyko);

4. E.B. Fantalova "Diagnostics of internal conflicts".

5. Methods for diagnosing socio-psychological attitudes of a person in the motivational and need sphere of O.F. Potemkina;

6. Multilevel Personality Questionnaire (MLO) "Adaptiveness" by A. G. Maklakov and S. V. Chermyanin.

7. Methodology of self-assessment "Ranking of 20 qualities"

Methodology "Integral job satisfaction".

An integrative indicator that reflects the well-being / disadvantage of an individual in a work team is job satisfaction, which contains assessments of interest in the work performed, satisfaction with relationships with employees and management, the level of aspirations in professional activities, satisfaction with conditions, labor organization, etc.

This technique allows you to evaluate not only the overall satisfaction with your work, but also to evaluate its components.

Instructions for the test

Read each of the suggested statements and rate how true it is for you. On a separate sheet of paper, write down the number of the statement and the letter designation of your answer.

A decoder for the key is proposed.

To obtain a general assessment of satisfaction with one's work and its components, it is necessary to convert the answers into points using the table:

Judgment on overall and partial job satisfaction (TS) is made on the basis of a comparison of the scores obtained with the maximum indicators given in the processing key.

* The average level of UT is determined in the 45-55% range of the total score.

* Low UT is characterized by a range of 1-44%,

* High - above 56 .

Methodology of K. Zamfir in the modification of A. A. Rean “Motivation of professional activity”

The technique can be used to diagnose the motivation of professional activity, including the motivation of professional and pedagogical activity. It is based on the concept of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Recall that one should speak of intrinsic motivation when activity in itself matters for a person. If the motivation for professional activity is based on the desire to satisfy other needs that are external to the content of the activity itself (motives of social prestige, wages, etc.), then in this case it is customary to talk about external motivation. External motives themselves are differentiated into external positive and external negative. External positive motives are undoubtedly more effective and more desirable from all points of view than external negative motives.

A list of answers is offered, which displays all kinds of motives for professional activity and an evaluation scale for these motives.


Read the motives of professional activity listed below and evaluate their significance for you on a five-point scale.

Processing of results.

After filling out the answer sheet, indicators of internal motivation (VM), external positive (EPM) and external negative motivation (VOM) are calculated in accordance with the following keys:

An indicator of the severity of each type of motivation will be a number ranging from 1 to 5 (including possibly a fractional one).

Data interpretation

Based on the results obtained, the motivational complex of the personality is determined - the relationship between the three types of motivation: VM, VPM and VOM. The following two types of combinations should be attributed to the best, optimal, motivational complexes:

VM > VPM > PTO and VM = VPM > PTO.

The worst motivational complex is the type PTO > PPM > PPM.

Any other combinations are intermediate in terms of their effectiveness. When interpreting, one should take into account not only the motivational ratio, but also indicators certain types motivation .

Methodology for diagnosing the level of social frustration L.I. Wasserman (modified by V.V. Boyko)

Social frustration is the degree of dissatisfaction with social achievements in the main aspects of life.

The questionnaire records the degree of dissatisfaction with social achievements in the main aspects of life.

This technique is intended for subjective personal scaling and is a tool for an ordered and strictly structured interview with an evaluation system that allows you to obtain the necessary information about the subject, his social and family status, the characteristics of interpersonal and industrial conflicts, etc.

The methodology is based on a differentiated assessment of the level of satisfaction-dissatisfaction on 6 subscales:

Relationships with family and friends;

immediate social environment;

social status;

Socio-economic situation;


Working capacity.

It can be used both in individual and group testing.

Instructions for the questionnaire

Read each question and indicate the one best answer.

1- completely satisfied;

2- rather satisfied;

3- find it difficult to answer;

4- rather dissatisfied;

5 - completely dissatisfied.

Data processing.

For each item, an indicator of the level of frustration is determined. It can range from 0 to 4 points. Each answer option is assigned points: completely satisfied - 0, rather satisfied - 1, difficult to answer - 2, rather dissatisfied - 3, not completely satisfied - 4.

If the methodology is used to identify an indicator in a group of respondents, then it is necessary:

1) get separately the product of the number of respondents who chose one or another answer, by the score assigned to the answer;

3) divide it by the total number of those who answered this item. You can determine the final average index of the level of social frustration. To do this, add up the frustration scores for all items and divide the sum by the number of items (20).

In mass surveys, the percentage of people who chose one or another answer to a particular item is very indicative.

Interpretation of results. Conclusions about the level of social frustration are made taking into account the value of the score (average score) for each item. The higher the score, the higher the level of social frustration.

Methodology E.B. Fantalova "Diagnostics of internal conflicts".

Diagnosis of mismatch, disintegration in the motivational and personal sphere, the degree of dissatisfaction with the current life situation, internal conflict, blockade of basic needs, as well as the level of self-realization, integration, harmony.

Test Description

This technique considers 12 basic human values ​​and reveals the ratio of such psychological parameters as "Value" (C) and "Accessibility" (D) for a person of each of these values. For any vital area, there are several typical options for the relationship between C and D, namely:

1) C and D completely coincide;

2) C and D largely coincide;

3) C and D diverge to a large extent, and such a discrepancy has two options: C exceeds D (C> D), D exceeds C (D> C);

4) C and D completely diverge.

Thus, the main psychometric characteristic of this test is the “Value-Availability” (C-A) indicator, which reflects the degree of mismatch, disintegration in the motivational-personal sphere. The latter, in turn, indicates the degree of dissatisfaction with the current life situation, internal conflict, blockade of basic needs on the one hand, as well as the level of self-realization, integration, harmony on the other hand [Practical psychodiagnostics.

Methodology for diagnosing socio-psychological attitudes of a person in the motivational-demand sphere "O.F. Potemkina

Purpose: to identify the degree of severity of socio-psychological attitudes.

The methodology consists of 80 questions: 40 questions are aimed at identifying the degree of severity of socio-psychological attitudes towards "altruism - egoism", "process - result", 40 questions are aimed at identifying the degree of severity of socio-psychological attitudes "freedom - power", "labor - money". The subject, when answering questions, must answer them either "yes" if the answer is affirmative, or "no" - if the behavior does not correspond to an affirmative answer to the question. For each “yes” answer, 1 point is awarded.

With a process orientation, people are more process oriented, they think less about achieving results, they are often late with the delivery of work, their procedural orientation hinders their effectiveness; they are more driven by interest in the case, and to achieve a result, a lot of routine work is required, a negative attitude towards which they cannot overcome.

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Professional activity, structure of job satisfaction, police officer, psychological well-being, values, motives, needs, personal aspirations, social usefulness, job satisfaction.

The article is devoted to the study of some aspects of satisfaction with professional activities among police officers. The experience of satisfaction with professional activity, its conditions, results and relationships that arise in the course of its implementation is considered as one of the factors of the psychological well-being of the individual. The study revealed the dominant motives, values ​​and overall level of job satisfaction for police officers with experience of up to 5 years and more than 15 years.

Professional activity, along with personal life, health and leisure activities, is of the greatest importance for a person. Satisfaction with its professional content in general and the various elements in the work environment in particular is one of the the most important characteristics, affecting the efficiency of labor activity, and has a huge impact not only on the quality of the employee's work, but also on the entire system of his relationships in the workforce.

