
Career success. A successful career is a favorite thing and the desire to succeed

The first question to be answered is: what do you really want? It is rare that a career is perceived as a simple desire to occupy a certain position. Your career must have a purpose. It's like several stairs in a multi-storey building. All lead upstairs, but there, at the top, they have completely different exits.

Perhaps you want to organize your work in such a way that there is a lot of time and household, or maybe your dream is high earnings? And someone will now say: "I want everything at once." Everything is possible, but not immediately, but slowly, with a lot of effort. A successful career will require giving up at least some of your free time.

I see a target

There are several things to consider when setting a career goal.


The goal must be specific. In what area do you want to grow, what position to take? Maybe you want?


The goal, not only career, but any other, should be positive. "I don't want to live like my parents" is not the goal. Think about what you want, not the other way around.


The goal must be measurable and final. Otherwise, how will you know that you have already achieved the result?


Think about whether you have enough resources to achieve your goal? And if not, where can they be found? It's about time, for training, physical strength, etc., etc.


What are you going to do to reach your goal? Thinking through this point, you will have to write a so-called career plan - a way to achieve the goal.

Target size

Wishes: "I want to be the owner of a large bank", studying in the first year financial institution, is a dream, not a goal. This goal should be broken down into smaller, clearer and achievable ones.


What will happen when you reach your goal? How will your relationship with people close to you now change? Think and answer.

What do you enjoy doing the most?

Often problems begin already at the first stage of setting a career goal. And they look something like this: “I don’t know what I want” or “You can’t earn money by doing what I like.” What to do with it?

Remember who you wanted to be and what you wanted to do until the age of 7? The natural state of the child is the unity of emotions and reason. It is in this state that we are happy.

The activity that brings you into this state is the one in which you will be most successful, the one for which it is worth sacrificing time, relationships and material resources. “Okay,” you say, “well, how can I build a career on this?”

Yes, a hobby most often reflects only the direction for the development of your strengths, and not the work of a lifetime. The ability to sell is a skill, and the ability to find a common language with other people is an innate quality, a strong side of a person. Cross-stitching is a skill, and the ability to create beauty is a quality that can lead to success and bring money. Ignoring your innate strengths, to your intuitive desires, you risk living your life as a successful gray mouse.

Moreover, not only relationships with loved ones can suffer, but also your own attitude. After all, you may simply not have time to relax, not to mention personal development. In order not to pay such a high price for success, remember following rules.

7 principles of successful career building

No one will give you universal advice on how to achieve success. But the principles of success in a career still exist.

1. Realize your unique strengths and develop them, they will give you the maximum chance to be realized.

2. Take concrete steps towards your goal, take responsibility.

3. Look for opportunities to replenish your resources, it can be people, connections, new ways of working on yourself, sports, healthy eating.

4. Plan, write down your goals on paper. Studies have shown that this alone increases the chance of achieving results by 20%.

5. Stay up to date with everything that happens in your field of activity so as not to miss new opportunities.

6. Find yourself someone who will constantly remind you of your goals, support you in difficult times and rejoice in your achievements.

7. Believe in the best.

And another important point: age. Yes, it must be taken into account, but it is not an obstacle to moving forward.

How can low self-esteem be dangerous and what can you do right now to raise it?

Career strategies for those who have stayed in one place:

1 Stay in the same position, but do more responsible work. Thus, you raise your own significance, increase, and this is quite a lot.

2 Move to another department while staying in the same position. So you will acquire new skills and expand your capabilities. Remember, a good leader is able to do the work of any of his employees.

3 Get a new position with increased responsibility. This option is traditionally considered the most preferable, but also the most difficult to achieve.

4 Get retrained. This strategy allows you to correct the mistakes of the past. After all, career planning is not only done in youth.

It doesn't matter what strategy you choose, but the career plan should contain clear deadlines, take into account material or other limitations you have in achieving your goal. Be sure to consider your strengths and weak sides!

