
What kind of pig breed is the Vietnamese herbivore. Vietnamese pig breed description of appearance and breeding basics

Vietnamese piglets are gaining popularity among residents of Russia and neighboring countries. This is due to the ease of care, feeding and breeding. Pigs of the Vietnamese breed appeared relatively recently, in a short period of time they became popular among many livestock breeders. They conquer with their unusual appearance, minimal maintenance costs and a host of other advantages.


The Vietnamese pig is an individual belonging to the group of herbivorous artiodactyl animals. It is distinguished by a complaisant character, does not need special conditions of existence and gives large offspring.

Origin of the breed

For the first time, Vietnamese lop-bellied piglets appeared in 1985. Their homeland is Southeast Asian countries. As the breed spread, they began to be bred in many European cities and Canada. The first deliveries of pigs were carried out from Vietnam, where the name came from.

Due to their unusual size, piglets began to gain popularity. They were widely bred in farms France and America. Breeding specialists for this type of pigs have set themselves the task of increasing productivity. To this end, measures have been developed aimed at increasing the number of heads and their muscle mass. Growing piglets to this day is carried out according to the algorithm created several decades ago.

Features of Vietnamese piglets

Lop-eared piglets have a number of features that are unique to their breed. When caring for, keeping, feeding and breeding, they should be taken into account in without fail. Most of the features are rightfully considered the advantages of pigs, which increases their popularity among agriculture and farming.

It is noteworthy that female individuals are sexually mature already at 4 months. During this period, they are able to produce healthy offspring. Boars are a little behind in development, they become sexually mature by 6 months.

Another feature of the breed is ease of care. Newborn pigs do not require special attention. Sows have a developed maternal instinct, they carefully monitor their offspring and provide them with everything they need. Intervention by the human factor is unacceptable.

Pigs of the Vietnamese breed have strong immunity. The organism of animals is able to prevent the development of many diseases that are fixed in representatives of small artiodactyls. Pigs freely get used to any climate, without harm to their own health. Their homeland is a hot country, but they are able to survive at low temperatures.

Animal meat is very tender and juicy. It is rightfully considered a real delicacy. The thickness of the fat does not exceed 2-3 cm, which will appeal to gourmets. The meat has a bright and rich taste. You can enjoy the delicacy at any age, without fear. This is due to the immunity of the organism of piglets to standard "pork" diseases. Thanks to this, farmers receive healthy offspring and a completely safe product.

Lop-eared sows are different high level"performance". They are prolific, which allows a pig in one litter to bring about 18 piglets. For a year, a pig produces about 24 individuals with good genetic memory. This feature protects animals from eating dangerous plants.

Pigs eat often, but at the same time consume a minimum amount of food. Their diet is based on green fodder, and therefore animals are classified as herbivores. Bribes farmers not only minimum cost for feed, but also for the cleanliness of piglets. They are always clean, the animal will not "spoil" in the place where it rests and eats. This is a huge plus for both the individual and the farmer who cares and cleans.


The external characteristics of the breed in question have several distinguishing features, knowledge of which will allow the farmer to acquire real representatives of the Vietnamese breed. The features of pigs include:

  • small size;
  • the presence of a sagging abdomen;
  • flattened patch;
  • wide back and chest;
  • short legs, which makes the animal squat;
  • small erect ears;
  • the presence of bristles;
  • weight up to 80 kg.

Some individuals reach a weight category of 150 kg. This is typical exclusively for breeding animals. Much depends on the quality of nutrition of Vietnamese piglets, the conditions of maintenance and care.

When building a pigsty, experts recommend taking into account some features. Pigs of the Vietnamese breed do not dig the floor, which eliminates all the costs of strengthening it. It is more expedient to build a stone pigsty based on bricks. The flooring is ordinary concrete. Given the insignificant growth of animals, there is no point in keeping Vietnamese piglets alone. The ideal condition is the presence of several pigs in one pen. When designing a pigsty, it is necessary to leave some space for manure removal.

Growing Vietnamese piglets is carried out in special cages equipped with a wooden platform. This action will prevent hypothermia of animals. It is advisable to think over the heating system in advance, young animals find it difficult to tolerate low temperature indicators. The optimum temperature in the room is about 20 degrees.

To increase the productivity of animals, experts recommend equipping a walking area. The Vietnamese breed is very mobile, it needs constant movement, regardless of the time of year. Pigs love to take mud baths, which is the basis of their comfortable living. Bathing in the mud cleanses the skin of annoying insects and saves from the heat.

According to experts, the best place for walking is an area with dense greenery and trees. Animals love to scratch on the bark, thereby eliminating discomfort. In the absence of grass and wood cover, logs are additionally installed on the walking area. This is quite enough for "scratching".

Finally, you need to take care of a place for swimming. It is advisable to dig a hole and fill it with water. For the Vietnamese breed, having a place to bathe is an important part of normal life.


Proper care for Vietnamese piglets is to provide animals with not only optimal living conditions, but also high-quality feed. Young individuals have a good appetite. An important point in providing individuals with the necessary components is the frequent transition from one food to another. If the farmer encounters the presented breed for the first time, it is recommended to consult with the breeder.

