
The best job for introverts. What kind of work is suitable for an introvert? Choosing a profession For an introvert, work is most suitable

Today's article on "Beautiful and Successful" will be about how to find a job for an introvert - a vulnerable, self-absorbed and extremely withdrawn person. Indeed, with such qualities, it is often not only impossible to get along in a team, but it can even be difficult to pass confidently.

And if you succeed, then at work you have to literally suffer, experiencing constant stress and earning nervous diseases. For psychological comfort, an introvert needs special working conditions and occupation.

An introvert is not a vice, but a lifestyle

According to scientists, introversive and extraversive psychological personality types can easily "get along" in one person, but one always prevails. You can’t be half introvert and half extrovert, either type is more likely to manifest itself in various situations.

An introvert (inward-oriented) experiences discomfort during active communication with a large number of people, constantly refuses corporate parties, loses a lot of energy during communication, and can only regain strength when alone or at home.

That is why not every job is suitable for introverts.

Personal qualities: isolation, lack of sociability

Many psychologists agree that sales are definitely not suitable for introverts, since skills such as improvisation and free communication are important here.

In addition, it is difficult for an introvert to occupy a leadership position, but at the same time, such individuals make good managers if they have to deal not with people, but with objects.

Although it is difficult to find a job for a non-communicative introvert that is not related to people today.

It is also believed that introverts and large corporations are incompatible, working as a psychologist will be an extremely painful task for him, and internal anxiety will develop from tutoring, as he will have to let unfamiliar people into his personal space.

The answer to the question of what kind of work suits introverts is simple - a minimum of communication with people.

The sphere of interaction with machines (IT and automated production), plants (landscaping, botanical garden) or animals (veterinary medicine) is excellent.

Strengths of an introvert:

  • creative ability, creativity
  • good memory
  • analytic skills
  • carefully considered decisions

Networking and well prepared improvisation

A high degree of competition today is by no means on the side of introverts, since extroverts are more attractive against the background of closed and even a little “inhibited” applicants.

But still, you can find a suitable job for an introvert if you follow a few tips from the site:

  1. Networking is the real salvation of the unemployed introvert. The bottom line is to find a job with the help of a circle of people you know. At the same time, you will check whether the “rule of five handshakes” works. Actively use the Internet: announce that you are looking for a job, in in social networks. Do it creatively (write down, for example, a video resume - read our tips on how to do this) - likes and reposts are provided to you. During a period of temporary unemployment, take care of your personal accounts - make them more presentable.
  2. Communicate with the HR manager over the phone. If the call took you by surprise, feel free to ask for a moment to grab your notes and collect your thoughts. But remember that phone work is not suitable for introverts.
  3. If you are scheduled for an interview, try to have the interview with the employer in private. A large number of people in the room won't do you any good. The ideal option is a Skype interview.
  4. All the information that you will need at a personal meeting with the employer (same as in the case of telephone conversation), write it down in a notepad. Duplicate a short summary, write down your strengths, professional achievements, advantages - in general, everything that is asked during an interview.
  5. Psychologists, speaking about what kind of work suits closed introverts, come to the conclusion that this is any position where you need to analyze. Therefore, ask more questions at the interview (make a list in advance), of course, if your interlocutor is not an introvert 🙂 interesting ideas. The employer will definitely appreciate it, and you will be able to parry in case of tricky questions.
  6. During the interview, show your full potential and do not agree to several interviews in one day - you will need at least one evening to recover.

Remember that finding a job for a pronounced introvert is simply vital, such that it charges him with energy, and does not deprive him of it. Otherwise, every evening you will feel like a squeezed lemon.

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Introverts feel great in solitude and do not seek to expand their social circle. It is unnatural for them to work in a large office filled with people, introverts experience even more discomfort when they have to work with a stream of visitors.

According to their psychological make-up, people are divided into extroverts and introverts. active, proactive and sociable. They easily get acquainted and find a common language with new people, feel great in any team, prefer to work in a team and openly express their opinions. They need contacts with people like air, because from communication with them they are charged with energy.

The exact opposite of extroverts. They are silent, outwardly calm, withdrawn, do not like to make new acquaintances, feel uncomfortable in the company of strangers, avoid large companies and are immersed in their own inner world. Unlike extroverts, introverts draw energy from communicating with a narrow circle of people they trust, and from immersing themselves in their own inner world.