It's never too late to start

was 78 years old Anne Mary Moses when she started painting. One of the paintings brought the artist 1.5 million dollars!

71 years old Lynn Ruth Miller when she decided to become an actress. And for 9 years now, the American has been hosting her own show on television.

52 years old Ray Kroc when he founded the famous McDonald's chain of eateries.

Hello, friends!

It is with great pleasure that I present to your attention an exclusive interview - especially for our project "Career to your liking".

So, Inna Kuznetsova - Chief Commercial Officer, CEVA Logistics, author of a career bestseller "Up! Practical Approach to career growth.

I recommend joining the book's Facebook page.

- Inna, in your opinion, can everyone make a successful career in life? What does it depend on?

- First of all, it is worth defining what we mean by a career and how success is defined.

Criteria for each person successful career different. For some, this is growth in the management of the organization, for others - an expert-professional ladder.

For the most numerous group of people, work is simply earning money so that there is time and opportunity to engage in family, hobbies or charity.

In the first case, success is determined by the level to which you want to rise, in the second - by the recognition of equals, publications, the opportunity to be the best in your field.

If we talk about growth in the management line, then the criteria for a successful career are very subjective: someone sets himself the task of becoming the CEO of a global company, someone is happy in the position of the head of a department.

It would be naive to say that anyone can reach an arbitrarily high level in the company. First of all, because one of the conditions for a successful career is that each level requires great competition, time, effort and building relationships with people, often - depending on the organization - in a politically charged climate.

Not everyone is able or willing to dedicate the required amount of effort to work, constantly learn new things, take a stand on unpopular issues, or make decisions in the face of a lack of data.

Moreover, that industry or area may require relocation.

For example, most global companies are headquartered in America or several countries. Western Europe, opening in the rest only sales departments and their support. This means that access to more serious decisions - product strategy, financing, mergers and acquisitions - requires a change of residence.

But apparently, for everyone who has chosen this path, there is an optimal level that they can reach while continuing to enjoy their work.

And with proper career planning, continuous professional development, building a good network of contacts, this level can be maximized in each individual case.

- What are the main components of success in such an area of ​​\u200b\u200blife as "work and career" (that is, what is needed in order to succeed in a career)? And what, according to your observations and experience, usually interferes with this?

- First of all, it seems to me, this is the need to understand what kind of work gives you pleasure and professional pride: not who you want to become, but who you want to be.

What makes a successful career: 3 important components

1. You will quickly get used to the size of the new salary and office, but what you have to do in this place will delight or disappoint you for more than one year. It's not easy to understand this without trying different directions, without going through a few ups and downs, so I guess natural curiosity and the ability to regularly leave your own comfort zone is one of the important components.

I know a lot of people who tried to lead others - and hated this activity, because they received real satisfaction only from writing good code or conclusion big deal. Some found the courage to admit it and return to their field, others tried to learn new things, others remained in the hated business because of the higher salary and, ultimately, stopped in professional growth.

2. The second and most important of these is high bar for quality in what you do. This is the main criterion for achieving a successful career. Without outstanding results you won't be able to move on. The competition for next-level positions will only increase as you advance in your career. So if you are working in a meritocracy, not a nepotism and a politically charged environment, then results will be one of the first selection criteria.

3. The third, and especially important for a career in management, is to learn to work with other people: subordinates, colleagues, managers, investors, customers, partners. Not all of them will be pleasant or on your side.

The ability to pursue one's line and policy without destroying the desire to work with you in the future, to evoke the best in others, to provide positive motivation, but at the same time not to be afraid to take a tough stance, are critical. Good leaders are able to build friendly and effective teams, not leaving ruins behind, moving to another place, helping people in their professional growth and, at the same time, learning from them.

— What important qualities and competencies for a successful career would you recommend that our readers develop in order to achieve career heights? How to work on yourself?

- Each person has his own problem areas and factors hindering growth. It would be a mistake to recommend the same thing to people who have different initial data and set themselves different goals. The most productive way to grow is either to work with a mentor, receive regular feedback, and try to strengthen the right sides by reading relevant literature and practice.