In most cases, young animals prefer compound feed and grain waste. Important: Food is supplied exclusively raw. Animals are not picky, which facilitates the process of feeding and maintenance. An important advantage of the Vietnamese breed is a quick weight gain.

Sows need additional feeding with swill with cake. Juveniles gain weight well when eating a concentrated type of feed. With the accumulation of kilograms, the animal is sent for slaughter.

It is noteworthy that the digestive system of piglets has its own characteristics. So, the size and diameter of the stomach of animals is insignificant, which requires constant feeding. Pigs should not be overfed, the total amount of daily food is divided into three meals of equal portions. Hay, fresh pumpkin and corn are suitable as complementary foods.

IN summer period year preference is given to green food, vegetables and fruits. Rough products must be excluded, it negatively affects the work digestive system. According to the information provided, it is forbidden to include beets and straw in the diet of a pig.

With the introduction of combined feed, it is advisable to mix it with bran and cereals. Vietnamese pigs prefer barley, rye and wheat. The farmer must take care of the balanced nutrition of the animal, this will protect it from unnecessary stress on the digestive system.


When breeding Vietnamese piglets, experts do not recommend creating certain conditions. This breed not picky, and able to give healthy offspring without additional exposure. Mating begins at the age of four months, the first farrowing is brought by about 5 individuals. Gradually their number increases, the maximum offspring is 10-20 piglets.

The sow's pregnancy lasts 3 months 3 weeks and 3 days. During this period, the pig does not need to create special living conditions. Her interesting position does not affect the overall well-being and activity. Immediately after the birth of offspring, experts recommend vaccinating Vietnamese piglets. This will allow their body to adapt to further life.

High animal fertility and short time pregnancy are of extraordinary interest to farmers. Raising and breeding pigs is becoming profitable business. The money spent on the acquisition of several individuals quickly pays off, bringing the owner to a good profit.

Reference. For high productivity, it is enough to provide the pigs with optimal living conditions. Not picky, omnivorous and good health, minimize many costs. All these criteria significantly increase the popularity of individuals among farmers and Agriculture.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Each breed has its own advantages and disadvantages. Before you purchase the first individuals, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the main advantages. These include:

  • soft and docile character;
  • slowness;
  • minimum living conditions;
  • precocity (individuals quickly reach periods of puberty);
  • ease of care;
  • cleanliness;
  • high resistance to diseases;
  • developed maternal instinct, which excludes human help;
  • tasty and tender meat.

There are also disadvantages, but they are so insignificant that they are practically unable to influence the choice of an experienced farmer. The disadvantages of the breed include rapid weight gain. If the diet of the animal is not followed, it will quickly become fat, which will increase the value of the meat and adversely affect its softness. Intensive nutrition enhances the growth of fat, while the fleshy part does not increase. On the one hand, this is a disadvantage, on the other - a real advantage.


Vietnamese piglets are integral part modern farming and agriculture. The absence of the need to create optimal conditions for existence increases their popularity. Pigs do not need special nutrition and raise offspring on their own without human intervention. High protective functions organism, protect the breed from serious diseases, which simplifies the process of caring for them. The result of keeping the Vietnamese breed is tender meat and a significant cash gain.

Such pigs have an exceptionally good-natured disposition and peaceful attitude towards humans. In addition, contrary to popular belief about such animals, they are very neat. These cute creatures have the so-called bacon physique.

They are distinguished by a squat body, a wide back and an impressive chest. Due to the indicated dimensions, they look voluminous even with slight growth, which is especially evident due to short legs.

vietnamese pig

How can you observe on the picture, Vietnamese pig easy to distinguish from other breeds of relatives by outward signs. First of all, their coloring is most often black, sometimes brownish, but in some cases it can be supplemented with white spots.

The muzzle of these creatures is noticeably flattened. Their erect ears are not particularly large, and their heads are small. But their most characteristic feature is considered to be a pendulous belly. This detail of the external appearance is already clearly visible in monthly piglets, but with age it only becomes more and more evident.

And in adult pigs, the stomach is able to reach the ground, which causes the back to bend in an arcuate manner, and the appearance of these creatures turns out to be very comical. For the reason just indicated, an individual of this breed is usually called: vietnamese bellied pig. Their mature boars have fangs about 15 cm long, which greatly adds to their ferocity.

An impressive stubble grows on the back of animals, which tends to rise noticeably in highly emotional moments. At the same time, these creatures acquire a very formidable appearance. In all parts of the body, their hair is of considerable length, but in particular it grows on the nape and head.

Breeding this breed of pigs is considered a profitable business due to the unpretentiousness of such animals, their compactness and precocity. These creatures thrive in the hot regions of Asia, but they also adapt remarkably to the mild climate of European countries and the cold winters of Canada.

Vietnamese pig with piglets

At present, this breed has successfully spread in Romania, Hungary, and is well known in Ukraine. Belarusian and Russian breeders are very interested in such pigs.

Today, efforts to improve this breed are being made actively. It is planned to increase productivity, increase muscle mass in percentage terms, as well as the size of these animals.

