
How to find strength and motivation in yourself. How to find and develop your own intrinsic motivation

Has it ever happened to you that you madly wanted something, but could not motivate yourself? It is important for someone to stick to a diet or go to Gym, for others - to start a business and overcome difficulties on the way to success. Every person has a dream and difficulties with the motivation to achieve it. How to find motivation and not give up until the end? Here are 5 simple secrets.

What is stopping you on the way to your goal?

Children's wounds

First of all understand: what or who is holding you back? Look at your own beliefs. You often have thoughts “I will never be able to become such and such ...”, “I will never be able to afford such and such ...”, “I am not worthy ...”, “Money (luck, love, etc.) is available only to a select few."

  1. Such beliefs come from childhood, when the inner circle of the child tried in every possible way to “protect” him from independence. As a rule, these are parents or other guardians who often said: "Don't go there, it's dangerous there", "Don't do it - it will hurt." It is the pathological desire of adults to protect the child from absolutely all dangers, the unwillingness to allow him to even tie his shoelaces when he begins to try to strive for independence, that kills motivation at the root even at the stage of its inception.
  2. Another “anchor” from childhood that keeps from changing is the lack of faith of parents in a child since childhood, belittling his dignity with words like: “Nothing sensible will come of you, you will not achieve anything in life.” There are 2 types of people who, growing up, respond to these attitudes in 2 ways:
  • take them for granted, give up and go with the flow all their lives;
  • trying to prove to the whole world that they are worthy a better life, and jump ahead.

Remember your distant childhood: did you have motivation or did others kill it? Realize this and understand that you are an adult and everything depends only on your decision to become happy. It is your choice, despite the evil tongues from the past that are sure to drag you back.

A state of apathy, depression, inability to change the situation

Problems in your personal life affect your career, the ability to lose weight, find a mate, or other goals. This is the load that takes all the energy and completely kills the motivation to act.

True, there is also a separate type of people who find strength through pain: they understand that this can no longer continue, and they shift the focus of attention from complaints to real actions. Become one of them, don't complain or feel sorry for yourself.

Pain is part of growth. If it is not strong enough, you will not find the motivation to grow in yourself. Settings like “I feel good already”, “I am loved and with such a weight (salary)”, “Just think, I’ll buy myself a thing in a second-hand store” deprive me of energy. In their furnace: remember that you are going to a better life.

Remember what you want to end up with

Direct your thoughts to the result. Imagine yourself as the ideal person you want to be. Savor the details: his clothes, his lifestyle, the things he uses, the places he goes.

Make a photo collage. Depending on your dream, pick up photos on the Internet. A visual representation will help to clearly present the goal and find tremendous motivation. Do you want cubes on your stomach? Save yourself a photo of a slender girl / guy with a sculpted body, put it on your desktop on your computer, or better, print it out and hang it in a conspicuous place so that it constantly reminds you why you work and overcome problems. You must know that in the end everything will be like in this photo.

There can be many photos, from different areas that you want to pump.

Make a plan for every day

Plan what you will eat, drink, how you will perform daily rituals (wash your face, brush your teeth, etc.). Be sure to write down what you need to do every day to get closer to your goal.

  • The plan structures chaos in the head.
  • It will relieve stress: you will not reproach yourself again and again for not cleaning the room again, or again not getting closer to your dream. Unfinished business kills energy, you get lost and drown in them, and instead of active actions, you are engaged in useless activities.
  • A plan will increase motivation: the actions written down on paper will allow you to see how much you have already done and how much still remains to be done.
  • The plan will free your thoughts. You will stop remembering what to do. It takes a huge amount of energy every time. Define a to-do list once and carry it with you rather than trying to find it in your head.

I use Trello.com for planning. I write down all my worries here and what to do with them. I plan my day from start to finish. In the checklist, I note what has already been done and how many tasks I need to solve per day. It's amazing, but I began to notice that I was moving towards my goal much faster, I was less stuck on social networks, I found time for important things.

Trello.com can be used both on a desktop PC and on a smartphone connected to the Internet. Here is an example of what it might look like:

In each card, you can create comments, lists of important things. You may not be able to do everything you planned. Plans can change suddenly. You can't blame yourself for not following the plan. I almost never get to do everything I want to. But even in this situation, I do much more than when I had no plan.