Our first promotion, as a rule, is determined primarily by professional results and what is called executive presence - the ability to carry on, command respect from others, make serious judgments, listen to others. As you move up, in addition to these qualities, there are additional requirements.

First of all, it is the ability to motivate people and build stable, result-oriented, viable teams; understand and implement changes in strategy; work with other departments and act in the interests of the organization as a whole.

Entering the senior strata of management requires, in addition to all the previous skills, the ability to be tough and not be afraid of unpopular decisions if they are dictated by the interests of shareholders, the ability to take calculated risks and, to a certain extent, be a “troublemaker”, not being afraid of established authorities, violating the status quo and seeking unusual way.

Without knowing a specific person, it is difficult to say which of this list will cause him difficulties. The best way to take this route is to find your mentors and mentors, people who, in a more formally structured relationship or from time to time, will tell you what you need to work on.

If you are lucky enough to be in a company that pays attention professional development, then for sure it has a system of regular reviews and access to various resources whether it be training or a mentoring program. If not, then you should look for such people yourself, read books or articles in those areas that regularly pop up in reviews, be it negativism or emotional intelligence.

It may sound complicated, but a career is a marathon, not a sprint. We have several decades to choose our path, make our share of mistakes and develop the right qualities. The only one who loses is the one who initially refuses the idea of ​​choosing a job that he will love.

Interviewed by: Aliya Belyaeva — career consultant, project manager "Career to your liking", host of online trainings and webinars on the topic of your favorite work and career, author of the free video course "Easy start! Fundamentals of a Successful Job Search.

Reprinting of site materials is allowed provided that an active link to the article is placed and the author is indicated.

Often a career for a woman can turn not only into a symbol of success and independence, but also bring various difficulties into your life.

It is important to choose the right job that you like. It is difficult to work without enthusiasm, dreaming of another position and jealous of colleagues in their promotion.

Think about whether you need such a life?

An interesting and beloved job will give you the opportunity to quickly climb your career. There is no need to envy anyone, let them admire you and your achievements better. A successful career for a woman is in the hands of the woman herself.

Create a plan for the coming years, what you want to achieve, what you want to get from your career. State all wishes, raising the bar of expectations. Perhaps in a couple of years, having reached certain levels, you will smile at your desires, which just recently seemed impossible to you.

Career successful woman directly related to their own needs. Everyone chooses what image is peculiar to him.

Analyze if there is a chance to increase your career at your current job, or if a change of scenery is needed. Do not waste time and energy on hopeless expectations, it is better to carefully approach the choice new position or a new job. Make a plan in advance in which you indicate your expectations: relations with superiors, the psychological situation in the team, wage, career advancement and other indicators that are important to you.

Consider all future perspectives on your work before you seek new office. Maybe you missed something. Talk to your superiors, find out if your career growth is possible, listen to all the comments and recommendations.

Success factors

The career of a successful woman is based on the following factors:

You need to learn how to express your thoughts correctly when communicating. Your speech should be concise and clearly expressed, from this an opinion is formed about your professional qualities. Expressions, recommendations, statements, remarks must be specific so that your listeners will correctly evaluate them.

Do not interrupt interlocutors, expressing your thoughts, even if they are correct. Your speed and ingenuity will not affect the building of a career.

You must value your position, be a reasonable successful woman and know the value of your words;

- all meetings and meetings should undoubtedly work for your career. Most great way for advanced training is successful speeches at general meetings. Such people are considered professionals in their field, ambitious and confident in themselves and their abilities.

Get over your anxiety and don't let it get the better of you. Being close to management will increase your confidence. You will feel like a strong person, performances in the name of a career will become easy and relaxed. After the main speech, be sure to insert your word among the first commentators;

- your achievements and skills should be improved and. You can not praise yourself and put forward, it's just a myth. Only losers are evaluated and noticed after many years. The career of a successful woman depends on the ability to put forward her candidacy for promotion in the right way at the right time.