Breeders and breeders in Canada and many countries of Eastern Europe are purposefully working in this direction. Today it is believed that with proper care and maintenance, as well as compliance with all feeding standards, Vietnamese pig weight may well be about 150 kg.


This breed was originally bred in the southeastern regions of Asia. It began to spread further around the world quite recently. From Vietnam, their homeland, such pigs were brought only in 1985 for further breeding to the east of Europe and across the ocean to Canada.

Vietnamese bellied pig

Very little time has passed since the appearance of this breed in Russia. And there is still little reliable information about it, so the information sometimes turns out to be contradictory. For example, many believe that Asian pigs of this type are divided into several species, because they have many names, although these are just different names for the same breed. The most popular two species are fold and fold-bellied.

Some people also confuse such pigs with those similar to them in a number of ways. In fact, there is no connection between them. From the described Vietnamese pig breed At present, another, new variety has been obtained.

mini pigs

These are decorative creatures, very small in size, which were named. The mass of such dwarf pets is only about 20 kg.

Breeding at home

The room should be planned taking into account the climatic features of the area where the maintenance is carried out. The floor in the pigsty is quite suitable concrete. By the way, it will be even easier to clean up.

But part of the floor in the room still needs to be covered with boards so that the pigs do not freeze during cold periods. If the pigsty turns out to be spacious, then it is better to divide it with partitions so that several convenient pens are formed.

Lop-eared Vietnamese pig

As it has already become clear from the description, the appearance of such pigs is quite exotic, and therefore it is difficult to confuse them with anyone. But when acquiring such animals for your own purposes, you should take into account the inalienable rule: if even a superficial examination shows all the signs of the breed, this does not mean that the individual is purebred.

For example, it is recommended to pay special attention to the muzzle. She, as already mentioned, should be flattened. Otherwise, that is, if the stigma is elongated, this specimen should most likely be considered the product of crossing with other varieties of pigs. And it may not be the bearer of the required properties.

The breed is very meaty and excellent for breeding.

Also, when making a deal, in order not to experience disappointments later, it is necessary to think in advance and understand for yourself the specific purpose of the purchase: whether the intended owner is most interested in breeding for sale or growing for meat production.

As meat animals, large specimens of piglets are most suitable, the mass of which is at least 60 kg. Everything else will add excellent fattening. Unfortunately, the features of this breed in wide circles have not yet had time to get used to. That is why not everyone is able to appreciate the high taste properties of the juicy and tender bacon of such animals. Many people find the meat too fatty.

Vietnamese pigs at home are not a big burden for the owners, they are really unpretentious. Representatives of this breed grow surprisingly fast, so much so that at four months the pigs can already be considered mature.

And boars are fully formed sexually two months later, that is, at the age of six months they are already capable of fertilization. And this turns out to be a great convenience for breeders, regardless of their plans for these creatures. After all, pigs grow quickly, gain weight and produce offspring.

Among other advantages of the breed, special mention should be made of:

  • excellent immunity and enviable resistance to many types of diseases, which is a hereditary quality;
  • high ability to adapt with all the originality of the climatic characteristics of the area where it is supposed to produce content;
  • careful care of adults about their offspring, which removes some of the worries and responsibilities from the owners;
  • when cutting the carcasses of these animals, special skills are not required and significant efforts also do not have to be applied;
  • the size of the pigs makes it possible not to spend huge amounts of money on their fattening, but they gain weight quickly;
  • piglets inherit from their parents, including genetic memory, for example, about poisonous plants that should not be eaten.


The diet of such animals has some differences from the menu of the usual white relatives, so feed Vietnamese pigs needed a little differently. Present and obvious physiological features which changes the feeding plan.

These animals can boast of a portly belly, but their stomach is very small, and their digestion of food occurs at an accelerated pace. Why does the order of eating change. Two meals a day, as is the case with white pigs, are not enough for such creatures, therefore, their number per day must be increased.

Vietnamese pigs love watermelons

These animals are exclusively herbivorous, and therefore herbs are very welcome on their menu, but only fresh, and it is also allowed to include hay, but not straw, especially stale. Zucchini, pumpkin, apples, corn, pears can be added to this list, which is very useful for such pigs.

But it is necessary to abandon the beets, it is harmful to them. And another important point: it is not recommended to feed such animals exclusively with pasture, it is necessary to add compound feed.

Of course, any owner wants Vietnamese pig meat it turned out to be of excellent quality, especially if they were brought in to get bacon. Here it is important that this product it didn’t turn out too fat, and therefore you should not overfeed the animals, but it is recommended to constantly monitor their body weight.

In this case, a weight of about 100 kg is considered ideal, it can be a little more or less, ten kilograms. At the same time, if the main task is to obtain bacon, it is also considered unnecessary to give barley and corn in volumes exceeding 10% of the total mass of feed.

Reproduction and lifespan

An impressive fertility is considered a valuable quality of this breed. After all, one sow is able to please the owner, giving him up to 18 piglets at a time. True, this does not always happen, but the standard indicator is the offspring of 12 newborn individuals.

At breeding Vietnamese pigs any problems in terms of mating and further offspring are usually not expected. And given the early maturation of such pets, which has already been mentioned, the business in terms of profit turns out to be profitable.