Do it without relying on motivation

Today you have the mood to train, but tomorrow it may disappear. Motivation is temporary. You will 100% encounter difficulties on the way to your goal. And with 100% probability you want to quit everything due to the lack of the expected result. Understanding this, either do not start at all, or finish the job, because even terrible difficulties after overcoming them will seem to you not so insurmountable.

You need willpower. It's like a muscle that needs to be trained. At first, an untrained will quickly gets tired: in the morning you are determined to eat a healthy breakfast and run, but by the evening you are drawn to fast food.

How to train willpower if motivation is gone

Avoid consecutive temptations. Finish a project or go to a bar with friends? Eat an apple in the evening or a chocolate cake?

You must understand: the momentary temptations that you succumb to are:

  1. Stress. You start beating yourself up. You fail to meet deadlines. Repetitive negativity pulls you back into the hole you're trying to get out of.
  2. Prostration. The more prohibitions and promises given to yourself that you break, the more strength you lose. This is called repeated self-deception, which incinerates faith in oneself and in oneself. Having promised yourself 10 times “tomorrow I will go to the gym”, on the 11th you will think: “Why am I deceiving myself, I won’t do it anyway”. Imagine: you give up your cherished dream for many months and even years!

Tip: How to beat fatigue and always be energetic? about how to get what you want as soon as possible and get a huge boost of energy and health! Believe: the knowledge presented here will at times raise your motivation, mood and desire to act! Checked on personal experience;)

When you take even a small step, refusing temptation for the good of the goal, you:

  1. Feel the power up. The key to finding motivation is to take action. Only in action is born the desire to move on, to achieve more. If this does not happen, then you have chosen the wrong path or the wrong goal. Perhaps it was imposed on you: relatives, friends, a loved one, or just a pretty passer-by.
  2. Get interesting. You are improving while most are giving up on the goal due to fear or imposed beliefs. It attracts people, makes you a good conversationalist, helps to create new acquaintances and connections.

Make decisions quickly to stay motivated

Every day we do great amount elections. If you think too long about what to do next, motivation is lost, willpower is depleted.

What to do?

Automate decision making. For example, if the question is “What to wear today?”, “What to buy for dinner?” etc., choose the first available option and act! Don't waste energy on fluctuations. You will need it to make really important decisions on which your progress towards your goal will depend.

Change your environment to find motivation

  1. To start exercising, choose a gym within walking distance from home.
  2. Delete unnecessary apps and games from your phone if they prevent you from focusing on a task.
  3. If you decide to drink 2 liters of water daily, bring workplace large capacity to drink at any time.
  4. block social media in the browser until you're done, unless you're promoting your business in them.

Set tougher rules

How to find motivation if you are constantly drawn to chat on social networks, watch funny videos and do everything but the important things?

Don't Forbid Your Pleasures: This will kill motivation over time. Instead, set hard limits. For example, spend no more than 30 minutes a day watching a movie or chatting on social networks. You made that decision once, and don't change it again. Otherwise, you will begin to oscillate, which will take away energy.

Use anchors to help you find motivation

When you set a goal, you inevitably start thinking about ways to achieve it. You will think about it in the shower, on a walk, in bed before going to bed, and so on. So, if you see something inspiring in a movie, read a quote, or watch someone's Youtube video on how to find motivation, start a business, lose weight, and so on, get down to business.

Moments of inspiration are the best way to start moving. You can start with:

  • Create a plan;
  • Establishing a daily/weekly schedule;
  • Meeting with a friend who has already achieved success.

It is very important to communicate with people who have already achieved the results you dream of. They allow you to find strength and motivation, because they help you see the reality of achieving your goal.

Timelines and Promises

  1. Set precise time frames. For example, “Lose 2 kg in a week”, “Publish 10 blog articles in a month”, and so on. Bet real goals. If you fail, then finding the motivation for the next attempt will be much more difficult.
  2. Make a promise to people. Tell us about the goal that you set in paragraph 1. The more people who follow the implementation of your plan, the less reason to jump off, watch your favorite TV series, etc. You can, for example, announce your intentions on your personal Vkontakte page, if you have many friends. Share every day about your steps and challenges. Friends who care about you will support and motivate you. However, there may be negativity on their part, so filter out trolls who will hint that nothing will work out for you.