D.Ya. Schultz understands satisfaction with professional activity as the fulfillment and fulfillment of a person's expectations from the material, social, spiritual and moral results of his work. The degree of implementation of the attitudes and requirements that a person consciously or unconsciously makes to his work is the basis for a subjective attitude to work.

Based on the activity approach, K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya connects the satisfaction of the individual with its activity. An important place in this chain is occupied by claims that express the unity of the aspirations of the individual and her requirements for the way to satisfy them and are a component of personal activity. According to this author, activity is a personal level, a way and quality of satisfaction of the highest value needs of a person who seeks, creates or transforms the conditions for their satisfaction in accordance with the positions of the person, his values. A person formulates his “right” to satisfy a need, which is expressed in a certain level of claims. This allows us to say that motivation is a necessary condition for effective professional activity. After all, only a person who is interested in his work and satisfied with it can really work effectively and be interested in the result. A person is satisfied with his work when he recognizes the correspondence between his professional activity and the established attitudes, interests, ideals. Consequently, satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) with work depends on the degree of realization of motivational expectations in professional activity. The components of the motivational sphere that affect the level of job satisfaction can be needs, professional attitudes and interests, beliefs, worldview, professional ideals and formed images of the professional future that make up the value system of the individual.

Values ​​can be considered as a system of coordinates of a person's living space, in which he carries out his activities, builds his relationships with other people and evaluates himself. The motives and values ​​of the personality, which determine the nature of its activity, are associated with the attitude towards the result of the activity or satisfaction with it.

A. Poteryahin distinguishes three levels in the structure of job satisfaction:

Sociological level, which is formed as a result of social influence and depends on satisfaction with the profession as a type of labor that provides the desired social status;

The psychological level, which is predetermined by the adaptation of workers to the production environment;

The psychophysiological level, which is associated with the degree of compliance of the functions performed in the process of work with the abilities of the subject of labor, the correspondence of the functional content of labor to the psychophysiological characteristics of the employee.

Thus, the satisfaction of a person with his professional activity can be considered not only through his initial needs and claims to success, motives and values, but also through its correlation with ideas about his capabilities, as well as with certain requirements for his own activity. This means that satisfaction in the field of professional activity is an important indicator of personal achievements, which can be used to judge how much a person is able to overcome the mismatch between claims and achievements, self-assessments and assessments of others. This allows us to state that satisfaction with professional activity can be correlated with the psychological state of the employee, which reflects labor motivation, needs and expectations regarding work.

The experience of satisfaction with professional activity, its conditions, results and relationships that arise in the course of its implementation can be considered as one of the factors of the psychological well-being of the individual. It is the feeling of one's own psychological well-being that allows a person to experience feelings of sovereignty of his own "I", confidence, security, trust in the world. This allows you to correlate satisfaction with professional activities with the quality of life in general. The subjective well-being of the personality of police officers is of great importance, since it affects not only their mental health, the effectiveness of their activities, which in modern conditions is tense, sometimes extreme, but also the safety of the people around them. A police officer, who can be characterized as a psychologically prosperous person, retains sufficient stability regarding the development of professional deformation, which can manifest itself in the form of a desire for power, withdrawal towards criminalization, formalization of the performance of official duties, addictions and deviations, etc.

Our study involved 80 police officers. Two groups of subjects were identified: employees with service experience of up to five years, whose average age was 27.5 years, and employees with more than 15 years of service, with an average age of 40.5 years. The following methods were used in the study: the questionnaire "Diagnostics of the motivational structure of the personality" by V.E. Milman, test "Value orientations" by M. Rokeach, test "Assessment of job satisfaction".

The subjects of the first group are characterized by the dominance of such values-motives as general activity, life support, communication. Since this group of subjects was made up of young employees with relatively little service, it is quite clear that they are generally more active. They believe that it is activity that can provide them with material wealth. Therefore, such a motive (value), as life support, is in second place in importance for such subjects. They are active, young and expect that their work will achieve the desired results. Communication in the structure of motivation of young employees ranks third, which can be considered as an age norm. Young people of this age are generally characterized by wide social contacts, a desire to spend time with friends, ease in building new relationships, and a willingness to participate in entertainment. For this group of subjects, the motives associated with comfortable living conditions and social usefulness are not significant. Young employees are ready to endure inconveniences - lack of proper nutrition, lack of sleep, etc. - which is explained by their age: a young body copes with overload quite easily. At the same time, the activity of the subjects of the first group is not conditioned by such a motive as social utility. All their activities are mainly subordinated to the desire to earn enough money to provide for their lives.

For older employees with a long service record, who made up the second group, the most important motives are comfort, social status, and life support. They value the conditions of activity in which they feel comfortable and convenient more. The second ranking place among the motives is occupied by the social status. It is important for the subjects of this group to feel their professional competence, which is supported by a higher rank and position. This allows them to feel their importance. The third ranking place in the structure of motives of labor activity is occupied by the motive of life support. Subjects work to maintain a stable level of well-being that they have on this moment, or raise it. This creates confidence in tomorrow. The last two ranking places among employees with experience are occupied by motivation associated with creative activity and social usefulness. These results are of particular interest, since police officers often talk about the need for their activities and their significance. And engaging in creativity could contribute to neuropsychic and emotional stability, reduce tension and increase vital resources.

Thus, it is obvious that among employees with experience, the consumption motivation and the values ​​associated with it dominate: comfort, wages, recognition in society. Young police officers have a high level of performance-related motivation: they are more active, they want to feel needed and they expect that their work will achieve the desired results.

The most preferred values ​​for both young employees and employees with experience were "health" and "materially secure life" (in the first group - ranks 1 and 2; in the second - ranks 2 and 1, respectively). This allows us to say that both of them put their achievements and material well-being in direct relation to the state of health. We believe that this is directly related to the fairly stringent requirements for professional suitability for police officers, which their health must meet. Such conformity, confirmed by regular passage medical examinations, is one of the conditions for saving the work.

Among the insignificant values ​​among employees with experience were: “self-confidence” (rank 18), “productive life” (rank 17), “happy family life” (rank 16) and “happiness of others” (rank 15).

Young employees are least of all oriented toward such values ​​as "freedom" (rank 18) and "self-confidence" (rank 17). Despite the fact that most young people aspire to higher education, the value of "knowledge" has only 16 ranks, and the value of "development" - 15. This reflects the trend associated with the desire to obtain a diploma of education, rather than new knowledge.

It should also be noted that the subjects of both groups do not consider as important such values ​​as being self-confident and considering what is important for the happiness of other people.

The most preferred instrumental values ​​for young employees are efficiency in business and responsibility. That is, they believe that accuracy in the performance of their duties, assigned tasks and instructions, work for the result will allow them to be successful in their official activities and thereby achieve the desired material well-being. Employees with experience believe that, first of all, they must be executive, responsible, and have a strong will.

Among the insignificant instrumental values ​​with which young employees do not associate the achievement of their desired life goals, there were strong will, rationalism, and cheerfulness. According to experienced employees, it is possible to achieve what you want in life without honesty in relationships, that is, if it is useful, you can use lies in relationships with others and hide information.