Loneliness is a painful condition for an extrovert, an introvert will call freedom. In a crowd, an extrovert will feel like a fish in water, but for an introvert, this is a big psychological burden, tantamount to stress.

However, it cannot be said that being an extrovert is good and being an introvert is bad. Introverts also have strengths: they are patient and persistent, thoughtful and reasonable, have analytical thinking, are less subject to other people's influence, while extroverts are more impulsive and superficial.

Due to the fact that introverts are taciturn and withdrawn, one gets the impression that they are few. However, they are not at all in the minority, they are simply less noticeable against the background of energetic and sociable extroverts.

Their achievements in professional field are also not always immediately visible, although there are many introverts among world celebrities. Among them are the physicist Albert Einstein, the naturalist and naturalist Charles Darwin, the writer Franz Kafka, the founder of the corporation, the billionaire entrepreneur, the largest billionaire investor. Renowned venture capitalist Guy Kawasaki, author of numerous best-selling books, including How to Charm People, wrote of himself: “You may find this hard to believe, but I am an introvert. … by nature I am a loner.”

Thus, the tendency of introverts to think, their "withdrawal into themselves" does not mean at all that they are passive quiet ones. And yet, some employers often prefer extroverts when hiring, because with their openness and talkativeness they know how to win over and present themselves in a more favorable light than an introvert, who may have deeper knowledge of the subject, but behaves too restrained.

And not in all cases it can be said that the employer was wrong in choosing an extrovert, even if he turned out to be not as competent as an introvert. There are areas of activity, as if intended for extroverts, where they feel comfortable, can show the best traits of their character to the fullest and reach career heights. Usually this is a job related to the need to communicate a lot with people (for example, trading). An introvert in the same place can feel like in a nightmare.

Therefore, before choosing a profession, it is worth considering what type of people we are. (Of course, there are not so many "pure" extroverts and introverts, just as the world is not divided only into black and white. But by the most characteristic features, they can still be distinguished from each other.) This will help to avoid further disappointments and stress , if we suddenly realize that the profession of a journalist, teacher or manager, which requires sociability, does not correspond to our character.

An introvert should not try to break himself in order to become an extrovert - this will not give anything but internal dissatisfaction with himself. In addition, there are many professions where introverts can realize themselves in the best possible way.

Where to work as an introvert

Translator working with texts

His work involves a minimum of communication with people and a maximum of concentration and attention - something that an introvert does best. In addition, he can live and work on individual schedule, because for the customer the main thing is high-quality work, handed over in a timely manner. And be guided own rules- this is what an introvert needs.


For an accountant, perseverance, concentration, scrupulousness, attentiveness and a desire to get to the bottom of the truth are important - an introvert has all these qualities. Moreover, it is much easier for him to “communicate” with numbers than with people. The same can be said about the profession. financial analyst. To an extrovert, these professions may seem too boring.


Most of the time programmers spend behind the monitor. They can work with customers remotely, but even if the work requires their presence in the office, they are often so passionate about it that they do not pay attention to the presence of others. The job of a programmer, which requires concentration and perseverance, is ideal for introverts. Of course, mastering this specialty is not easy, but it's worth it - good programmers make good money.


In the work of a designer, his ability to disconnect from the outside world is important in order to immerse himself in the world of his own fantasies, which will later appear in his work. He must have sensitivity and the ability to notice beauty where others do not see it, in order to tell everyone about it with the help of his works. Therefore, good designers are by nature more introverts than extroverts.


Psychologists believe that introverts feel comfortable and most productive in a calm environment with a minimum of distractions. The time of developed digital technologies makes it possible for introverted people to avoid unwanted communication at a time when they do not need it. This is especially true for those whose work requires concentration and immersion in their inner world.


Introverts living in the world of their fantasies, able to see and appreciate the beauty and harmony of wildlife, will find it easier to work among flowers than among people. Although it is unlikely to completely avoid contact with people. Customers prefer to deal with smiling people.

Working with animals (for example, a veterinarian)

Many people know the phrase: "The more I get to know people, the more I like dogs." Who uttered it first is not exactly known - it is attributed to Socrates, Heinrich Heine, and Schopenhauer. However, it appears that this person was an introvert. After all, it is introverts who are sensitive, vulnerable, and it is easy to offend them with a careless word. It may be easier for introverts to find a common language with animals than with people.

laboratory assistant

An introvert who is stressed by the need to constantly communicate with people, entering into negotiations with them, can feel great in the world of test tubes, analyzes and research.


