
The most important management functions are. Organization management functions

It is important to understand how functions differ from tasks. Objective - aimed at achieving the required results in certain time activity. A function is a repeating activity of an organization. The complex of management tasks is a management function.

As a rule, one function is performed by one department, however, some functions may be performed jointly. various divisions or one unit may perform several functions.

Figure 1 shows the factors on which the composition of functions depends.

Figure 1 - Factors affecting the composition of management functions

Management functions are needed in order to provide leadership, management and maintenance in an organization. production activities.

All functions have the following main characteristics:

  • appointment;
  • repeatability;
  • homogeneity of content;
  • performance specifics.

Management functions are distinguished by the presence of an objective nature, which is determined by the need for the management process itself in a joint labor activity.

The main functions of the organization management are:

  • organization - a set of methods and techniques for combining all parts of the management system;
  • rationing - the process of developing scientifically based calculated values ​​that establish the quantity and quality of the assessment of the developed elements used in the production and management process;
  • planning is a function that occupies a central place in the organizational structure and is aimed at regulating the behavior of the control object;
  • coordination - the impact on a team of people in order to manage various but interconnected units;
  • motivation is a function that stimulates labor activity;
  • control - analysis and accounting of possible errors and deviations from the planned plans;
  • regulation is a function closely related to the functions of control and coordination.

Management functions are the basis of the administrative apparatus, determining its size and structure. The main task of the administrative apparatus is to combine different, but related functions.

There are several options for classifying the management function, but the simplest and most understandable divides them into two groups:

  • are common;
  • special.

General control functions

General functions were formulated by Ani Fayol at the beginning of the 20th century. They exist in the management of any organization in any business area.

Among all the general functions of management, titration is considered the main one - a method of mass quantitative and qualitative analysis. Performing this function, the manager, as a rule, the manager top management, does the following:

  • formulates goals and objectives for the future;
  • carries out strategic planning;
  • draws up operational plans.

The implementation of all plans depends on organizational function. It is aimed at creating an organization, forming its structure, distributing tasks among staff, and coordinating their work.

The motivational function is responsible for stimulating the labor activity of the staff. It is based on the analysis and identification of people's needs, the choice of how to meet them, in order to stimulate the productivity of workers as much as possible.

The control function is aimed at identifying possible risks, dangers, errors and deviations, and thus it helps to improve the work.

Special Features

Functions for managing individual objects occupy a special place in the organization. How control objects can be distinguished:

  • production activities;
  • logistics;
  • innovation;
  • marketing and sales activities;
  • recruitment;
  • financial activities;
  • accounting and analysis.

The management of these objects is the content of special management functions. Table 1 shows examples of the content of some functions.

Table 1 - Content of special control functions

One of the main laws of the effectiveness of human activity is the need for the division and specialization of labor, since they determine the reason for the appearance of the category “function” in management.

The emergence of management functions is associated with the horizontal division of managerial labor, as well as with the professional specialization of management workers.

The function is the content of management activity, which is characterized by 2 main features:

  1. Temporary logical sequence of execution of managerial work, objectively arising from the essence of the relevant activity.
  2. The specifics of the control object, which determines its nature and industry affiliation.

Management functions are specialized in the temporary logical sequence of management work. The sequence in time is fixed in the first type of functions, which are called general.

General and specific management functions

The division into general (universal, basic) and specific management functions is due to the emergence of a process approach in the field of building management technology.

The process approach was originally proposed by adherents of the school administration who tried to define the functions of management. The followers of this direction considered managerial functions independently of each other. The process approach considered management functions as interrelated functions.

Composition of control functions

The five functions of management were identified by Henri Fayol, who defined management as prediction, planning, organizing, disposing, coordinating and controlling.

When reviewing the current literature, several similar features can be identified:

  1. planning,
  2. organization and administration,
  3. motivation,
  4. leadership and control
  5. coordination and regulation,
  6. communication,
  7. research, evaluation and decision making.

Most often, the management process is presented as consisting of the main functions: planning, organization, motivation and control. These management functions are combined through the linking processes of communication and decision making. At the same time, management is considered as an independent activity, suggesting the possibility of influencing individual employees and the team in such a way that they carry out work towards achieving goals.