Already at the age of four months, the body of the female is fully formed for mating with a boar. It is not at all difficult to see the readiness of the female by characteristic signs.

During such periods, the pig loses its appetite, and there is a clear anxiety in its behavior. Of course, it is important not to confuse similar signs with discomfort. However, these animals rarely get sick. And therefore, these signs most likely indicate the readiness of the pig for mating.

There are more specific signs: discharge from a swollen genital loop. And if you put your palm on the animal's croup, the pig will not express dissatisfaction, spin and try to leave, on the contrary, it will take a motionless pose. This means that her condition is understood by the owner correctly.

Piglet of the Vietnamese pig

Then everything happens naturally, but the owner is required to follow the process. It is extremely important here that crossing with a blood-related boar does not occur. This must be taken care of in advance: it is better not to take piglets of different sexes from the same breeder. And, of course, it is important to help the sow to pass her term normally and be resolved by offspring.

Farrowing of Vietnamese pigs, as with white relatives, requires some preparation on the part of the owner. Otherwise, unpleasant complications may result. The following signs speak of the approach of this day: swelling of the nipples of the pig and lowering of the abdomen. This means that you should prepare the room for the upcoming birth, clearing it of all unnecessary. It is also better to change the hay and leave only water in the paddock.

In order to easily and quickly cut the umbilical cord to piglets, the delivery person will need special scissors, and cotton wool and iodine will be needed to process the cut. After the birth of babies, their mouth and snout should be cleaned of mucus.

And within the first hour, they should already receive top dressing in the form of mother's colostrum. This also needs to be followed up. Healthy piglets are easy to distinguish from sick ones. They eat well and are active.

If the pig gives birth for the first time, then the number of piglets is usually not large, but later the number of babies increases. A good female is able to have offspring twice a year. AND this process continues throughout her life, the term of which can be calculated as 30 years. At the same time, the owner of great skills for breeding such pigs is usually not required.

Vietnamese bellied pigs in Russia have long ceased to be considered an exotic breed. Unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention and feed, high-quality meat is not the whole list of the advantages of these animals. Many pig farmers, having calculated the profitability of breeding Asian pigs and being convinced of the quick payback, give them their preference.

In the 80s of the last century, Asian herbivorous bellied pigs were brought to Canada and Europe. And although the breed is widespread in the countries of East and Southeast Asia, the name of the country from which the piglets were exported, the Vietnamese Potbellied Pig (Vietnamese Potbellied Pig, Vietnamese Potbelly Pig), is firmly entrenched in it.

Farmers who ventured into breeding a non-traditional breed for America and Europe quickly became convinced of the undoubted advantages of Asians over many familiar breeds of pigs.

Having received a significant profit in the first years, livestock breeders were actively engaged in selection aimed at effective acclimatization, increase in size, rapid increase in muscle mass, and improvement of the dietary and taste qualities of meat.

As a result of successful breeding work, by the 2000s, Vietnamese lop-bellies spread throughout all European countries, Northern and South America, Russia and reached Australia.

Important. It is sometimes erroneously assumed that there are two independent Asian breeds of herbivorous pigs - Korean and Vietnamese. However, these are representatives of the same breed group, formed in different climatic regions and having minor differences.

Characteristics and description of the breed with photos

Along with the famous Hungarian breeds of mangalitsa and brazier, Vietnamese lop-bellied pigs are herbivorous pigs. But unlike them, the breeding material of the Vietnamese is not considered elite and is much cheaper.

Herbivores also include several with the common name "mini-pigs", originating from Guinean pigs brought by slave traders to America. Guinea pigs fatten up a thick layer of fat, successfully gain weight on pasture, but they are small in size and are bred rather as decorative pets, especially valued for their unique ability - Guineans are not afraid and boldly exterminate snakes.

Vietnamese pigs have a characteristic, easily recognizable exterior:

  • the constitution characteristic of bacon breeds - short limbs, fleshy hams, a long arched back, a wide dumpy body, a voluminous sternum;
  • medium-sized "flattened" head, reminiscent of the muzzle of a pug;
  • in wild boars, fangs reach 15 cm in length;
  • extensive sagging belly in sows and gilts;
  • small erect ears;
  • the snout is collected with an accordion;
  • a bristle comb extends from the neck to the croup.

Important. The most common color is black or black with white spots on the head. Rarely white, marble, red striped piglets are born.

Vietnamese bellied pigs are characterized by a black color.

Breed productivity

Vietnamese pigs are not weight champions, which is offset by excellent taste and fast growth:

  • weight of a newborn boar 500-600 g, pigs 450-550 g;
  • the average weight of an adult boar is from 120 to 140 kg, but some specimens can gain up to 200 kg;
  • an adult pig weighs from 100 to 120 kg, the maximum recorded weight is 140 kg;
  • boars add 350-450 g per day, pigs 350-500 g each;
  • the optimal slaughter age is 7-8 months, upon reaching a live weight of 75-80 kg;
  • slaughter yield from 70% to 75%.

Features content

Vietnamese bellied pigs have gained popularity due to their unpretentiousness. Their content does not require much effort. Nevertheless, without a properly equipped pigsty, a well-designed diet, high-quality breeding material cannot be achieved with high profitability. Special attention should be given to the choice of the young.