Curiously, some psychologists believe that introverts are more effective in leadership positions than extroverts. And the reason is that extroverted bosses often overwhelm their subordinates with their energy, which is why they “shut down”. Introverted leaders are more empathetic and listen to the opinion of the team.

Of course, a lot depends on the area in which the company operates. If it is the collection and analysis of information, strategy development and planning, where deep and comprehensive analysis is required, then the introvert leader is more productive. In addition, psychologists have noticed that an introvert who successfully moves up the career ladder acquires the qualities of an extrovert over time.

Each person has his own psychological type, which determines his behavior with people, his thinking and even his capabilities. If a person is closed, constantly immersed in himself and very painfully endures all words addressed to him - he is an introvert. It is difficult for such people to get along in society, they always try to separate, to be alone. So where do these people work? After all, the work team requires communication, clients need presentations, bosses make them report at planning meetings. There is a solution! Today we will tell you what kind of work for an introvert fits perfectly into his psychological type.


What is an introvert?

Introverted people are called introverted. Usually they are pessimistic about what is happening, shy, do not express their emotions violently. They do not like noisy parties and parties, they prefer to be alone. Such people do not change their point of view and do not succumb to provocations. This psychological type of people is prone to feelings for any reason, these people are very vulnerable and touchy.

Introvert men are very soft both in relation to women and in communication with the stronger sex. They cannot fight back, caustically answer the opponent, it is easier for them to get away from the conflict. Women take advantage of the weakness of introvert men, they can manipulate them and force them to do what they do not want. Introverted men become henpecked when paired with a strong woman, while an introverted woman thrives when married to an extroverted man.

Melancholic introverts at work do not participate in the life of the team, refuse joint holidays, corporate parties, rarely communicate and look forward to the end of the working day. That is why it is more difficult to find a job for an introvert.

Where can an introvert work?

An introvert will never get a job in sales. There it is necessary not only to establish contact with the client, but also to improvise, to give out emotions, to build a dialogue. This still does not fit in with the behavior of an introvert, so you need to forget about such work.

Working for a large corporation is also not an introvert's dream. Large corporations employ hundreds or even thousands of people. A person of this psychotype will not be able to comfortably exist in this "anthill".

Teacher, tutor, psychologist - all by. These professions require communication with unfamiliar people on a daily basis, which will be a lot of stress for an introvert.

The strengths of an introvert are his creativity, the ability to break stereotypes, analyze. Introverts usually have excellent memories and are able to make informed decisions. Here are some suitable jobs:

  • Writer. Here, love for creativity and unity will merge together. Writers can stay at home all day and night, printing their next “brainchild”. Communication with people is reduced to a minimum, and creativity is used to the fullest.
  • Accountant. In the head of an accountant, there are only numbers, reconciliations, acts. They have no time to be distracted by others, they live in a world of numbers. In addition, now outsourcing is gaining popularity, then the work will be done at home, on your favorite couch. Moreover, the attentiveness of introverts will help them to advance well in this profession, accountants should check their calculations more than once.
  • Designer. Again, a great opportunity to work at home, and even show your creative potential. Designers from good portfolio get large and highly paid projects, so this is also a way to earn decent money.
  • Copywriter. If an introvert has no problems with the Russian language and has the ability to write texts, this can become good view earnings at home. Copywriters can communicate with the customer exclusively by e-mail or in social networks, while receiving a tidy sum for their creation.
  • Translator of foreign texts. This profession will require an introvert high level knowledge of the language, but at the same time free from office slavery and communication with people. For the customer, the main thing is the result, and the introvert is able to give this result.
  • Programmer. A great option for an introvert-melancholic. Just him and the computer, more for successful work not required. Please note that all programmers are uncommunicative in life, but they can lead an active Internet life (participate in discussions on forums, joke, become leaders in online games), this is due to their temperament.

If still working from home is not suitable, you need to send out a resume and prepare for an interview. Here are some tips for introverts in case they pass interviews.