Planning and organizing as management functions

Planning as a management function characterizes the development and adoption of a specific resolution (in written or oral form), in which a specific task or goal is set for the management object. Planning is considered to provide a unified direction for the efforts of all members of the organization to achieve its common goals. This function starts the management process, so the success of operations depends on its quality.

Organization as a function implies a certain set of specialized management activities that are aimed at bringing people together to carry out joint activities. Implementation organization function decisions taken includes ensuring the implementation of decisions from the organizational side, that is, the creation of managerial relationships that are able to provide the most effective communications of all elements of the managed system.

Motivation and control

The motivating function consists in the performance of work by the personnel of the enterprise, depending on the rights and obligations delegated to it, while they must comply with the adopted management decisions. Motivation is the process of motivating oneself and others to act.

With the help of the control function, you can prevent the occurrence of crisis situations. Control is a characteristic of management that allows you to identify problems and adjust the company's activities until the transformation of these problems into a crisis.

Any enterprise must have the ability to timely fix its mistakes, correcting them before they can damage the achievement of goals. At the same time, control contributes to the fight against uncertain situations of an internal and external nature (changes in legislation, social values, the emergence of new competitors, etc.).

Control functions are various types of work that must be performed in the process of managing an object.

The performance of functions can be considered in relation to the position (functions of the employee, official), subdivision (functions of a department, service, etc.), governing body (functions of a ministry, state committee, etc.). management functions reflect the division, specialization and cooperation of managerial work both horizontally and vertically.

Correlation of the concepts "goal", "task", "management functions". The goal and objectives, as a rule, require a number of functions to be implemented. That is, the achievement of the goal, the task consists of determining what functions need to be performed, and their practical implementation (who performs them and how).

Function types. Functions are divided into two types - general (basic) and specific (specialized, special).

For the first time general functions were singled out by A. Fayol (1841-1925). Summarizing the practical experience of the activities of managers, he referred to the general functions of foresight, organization, leadership, coordination and control. A. Fayol wrote: “To manage means to foresee, organize, lead, coordinate and control. To foresee is to explore the future and sketch out a program of action. To organize means to create a double organism of the enterprise, material and social. To lead means to make personnel function. To coordinate means to connect, unite, harmonize all acts and all efforts. To control means to see that everything happens in accordance with established rules and orders.

At present, the general functions are as follows: forecasting (scientific-technical and socio-economic), planning (scientific-technical, socio-economic and organizational), organization (has several semantic meanings), activation (stimulation, motivation), coordination, accounting and control.

practical meaning common functions lies in the fact that they cover the entire management cycle (from setting goals, tasks in planning and subsequent accounting, monitoring actual results) and a variety of specific functions associated with the implementation of general

Specific functions with varying degrees of detail (which is reflected in their wording) reflect the needs (current and future) of the process of managing a given object, its part or element.

The main problems in the field of specific functions are as follows:
1) determining the composition of the functions that must be performed when managing (managing) this object. For this, an analog approach, recommended sets (lists), a modular principle (quantitative and qualitative characteristics of objects and subjects of management) are used;
2) linking functions and organizational structure or determining the organizational forms by which functions will be performed;
3) consolidation of functions with the help of regulations - regulations on divisions and job descriptions.

There is an organizational mechanism for the distribution and consolidation of functions. Such a mechanism is considered to be the organizational and executive system (OIS). Its purpose is to create certainty in the work: who should do what and by what time. The elements of the OIS are:
- goals, objectives (what needs to be achieved, fulfilled);
- participants (who does the work);
- functions, responsibilities (what needs to be done);
- rights (what can be done);
- responsibility (assessment of actions and inactions, guarantee of performance of work);
- time (at what time the work is performed).

OIS is used both in the formation, refinement of the organizational structure, and in daily activities when organizing the implementation of certain tasks.

The IPO is created through such regulatory means as regulations on subdivisions and job descriptions.