The maintenance of Vietnamese bellied pigs does not require much effort.

Piglet's choice

Successful raising of pigs requires a thoughtful attitude when buying piglets.

First of all, pay attention to:

  1. Piglet weight at birth and weight gain for every 10 days. According to the dynamics of weight gain, it is easy to determine the weight of the intended pet and its compliance with the indicated age.
  2. Appearance of the sow. With a monthly piglet weighing about 3.5 kg, a thinner parent will have clearly distinguishable milk lobes. In the absence of these signs, most likely, the proposed young is older.
  3. physical data. Pedigree Vietnamese piglets have well-formed muscles, strong, widely spaced legs, a wide head with a pronounced bend in the bones of the nose, and an elastic, dense body. Under the tail of healthy pigs is clean and dry.
  4. The condition of the coat and eyes. The coat should be even and smooth, the eyes should be shiny and lively.
  5. Mobility, activity, interest in food.
  6. Family ties purchased piglets. Breeding does not allow inbreeding - closely related crossing, leading to a deterioration in the pedigree qualities of the offspring, the birth of piglets with deformities. It is optimal to purchase pigs and boars in different places from different sellers.

A healthy piglet is active and well-fed, under the tail should be clean and dry.

Important. When buying piglets, you should find out about their usual diet. Young growth reacts badly to a sharp change in the composition of the feed.

Conditions of detention

For successful fattening and breeding of Vietnamese bellies, it is necessary to provide decent housing. The relatively small size of Asian pigs allows you to keep quite a large number of animals in a small pigsty.

Best of all, Vietnamese pigs feel in a brick or cinder block pigsty with a concrete floor. The concrete floor greatly facilitates the observance of sanitary and hygienic standards, does not allow animals to tear and scatter the earth. To protect pigs from the winter cold and create comfortable sleeping conditions, about 2/3 of the floor area is insulated with wooden flooring.

The pigsty is partitioned into machines with an area of ​​​​4-4.5 m². Such "individual housing" is enough for two pigs or one boar. A sow with offspring will also be comfortable in such a pen.

Vietnamese bellied pigs are afraid of drafts, but need a constant supply of air. When designing a pigsty, you should think about creating a reliable ventilation system.

For two pigs, the Vietnamese folded belly requires 4-4.5 m² of area.

In addition, the room in the winter needs to be heated. Severe frosts can kill Asian pigs, especially young and post farrowing sows.

Organization of walking pigs

From spring to autumn, bellied pigs need space for walking. The walking area is equipped with a canopy to protect it from rain and overheating in the heat, drinkers, shallow pits for taking mud baths, dug in logs so that the pigs can itch.

In animals deprived of walks, the rate of weight gain decreases, muscles develop poorly, hooves are deformed, signs of beriberi may appear:

  • deterioration of the condition of the coat;
  • dry skin;
  • profuse lacrimation, diseases of the cornea of ​​​​the eyes;
  • unsteady, uncoordinated movements.

A lack of vitamin A can lead to miscarriages in sows, sperm degeneration in boars, and poor growth in young animals.

Feeding and necessary diet

One of the main advantages of the breed is the low cost of purchasing feed.

In summer, 80% of the menu consists of pasture and various natural supplements: grass, fresh shoots of trees and shrubs, fallen fruits, root crops and vegetables.

Vietnamese bellied pigs are happy to eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

The remaining 20% ​​of the diet consists of grain feed in the form of bran and flour. The daily consumption of grain per head is 300-400 g. If possible, part of the grain feed can be replaced with acorns, chestnuts.

In winter, the consumption of grain feed is increased up to 30%. The green mass is compensated with hay, straw, peas, ground corn stalks and cobs, fodder beets, boiled potatoes, and food waste.

In the preparation of grain mixtures, preference is given to wheat, barley, rye. Excessive content of corn and oats in feed leads to the formation of excess fat, which significantly reduces the value of meat.

But wet mixtures of concentrated feed or compound feed with the addition of fish oil, a small amount of salt, vitamin supplements (Kalfostonik, Chiktonik), premixes (Prelak) improve product quality.

Important. Vitamin supplements from pumpkin, zucchini, clover hay, alfalfa, amaranth, legumes are especially useful for Vietnamese bellied pigs.

In the conditions of a small farm, it is quite possible to breed Vietnamese bellies not only for fattening, but also for growing high-quality breeding material.

The breed is characterized by early puberty. Pigs are ready for the first mating at 4 months, gaining a weight of 30-35 kg. Boars ripen by 6 months, having a weight of at least 30 kg.

It is easy to determine the onset of puberty by the following signs:

  • pigs are excited, show concern;
  • genital loop swells and turns red;
  • characteristic discharge appears;
  • when pressing on the croup, the animal calms down, remains in place.

Many farmers are breeding Vietnamese bellied pigs.

For mating, a wild boar is launched to the pigs for a day. With successful mating, the pregnancy of pigs (pregnancy) lasts 114-117 days.

A sow at a time can bring from 12 to 18 piglets. On average, a pig produces 24 cubs per year.