The results of the “Job Satisfaction Assessment” methodology made it possible to identify groups of employees with different levels of satisfaction with their work (Table 1).

Table 1.
Distribution of subjects by levels of satisfaction - job dissatisfaction (%)

We have carried out the consolidation of job satisfaction levels and identified one dichotomous indicator: satisfaction - dissatisfaction. 72.5% of young employees are satisfied with their service, while among employees with experience there are slightly fewer of them - 67.5%. That is, more than half of the subjects in both groups are satisfied with the working conditions, they are satisfied with the working conditions, relations with colleagues and management, and the level of wages.

The extreme degree of job dissatisfaction is observed only in 2.5% of young employees (1 person). At the same time, general dissatisfaction is more characteristic of employees with experience. It can be assumed that such employees, faced with the fact that they are not satisfied with their work, are nevertheless not ready to change it. This is probably due both to an increase in the amount of remuneration for work, with the approaching retirement age for seniority, and with the prevailing habit of this species professional activity. With increasing age, a person, due to rigidity, often turns out to be unprepared to change his place of work. In addition, serving in the police in modern conditions gives a sense of security and the opportunity to use the social package.

Thus, the results of our study revealed that the most preferred values ​​among police officers (regardless of length of service) are material well-being and health. If young employees intend to achieve this by efficiency and responsibility in business, then employees with experience - diligence. Employees with experience are dominated by consumption motivation and related values: comfort, wages, recognition in society. Young police officers have a high level of performance-related motivation: they are more active, they want to feel needed and they expect that their work will achieve the desired results. More than half of the police officers surveyed are satisfied with their working conditions, while general dissatisfaction is more characteristic of employees with experience.

Conducting such a study makes it possible to identify a risk group, which includes police officers with a low level of satisfaction with their professional activities. Such employees are especially vulnerable in terms of professional deformation, which can manifest itself in the form of a desire to subjugate, withdrawal towards criminalization, formalization of the performance of official duties, addictions, deviations, etc. It seems that the results of studies similar to the one we conducted will make it possible to effectively work on the creation of a system of non-material incentives, taking into account the dominant values ​​of employees of various police structures, to provide targeted assistance aimed at improving the psychological well-being of individual employees.

Bibliographic list:

1. Varykhanova K.V., Goryachuk I.V. Motivation of professional activity as a factor of job satisfaction // NovaInfo. 2013. No. 12. S. 73-76.
2. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K.A. Life strategy. Moscow: Thought, 1992.
3. Slepukhina G.V., Stepanova O.P. Value Orientations of University Students // Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Problem Research higher education: Monograph / Resp. ed. O.V. Gnewek. Ufa: RIO Aeterna, 2015. 222 p. pp. 94-134.
4. Gorbach N.A., Panyukova Yu.G., Panina E.N. Problems of psychological well-being of police officers in the conditions of professional activity // Psychopedagogy in law enforcement agencies. 2008. No. 3. S. 3-6.

Motivation - it is a system of motivating forces of a person, his aspirations, value orientations, the meaning of labor for himself. Labor motivation- this is something for which a person invests his professional abilities, carries out professional thinking, etc. The motivational sphere of professional activity performs a number of functions:

- encouraging(causes a person's activity to professional activity);

- guide(determines the nature of the goal in professional activity);

- regulatory(defines value orientations, motives of professional activity).

Motivation fixes such a state of professional activity, which is desirable for a person, but which is not yet available. It is determined by the constantly changing ratio of different motives included in the motivational sphere. Such motives include professional vocation, professional intention, the need for professional work, value orientations in professional activity, motives for professional activity.

Needs and value orientations form the basis motives of professional activity, which are defined as internal motivations aimed at different aspects of professional behavior (professional activity, professional communication, professional personality). Any factor that influences the emergence of motivation and decision making is motive.

Thus, the term "motivation" two groups of phenomena can be denoted: an individual system of motives and a system of actions to induce others to do something, which is often denoted as motivation. Both those and other phenomena are most often not realized. Motives prepare the purposefulness of professional behavior, although they do not ensure it. Purpose in professional activity is a conscious image of the results of labor in a person. goal setting includes goal setting(creating new goals) and goal realization. Different people set different career goals. For some, it is important to achieve a minimum result - “not to overwork”, others want to achieve the highest results, etc. Speaking about professional goal-setting, there are:

- strong goal setting(promising, flexible, noise-resistant);

- weak targeting(depending on external conditions).

Labor is effective when there is meaning of professional activity. Meaning- this is the basis for a person's assessment of the significance of professional activity for himself personally. Emotions- subjective experiences by a person of success or failure in professional activity, coloring value orientations, ideals turn them into meanings for a particular person. The totality of meanings (the meaning of life, the meaning of the profession) forms a system of spiritual values ​​of a person, his professional credo. It is important that a person has sense-creation, is able to find new meanings in his work. If the level of meaning creation is low, there may be a loss of the meaning of the work. A person "drops hands" at the slightest difficulty.

If work pleases a person, then there is job satisfaction. This feeling is intensified if there is a shared satisfaction with other people. Most of all, people are satisfied in their work by the recognition of their personality by other people, interest in work, payment and security of work. Job dissatisfaction expressed in tension, apathy, irritation, fatigue. Job dissatisfaction is the main reason for employee turnover.

The motivational sphere of professional activity is not the same at different stages of professionalization. The sources of change in the motivational sphere are:

1) restructuring of human social relations and changing the conditions of professional work;

2) the logic of human self-development;

3) uneven development and mismatch between the level of professional activity, professional communication, maturity of the individual;

4) disagreement between the individual parties in the motivational sphere (motives, goals, meanings).

In other words, the human motivational system is highly dynamic.

For existing motivational sphere professional work are characterized by:

A variety of motives, which allows you to maintain and strengthen motivation in various conditions and circumstances of work;

The quality and availability of the parameters of each of the motives, for example, effectiveness, awareness, sustainability;

Highlighting the main motives, for example, the desire to work for the benefit of other specific people;

The predominance of the constructive orientation of the motivational sphere of labor;

Flexibility, susceptibility to changes depending on working conditions, social relations in society, the logic of human self-development, etc.

Insufficiency of the motivational sphere professional activity can be expressed in the following:

    the poverty of the motivational sphere, the presence of only individual motives, for example, the motives of only executive labor in the absence of creative motives;

    discrediting the former motives of work;

    the dominance of motives that are external in relation to the profession (for example, earnings, prestige, benefits) over internal ones (interest in the content of labor);

    the presence of parameters of immaturity of motives (instability, unconsciousness, etc.);

    conflicts between individual motives, motives;

    unfavorable dynamics of motivation, loss of interest in the profession;

    inadequacy of the motivational sphere to the actual content of labor, for example, unrealistic goals;

    artificially arousing interest in work, for example, due to an unlawful increase in risk.

There are various motivational theories, which, according to M.Kh. Mescon can be divided into two groups:

2) procedural(establishing one or another set of factors interacting with each other in the psychological process of forming behavioral motives).

The group of motivational theories of a meaningful nature usually includes the theory of A. Maslow, the two-factor model of F. Herzberg, etc. The group of procedural theories most often includes the theory of expectations of V. Vroom and the theory of justice, etc.