Regulation is an organizational and legal document that regulates the activities of divisions. As a rule, it consists of sections:
the general part - determining the status of the unit in the management system; indications of who it is headed by, to whom it is subordinate; degree of independence; participation (if necessary) in the implementation of the target program;
main tasks - the activities of the unit are determined, for the implementation of which it is responsible;
functions (duties) - contains a list of functions of the unit with a specification of work for each function;
rights - the rights of the unit are indicated, as well as (there is such an option) of its head;
management organization - described organizational structure divisions;
relationships with other departments - is developed on the basis of incoming and outgoing documentation with the definition of the main relationships;
Responsibility - the responsibility of the unit and its head for the performance of tasks and the implementation of functions is established. This section is the most difficult to develop, since it needs to indicate the application of sanctions for non-performance or poor performance of tasks, functions, and also determine the conditions under which this or that responsibility arises. At the same time, the entry is more often made: "The unit is responsible for the implementation of the functions and tasks assigned to it."

When developing regulations on subdivisions, model provisions where changes and clarifications are made as necessary.

Another common regulation by which the place and activities of employees are determined are job descriptions. Distinguish between standard and individual job descriptions.

Typical job descriptions are developed in relation to the positions of employees, have a single structure and provide the possibility of individualizing the content. Their presence reduces the time required to compile instructions that take into account the uniqueness of this system and the available posts.

Individual job descriptions are developed in relation to a specific position (and even a specific person holding a particular position), taking into account the characteristics of a given body, unit and employee.

job descriptions as juristic documents are put into effect either by the decision of the head (approval of instructions by signature; order to introduce instructions), or by decision of the governing body.

The instructions include sections, the composition of which depends on a detailed or more general presentation of their content. The most characteristic sections are:
introduction - the name of the position and unit is recorded;
general part - the main tasks of the employee are indicated; the procedure for replacing an employee during his absence, whom and for what duties this employee replaces; subordination by position; procedure for appointment and dismissal; composition of subordinates (for managers).
responsibilities - listing the main and additional responsibilities; requirements for special knowledge; level of special training and indication of experience practical work; the main conditions for the relationship with other employees - the list, quantity, terms of receipt, preparation and transfer of documents are reflected; joint preparation of information, etc.;
rights - lists the rights in relation to this position;
responsibility - tasks or functions for which the employee is personally responsible are noted;
performance evaluation criteria - despite the complexity of this section, when developing it, it is desirable to clearly formulate what and how is evaluated in relation to this position.

Control- this is a process aimed at achieving the goals of the enterprise, which is a sequence of managerial actions to solve a number of specific production and social problems of the enterprise. These actions are called managerial functions, or management functions (from Latin - performance, activity, duty).

Control functions- this is a specific type of work that provides a rational form of division of labor for employees of the management apparatus.

Management functions determine the essence and content of organizational and managerial activities at all levels of management. The allocation of individual functions in the management is an objective process caused by the complexity of production and management. This is the result of the division and specialization of labor in the field of management.

In their sequence, management functions constitute management technology. Consistent performance of management functions and constitutes management process. The essence of control always remains constant, while the content changes and depends on the specifics of the control object. Economic transformations in the republic make their own adjustments to the development of management functions. There is not only a differentiation of targeted influences, but also integration and a new specialization of labor in the field of management.

All control functions are divided into are common(basic) and specific(special). The main functions of management are common to the management process of any enterprise. Special management functions are determined by the specifics and characteristics of production.

Control functions define:

Targeted impact;

The essence and content of management;

Management strategy and tactics;

Management methods and processes;

Management personnel structure;

Flows and volumes of information;

Possibility of mechanization and automation of control;

The complexity and complexity of management activities.

Control functions are taken into account:

When developing regulations, charters of organizational formations of all forms of ownership;

When developing job descriptions;

When evaluating, selecting, placing management personnel;

In the formation of rational structures of the administrative apparatus;

When determining the structure of working time for managers and specialists.

5. General (basic) control functions

Generally, there are five general management functions:

Planning (forecasting);


Coordination (regulation);

Stimulation (activation, motivation);

Control (analysis, accounting).

Consider the general control functions in detail:

1. Planning- this is the development and setting of goals and objectives for production management, as well as the definition of ways and means to achieve the goals.

There are three types of planning: strategic, tactical and operational. In relation to the agricultural organization, the chairman of the SEC deals with strategic planning. Operational planning is carried out by local managers (foremen, heads of shops, heads of services).