Trust water to boost your motivation

Water is the source of life and energy. Without enough of it, we feel even if we slept enough. One and a half to two liters a day is the norm. It is worth drinking clean water so that the body is cleansed.

It has long been proven that water can record information about emotions. Depending on who influenced it, the structure of water changes for better or worse. Imagine how much negativity is written in bottled water in a store or even in tap water that passes through dozens and hundreds of apartments? It all accumulates, you feel apathy and lack of motivation.

But any water can be purified from harmful impurities and negativity. Moreover, you can charge it with positive emotions. Cows bring more milk to classical music. Plants become stronger and healthier if they grow to harmonious music. Why? Because water is the basis of all life, and it is able to absorb the energy of the surrounding space. Water also affects our well-being, affects motivation, the desire to create, because we also consist of it.

How to get the purest water with a positive charge

  1. Pour tap water into a pitcher with a filter. This is the first stage, giving a rough cleaning.
  2. We bring it to the state of “white boiling water” - when a lot of white bubbles rush up. The main thing is not to miss this state.
  3. Cool and send water to the freezer. After 2-3 hours, remove the first crust of ice, pour it into another container and put it back in the freezer. She will stay there for about a day, maybe less.
  4. You need to get a piece of ice, inside of which there will be a small amount of unfrozen water. It is the dirtiest: salts are dissolved in it and heavy metals.
  5. We break through the ice and drain it, rinse the ice from the inside. You should get a completely transparent and solid substance.
  6. We are waiting for the water to melt. So it will acquire its original properties, reset to zero. Then you can work with it: turn on pleasant calm music, dream about the goal, as if it has already happened, live in your thoughts the life that you dream about.
  7. Gratitude has a wonderful effect on motivation. Thank life for all the wonderful things it has given you. If you have a job, loved ones and relatives, you can walk, you have pets at home, you can eat delicious food - this is an occasion to say “Thank you”. Place a piece of paper under a glass of water, where it will be written, for which you are grateful to this world. In experiments with water, it was proved that a piece of paper with the word “Thank you” written by hand completely changed the structure of the liquid, making it more ordered.

Of course, nothing will happen without active action on your part. However, such water is saturated with positive energy and increases your motivation. Don't believe? Check it out! Drink 1.5 - 2 liters of purified and positively charged water every day and see what happens.

Food as a source of motivation and energy

Review your diet:

  • how many semi-finished products, fast food are there in it?
  • how often do you snack on the go without caring about the quality of the food?
  • Do you think about whether food provides the necessary vitamins and minerals?

I will not talk about proper nutrition here, I will only say that it is the strongest motivator. Switch to a predominantly plant-based diet, eat more vegetables and fruits (preferably from the garden) - and you will feel light, your mind will become clear, it will become easier to think. If you want to lose weight, then live food is not only a motivation, but also a means to an end.

Sports as a way to get motivated

Sport develops self-discipline and helps to believe that you can do much more than you think. The rest of the benefits are in the infographic below. Click and read!

Summing up

So how do you find the motivation to make your life happier?

  1. Think about the end result, create the photo collage of your dreams.
  2. Make a daily plan and stick to it. Small steps lead to big goals.
  3. Train your willpower.
  4. Make small decisions without hesitation.
  5. Set a time limit and promise people that you will meet the deadline.
  6. Make the environment more comfortable and motivating.
  7. Look for anchors for motivation in life: through films, videos, successful people.
  8. Drink pure, positively charged water.
  9. Ditch fast food in favor of natural foods to boost your energy.
  10. Go in for sports.

Make a deal with yourself. Sometimes it helps a lot to achieve any goals. The deal does not have to be global. It can be like this: "as soon as I do this task, I'll go eat ice cream."

If you feel neither motivated nor excited about the task ahead, try acting as if you feel both delight and motivation. It may seem strange, but after a few minutes of playing “the most enthusiastic fan of this task”, a person really begins to feel a surge of motivation.

Get your goals right. Great goals are great motivators. For example, you need to complete a task. Think globally - what are your ultimate goals? Get a diploma? Find Good work? Think of the need to complete the task as a stepping stone to achieving the main goal.