  • Before the interview, familiarize yourself with the company's website, find out what functions are performed by the specialist whose position you are striving to occupy.
  • Write down your strengths and weak sides separately on a piece of paper (for yourself). Eighty percent of executives ask this question.
  • Make a list of questions for your future boss. Your interest in the work of the company will be judged on merit.
  • Come up with a couple of interesting ideas that can promote the company. Show that you know her strengths and weaknesses. Initiative employees like employers.
  • Attend no more than one interview per day. Forces will be spent, and it will no longer be possible to make the proper impression.
  • Don't be afraid to talk about your interests and hobbies. The openness of an employee is very important for the employer, he must trust his subordinate, and not expect a trick from him.
  • Before the interview, try to simulate it with friends. This will allow you to identify mistakes during the conversation, feel more confident, hone your speech.

As we have seen, there is work for an introvert (male or female, melancholic and choleric), the main thing is to choose the area in which the person will be interested in working. If an introvert tortures himself with an unloved thing, is constantly under stress, then he can get serious psychological trauma and close himself off from the world around him completely. Therefore, try to choose a profession to your liking, then financial position will be in perfect harmony with the state of mind.

Hello dear readers! We are constantly interacting with society, even if we do not really strive for this. Whether we like it or not, we have to communicate with the most different people: consultants and cashiers in a supermarket, employees in government agencies, bank employees, neighbors - the list is endless.

Some people are not afraid of such a need. happy to meet people, establish and feel at ease, even if you have to make a speech in front of an entire stadium.

Quite another thing is introverts. If you belong to this type, then you know firsthand that sometimes you have to overpower yourself to ask a question to a stranger or ask the minibus driver to stop. The proverb about “have 100 friends” is not about you - you prefer two or three, but close, proven ones, those with whom you can just be silent and at the same time feel comfortable.

Therefore, when it comes time to choose a profession, it can be very difficult for an introvert to decide. On the one hand, I want the work to be interesting and bring a good income. On the other hand, it is highly desirable to reduce interaction with other people to a minimum. And it's not just a whim. If an introvert is forced to communicate with colleagues or clients all day long, by the end of the day he will feel exhausted and morally devastated.

Therefore, you should not overpower your nature and choose a specialty that implies good communication skills. If you wish, you can find a job that is not related to communication with people. But first, let's figure out which activity is not suitable for you.

What professions are contraindicated for introverts?

First of all, I will explain an important detail: introversion is not a disease. If you are an introvert by nature, then this does not mean that you cannot. It’s just that you are more comfortable being alone, when nothing prevents you from focusing on your thoughts, work, creativity, and so on.

That is, if you have dreamed of becoming a teacher or entering the theater since childhood, you have very real chances to make it come true. You will be surprised, but many successful public people are introverts. Among them are Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Guy Kawasaki, Warren Buffett and others. And if they were able to overcome this feature of their character, then what prevents you from doing it?

Your good assistant will be the book by Sylvia Löcken “ The Power of Introverts. How to use your oddities to your advantage". Using the simple techniques that the author recommends, you can feel comfortable in the bustling world of extroverts.

If introversion suits you perfectly, you do not make ambitious plans to conquer Hollywood and do not dream of a top manager position in an international corporation. Avoid professions that require increased communication, and look for your calling in other areas of activity.

The following industries are considered the most difficult for introverts.

Consumer Service

It doesn’t matter whose fault the client was dissatisfied - he throws out all the irritation on the one with whom he is talking now. For a person who prefers minimal contact with others, such work will be torture. Just imagine - dozens or even hundreds of calls a day, and everyone demands an immediate solution to his problem, and often without embarrassment in terms.

Social sphere and state institutions

In some ways, this area is similar to the previous one. The difference is that the support team communicates with customers by phone or online chat, but here you have to meet with visitors face to face.

People usually come to such places for two reasons:

  • complain about something or someone
  • demand something

In any case, the visitor wants his question to be resolved as quickly as possible, and better - immediately. Therefore, civil servants must have well-developed communication skills, a stable psyche, and even better - armor, from which aggression and negativity will bounce off. And it's definitely not about introverts.


Whatever you are selling, you will have to deal with huge amount of people. Moreover, some of them are not entirely adequate, some will never buy anything, and those who buy want to get detailed advice from the seller.

Before deciding to work in retail, think about whether you are ready to show miracles of eloquence, describing the benefits of products and answering skeptical questions.

Services sector

In many respects it intersects with trade. Only here you sell not goods, but your skills and abilities. If you can't present yourself properly, you'll never get to a decent, high-paying level.