Abraham Maslow believed that a person's motivating needs can be arranged in a hierarchical order. He believed that if the needs of a certain level are satisfied, they cease to play the role of motivating factors. To motivate a person to work, it is necessary to activate the next, higher level of needs. In his A. Maslow's hierarchy of needs identifies five levels:

1) physiological needs which include hunger, thirst, sleep and sex;

2) need for security: emotional and physical security;

3) need for love, belonging to a small group;

4) need for respect, recognition, this includes the need for power, achievements, status;

5) need for self-expression: self-expression is the individual motivation of a person to transform the perception of himself and reality.

In general terms, Maslow's hierarchy of needs can be transformed into a meaningful one. work motivation model(Table 6).

Table 6 Model of work motivation according to A. Maslow


Realization of needs

Basic (physiological) needs

Good working conditions, attractive salary, subsidized housing, free or subsidized meals

Security Needs

Individual health insurance, attractive pension terms, reliable working conditions, implementation of the “work without layoffs” policy

Communication needs (social)

Sports and social clubs companies, general parties, corporate events, promotion informal communication

Esteem Needs

Regular positive feedback, prestigious job titles, company flyer photos, promotions

The need for self-actualization

Challenging tasks, freedom of action in relation to key activities, giving responsibility, opportunities for personal and professional growth, encouraging creativity

Despite the fact that this model seems very logical, there is no convincing empirical support for it. Later, A. Maslow departed from some of his original ideas, for example, that the needs of a higher level appear only when the needs of a lower level are satisfied. Yet this model has been a major contribution to science, giving managers insight into the diverse needs of people in a work environment.

Two factor theory Frederic Herzberg has been known and popular in the West since 1959.

F. Herzberg continued the work of A. Maslow and created a specific content theory of work motivation. He conducted a study involving accountants and engineers in and around Pittsburgh. The critical situation method was used. The experts were asked two questions:

1) When did you experience the most complete satisfaction from your work, and what gave rise to it?

2) When did you feel the worst about work, and what gave rise to this attitude?

The expressed positive feelings were mainly connected with the work experience and its content. At the same time, negative feelings were associated mainly with external working conditions. F. Herzberg called the factors that cause satisfaction, motivators, and dissatisfaction - hygienic factors.

The difference between the traditional model of motivation and the concept of F. Herzberg is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 lists the factors that lead to feelings of satisfaction and dissatisfaction, which were identified in the studies of F. Herzberg. Demotivating factors, or factors that cause dissatisfaction, F. Herzberg called "hygienic factors". In his opinion, hygiene factors play an insignificant role in the motivation of workers. They are necessary to maintain an appropriate level of motivation, but their improvement does not lead to an increase in job satisfaction.

Factors that increase employee motivation are called "true motivators" because their presence increases job satisfaction.

As a manuscript

Gordienko Valery Nikolaevich



The relevance of research. At the present stage of the development of society, a new understanding of the goals and results of the teacher's professional development is being established, the achievement of which is a key condition for the humanization of education, which today is one of the urgent tasks of its modernization. The new goals involve the further growth of the teacher's creative activity, his self-realization and the achievement of the uniqueness of the individual.

In modern scientific literature, it is generally recognized that self-realization is the realization of the possibilities for the development of the "I" through one's own efforts, co-creation, cooperation with other people, society and the world as a whole. The result of self-realization can objectively be presented as the formation of integral personality traits and, at the same time, it always has a subjective character. Based on the position on the relationship between self-realization and satisfaction, presented in the works of V. Frankl, E. Fromm, K. Rogers, A. Maslow, K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, we assumed that as a relevant psychological criterion, personality- professional development Teachers in changing socio-cultural and educational conditions may be satisfied with their professional activities. However, there are certain discrepancies in the understanding of the relationship between these phenomena, due to insufficient theoretical development of concepts and the lack of extensive experimental studies.

The relevance of the research topic is due to the existing contradiction: on the one hand, new goals for the professional development of the teacher are set, and on the other hand, there are no relevant psychological criteria for the personal and professional development of the teacher, which could become the basis for developing programs vocational training and retraining of the modern teacher. The significance of this contradiction, the insufficient development of criteria for assessing the professional development of a teacher's personality, as well as the direct demands of practice determined the choice of the research topic.

Purpose of the study: substantiate the possibility of using the indicator of satisfaction with professional activity as a relevant psychological criterion for the personal and professional development of a teacher.

Object of study: satisfaction with professional activity as a psychological phenomenon.

Subject of study: psychological features and structure personal qualities teachers, causing satisfaction with professional activities.

Research hypothesis. We proceeded in our work from the following assumptions:

1. The experience of satisfaction - dissatisfaction with professional activity arises not only under the influence of objective factors (features of the work performed, the nature of relationships in the team, etc.), but also subjective ones, which can be such personal formations as the degree of meaningfulness of life, features motivation and self-attitude, the nature of subjective control, the orientation of the personality, as well as the features of value orientations.

2. It is also logical to assume that teachers with different levels of satisfaction with their professional activities may have certain differences in the overall structure of personal characteristics.

3. If there is a significant relationship between the level of satisfaction with professional activity and the teacher's personal qualities that ensure the success of his self-realization in professional activity, then the indicator of satisfaction can be considered as a relevant psychological criterion for the teacher's personal and professional development.

In accordance with the purpose and hypothesis of the study, the following tasks:

1. Give a theoretical analysis of the scientific literature on the topic of research and clarify the content of the basic concepts.

2. To identify the presence of a possible connection between the personal qualities of the teacher, ensuring the success of his self-realization in his professional activity and satisfaction with pedagogical activity.

3. Determine the general structure of personality traits that determine the level of satisfaction with professional activities in groups of teachers with high and low levels of satisfaction.

4. Develop and test a program of psychological training for personal and professional development for teachers with a low level of satisfaction with their professional activities.

Methodological basis of the study. In conducting the study, we relied on the theoretical and methodological principles of domestic psychology, in particular, the principles of activity, personal and systemic approaches, developed in the works of A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein, B.F. Lomova, A.V. Petrovsky, M.G. Yaroshevsky, L.S. Vygotsky. We were also guided by some theoretical provisions formulated within the framework of the concept of the semantic integral of personality (K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya), motivational-hygienic theory (F. Herzberg), the concepts of professional self-development of a teacher (L.M. Mitina), humanistic psychology (A Maslow, K. Rogers), acmeology (N.V. Kuzmina, A.A. Bodalev, A.A. Derkach, V.G. Zazykin), reflexive humanistic psychology and pedagogy of co-creation (N.G. Alekseev, I N. Semenov, S.Yu. Stepanov, E.P. Varlamova).

Research methods. To solve the tasks and test the initial assumptions, we used a set of complementary research methods:

Theoretical analysis of psychological, pedagogical, sociological literature, as well as dissertation research on the problem under study;

A block of psychodiagnostic methods for studying satisfaction with professional activities (“Studying the satisfaction of teachers with their profession and work” by N.V. Zhurina and E.P. Ilyin; “Diagnostics of the structure of motives for work” by T.D. Badoeva; “Satisfaction with the chosen profession” by V. A. Yadova, N.V. Kuzmina, in the modification of A.A. Rean), as well as the personal qualities of the teacher (“Motivation of professional activity” in the modification of A.A. Rean, “Diagnosis of the socio-psychological attitudes of the individual in the motivational-need sphere » O. F. Potemkina, “Locus of control” by E. G. Ksenofontova, “Meaningful orientations” by D. A. Leontiev, “The level of correlation between “value” and “accessibility” in various life spheres by E. B. Fantalova, “Diagnosis of the level emotional burnout "V. V. Boyko, "SAMOAL", etc.).