This is the key to advancing your career, and how successful it will be depends only on you;

- bring any business you start to a victorious end. Learn to take responsibility for your actions and decisions;

- keep your distance, but be friendly;

- Respect the working hours of the office. Do not be late, complete all work on time;

- be able to listen and listen. In addition to your opinion, there is also the opinion of others, which is sometimes very useful.

How to achieve a successful career?

The main thing is to follow the following algorithm of actions in order to correctly present your merits. Start by overcoming - resolving a difficult situation under the prevailing adverse circumstances.

Tell us about your actions - what methods were used to overcome a difficult task. Show results - how much Money you saved, how you moved forward and what is the profit from these actions.

A report in this form guarantees successful career advancement. A successful woman must master the art of correct criticism. Criticism must be constructive. Destructive will destroy all your plans for further development careers.

Correct criticism inspires, makes you want to correct all your mistakes. Enumeration of merits is the first rule of criticism. Further, in a calm form, without excessive emotionality, we make comments. We end on a positive note. It should be emphasized that the current situation can be corrected with some effort. The image of a successful woman and career directly related to the ability to constructively criticize.

To form a successful career must be approached thoroughly. If you use the above recommendations, or take them into service, then your career will rapidly rush and go up. Your speeches will find support, your superiors will pay attention to your merits, you will be paid good bonuses and, possibly, recommendations will be received for new positions.

For every woman, a successful career is undoubtedly a wonderful result.

Friends, this is how life develops, that today, everywhere and in everything, a career is one of the most important components successful life person. Hence the questions about. Do you even know that there is such a science - careerism? Do the terms HRM, MBA, headhunting, resume mean anything to you? If not, then let's figure it out.

Perhaps you don't yet know how to build a successful career, or maybe you even think that a career is a luxury. I will try to dissuade you and show that a career is a means to achieve professional goals.

In the last century, this mysterious word "career" was clothed in a slightly different meaning. And in the 21st century, it has reached a fundamentally new level. Career today is, first of all, self-realization in professional activity. I personally can't even imagine any company posting job openings without promising career opportunities. Agree, it’s stupid to go to work if the opportunity to become a leader does not loom in the future. It was from all this that the word “careerist”, so familiar to us, was born. Of course, for most of us, this word is a negative. A person who is ready to do anything to “fly up” the career ladder. But for those people who are engaged in staffing, such a characteristic is rather a positive quality.

Today, a successful career is not that you are a professional in your field. It's even more. This is when you are the best. And in order to become the best, you need to have a large stock of knowledge. It is on their basis that it will be possible to build a successful career, and to be more precise, then:

    Obtaining a second higher education

    Good preparation for interviews

    A well-formed resume

    HR terminology

    Good information awareness of the labor market

    Good educational potential

Of course, today there are a thousand and one relevant ways to build a career, and each of them is attractive in its own way. But one important point should be taken into account - your success as a specialist depends on your moral and business qualities. You must be able to place professional goals and achieve them with the help of competent self-organization.

I must say that no matter what organization you work in, climbing the rungs of the career ladder is enough difficult process. And if we take into account high level competition, even more so. Our market is coming to world standards, and for this reason, careerism appears.

Career is a science that studies the phenomena of self-realization creativity personality, and how to use this potential

But this is a very meager definition of careerism. In fact, it consists of many components, such as MBA, ERP, Curriculum Vitae, HR management, headhunting, assessment, coaching, staff leasing, staffing and recruiting agencies, resumes, interviews, back office, qualifications, front office. I have listed a lot, but, believe me, there are actually much more of these concepts. And the above will be useful to those who are interested in.

Below I will elaborate on some of these concepts.

MBA- if translated into Russian, then literally the following will turn out: “master of business administration (management). Through this program, people who have higher education can gain in-depth knowledge in business administration. The purpose of this program is to prepare highly qualified specialists for the future leaders top management. During the course of the program, students accumulate both theoretical and practical experience in the field of management.