In addition, it must be taken into account that when going to a hairdresser, manicurist, makeup artist, and so on, the client expects not only to receive a specialized service, but also to talk “for life”.

A service sector worker should be a bit of a psychologist who will listen, support the conversation and become a kind of “vest” for the client, with whom he will share his sore. If you prefer to work silently, it will be much more difficult for you to collect a regular clientele.


is an indispensable quality of a lawyer. It is impossible to build a career if you feel uncomfortable in front of an audience, blush and stutter when reading an accusation or making a speech in defense of your client.

The only profession from this area that is suitable for an introvert is a notary. Working more with papers than with people, he will feel quite comfortable.

Show Business

Here everything is clear without explanation. Show business involves constant publicity. Performances, interviews, photo shoots - you often have to be in the spotlight, you want it in this moment, or not.


Working with children is sometimes much more difficult than working with adults. A good teacher not only transfers his knowledge, he knows how to establish contact with each student, to interest him and awaken a thirst for knowledge. In addition, he must maintain a favorable atmosphere in the team, instantly respond to conflicts and be able to extinguish them with minimal losses.

The work of a teacher in preschool nothing easier. It may be easier to find a common language with children, but here you will have to communicate with parents every day. Are you ready to listen to complaints about ill-fitting tights and a crookedly tied bow? If not, refrain from the profession of an educator and do not put your nervous system to the test.


Communicating with patients and their relatives is a great moral burden. The doctor needs to ask the patient, listen carefully, announce the diagnosis, dispel fears, reassure, support.

That is, you will have to constantly interact with people, and often you will have to install, passing through their pain and hopelessness. If you are an introvert, think carefully before choosing the medical profession.

Once again, I will emphasize that the listed specialties are not an absolute taboo for introverts. Each of them requires certain ones, but if you have a goal, you will be able to overcome obstacles and succeed in any area.

In what areas will an introvert be able to reveal his talents?

Introverts are ideal for professions associated with minimal communication. Also, a calm environment is important for them, allowing them to concentrate as much as possible on the work performed.

Therefore, it is difficult for introverts to work in a team when they have to constantly interact closely with other people, participate in meetings and brainstorming sessions. He is able to generate brilliant ideas and solve the most complex problems, but not in an atmosphere of noise and chaos.

In order for an introvert to work with full dedication, he needs solitude. For this reason, a good option would be distant work. You will work in a relaxed home environment, without adhering to schedules and internal regulations companies. If this is not possible, choose a specialty that involves working in a separate office. There are also compromise options that allow you to spend only part of the time at the workplace.

The most suitable areas of activity for an introvert are the following.


If perseverance, attentiveness and diligence are your strengths, you have every chance to build successful career financial analyst, financier, economist or accountant. Here you will not be required to rush and be creative. All that needs to be done is to process incoming data according to the established rules and specified algorithms.


If you like to spend time at the computer and are happy to study mysterious scripts and codes that lead the uninitiated into sacred horror, the professions of the IT industry are suitable for you:

You will be able to work not only in the state of the company, but also remotely. This profession allows you to personal contacts to a minimum: received a task by e-mail or in a messenger, completed it, received a fee.

Creative Freelance Professions

Suitable for those who like to create without restrictions and do not tolerate management control. There are many professions that allow you to realize your creative potential without leaving your home. And, importantly, to get a decent fee for it. All you need is a desire to work and a computer. The only condition is that you should not have problems with self-motivation and organization of working time.

The most popular activities are:

  • Copywriting. You write custom articles for websites and printed publications, develop promotional materials, write letters to email newsletters and much, much more.
  • Blogging. You can run your own blog or do it for other bloggers for money.
  • Marketing. Good Marketers worth its weight in gold. If you learn to do marketing analysis, build up client business from competitors, create effective sales funnels and launch new projects, you will not lack clients.
  • Design. Websites, logos, product packaging, form style, characters - you can choose the direction that you like, and get decent pay for it.

Also become a freelancer and work in free graphics translators, scientists, analysts, writers, journalists, photographers will be able to. And what is important, you can go freelancing without experience at all and, or with minimal skills, and learn the profession in the process of work.

truck driver

A good option for an introverted man. You will only have to contact people during loading and unloading. The rest of the time you will spend alone, driving vehicle. But the driver of a minibus or taxi is not the most the best choice. You will have to communicate with passengers throughout the shift, and sometimes resolve conflict situations.