At the formative stage of the study, the methods of a reflexive workshop, reflexive diagnostics and conceptualization, the method of reflexive inversions, observation, questioning, and conversation were used. When processing the obtained data, methods of mathematical statistics were used (correlation analysis, overall assessment of the reliability of differences in indicators, factor analysis). The calculations were performed using computer programs Microsoft

Base and stages of research. The work was carried out on the basis educational institutions Ust-Ilimsk and Ust-Ilimsky district of the Irkutsk region. The empirical study involved 94 teachers. All subjects were women aged 21 to 63 years. In order to increase the representativeness of the sample, the group of subjects included teachers with different teaching experience and different pedagogical profiles: elementary school teachers, subject teachers representing all subjects of the school cycle and Various types general educational institutions.

During the first, preparatory, stage of work (1999 - 2000), an analysis of the scientific literature on the problem was carried out, blocks of methods were formed, and the scheme of the study itself was refined. At the second, ascertaining, stage of the study (2000-2001), the collection, processing, quantitative and qualitative analysis of empirical data was carried out. At the third stage (2001-2002), a psychological training was conducted with a group of teachers (23 people) with a low level of satisfaction with their professional activities, which was formed based on the results of a stating experiment. At the fourth stage (2002-2003) the results of the study were summarized and the text of the dissertation was drawn up.

Reliability of results and conclusions The study was supported by the use of reliable psychodiagnostic methods, mutual verification of the results obtained by different methods, the use of mathematical data processing methods, a meaningful analysis of the revealed facts, and a representative sample of subjects.

Scientific novelty and theoretical significance The research consists in developing and substantiating the provision on the use of the indicator of satisfaction with professional activity as a relevant psychological criterion for the personal and professional development of a teacher. The paper reveals the relationship between satisfaction with professional activities and the personal qualities of a teacher and determines the structure of personal properties that determine the level of satisfaction. Differences in the general structure of personality traits in groups of teachers with high and low rates of satisfaction with professional activities have been established. A program of psychological training for teachers with a low level of job satisfaction has been developed and implemented. The data obtained clarify the theoretical ideas about satisfaction as a psychological phenomenon and its relationship with the personal and professional development of the teacher.

Practical significance dissertation research lies in the fact that its results can be used in the development of programs for psychological and acmeological support of the professional activities of a teacher and methodological recommendations for improving the efficiency of managing educational institutions. Based on the research materials, the author developed special courses "Psychology of professional self-development of the teacher's personality", "Improving the psychological and pedagogical competence of the teacher", which are read for students and teachers of educational institutions in Ust-Ilimsk and the Ust-Ilimsk district of the Irkutsk region.

Provisions for defense:

1. Satisfaction with professional activity is an integral psychological characteristic of a person's attitude to various aspects of labor activity (to work, to a profession, to work in specific conditions). It arises initially as a psychological result of labor activity and later acts as a factor stimulating the development of the individual in professional activity.

2. Satisfaction of a teacher with his professional activity is determined by a combination of such personal formations as meaningful life orientations, faith in the positive nature of a person and his ability for creative self-development, focus on communication, work and the subject of teaching, conviction in the social significance of his professional activity.

3. The structure of personal qualities that determine satisfaction is a series of interrelated blocks (“personal maturity”, “orientation towards professional activity in the field of “person-to-person”, “internality in professional activity” and “orientation towards the subject of teaching”), the content of which determine a kind of "psychological portrait" of the personality of a teacher with a high and low level of satisfaction with professional activities.

4. There is a significant relationship between satisfaction with professional activities and the personal qualities of a teacher that ensure the success of his professional self-realization, which allows us to consider satisfaction as a relevant psychological criterion for the personal and professional development of a teacher.

Testing and implementation of research results. The main provisions and results of the study were reported at the meetings of the scientific and methodological seminar of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the branch of the Irkutsk State Pedagogical University in Ust-Ilimsk (1999-2003), at the meetings of the Department of General and Pedagogical Psychology of the Irkutsk State Pedagogical University (1999-2003). ); at the Regional Scientific and Practical Conference " Innovation processes in education northern regions Irkutsk Region” (Ust-Ilimsk, April 2003, April 2004); at the Russian scientific-practical conference "Problems of the integrity and continuity of education" (Irkutsk, 2004).

The structure and scope of the dissertation. The dissertation research consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a list of references, including 160 sources. The dissertation text contains 14 tables and 3 figures. The content of the work is set out on 151 pages.

In administered the relevance of the study is substantiated, the theoretical and methodological prerequisites, the purpose, object and subject of the study are determined, the hypothesis and tasks of the work are formulated, the main provisions submitted for defense are stated; the scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the results obtained are shown.

IN first chapter "General theoretical approaches to the study of the problem of satisfaction with professional activities" presents a theoretical analysis scientific works discussing job satisfaction as a psychological phenomenon. Review of psychological research (K.L. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, M. Argyle, I.A. Dzhidaryan, E.V. Antonova, D.A. Leontiev, K. Muzdybaev, S.L. Rubinshtein, V. Frankl, E. Fromm, J. Crumbo, L. Maholik, K. Rogers, O.S. Vasilyeva, E.A. Demchenko and others) showed that satisfaction as a general psychological category is studied in connection with various aspects of human life (satisfaction with work, leisure , relationships with people and life in general).

Analysis of the literature revealed that the concept of satisfaction is defined ambiguously. This is due to the fact that this concept is developed by different authors independently of each other, in different problematic contexts, as well as the predominance of empirical studies over theoretical ones. So, from the point of view of I.A. Dzhidaryan and E.V. Anton's satisfaction is a psychological phenomenon, which is defined as a non-homogeneous formation of a personality. Its structure is presented in the form of a reflexive core and an emotionally rich background. The most important feature of this phenomenon is its dual conditionality, which implies a certain balance of positive and negative emotions.

In the study of O.S. Vasilyeva and E.A. Demchenko, satisfaction is considered as one of the main indicators of the effectiveness of a person's life strategy. The most detailed theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of satisfaction is given from the standpoint of the subjective approach within the framework of the concept of the semantic integral of personality, presented in the works of K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya. In this concept, satisfaction is included in the structure of activity as an expression of a psychological result (efficiency), as a manifestation of a feedback mechanism between various components and stages of life activity, as a criterion for evaluating life by a person himself. In the studies of domestic and foreign psychologists (O.S. Vasilyeva, E.A. Demchenko, M. Argyle, etc.), it was found that the relationship between general satisfaction with life and personal characteristics is much closer than with non-personal factors (life standards, family relationships, work, health, etc.).