The behavior of a pregnant pig of the Vietnamese breed is calm, not hysterical. 5-6 days before giving birth, a pregnant pig begins to chew and crush the litter - to equip a nest. During this period, the milk lobes are formed, the nipples turn red, increase in size, the abdomen noticeably drops.

The imminent approach of childbirth is indicated by the refusal of food, the secretion of colostrum from the mammary glands.

For successful farrowing:

  • the machine is thoroughly cleaned;
  • hay litter is changed to a new one;
  • drinking bowls are filled with clean water;
  • prepare the necessary medical instruments: scissors, threads, gauze, cotton wool, iodine solution, clean rags or special diapers for wiping newborns;
  • for babies, a special room is prepared with a temperature of at least 30-32 ° C;
  • immediately after birth, the umbilical cord is cut and the wound is treated with an iodine solution;
  • from newborns, the amniotic sac and mucus are carefully removed, wiped, and the airways (nose, larynx) are cleaned;
  • necessarily give colostrum;
  • the released placenta is removed from the nest.

Before farrowing, the pig crushes the litter - prepares the nest.

Care of newborn piglets

Loose-bellied pigs are devoted and caring mothers. But the feeding of piglets in the first day must be carefully monitored. It should be ensured that on the first day all babies have the opportunity to suck their mother's milk every quarter of an hour.

To prevent the occurrence of anemia on the 3rd and 10th day, iron-containing preparations (Ferroselenite, Urosoferran-10) are administered intramuscularly to piglets.

On the 10th day after birth, it is time to add bait:

  • from the 10th to the 20th day, chalk powder, clay, charcoal, pure water;
  • from the 20th to the 30th day, fortified porridge, a special granulated feed for piglets, is introduced into the diet.

Monthly pigs begin to wean from mother's milk, gradually adding adult food to the menu. The transition to a new diet should last several days, during which the body of the babies adapts, and the mother does not have a threat of mastitis.

On the 40th day, it is desirable to vaccinate babies against helminths.

Loose-bellied pigs are devoted and caring mothers.

Disease and health of pigs

Pigs have innate immunity, perfectly acclimatize to harsh climatic conditions. Subject to the basic rules of maintenance and a balanced diet, they are practically not susceptible to diseases.

Troubles are delivered by helminths, to get rid of which animals are given a subcutaneous injection of Ecomectin (Ivermiktin) every 4 months, or the drug Albendozol (Fonbendazole) is added to food.

With a quick transfer to new feeds, an intestinal disorder is manifested, which can be eliminated at home with Smecta or Biovitt.

Breed Benefits

Except obvious benefits- economy in the use of feed, early onset of maturity, fertility, unpretentiousness, excellent health, the breed has several unique features:

Vietnamese pigs are non-confrontational, clean, excellent mothers.
  • genetically inherent ability to recognize poisonous plants;
  • innate love for cleanliness (Vietnamese pigs never defecate in a sleeping place, do not tend to destroy floors, undermine the roots of bushes and trees);
  • imperturbable, conflict-free character;
  • lack of a specific smell in the pigsty;
  • fast acclimatization, adaptation;
  • unlike many breeds of pigs, Vietnamese pigs never eat newborns;
  • high milk content, facilitating the feeding of piglets;
  • affordable price for breeding young animals, unlike other bacon breeds, in particular barbecues;
  • high return on content.

Important. Due to their friendliness, high intelligence, ability to train, Vietnamese bellies are kept not only for breeding and fattening, but also as pet companions.

The taste of Vietnamese bellied meat

The taste and dietary qualities of the meat of Vietnamese bellied pigs are superior in some respects to those of other bacon breeds:

  • 100 kg animal carcass contains up to 65% meat and 25% fat;
  • the color of the meat is light pink, light cream when roasted;
  • layers of fat are thin, uniform;
  • the thickness of fat and lard is not more than 3-3.5 cm;
  • delicate, delicate taste;
  • juiciness;
  • low cholesterol content, 7 times less than in the meat of traditional European breeds of bacon and meat;
  • meat is suitable for frying, grilling, barbecue, boiling, baking, smoking, salting;
  • the meat of Vietnamese bellied pigs is classified as a delicacy.

Vietnamese bellied pigs have excellent meat qualities.

Domestic livestock breeders are familiar with Vietnamese bellied pigs relatively recently, but over the past decades, these "Asians" have gained great popularity and become widespread in many regions of Russia and other post-Soviet countries.