Do something small. Wipe the table, pay the bills, or do the dishes. You just need to start taking some action. This is how you create an activity flow. Once you're done with the little things, you'll feel ready to take on the next, bigger, more challenging task.

But having started the main work, start with the most difficult. Once you get past the difficult part, you will feel a surge of confidence in your abilities and easily finish small tasks.

Take your time. Instead of jumping into work at full speed, start doing it slowly. In this case, your brain will not imagine the task as something that needs to be done very, very quickly. What happens when the human brain feels the need to hurry? Most often, he "persuades" not to start work at all. So slow pace is better. Much better than the lack of any desire to complete the current task.

Compare yourself to yourself. In no case not with other people and their results. If someone has achieved more than you, it can kill motivation, not increase it. Someone will always be ahead. So focus on yourself and your own results. Think only about how you can improve them.

Reviewing your results is a very important process. You not only analyze what and where went wrong in order not to make similar mistakes in the future. You also motivate yourself because you see how far you have come in work or study. Such a review may surprise you very pleasantly.

Think about your successes more than your failures. Write them down in a special notebook. When it seems to you that you are standing still and not achieving what you could, take a look at your “success journal”.

If you have heroes - people who you admire, try to act like them. Read about them, watch, listen. Find out what drives them. But just remember that they are people just like the rest of us. Heroes should inspire, not just be admired.

Try to find something exciting or even fun in each task. Try to enjoy doing it. Positive emotions are the best motivators.

Get out of your comfort zone and face your challenges. A realistic assessment of the work ahead can be a great motivation.

Don't be afraid of failure. Reframe the definition of failure in general, treating them as a natural part of successful life. Also, try to find a valuable lesson in every failure. Ask yourself, "What can I get out of this?"

Do some research in the area you are trying to solve. Then your expectations will be based on reality, and you will be able to know what difficulties you may have to face along the way. Expectation Management may somewhat reduce the initial explosive enthusiasm. But it also won't let the motivation go away when much of that enthusiasm has evaporated.

Formulate a clear definition why you should do this task. If you don't know the reason, or it's not strong enough, you'll have a hard time getting started.

Write your goals and reasons for achieving them on sticky notes. Stick them on a mirror, computer or cabinet doors. This will make it easier for you to remember tasks throughout the day, while remaining focused on work.

Learn to think positively. Try to let go negative thoughts before they take over completely. By practicing positive thinking, you can not only increase the efficiency of work or study, but also improve other areas of your life.

Cut down on TV time. TV shows take up too much time. Instead of watching what people are doing on the screen, do something yourself. For example, something that you have been planning to do for a long time, but every time you put it off. Limit your information intake and be selective. Books and your own thoughts are more conducive to personal growth.

Break big projects into small tasks. Start with the thought that you only need to take a small step. Once you've completed the first task, move on to the second. Success from completing each milestone will keep motivation at the right level. You have no idea how much you can do with this method!

Use your creative potential . Make mind maps, write lists, sketch your ideas on paper. Brainstorm yourself more often. A visual representation of thoughts, goals, desires and tasks helps to increase motivation.

Find time to do what you like. The pleasure of having a good time fills us with optimism. And this, in turn, motivates to achieve success.

Starting point - today. Our time is not unlimited. Focus on current moment and do what you want to do. Right now.

Illustration: frame from the movie "Forrest Gump"

Karen had a non-work day, she felt overwhelmed and completely exhausted. You will remember those days, the only thing you want to do is crawl back into bed.

Karen is a busy, ambitious single mother. As much as she would like to finish everything early and rest, she still has to cook dinner and read to the children before bed. Sometimes it's hard to find the strength to do it. And some duties and tasks are so unpleasant that it is difficult to find motivation for their implementation in principle.

Pay attention to your thoughts

We plunge into the abyss of self-flagellation and procrastination. When we are unproductive, it is easy to slip into endless self-criticism. Karen herself does not notice how she begins to think how lazy and stupid she is. “I’m a terrible mother who doesn’t even have the energy to cook a normal meal and read to the children before bed,” she thinks.

Thoughts like these lead us into a vicious cycle: the lack of motivation leads us to berate ourselves for procrastinating, and as a result, we feel even worse.