In the works of S.L. Rubinshtein, K. Muzdybaev, M. Argyle, V. Frankl, K. Rogers, E. Fromm discusses the relationship of satisfaction with such psychological phenomena as the meaning of life and self-realization of the individual. So, in the study of K. Muzdybaev it is noted that one of the most important psychological aspects of the meaning of life is the ability of the subject to experience the value of life, to be satisfied and motivated by it. The main conclusion of M. Argyle is that the productive self-realization of the individual is accompanied by an integral sense of satisfaction, a sense of the fullness of being. From the point of view of V. Frankl, satisfaction is neither the ultimate destination of a person, nor his primary desire, but is the result, a consequence of the fulfillment of the meaning of life. S.L. Rubinstein wrote that the less a person strives for satisfaction, the more he is busy with his life's work, the more positive satisfaction he finds. In the works of D.A. Leontiev uses the concept of satisfaction with self-realization as a feeling of success in realizing oneself both in life and in everyday activities. The scientific works of K. Rogers substantiate the idea of ​​the inseparable connection between self-realization and satisfaction, and also indicate that self-realization in professional and personal life is especially important for a person.

In the chapter given comparative analysis concepts of "satisfaction" and "satisfaction" and it is shown that the term "satisfaction" is used, as a rule, in works devoted to the problems of needs and motivation, and is understood as a state resulting from the saturation of a particular need. "Satisfaction" is understood by the majority of psychologists and sociologists as an attitude to the activities performed, the way of life. However, in our opinion, satisfaction is not an attitude proper. According to the interpretation of this psychological category in the scientific literature, the relationship is defined as a selective, conscious connection of a person with an object that is significant to him, based on individual experience, as the potential for a person’s mental reaction in connection with any object, process or fact of reality (V.N. Myasishchev ). Proceeding from this, the chapter emphasizes that it is more expedient to define satisfaction not as a relation proper, but as a characteristic of a really existing connection between a human individual and objects of objective reality. On the basis of the analysis carried out in the chapter, it is noted that in terms of its quality, satisfaction is an evaluative-emotional phenomenon, a subjective experience; by its nature, satisfaction is an integral psychological characteristic of a person's attitude to various aspects of life; in its role, satisfaction is a subjective result of activity and a psychological stimulus for personality development.

Further in the chapter, an overview of scientific papers is given, in which satisfaction with the actual professional activity is considered. As a result of an analytical review of theoretical and empirical studies of domestic and foreign scientists (M.B. Kunyavsky, V.B. Moin, I.N. Popova, O.N. Rodina, F.N. Ilyasov, T.A. Kitvel, V A. Yadov, V. Vroom, E. Disi, D. McGregor, F. Herzberg, L. Porter, E. Lawler, K. Zamfir and others) show that satisfaction with professional activity is one of the most important variables in the study of a person in the field of professional activity. The chapter notes that in domestic and foreign literature the concepts of "job satisfaction", "job satisfaction" and "satisfaction with professional activity" in most cases act as identical.

Traditionally, in sociological and socio-psychological studies, the term “job satisfaction” most often appears as a collective term for verbally expressed general (satisfaction with work, profession) and particular satisfactions (verbally expressed assessments of certain aspects of labor activity). However, the question of what - social or psychological - reality is measured through job satisfaction, is not specified. At the same time, the chapter points out that the psychological analysis of the problem of satisfaction with professional activity must be carried out in close connection with the problem of the subjective significance of labor and labor motivation. It is shown that the attitude to work should be considered in the following aspects: 1) attitude to work in general (subjective idea of ​​work, of the role in human life); 2) attitude towards the profession as a certain or particular type of labor; 3) attitude to work (professional activity) in specific conditions. Consequently, it is more expedient to present satisfaction with professional activity as an integral psychological characteristic of a person's attitude to various aspects of labor activity (to work in general, to a profession, to work in specific production conditions).

A review of the main theories of job satisfaction, and the theories of motivation from which they are derived, showed the following. From the point of view of E. Lawler, job satisfaction depends, firstly, on one's own assessment of the relationship between the characteristics of the job, its results and the efforts expended on its implementation; secondly, from comparing this assessment with the assessment of the indicated ratio in other people. L. Porter points out that satisfaction occurs when the discrepancy between a person's needs and what the job gives him is insignificant. According to the Porter-Lawler instrumental theory, satisfaction depends on whether the rewards received meet expectations. In our work, we relied on the provisions of the motivational-hygienic theory of F. Herzberg, according to which satisfaction is a function of the content of work, and dissatisfaction is a function of working conditions. The concept states that hygienic factors are, mainly, conditions of activity common to all, while motivational ones concern only each individual and are connected by such psychological characteristics of the individual, which determine the possibility of self-realization of the individual in professional activity. In general, the factors that determine job satisfaction must be separated from the factors that lead to job dissatisfaction.

Further, the chapter focuses on the fact that the problem of satisfaction with professional activity has traditionally been studied in connection with the production behavior of a specialist and his production efficiency, which led to the leveling of the humanistic aspect of the relationship between a person and work activity. It is shown that the most promising areas in the study of satisfaction with professional activity are those focused on understanding it as a personal phenomenon, on studying the dependence of satisfaction on personal characteristics and its role in the process of professional development of a specialist. It is stated that it is expedient in a special scientific and practical sense to study satisfaction with specific types of labor activity in specific production conditions.

Based on the theoretical analysis carried out, the concept of "satisfaction with professional activity" can be defined as an integral psychological characteristic of a person's attitude to various aspects of labor activity (to work, to a profession, to work in specific conditions).

Satisfaction is the psychological result of labor activity, which at the same time stimulates further development personality in professional activity.

Further, the chapter provides an analytical review of research on the problem of the personal and professional development of the teacher and the role of satisfaction in this process, which showed that the task of the personal and professional development of the teacher is now of particular importance, since the success of the renewal process largely depends on its solution. education. It is no coincidence that the problems of improving the psychological and pedagogical training of teachers are being widely and multilaterally developed at present in domestic pedagogy and psychology. (N.A. Aminov, N.V. Kuzmina, L.N. Kulikova, T.V. Maksimova, A.K. Markova, L.M. Mitina, A.B. Orlov, O.L. Podlinyaev, E .L. Fedotova and others)

The chapter draws attention to the fact that the specifics of the psychological approach to the analysis of the problem of the personal and professional development of a specialist is the shift of emphasis to the problem of the personality of the worker itself (N.S. Pryazhnikov, N.V. Kuzmina, A.A. Bodalev, A. A. Derkach and others) and concludes that the most promising approaches to solving this problem are those that are focused on the study of value-semantic, personal aspects of the developing subject of labor. Such approaches, from our point of view, should include humanistic, subjective and acmeological. Within the framework of these approaches, the position is affirmed that professional development is inseparable from personal development, and the personal space is wider than the professional one and underlies it. The chapter also notes that among the modern psychological concepts of the teacher's professional activity, a special place is occupied by the concept of L.M. Mitina, since it was in her that the above position was further developed. In general, the analysis of scientific literature devoted to the study of the relationship between self-realization of the individual and satisfaction, the identified theoretical approaches to the problem of personal and professional development of a specialist allowed us to make a hypothetical conclusion that satisfaction with professional activity can be considered as one of the relevant psychological criteria for the professional development of a teacher in new educational and educational institutions. sociocultural conditions. This conclusion formed the basis of our empirical study of the characteristics and structure of personal qualities that determine the level of satisfaction with the teacher's professional activities.