The breed is not officially registered in the State Register of the Russian Federation, but experts consider it very promising and cost-effective, very suitable for keeping and breeding in personal gardens and farms. This opinion is based on the experience of growing Vietnamese bellied pigs and the combination of their main characteristics:

Parameter Characteristic
Animal Pig
Breed Vietnamese (Asian) Belly
productive type bacon
Live weight of adults Pig on average 100-120 kg (up to 140), boar - 120-140 kg (up to a maximum of 200 kg)
Pig puberty age 4 months
multiple pregnancy 4-6 piglets in the 1st farrowing, with subsequent - 8-12 (up to 20)
Suit Black (often with white spots on the head), sometimes white, red, marble
Set of live weight by the age of 7-8 months (optimal for slaughter) 75-80 kg
Average daily weight gain 250-500 g
Meat quality High
Meat yield from the carcass 70-75%
The thickness of the layer of subcutaneous fat with a live weight of 100-110 kg (by 10 months of age) Up to 35 mm (with meat-fat fattening technology)
Disease resistance High immunity
Registration in the State Register of the Russian Federation Breed not included

To learn more about the breed and work to improve it, we suggest watching the following video:

Origin and description of the breed

The breed was bred in Southeast Asia as one of the varieties of Asian bellied herbivorous pig. Representatives of this breed group began to be actively imported to Europe and North America from the 80s of the last century, mainly from Vietnam. Livestock breeders quickly assessed the potential of these pigs and began active selection work in order to increase their acclimatization, increase their size and productivity, and improve the taste of meat. Now bellied Vietnamese pigs are grown in almost all countries of the world, but more often we are talking not about purebred individuals, but about a variety of crossbred pigs obtained by crossing Asian and European breeds.

One of the most successful pigs obtained with the participation of Asians is the so-called karmal.

The main difference between Asian pigs is their herbivory., that is, the structural features of the digestive tract, which allow good absorption of plant foods. Outwardly, this is manifested in the presence of a heavy belly, sagging almost to the very ground - hence the name "loose-bellied". Animals have a powerful body with a wide sternum and a long back, short strong limbs with fleshy hams. The head is medium in size, slightly flattened, resembling a pug's face, with similar "accordion" leathery folds on the snout.

Sometimes lop-bellied pigs are mistakenly called lop-eared. In fact, their ears are small and erect.

Adult pigs are able to gain a live weight of 100-120 kg, and wild boars - 120-140 kg, but animals weighing from 50-60 to 80 kg at the age of 6-8 months are considered optimal for slaughter. They practically do not deposit a layer of subcutaneous fat, and the meat turns out to be “marbled” - lean and tender, with thin fatty layers. At the same time, its yield is about 70% from the carcass.

Purebred "Vietnamese", as a rule, are black in color with white spots on the head. Now, due to spontaneous selection, the color of the bellied piglets has become more diverse: white, spotted or red with dark stripes.

Breed productivity

The big advantages in breeding this breed are:

  • precocity- pigs reach reproductive age by 4-4.5 months and can give birth;
  • multiple pregnancy- in the first farrowing, Vietnamese pigs bring no more than 6 piglets, and during subsequent farrowing, the number of offspring increases to an average of 10-12 (up to a maximum of 20);
  • fertility– a sow can farrow twice a year (pregnancy lasts less than 4 months), which allows you to get a total offspring of more than 20 piglets.

It is important that the processes of fertilization and childbirth occur safely in a natural way, without requiring human intervention, including professional veterinary care.

Pigs show a strongly pronounced maternal instinct, carefully feed and care for babies. Piglets are born small(from 450 to 600 g), but rather quickly gain weight (250-350 g per day). Females who have given birth usually have a lot of milk - enough even for a large offspring. Newborn boars, which are planned to be grown for slaughter, must be castrated immediately or before 1.5 months of age, otherwise their meat will have an unpleasant odor, and characteristic aggressiveness may appear in the behavior of sexually mature males. In general, representatives of this breed are distinguished by a calm and peaceful disposition, get along well with other pets and birds. According to many pig farmers, the main problem during slaughter is the emotional attachment to these cute creatures.

The specifics of keeping and fattening

Asian pigs are not huge, so they do not require large facilities for maintenance. They are very clean: do not defecate where they sleep or near feeders and drinkers, bathe with pleasure (in the presence of small reservoirs). In addition, animals resistant to most common diseases, which allows you to manage a minimum number of vaccinations. In a pigsty, it is important to ensure dryness, lack of drafts, seasonal heating and the possibility of ventilation.

In the warm season, pigs must be provided free range on grassy areas where they can actively move and eat pasture - grass and young shoots of shrubs. Animals deprived of this opportunity develop worse, slow down the rate of muscle mass gain, and often suffer from beriberi.

Vietnamese pigs have the ability to distinguish edible plants from poisonous plants at the genetic level.

Herbivorous pigs eat little, but often. Almost 80% of their diet consists of green mass, vegetables (pumpkin and root crops), fallen fruits. The remaining 20% ​​is recommended to include grain products (bran, crushed grain), acorns, chestnuts. In winter, the share of grain feed is increased to 30%, and instead of fresh grass, pigs are given hay and straw, legumes (peas and corn), fodder beets, boiled potatoes, and kitchen food waste.

To obtain lean meat with a minimum amount of fat, when fattening young animals, grain mixtures consisting of barley, rye and wheat are used. In order for animals to build up a thicker layer of fat, it is advised to feed adults (after 7-8 months) foods high in protein: oats and legumes. At the same time, the average daily gain in pigs is up to 500 g, and in hogs up to 600 g. Regular alternation of diets from various grains and legumes makes it possible to achieve the formation of bacon, in which thin layers of fat are interspersed with meat.

Cost price meat products when fattening bellied pigs, it turns out to be lower than when growing other breeds, as it allows you to significantly save on compound feed.