Personnel leasing- this is such a personnel management strategy in which part of the employees with whom employment contracts are transferred for a predetermined period at the disposal of another borrowing company. In another firm, these employees also perform the duties assigned to them. At the same time, the company that transferred its employees to the “lease” retains with them all labor Relations according to the contract.

CV (CurriculumVitae)- This detailed description all the possibilities of the author. True, keep in mind that CV and resume are two different things. The summary is only a small part of the detailed biography of the author. A CV is a biography. It is used in cases where, for example, you have already spoken on the phone with a potential employer, and he asked you to come to him and tell him more about yourself. Well, or send by mail a more detailed version of the description of your biography.

Headhunting is a search for an employee with exceptional qualities for a key position. In this case, a special technology for searching for the necessary personnel is used for the search. In some cases, methods are used not to search, but to lure an already identified specialist from another company. And sometimes it happens that the client wants a rare specialist to be found. This is again our case. In general, in the recruiting business, headhunting is the most profitable activity.

The HR department is the personnel division of the company, whose employees are engaged in the selection and staffing of the personnel apparatus

That's the way it is, friends. Good luck in building your own career!

The desire to become successful person, self-sufficient and naturally endowed is inherent in each of us. How to get started in big business to realize your plans and dreams? Let's discuss.

Many almost kindergarten dream of a successful career without even knowing exactly what it is. But we are sure that to be successful means to be rich. Nice car, house, beautiful life, fame. Years pass and it becomes possible to plunge into this alluring reality. But for this you need to know exactly which way to go, so that odious plans do not turn into disappointment.

7 secrets of a successful career - how to build a career?

  1. Considered Choice educational institution
  2. The most serious attitude to the educational process
  3. Practical consolidation of knowledge
  4. First "adult" job
  5. Continuous professional development
  6. Willingness to move forward
  7. Communication and relationship building skills

Building a successful career begins with choosing an educational institution. In this case, you need to take into account not only your desires, but also natural talent, even if it is not fully manifested. Exist modern techniques, which can help to reveal opportunities and determine the desired direction in choosing an institution.

The most serious attitude to study at the chosen institute. If the goal is to build a career, you need to simultaneously master a couple more disciplines that will help in the future. If possible, try to get into the international student exchange program. A trip abroad can be a good springboard for building a business in the future.

The next stage is practice, the search for which you need to start long before receiving a diploma. In addition, there will be an opportunity to show their first skills in establishing business contacts.

But the most important step will be the first place of work. This is where you have to put in the most effort. The selected company should be not only prestigious, but also promising. Only then will it be possible to connect your future with it.

In order not to become inconspicuous, ordinary office worker, we must not forget about further education, keep up with progressive technologies. The choice of creative and not banal solutions will certainly lead to the fact that the management will appreciate the abilities of their young employee.

You need to pay attention to yourself, not be afraid that colleagues will be left behind. You are building your career, but don't underestimate teamwork. It may happen that colleagues in the present become subordinates in the future.

Never stop there. Everyone around you should know that you have grandiose plans and a great desire to overcome all steps of the career ladder.

Rules for a Successful Career

  • Fulfill your professional duties by 200% or more. From the very first day, not only show yourself qualified specialist, but also become one in fact
  • Be as sociable as possible, but strictly observe the subordination, otherwise you can make an enemy in the person of the boss. Try to make sure that friendly relations do not interfere with official
  • Be able to make decisions quickly, do not hesitate if there is an opportunity to prove yourself. It is quite possible that such a step is expected from a young employee in order to entrust him with a higher post.
  • Get rid of stupid stubbornness and be honest with yourself and others. Always admit mistakes, if any. But with one "but" - not only recognize, but also be sure to correct them. Then not only subordinates will respect, but also leaders

Important! If you feel dissatisfied with work, you understand that this is not yours, that the chosen field of activity is not interesting to you, you should not waste time. While you are young, explore new opportunities and keep looking for yourself. Sometimes a few years spent on this will be much more useful than a whole life of tedious work.