In second chapter “Satisfaction with pedagogical activity as a criterion for the professional self-development of a teacher” describes the methods and discusses the results of an empirical verification of the assumptions put forward about the interdependence of satisfaction with the professional activity and personal qualities of a teacher, as well as differences in the overall structure of the personal qualities of teachers with low and high level satisfaction.

In methodological terms, the problem was solved on the basis of a general methodological procedure that has developed in studies of the structural patterns of individual personality traits. The implementation of this procedure was carried out as follows. At the beginning, on a general sample, including ninety-four teachers aged 21 to 63 years, the level of satisfaction with professional activities and the following personal parameters were diagnosed: motivation, personality orientation, attitudes "altruism-egoism", "on the process", "on the result", self-attitude , meaningful life orientations, the level of subjective control, the level of emotional burnout, the level of severity of self-actualization of the individual, the ratio of "value and" accessibility "in various areas of life. The closeness of the relationship between satisfaction with professional activities and personal parameters of the teacher was determined by calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient.

Table 1. Results of factor analysis


Factor loads after factor rotation

Locus of control - life (controllability of life)

Life effectiveness (satisfaction with self-realization)

Locus of control "I"

Life goals

The process of life (emotional richness of life)

Orientation in time


A look at human nature

Focus on work

social utility

Focus on communication

creative activity

Setting for the result

Openness (reflexivity)

Orientation to the subject

Then the identified psychological characteristics were subjected to factor analysis by the method of principal components with further varimax rotation and the selection of one, two, three, four, five and six factors. As a result of factor analysis, four main factors were clearly defined (see Table 1)

The first factor included such psychological formations as the locus of control - life (0.870), the effectiveness of life (0.825), the locus of control "I" (0.823), the goals of life (0.784), the process of life (0.781), orientation in time (0.781), spontaneity (0.758), a look at human nature (0.637). Since this factor combined the variables included in the generalized construct "meaningfulness of life" and "self-actualization", we called it "personal maturity".

The second factor combined the following characteristics - focus on work (0.865), social usefulness (0.858), focus on communication (0.763) and creative activity (0.711) This factor combined the personality traits necessary for self-realization in all professions of the socionomic type, especially for the teaching profession . We called it "the focus on professional activity in the field of" person-to-person ".

The third factor included: internality in the sphere of achievements (0.870), professional and procedural aspect of internality (0.850), result orientation (0.776), openness (reflexivity) (0.769). The first of these characteristics determines how much a person (in our case, a teacher) considers or does not consider himself the cause of his own achievements and is ready or not ready to make efforts to achieve positive results in the future, the second indicates the presence or absence of developed skills in ensuring the process of professional activity, i.e., how capable the teacher is of independent professional and pedagogical activity. The presence in this factor of setting for the result and reflexivity, as the ability to deeply understand oneself and one's professional activity, allows one to call this factor “internality in professional activity”

In the fourth factor, the most significant were such qualities as focus on the subject (0.916) and intrinsic motivation of professional activity (0.704). This factor was called "focus on the subject."

The result of the factor analysis was the determination of the structure of personal qualities that determine satisfaction with professional activities. They are united by internal relationships into the following blocks: personal maturity, focus on professional activity in the “person-to-person” sphere, internality in professional activity, focus on the subject.

Next, we carried out the procedure of "stratification" of the sample in accordance with the principle prescribed by the method of "polar groups". To this end, the entire sample was ranked according to the level of satisfaction with professional activities (from the highest to the lowest), which made it possible to single out two polar groups of teachers: 1) those with low levels of satisfaction (32 people); 2) having a high level of satisfaction with their professional activities (36 people).

Then, by calculating the Student's t-criterion for independent samples, we checked the significance of differences in the average values ​​of personal characteristics that determine satisfaction with professional activities for two groups of teachers (see Table 2).

Table 2. The average group score for the manifestation of psychological characteristics among teachers of different groups

Psychological characteristics

First group

Second group

Difference of indicators


intrinsic motivation prof. activities

Focus on work

creative activity

social utility

Orientation to the subject

Focus on communication

Setting for the result

Openness (reflexivity)

Locus of control - "I"

Life goals

Life performance

Locus of control - life

Striving for self-actualization

Orientation in time

A look at human nature


Internality is general

Internality in the field of achievements

Internality in prof. activities

Prof.-procedural aspect of internality

Emotional burnout

Self dissatisfaction

Reduction prof. responsibilities


Emotional detachment

As follows from Table 2, significantly significant differences were identified in terms of psychological characteristics included in the generalized construct "meaningfulness of life" (life goals, life process, life effectiveness, locus of control - "I" and locus of control - life), "self-actualization" (orientation in time, a look at human nature, spontaneity), “locus of control” (internality in the field of achievements, in professional activities), as well as “emotional burnout” (reduction of professional duties, depersonalization, emotional detachment). There were no differences in the groups of teachers in terms of such psychological characteristics as focus on communication, openness (reflexivity), dissatisfaction with oneself.

Psychological portrait of teachers of the first group. Teachers of this group are characterized by a low level of meaningfulness of life, which is manifested in a distorted, contradictory life perspective, inability to live in the present, to get satisfaction from the process of life and orientation either to the past or to the future. Perceiving life as something unrelated, discrete, they do not consider the present as a moment of preparation and transition to the future. Their disbelief in their own strength is expressed in varying degrees of fatalism - the conviction that life is not subject to conscious control, that freedom of choice is illusory, that it is pointless to think of anything for the future.

Teachers of this group have a low level of general internality, they have a pronounced external locus of control, they do not consider themselves the cause of their own achievements and do not believe that they are able to influence the success of their own life and work. They are characterized by ideological attitudes of "convinced externality", the uselessness of their own activity and the senselessness of trying to change anything in their lives. They have a low level of personality self-actualization, do not believe in the positive nature of a person, they have no desire to realize their potential and achieve success in anything.

All of the above allows us to assert that the teachers of the first group have chosen a professional activity that does not correspond to their intentions, views and values. The inability to constructively solve life problems and self-actualize leads to a decrease in activity, devaluation of meanings, an increase in negative experiences and an undermining of neuropsychic health.

Psychological portrait of teachers of the second group. Teachers in this group are characterized by having clear goals that give life meaning, direction, and time perspective. They perceive the process of life as interesting, emotionally rich and filled with meaning. They are characterized by ideas about themselves as a strong personality, able to build their lives in accordance with the chosen goals and ideas. They are distinguished by the belief that it is given to a person to control his life, freely make decisions and implement them. They also have a high level of internality in the field of achievements and in professional activities, have developed skills to ensure the process of professional activity, are capable of independent planning and implementation of activities, and are also ready to take responsibility for it.

The teachers of this group are distinguished by their ability to live in the "present", i.e. worry currently of your life in its entirety, to feel the inseparability of the past, present and future, to see your life as a whole, not to “get stuck” in the past and not to ignore the present for the sake of a “wonderful” future. They are distinguished by a high level of ability to understand themselves and other people, to accept people as they are, to forgive themselves and others possible negative actions. They are characterized by sympathy and trust in relation to other people. They are characterized by a pronounced need for knowledge, a high level of activity, a creative attitude to life and professional activities.