Opinions about the taste of meat are rather contradictory: according to some reviews, it is inferior to ordinary domestic pigs in terms of taste saturation; others believe that the meat of herbivorous pigs is more healthy, delicate and more like a turkey than traditional pork.

Feedback from livestock breeders

Yuriy, 31 years old, Lviv region

Our people are not yet in a hurry to start Asian pigs, although they say that it is not just fashionable, but profitable. By the way, in neighboring Poland there are also very few of them, and in Hungary they are kept in almost every farmstead. The Vietnamese are really very clean, calm, obedient and friendly. Grass is eaten both fresh and dried. If there is a possibility of grazing, then they can give a good increase in pasture. And if you feed them with steamed compound feed, they will get fat right before your eyes.

Sergey, 46 years old, Usman

Raised my first Vietnamese, pricked today. At 8 months of net weight, it turned out to be 40 kg each, a little fat, somewhere around 2 cm. By this age, ordinary whites had already gained under 80 kg. He fed the same way, gave the Vietnamese more grass and some oat bran, sometimes he added waste from the kitchen. Pigs are very friendly, they wag their tails like dogs when you enter a pigsty. The main thing is that neither the floor nor the logs are gnawed, the locks on the door are not broken. When butchering, I did not like that the skin is drier and rougher than that of whites, and it is not very clean after singeing. But the meat and lard are more tender, I liked the taste. It makes sense to breed for yourself, but not for sale.

Oleg, 52 years old, Rechitsa

Duroc has the best meat in terms of taste, while Vietnamese has it so-so. Much depends on the diet. This breed of pigs is interesting primarily for breeders for its multiplicity. Mixes with white, for example, grow faster, and lard is present.

Anna, 45 years old, Omsk region

We wipe the Vietnamese piglets immediately after birth, castrate the piglets and bite off their upper and lower fangs with wire cutters. If you do not remove the fangs, then they then grow up to 15 cm in length. The umbilical cord is not immediately torn off, but sprayed with Kubatol. When it dries a little, tear it off at a distance of 7-10 cm and again sprinkle with Kubatol. So you don’t have to bother with the thread and stop the bleeding. After 2-3 days, it dries up and falls off by itself, but you need to look and, in some cases, process it again. At the same time, we give the piglets vitamins and iron.


Experienced livestock breeders from the Saratov region (the first two videos) and from Transnistria (the last video) answer questions about keeping, feeding and breeding Vietnamese pigs in the following videos:

Worked as an editor for several years television program with leading manufacturers of ornamental plants in Ukraine. At the dacha, of all types of agricultural work, she prefers harvesting, but for this she is ready to regularly weed, chop, stepchild, water, tie up, thin out, etc. I am convinced that the most delicious vegetables and fruits are self-grown!

Convenient applications for Android have been developed to help gardeners and gardeners. First of all, these are sowing (lunar, flower, etc.) calendars, thematic magazines, collections useful tips. With their help, you can choose a day favorable for planting each type of plant, determine the timing of their maturation and harvest on time.

Compost - rotted organic residues of various origins. How to do? Everything is put in a pile, a pit or a large box: kitchen leftovers, tops of garden crops, weeds mowed before flowering, thin twigs. All this is interbedded with phosphorite flour, sometimes straw, earth or peat. (Some summer residents add special composting accelerators.) Cover with foil. In the process of overheating, the pile is periodically stirred or pierced to bring in fresh air. Usually compost "ripens" for 2 years, but with modern additives it can be ready in one summer season.

From varietal tomatoes, you can get "your" seeds for sowing next year (if you really liked the variety). And it is useless to do this with hybrid ones: the seeds will turn out, but they will carry the hereditary material not of the plant from which they were taken, but of its numerous "ancestors".

Tomatoes have no natural protection against late blight. If late blight attacks, any tomatoes die (and potatoes too), no matter what is said in the description of the varieties (“late blight-resistant varieties” is just a marketing ploy).

Both humus and compost are rightfully the basis of organic farming. Their presence in the soil significantly increases the yield and improves the taste of vegetables and fruits. In terms of properties and appearance, they are very similar, but they should not be confused. Humus - rotted manure or bird droppings. Compost - rotted organic residues of various origins (spoiled food from the kitchen, tops, weeds, thin twigs). Humus is considered a better fertilizer, compost is more accessible.

Oklahoma farmer Carl Burns developed an unusual variety of colorful corn called Rainbow Corn. The grains on each cob are of different colors and shades: brown, pink, purple, blue, green, etc. This result was achieved through many years of selection of the most colored ordinary varieties and their crossing.

It is necessary to collect medicinal flowers and inflorescences at the very beginning of the flowering period, when the content of nutrients in them is as high as possible. The flowers are supposed to be torn by hand, breaking off the rough pedicels. Dry the collected flowers and herbs, scattering thin layer, in a cool room at natural temperature without direct sunlight.

Freezing is one of the most convenient methods for preparing a grown crop of vegetables, fruits and berries. Some believe that freezing leads to a loss of nutrients and useful properties herbal products. As a result of the research, scientists have found that there is practically no decrease in nutritional value during freezing.

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