Scolding ourselves, we do not increase our motivation. Often it seems to us that it is worth being tougher on ourselves - so we will be able to do more. When we fail to live up to expectations (ours or someone else's), we usually begin to blame ourselves and slip into self-criticism. A tough attitude towards oneself does not add energy.

But where to start is with compassion for yourself. Stop and admit that you have to overcome many difficulties. Whether you're depressed or just having a bad day, the pain you're experiencing is real.

Motivation comes from action, not the other way around. Therefore, you should not sit and wait for the desire to do something to wake up, force yourself to start

We feel overwhelmed, overwhelmed, or lethargic from time to time. Be kind to yourself, as you would be kind to a friend who is going through a difficult period in life. Recognize that it's normal to feel tired, overwhelmed, or lethargic sometimes, and that your value as a person goes beyond being productive.

Most people are afraid they won't get anywhere if they're too soft on themselves. However, accepting yourself is not the same as feeling sorry or digging into your problems. By showing self-compassion and acknowledging the fatigue you are experiencing, you can free yourself from the flood of negative self-suggestions that contribute to unproductiveness.

Be kind to yourself

In a state of apathy, do not criticize yourself, but be kind to yourself. Self-compassion will motivate you. After all, a joyful, happy state increases efficiency. Yet most of us are motivated by action, not the other way around. Therefore, you should not sit and wait for the desire to do something to wake up, force yourself to start.

What did Karen do? After a hard day, she wanted to collapse on the sofa in front of the TV. She scolded herself for what a bad mother she was for ordering fast food delivery so often instead of preparing a full dinner.

In a state of apathy, do not criticize yourself, but be kind to yourself

From the fact that she scolded herself, the desire to cook did not appear, she only felt shame and her own “inferiority”.

For starters, Karen needed to replace self-flagellation with self-compassion. She started telling herself things like, “I'm not lazy. I work full time and have two kids. This hard labour. It's okay if I order pizza sometimes. It doesn't make me a bad mother."

She admitted that she came home from work tired and exhausted and needed a good rest. Now, when she comes home, the first thing she does is take a hot shower and after that she devotes 10 minutes to meditation.

Karen gradually moved towards her goal - to cook a healthy dinner every day. For starters, limited to salad. Over time, I began to cook more and more, and in those days when there was no such opportunity, I did not blame and did not shame myself for it.

The bottom line is that to motivate yourself, start with self-compassion and gradually move towards your goal.

About the expert

Sharon Martin, psychotherapist, her website.


The big stories about achieving goals that we've heard are based on one quality. People who reach heights are driven forward by powerful motivation, a dream to achieve results by any means.

Usually, motivation is considered something general and whole, and it supposedly should come by itself. When a person hears that a successful person declares that motivation helped her, she does not think that it does not arise by itself. The thought that a person worked for the emergence of motivation and purpose does not visit the mind.

But in reality, this is what happens. And the problem is not that the person is busy unloved job, but in the fact that the creation of motivation requires energy costs, and with a tight schedule of efforts, there is no natural motivation left, then it is required to create it artificially.

Varieties of motivation

There are three types of motivation:

The first is motivation from the outside, that is, “towards” something.

For example, a person wants, because summer will come soon, and he wants to look attractive. This is the reason for motivation. But there is one "but". If a person is engaged in himself independently, he controls the training - this is one situation. And it’s completely different when he goes to a fitness center and pays for the services of a trainer and training. Everything changes here: the strength of motivation grows, and the result improves. Why is that?

First of all, now a person knows that he has invested money in the occupation, and this is a considerable incentive for action. If you miss a class, then comes the realization that the funds were wasted. In addition, you do not have the opportunity to hack. In the gym, the coach is watching the workouts. And he does not accept the arguments “I don’t want”, “I can’t”. So, the chance that you will get rid of kilograms grows many times over.

This is motivation from outside, which goes "towards" something that can be bought. This simplest way. If you realize that you are not able to report to yourself, then use this option.

The second is motivation from outside “from” something.

We take as an example the same situation with getting rid of extra pounds, but on the other hand. You want to lose weight not because summer is coming soon, but because of future health problems due to excess weight.

Now the motive for action is not the dream of achieving the goal, but the need to prevent something. The basis of this motivation is fear, but it is a more powerful push than the motivation "to" something.