Working with technology

Such a profession involves minimal interaction with other people, and most of the time you will spend with machines. So, for example, an introvert can choose the profession of a crane operator or an electric locomotive, a turner or a milling machine operator, a packer, a conveyor operator, and other activities related to technical processes.

Working with wildlife

Anyone who loves animals or dreams of unity with nature will be able to choose a specialty in this direction. For example, the profession of a forester will allow you to spend time away from people, alone with nature and your own thoughts.

You can also engage in animal breeding. Breeders of rare breeds make good money on their pets. If you are not ready to build a business on your own, you can look for a similar vacancy in a nursery.

As you can see, finding a job for an introvert will not be difficult. There are enough options, and everyone can choose what interests him. If you know other non-communicative professions that are not included in the list, write about it in the comments.

Or maybe you yourself are an introvert by nature, but were able to overcome this feature and built a successful career in a field that requires developed communication skills? Be sure to share your experience with our readers!

An introvert is a person with a special psychological makeup. He is silent, outwardly gives the impression of a closed and not sociable person, does not really like to make new acquaintances and be present in noisy companies. They are immersed in their own world, and they prefer to replenish energy from a narrow circle of relatives and acquaintances, whom they completely trust. Many people with this type of temperament at some point begin to worry about their professional career, especially standing at the very beginning of this path, or after losing a job where they spent many years of their lives. What are the best careers for an introvert?

Where to work for an introvert, if the question of choosing a profession is raised for the first time, for example, after graduation, or how to switch to another field of activity if past experience has not been successful? For an introvert, these questions are much more relevant, it's no secret that the leaders of large companies prefer to hire people who are open, active, possessing the qualities of a leader and able to work in a team.

Extroverts are able to present themselves in a favorable light, boldly describe their best qualities and professional skills, even if they do not actually possess them. Introverts, on the other hand, behave more restrained and do not like to shout about their own deep knowledge in a particular area - they prefer to prove everything with deeds. It is this moment that sometimes becomes decisive, the manager can succumb to the effect of the first impression and make a mistake with the choice of a competent and qualified employee. But this does not mean that an individual, immersed in his own world, will not be able to get anywhere - it is important here to know who is better for an introvert to work and how to present himself correctly during an interview, and above all, decide on the most suitable professions corresponding to this warehouse of temperament.

An introvert is the exact opposite of an extrovert - an individual who is sociable, proactive, sociable and easy-going. People with this temperament perfectly converge with almost any person, they like to be in the center of events, and in the work team they openly bring their ideas and prefer to work in a team.

Such a difference in the temperament does not mean that one type of temperament is good and the other is bad, just loneliness and self-absorption is inner freedom for an introvert, and for an extrovert it is torment. If a person directed at others feels at home in a crowd of strangers, then for an introvert this will become a great psychological burden, akin to stress. Introverts have a lot of strengths - they are thoughtfulness and prudence, analytical mindset, lack of exposure to other people's opinions, while extroverts show superficiality and impulsiveness.

The most suitable fields of activity for introverts

There are a considerable number of professions where people who are directed inward will be able to fully realize themselves. Jobs for introverts can be found in the following areas:

Of course, the choice of a profession directly depends on education and experience, the same introverts who are just standing in the way of determining their future occupation should heed the sounded advice.

Now some practical tips on how to find a job as an introvert and at the same time present yourself correctly during an interview. If an extrovert goes to a meeting without any special preparation, because he is sociable, easy-going and can immediately come up with answers to any questions, introverts should worry about options responses to your favorite leadership topics. Things to do before an interview:

Before going to an interview, you can practice answering possible questions in front of friends and acquaintances - this will provide an opportunity to correct mistakes, hone your confident speech skills and feel more relaxed.

IN Lately networking is becoming an increasingly fashionable trend - it is a professional and social activity based on solving problems with the involvement of acquaintances, colleagues and friends from outside. Modern businessmen develop their own networks of communication, and leaders large firms constantly hold seminars that increase the level of communication skills of employees and their ability to attract new ones potential clients and investors.

Of course, such a general trend will not be to the taste of an introvert, or even risk leaving him “overboard” in his career. People who still want to take their place in this niche are recommended to read the book "Networking for introverts" by Devora Zak. It destroys stereotypes that introverts are asocial and silent, and also gives practical advice how day after day to learn to establish contacts at work and in the environment and to have a keen interest in the process.

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