When drawing up plans, they are guided by the following principles:

Completeness (all factors must be considered);

Accuracy (it is necessary to use modern forecasting tools);

Clarity (set goals should be simple and clear);

Continuity (planning is ongoing);

Profitability (planning costs should be commensurate with the gain received);

2. Organization- this is the creation of a new or improvement of an existing management structure for the implementation of the goals and objectives of the enterprise.

Regardless of the type and scale of its activities, each enterprise must be organized in a certain way. There are mandatory actions that must be performed when implementing the function of the organization:

Defining and detailing the goals identified in the course of planning;

Definition of activities to achieve these goals;

Assigning various tasks to performers (i.e., division of labor) and combining them into manageable work units;

Coordination various kinds activities through establishing relationships, tasks and deadlines;

Ensuring unity of purpose;

Establishment of the scope of management (or norms of manageability), i.e., the optimal number of subordinates for one leader.

The function of the organization is seen as a process by which the structure of the enterprise is created and maintained;

3. Coordination- this is ensuring the consistency of the actions of teams of people to achieve the goal of the enterprise.

Coordination in the management of the enterprise is carried out by establishing the interaction of various departments. It also includes the regulation and maneuvering of material and financial resources. But, speaking of regulation, it should not be considered a synonym for coordination. Regulation is part of ongoing coordination.

The coordination function is usually performed by the head of the organization. To do this, he must have the full amount of information about both strategic tasks and current issues;

4. Stimulation- this is the motivation of a team of people to improve the efficiency of their activities.

Human behavior is always motivated. They can work hard, with enthusiasm and enthusiasm, or they can shy away from work. Human behavior can have other manifestations. In all cases, the motives of behavior should be sought. Motivation- this is the process of encouraging oneself and others to work to achieve personal goals and the goals of the enterprise;

5. Control- this is a systematic observation of the activities of groups of people to identify deviations from established plans, norms, rules and requirements.

The control function should be understood as a type of management activity, thanks to which it is possible to keep the enterprise on the right track, comparing its performance with established standards and plans. In management practice, there is a certain control technology, which includes the following elements:

The concept of control, (i.e. systematic control or private checks, subject of control, controlling body);

Control objectives (expediency, correctness, effectiveness of actions);

Control standards (ethical, legal, production);

Types of control (preliminary, current, final);

Scope of control (full, episodic, selective);

Area of ​​control (financial, quality control, productivity).

The following principles should form the basis for the creation of a control system:

Efficiency (how useful the control is);

The effect of influencing people (does the control cause a negative reaction);

Fulfillment of tasks (control should help identify deviations, eliminate shortcomings);

Determination of boundaries (control cannot be carried out without restrictions. It is necessary to comply with the norms determined by the current legislation).

The control procedure itself has clearly distinguishable stages:

Setting standards. Standards are specific goals. They are identified during the planning process. At the same time, it is necessary to develop performance indicators for the enterprise;

Comparison of achieved results with established standards. It is necessary to find out how the results achieved correspond to the expected ones, and if they differ, is it not dangerous;

Taking necessary corrective action. You can adjust the activities of the enterprise, change plans or revise standards if the control is too tight.

It should be emphasized that the control function is not the end point of the entire enterprise management process. Each management function is driven by the other, resulting in a kind of circular motion, more precisely, a spiral motion.

Function (lat. fundio- performance, implementation). The essence of any phenomenon is expressed in its functions, i.e. the tasks for which it is intended. The content of each management function is determined by the specifics of the tasks performed within the framework of this function. Therefore, the complexity of production and its tasks determines the complexity of management and its functions.

This provision is of great methodological importance for revealing the essence and role of individual management functions, which in modern conditions have expanded, become more complex and differentiated due to the growth in the scale economic activity, diversification and internationalization of production.

The functions of managing the company's activities, and, accordingly, the methods of their implementation, are not unchanged, they are constantly modified and deepened, and therefore the content of the work performed in accordance with their requirements becomes more complicated. The development and deepening of each management function occurs not only under the influence of the internal laws of their improvement, but also under the influence of the requirements for the development of other functions. As part of the overall management system, each of the functions must be improved in the direction predetermined common goals and the tasks of the functioning and development of the company in specific conditions. This leads to a change in the content of each function.