But, you should not necessarily wait for the moment when the need for motivation “from” will catch you. There is another effective method using it. Think about the problem, look at it from different angles. Think about what you are not able to fix without motivation. Imagine how far it will go if you don't take care of yourself this second. Calculate how many resources will be required in the future to solve the problem, as well as how many will be needed if you take up the matter now. Compare the data and calculate the benefit.

The third is environmental motivation.

This kind of motivation in the example of sports means that you do not go to the gym on your own, but go there with a friend. Or even with a group of friends. It turns out that you surround yourself with people who are on the same wavelength with you, who also want to take care of themselves. An environment with similar goals helps to move forward and create an incentive.

How to develop motivation

There are steps that will tell you how to develop motivation, what to do to create it and get what you want:

We burn bridges.

But do not throw all your efforts into this step. If your goal is important to you, then start by removing the bridges so that there is no way back. Then you will not have a chance to return, but you will only have to go forward.

If you dream, then start by quitting your job. To do this, write an application, put it in an envelope and give it to trustee. Instruct the person to send a statement to the boss if you cannot leave work by a specific moment.

It is worth giving one example. The casino owner made a decision. He felt that he did not have the strength to do so. Therefore, he hung a billboard on the streets with his own photograph and the inscription that if someone notices him with a cigarette, he will give him 100 thousand dollars. This is an example of increasing the power of motivation. To meet the goal, you use a small part of the motivation, create conditions that force you to move forward. If you truly want to fulfill a dream, then remove all opportunities for retreat.

Fill the world around you with things that increase motivation.

Let's take the weight loss situation again. Create posters that say "I weigh X kg", "X" is the weight you want to achieve. Post these posters everywhere. Change the screensaver on your smartphone and PC, write the same there. Take magazines and cut out photos of those who have the figure you want, stick them around you.

Create a positive environment around you.

Meet those who inspire you to achieve your goal. Look for ways to spend more time with these people. Share your goal with a topic who will support rather than criticize.

Those who want to lose extra pounds should go to the gym and meet those who are already in great shape. It will become noticeable that the emotions of people are transmitted to you, you will believe that you are able to achieve results.

If you want to open a business, then join various unions or societies of businessmen. Do everything possible to get acquaintances in the necessary field.

In addition, exclude from life everyone who negatively affects it. This often proves to be a difficult task, but an important one.

Daily inspiration.

Music, books for inspiration - better ways increasing motivation. If you dream of quitting smoking, then the ones that people who quit smoking wrote about how they did it. If you dream of a business, then read about its organization, attend seminars. Spend at least 15 minutes every day on inspiration. This will “recharge” you with energy and motivation.

Change negative to positive.

Consider all sources of data that influence the emotional background. What do you see, read, is the house cleaned, etc. Pay attention to what negatively affects your mood, replace it with a positive one.

Here are some examples. To begin with, stop watching the news on TV - this is a powerful source of negativity. Spend time on positive emotions listen to nice music. If you are a cinema lover, then only watch those tapes that have a lot of positive energy: stories about goodness, comedies. Remove books that cause depression, read something humorous and light. If you're in a mess, clean up now.

It may sound trite, but it really helps in increasing motivation.

Dress like a successful person.

Every time you see yourself in the mirror, it will add visual reinforcement to your motivation. Determine which image motivates you. How would you dress if you achieved your goals? Have you changed your hair?

Make sure that your everyday clothes correspond to the new image of a successful person.

Use Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

In this method, there is a technique that helps to compare the strengths and the goal. Find music that brings inspiration and energy. Listen to it for about 20 minutes with headphones. In the process of listening, form your mental image that has reached the goal.

Come up with it bright, lively, colorful. Look at such a scene as if you are seeing it all in reality with your own eyes. This forms a link between the positive of the music and the purpose, which will help reinforce the motivation. This is a great way to start a new day. Repeat the exercise immediately after waking up. Change the music from time to time, otherwise the charge of emotions will begin to decrease.

Note that the same technique is used in advertising. Pay attention to fast food ads: the food is beautiful, bright, lively, and in addition, attractive music. But instead of succumbing to the programming of others, start doing it yourself. Become the master of the thoughts in your head.

Take action.

Once you define own goals, start immediately to bring the idea to life. When work begins on the realization of the goal, do not think about inventing long-term and detailed plans. Often people spend time analyzing, sticking out on it, but do not move on to action.