Thus, our initial assumptions about the interdependence of satisfaction with professional activities and personal qualities of a teacher, as well as that the general structure of personal qualities of teachers with low and high levels of satisfaction has significant differences, have received empirical confirmation. This gives grounds to assert that the indicator of satisfaction with professional activity can be considered as a relevant psychological criterion for the personal and professional development of a teacher. It is advisable to use this criterion when developing such professional development strategies that would take into account the characteristics of the identified groups of teachers.

IN third chapter “Development and implementation of psychological training for the personal and professional development of a teacher” presents a program of psychological training for the personal and professional development of a teacher, as well as the results of its experimental verification.

The content-target basis of the program was formed by the provisions of humanistic psychology (A. Maslow, K. Rogers), acmeology (P.V. Kuzmina, A.A. Bodalev, A.A. Derkach, V.G. Zazykin) subjective approach (S. L. Rubinshtein, K. A. Abulkhanova, A. V. Brushlinsky and others). The ideas of reflexive-humanistic psychology and pedagogy of co-creation (N.G. Alekseev, I.N. Semenov, S.Yu. Stepanov, E.P. Varlamova) determined the instrumental and methodological component of the program.

The organizational form of the program implementation was psychological training, the purpose of which was to promote the process of developing the creative uniqueness of the teacher's personality, achieving the optimal level of satisfaction in professional activities and life in general. At the same time, the following tasks were set: 1) to identify the psychological problems of the training participants and provide assistance in their solution; 2) develop readiness for self-knowledge and self-development; 3) to help participants understand their limitations and the problematic nature of their past life experience; 4) identify the potential of life experience and possible prospects for their future among the training participants; 5) to promote understanding by the participants of the relationship to the present as the embodiment of the past and the source of the future; 6) improve the subjective well-being and strengthen the mental health of the training participants.

During the training, a combination of different methods was used, the main of which was the method of reflex practice, which includes the following methodological tools: the use of reflective contrasts, the methods of cultural analogues and conceptualization, the creation of a reflective "other world" and reflective diagnostic methods.

The program was implemented in work with a group of teachers (23 people) with a low level of satisfaction with their professional activities, and formed on the basis of the results of a stating experiment. The training was held once a week for three months, the duration of one session was 2.5 hours.

The implementation of psychological training was carried out in a logical sequence, which provided for teachers to rethink their internal experience by activating the following processes: actualization, disidentification, multiplication and integration. Actualization is a process of showing the participants' interest in the possibilities of their own professional and personal self-development. Disidentification is expressed in the departure of participants from the uniqueness of their stereotypical forms of thinking, feelings and behavior. Multiplication is the process of developing the emotional and intellectual capabilities of the training participants in the context of an expanding variety of semantic field, polyphony of ways of thinking, experiencing and behaving. Integration is expressed in the appropriation at the final stage of new psychological resources and opportunities developed and acquired in the process of training.

To test the effectiveness of the training program we implemented, a final psychological diagnosis was carried out using a block of techniques developed at the ascertaining stage of the study. Its results were compared with the results of psychological diagnostics obtained at the ascertaining stage of the experiment (see Table 3)

As can be seen from Table 3, after the training, such parameters as the locus of control - “I”, life goals, orientation in time, spontaneity, a look at human nature, focus on work, openness (reflexivity) significantly changed, which indicates that the participants of the training experienced significant changes in their views on themselves, the world and people, as well as in the awareness of their life path and its possible prospects. There were no statistically significant changes in such personal characteristics as the locus of control - life, the result of life, the process of life, focus on communication, internality in the field of achievements, professional procedural aspect of internality, focus on results, focus on the subject, internal motivation of professional activity. This is explained, in our opinion, by the fact that in the conditions of the training, teachers were in a situation of rethinking the role of the profession "teacher" as a possible space for self-realization in the future.

A post-training study of the level of "emotional burnout" of teachers who took part in the training showed (see paragraphs 19-24 of Table 2) that positive changes occurred in this parameter, which indicates the usefulness of the work done in terms of maintaining the health of teachers.

Table 3. Average group score of psychological characteristics that correlate with job satisfaction

Psychological characteristics

Before training

After training

Difference of indicators


Locus of control life


Locus of control "I"

Orientation in time


A look at human nature

Focus on work

social utility

Focus on communication

creative activity

Internality in the field of achievements

Prof.-procedural aspect of internality

Setting for the result

Openness (reflexivity)

Orientation to the subject

Intrinsic motivation prof. activities

Burnout level

Self dissatisfaction

"Caged in a cage"

"Reduction of prof. duties"

"Emotional Detachment"


The effectiveness of the implemented program is also confirmed by the results of the analysis of self-reports and feedback from the training participants. Answering the questions posed (“What emotions did you experience in the process of work, what thoughts did you have?”, “What new things did you learn about your life?”, “How did your outlook on your life change?”, “What experience did you get as a result of learning-

on the undoubted significance and usefulness of the training work, especially emphasizing its strong emotional effect. They also noted that participation in the training helped them rethink their attitude towards themselves and their professional activities as a source of personal development and self-realization.

IN conclude And the thesis summarizes the results of the study and formulates the following conclusions:

1. A theoretical analysis of the work of domestic and foreign scientists on the problem of the relationship between self-realization of the individual and satisfaction, as well as our study, allows us to state that the indicator of satisfaction with the professional activities of a teacher can be considered as one of the relevant criteria for personal and professional development. This criterion is most consistent with a new understanding of the goals and results of a teacher's professional development in new educational and sociocultural conditions, as well as the implementation of the humanistic aspect of the relationship between a person and work activity.

2. Satisfaction with professional activity is an integral psychological characteristic of a person's attitude to various aspects of labor activity (to work, to a profession, to work in specific conditions). It arises initially as a psychological result and later acts as a factor stimulating the development of the individual in professional activities.

3. It has been established that the decisive role in the structure of personal properties that significantly correlate with satisfaction with the professional activities of a teacher is played by such psychological characteristics as meaningful life orientations, the ability to live in the present, trust in oneself and the world around, faith in the positive nature of a person and his ability to be creative. self-development, reflexivity, focus on communication, work, subject of teaching, conviction in the social significance of one's professional activity, internal locus of control, internal motivation of professional activity.

4. Differences in the general structure of personal qualities in groups of teachers with high and low levels of satisfaction with professional activities were revealed. It is shown that personal formations, united by internal relationships into blocks (personal maturity, focus on professional activity in the "person-to-person" sphere, internality in professional activity, etc.), determine a kind of "psychological portrait" of a teacher's personality with high and low level of satisfaction.

5. Taking into account the results of the study, a program of psychological training has been developed, aimed at promoting the personal and professional growth of the teacher, developing his creative uniqueness, and achieving the optimal level of satisfaction. The practical approbation of the program showed that the training ensures the effective development of the teacher's personal qualities that contribute to creative self-realization, as well as the preservation of his psychological health.

6. The conducted research confirmed the assumption about the expediency of developing programs for the personal and professional development of a teacher based on an assessment of the level of his satisfaction with his professional activities.

Of course, our dissertation research does not cover all aspects of the problem posed. Promising areas for further research may be the relationship between reflexivity and satisfaction, their role in the process of personal and professional development of a teacher, as well as the study of satisfaction as an indicator of the psychological state of a teacher's psychological health.

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