For the first time, the management functions were formulated in A. Fayol's book "General and Industrial Management", published in 1916. A. Fayol considered management as a sequential series of operations or functions, which are divided into six groups:

  • 1. Technical operations - production, manufacturing, processing.
  • 2. Commercial transactions - purchase, sale, exchange.
  • 3. Financial transactions - capital raising and management.
  • 4. Security operations - protection of property and person.
  • 5. Accounting transactions - balance, costs, statistics.
  • 6. Administrative operations - foresight, organization, command, coordination and control.

Administration is only one of the six operations-functions with which management is obliged to ensure the normal course of production. A. Fayol believed that administration occupies a special place in management.

Let's take a closer look at administrative functions.

Foresight is the study of the future, the definition of a program of action, it covers the previous five operations. A. Fayol here drew attention to the fact that in order to develop an effective program of action, a leader must have: the ability to manage people, activity, moral courage, sufficient stamina, the necessary competence in this field of activity.

Organization - providing the enterprise with materials, capital, personnel. Two aspects stand out here - material and social, that is, provided with all the necessary material resources personnel must be socially capable of performing the task.

Management - puts into action the personnel of the enterprise, after the creation of a social organism. This is the task of management. The goal of management is to get the most benefit from employees. In all areas of production activity, management is the most important element of work that requires certain qualities.

Coordination aims to give each element of the social organism the opportunity to perform its part of the work in interaction with other elements, i.e. link and unite all actions and all efforts.

Control - it is necessary to ensure that everything happens according to the established rules and given orders. It is required to note shortcomings and errors so that they can be corrected and prevented from recurring in the future. The controller must be: competent, have a sense of duty, have an independent position in relation to the controlled object, be reasonable and tactful.

Control must be effective, i.e. carried out in a timely manner and have practical consequences; if violations are not addressed, then such control will be ineffective.

Thus, the five functions listed above were the basis of the administrative doctrine of A. Fayol and the basis for all subsequent authors on the problems of the management process. M. Meskon believes that "the management process is the total sum of all processes."

Literature review reveals following features Keywords: planning, organization, management, motivation, leadership, coordination, control, communication, research, evaluation, decision making, recruitment, representation and negotiation, deal making.

M. Meskon identifies four primary management functions: planning, organization, motivation and control. These functions have two General characteristics: they all require decision-making, and for all, information exchange is necessary, i.e. these two characteristics link all four managerial functions, ensuring their interdependence.

The planning function, according to M. Mescon, proposes a decision about what the goals of the organization should be and what the members of the organization should do to supposedly achieve these goals. The planning function answers the following three questions: where are we currently? where do we want to go? and how are we going to do it?

The function of the organization involves the formation of the structure of the organization, first the distribution and coordination of the work of employees, and then the design of the structure of the organization as a whole.

The motivation function is the process by which management encourages employees to act as planned and organized.

The control function is the process by which management determines whether the organization is achieving its goals, highlights problems and takes corrective action before serious harm occurs. Control enables management to determine whether plans should be revised because they are not feasible or have already been completed. This connection between planning and control completes the cycle, which makes process management interrelated functions.

IN Gerchikova approaches the content and development of management functions in relation to the activities of TNCs. Each of the functions is aimed at solving specific and complex problems of interaction between individual divisions of the company, requiring the implementation of a large set of specific activities.

Each of the management functions is determined by the influence of objective requirements. Being part of the overall management system, each of the functions should be improved in the direction determined by the general goals and objectives of the functioning and development of the company in specific conditions. This leads to a change in the content of each function.

I. N. Gerchikova distinguishes three management functions: intra-company planning, marketing and control. Of interest is the function of marketing, the purpose of which is to ensure the activities of the company on the basis of a comprehensive, in-depth study and careful consideration of market demand, the needs and requirements of specific consumers for the product, so that it becomes really possible to obtain the highest results: maximum and sustainable profit.