You can create a plan later, but now it is important to act. It is enough to determine the first step that needs to be taken, and proceed with it.

If your goal is to go to the refrigerator and throw out all the harmful products from it. Do not think about whether it is right or wrong, good or bad. Just do it.

Act without hesitation or fear. Do everything as if it is impossible to lose. If you keep motivated, you will realize that you can never take a step back. A successful result will be a matter of time.

If you use these strategies, then increase your own motivation to such an extent that nothing will change it. You will begin to go towards goals and desires without regard to the past and the opinions of others. This process will bring you satisfaction, because you will focus on the positive aspects of achievements, and not on the difficulties. If you put more positive energy into yourself, then good results will come to you.

March 16, 2014, 14:52

Is motivation important or not? By studying the stories of successful people, men and women, we find that they are always motivated, their eyes are burning and their actions are full of inspiration, they can easily find something that will inspire them.

Using motivation as their main driver, they succeeded.
Motivating your success, personal growth, happiness gives you the energy and ability to do what others can but won't do.

When you are inspired, you work harder, and the work is more fruitful and purposeful. If not, then, day after day, you "trample" in one place, work, go to solve a series of everyday tasks that are like mirages on the way to your goal.

Today we will look at 15 ways to find motivation.

1. Dreams

Your dreams and audacious goals should be written on a sheet, on a board, on a phone where you can constantly see them. It helps you focus on what you want, keep you focused, and protect you from daily distractions.

2 Attention only for today

We can get lost thinking about the future or regretting the past.

What's wrong with the fact that while you decide and wish to be somewhere else in life, someone else decides not to do anything?

If you really want to be successful, you need to know how to focus only on the present.

Do what you can do in this moment: work on a project, fulfill the next goals and tasks, achieving the set, you motivate yourself. And you will do the same with your big life goal and dream.

3 List of three tasks.

Don't try to write down a lot of assignments. Of course, we want more tasks to be completed, but there should be three. Focus on doing them. When they are completed, only then can you move on to the next one.
Too many people pay attention to the little things and never find what to focus on.
What's happening? They are overwhelmed, lose motivation, everything falls out of hand. If you are focused, you stay active, get more done, and get things done a lot faster.

4 Discipline and motivation

Discipline is boring, but necessary. Through discipline we gain freedom. As you gain freedom, you can find what will make your life better by simply removing the limits from your life. When you are focused and only do what needs to be done today, nothing matters. Discipline should be practically every day.

When a journalist asked two-time champion Steve Nash, "How often does he miss practice?" The athlete replied that if I missed one, I would have a reason to miss the next one. If you are lazy and distracted by experiencing failures and regrets. Then, most likely, you will be left with nothing.
Be successful, do what successful people do. They remain disciplined. T. Roosevelt said: "Do what you can with what you have right now."

If discipline does not cease to be associated with the word tediousness, then I propose to find a little positive in everyday worries, below is a video about this. Sometimes exactly.

5 Find help your environment.

In your environment is there anything that can motivate you? Surround yourself with images that motivate you. Keep your space clean. Does clutter really clutter our minds? It has a depressing effect on space. Make your work environment the way you want it to be. Spend some money on a nice desk or something, but make sure your workplace inspires and motivates you.

This is where the magic happens. This is where you should be most of your time. Make sure it affects you positively.

6 Affirmations.

14 diary.

For one week, as you write down your work, make notes about when your motivation and performance levels were highest. Match your important tasks at a time when your motivation was high. This will clear things up. When your mind is clear, when the road is visible, it is a great motivator.

15 Win your psychological battle.

In his book Think and Grow Rich, N. Hill describes the battles that take place in our minds. “Thoughts that fill our mind should help in the journey and not distract from our path.

How can I control thoughts? You cannot control the flow of thoughts that come, but you can control which thoughts you pay attention to.

Fill your mind with creative, positive and ambitious ideas. Let go of your fears and worries. They do nothing but move away from what they want.

You just read 15 rules that should help you find motivation.

But these rules, with a different approach, can only become recommendations that are rarely followed as usual, so let's do a little experiment, try to choose at least one item and do it within a week.

Then see if your life will change in better side and will you eventually be motivated?

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