Building a managerial career

The opportunity to become a manager appears only for leaders. This is the main, but not the only factor. Communication skills, the ability to get along with the team and find a way out of difficult situations are important.

It is not necessary at the beginning of a manager's career to take on the entire work process. It is necessary to organize everything so that each department, each employee performs its function as efficiently as possible.

You are a manager, not an accountant, personnel officer or warehouse manager. But everything that happens in the company should be under your control. Special attention should be given to recruitment, since it is the team, well-coordinated and friendly, that is the basis successful business and career development of the manager.

Secrets of a Successful Executive Career - Career Planning

Every company has unspoken rules that the whole team tries to follow. From the first day of work it would be good to learn all these subtleties in order to use them profitably in the future. It would be good to talk about this with the manager, to make it clear that you want to share the company's values. This will not go unnoticed, which will help you get a promotion in the future. You could call it the first step.

There should be no shame in showing your abilities. Your professionalism, firmness, ability to understand people will allow you to take first place in the list of candidates for a leadership position.
For a good leader, knowledge is a matter of prestige and success. foreign languages. It is much more efficient to negotiate with foreign partners on your own.

Career building - career development at work

  • Be an undeniable professional. This is the key to successful career growth.
  • Apply innovations in self-development, do not focus only on your duties
  • Honesty with business partners put in the first place. The quality is quite rare, unfortunately, but it will bear fruit and colleagues will reciprocate
  • Personal ambitions should not be put above the interests of the company, but these parameters must be observed without fanaticism

How to improve your life - professional career

  • Many wondered why some people succeed, while others vegetate in the office as ordinary employees. Although the makings were at the same level at the beginning of professional activity. And the possibilities are about the same
  • The problem is that the career will go up only for those who strive for this and try to make every effort.
  • To improve your life and achieve success, you need to radically change your worldview. Set a goal, draw a beautiful future and boldly move forward. If necessary, then leave your old job, as there you are already accustomed to being perceived as a “gray mouse”
  • Some psychologists advise creating a collage of desires. This will work as a promise to fate, and will help you achieve what you want. You need to draw or stick on a large sheet of paper images of what you dream about
  • You should not reject the wildest desires - if this is a car, then the most expensive, if rest, then only at the best resorts in the world. Family, prosperity, a lot of money, let all this be depicted on a collage

But the main action is selfless work. Not half strength, but with full dedication. And when some pictures from the collage begin to come to life, the realization will come that you are the winner. Luck is always on the side of those who believe in it.

Work and Career - Career Success

Success in a career often depends on external factors. Initially, the relationship with the boss did not work out. This happens quite often, especially if the boss realized that your leadership skills can be a threat to him.

You can tactfully correct the situation, make it clear that you do not need his position, that you prefer to build your career in an honest way. If this does not work, then you will have to look for another job, as a promotion in this one will remain a pipe dream.

Friendly relations with employees of competing companies can cause problems at some point in time. Especially if it becomes known to the authorities. Cruel, but for the success of your career you will either have to hide or make a choice.

Regional director - how to become a director?

The regional director manages one of the branches of the main company. To take such a position, you need to have experience in a leadership position, and not necessarily in the same field of activity.

The director is a purely technical position. One can be an excellent leader who came from outside, but one cannot do without a thorough study of the specifics of production in the future.

Becoming a director is much easier for those who have good recommendations. And of course, full compliance with the specified requirements. If everything goes well in this regard, then at the interview you need to show yourself with yourself better side. Express your interest in the success of the company and win over senior management as much as possible.

Work as a store manager - how to write a manager's resume?

Getting the position of a manager or director of a store increases significantly if you compose correct resume.

  • Indicate specifically which position suits you and in which area of ​​trade
  • Your data - last name, first name, patronymic, age, place of residence and contacts by which you can be contacted
  • Education — name of educational institution, faculty, specialty
  • Additional training - if any
  • Previous places of work - in detail, indicating positions and achievements
  • Functional duties in which you are strong
  • Language skills
  • Computer knowledge - at what level
  • Personal qualities, hobbies, hobbies

You can optionally specify Additional information if you deem it appropriate. More complete information will help the employer to establish itself in its choice. But without being overzealous, a resume is business information, not a work of art.

Successful woman career

It is more difficult for a woman to achieve career growth. And for this you need to make more efforts than a man. The head of any company calculates several years ahead when considering the candidacy of a new employee. And even if you do not plan to go on maternity leave, the boss understands that sooner or later this will happen. This means that it will be necessary to replace and spend resources on training new personnel. Why does he need all this trouble?

More opportunities for a woman with a grown child. But even in this case, no one is immune from hospital and other unforeseen circumstances.

There is only one way out - to present your knowledge, skills and talents so that the leader does not have even a shadow of a doubt. All questions must be answered clearly. Turn the interview into a presentation of your business qualities, non-standard thinking and feminine charm, which, fortunately, men are deprived of.

The boss will simply be obliged not to take into account the expected period of absence, time off and other points, just to get such a valuable employee.

Further career is little different from professional growth men, although it has some advantages. The woman is more intuitive. She can properly combine mathematical pragmatism and natural flair, and this is the most expensive quality in business.

Where to post a resume?

  • The resume has been compiled, but here is where to place it so that it does not hang on a dead resource. That's what job boards and job sites are for. It is necessary to pay attention to the attendance of these resources and choose those that occupy leading positions in this regard.
  • To get on the first pages, many sites offer to pay for a VIP seat. It is not expensive, but can significantly speed up your job search.
  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the regional affiliation of sites. It is stupid to post a resume on the Novgorod resource if you are going to find a job in Moscow
  • They have great popularity social media in search of work. Client base so extensive that one can safely hope for a positive outcome. There are special groups in which both resumes of applicants and advertisements from employers are posted.

Important! To place a resume, you need to select the maximum number of sites. Then the search time will be reduced and you will get the desired job faster.

Avito resume - the right resume for a job, how to post it on the site?

Avito is one of the most popular sites for posting resumes. It is to this resource that they turn first of all for the most different reasons. In addition, there is a fairly simple functionality, it is enough to follow a few steps.
  1. Registration with phone number and email
  2. Selecting a section - "work" - posting a resume
  3. Filling out the provided form with the placement of personal photos (optional)

First you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of the resource, so as not to be deleted for violations. Please fill out all fields in the form and follow the prompts.

This form will appear on the Avito page after selecting a section:

Many women have achieved amazing results and public recognition because of the challenges they have had to face personally. And the children did not become a hindrance, they even helped their mothers.

Daria Pukhaeva, founder of the jewelry brand

  • Caring for children, a big house - all this did not allow leaving the family for a long time. But what about a job, a career, because for this you have to be long time outside the family. Helped by a friend who suggested successful business plan. Together we created a new brand - pendants with figurines for boys and girls. Probably this is exactly what I was, would not mind buying, and therefore others too. I am satisfied with my life and new job And most importantly, my children are always there.
Lida Danilova - author of children's books

  • Before the birth of a child, I didn’t even think about a career, and after that my life changed dramatically. My daughter has become my biggest inspiration. Thanks to her, two of my books saw the light of day, and I'm not going to stop. And it all started with the fact that I posted a photo on the social network. These were our family evenings at which we were engaged in creativity. Now I have a publisher and many new projects.
Victoria Krasilshchikova — creator of the information service

  • I am a marketer in the past, so I knew how to organize from scratch new business. For many, it remains a mystery how I manage to do everything, because three children take a lot of time. The opening of the project took place on the eve of the birth of the third baby. Everything I do is dedicated to children, because my service helps to organize their leisure time. My children not only inspire me to conquer new heights, but are also the main critics.

Becoming successful and building a career is not as easy as it might seem. But each person has so much strength that he can move mountains. You just need to direct this potential along the right path and a successful career will become a reality.

Video: Internet Marketing Trends

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