For a deeper understanding of the essence of this management function, it must be emphasized that the most important integral feature of marketing is a certain way of thinking, an approach to making design, production and marketing decisions from the standpoint of the most complete satisfaction of consumer requirements, market demand. Hence marketing - not only the principles, functions, methods, structures of the organization, but also mandatory marketing thinking. Without this, it is impossible to achieve a high quality competitiveness of products, to consolidate positions in the markets. Therefore, marketing as a theory, way of thinking, philosophy entrepreneurial activity requires scientific study and a realistic approach to use in management practice.

The internal life of an organization is a large number various activities and processes. Depending on the types of organization, its size and type of activity, certain processes and activities may occupy a leading place in it, while some, widely implemented in other organizations, may either be absent or minimally carried out. However, despite the huge variety of actions and processes, a certain number of groups can be distinguished. O. S. Vikhansky, A. I. Naumov suggest five groups of functional processes, which, in their opinion, cover the activities of any organization and which are the object of management by management. These functions are; production, marketing, finance, work with personnel, accounting and analysis of economic activity.

The production function assumes that the relevant services, managers of a certain level manage the process of processing raw materials, materials and semi-finished products into a product that the organization offers to the external environment.

The marketing function is invoked through marketing activities for the implementation of the created product, to link in a single process the satisfaction of the needs of the organization's customers and the achievement of the organization's goals.

The financial function is to manage the movement process financial resources In the organisation.

The function of personnel management is associated with the use of the capabilities of employees to achieve the goals of the organization.

The function of accounting and analysis of economic activities involves managing the process of processing and analyzing information about the work of the organization in order to compare the actual activities of the organization with its capabilities, as well as with the activities of other organizations. This allows the organization to uncover the issues that it needs to pay close attention to and choose the best ways to carry out its activities.

Some authors also identify five general management functions: planning, organizing, coordinating, controlling, and motivating. Of interest here is the organizing function, the task of which is to form the structure of the organization, as well as to provide everything necessary for normal operation - personnel, materials, equipment, buildings, in cash etc. In a plan drawn up in an organization, there is always a stage of organization, i.e. creating real conditions for achieving the planned goals.

Second, no less important task organizational functions - creating conditions for the formation of such a culture within the organization, which is characterized by high sensitivity to change, scientific and technological progress common values ​​for the entire organization. The main thing here is work with personnel, development of strategic and economic thinking in the minds of managers, support for employees of an entrepreneurial warehouse who are prone to creativity, innovation and are not afraid to take risks and take responsibility for solving certain problems.

The authors consider the central function of the management process to be coordination, which ensures its uninterrupted and continuous operation. the main task coordination - achieving consistency in the work of all parts of the organization by establishing rational links between them. The nature of these links can be very different, as it depends on the coordinated processes.

B. R. Vesnin also identifies five management functions - planning, organization, coordination, motivation and control. All of these functions do not just form a single whole, they are intertwined with each other, penetrate each other so that it is sometimes difficult to separate them.

S. U. Oleyniki and others distinguish 4 management functions: planning, organization, motivation and control.

A somewhat different approach to management functions is presented by S. G. Popov. When performing any managerial function synthesis (association) of workers is carried out to fulfill the tasks set, coordination of their activities. It is this element of synthesis in managerial activity that distinguishes management functions from executive functions. Production management functions are a relatively independent type of synthesizing activity, due to the presence of a division of labor in production management. The relativity of this independence lies in the fact that any management decisions and actions are subordinated ultimate goal management.

Management functions are divided into general and specialized management.

Functions general management are designed to ensure the basic order of the functioning of production, as well as the interaction of this enterprise with external organizations and institutions. These functions are performed by production management bodies, endowed with the rights of linear management.

The functions of specialized management are divided into three groups: technological, providing, coordinating.

Technological functions include the development of rational systems for the production of products, technologies for its creation, processing, storage and transportation.

Providing functions provide for the fulfillment of the requirements of production technology by providing it with everything necessary. This includes engineering, logistical, cultural and household and economic services.

Coordinating functions provide forecasting of the development of the enterprise; production-economic and operational-technical planning; organization production processes and labor of people; control and regulation of the production process.

The marketing function is considered separately. It includes the study of market conditions (demand, competition, consumers), the development of commodity, marketing, pricing and communication strategies for behavior in the markets. Marketing allows you to connect the interests of producers and consumers of products. Since everyone is a consumer, marketing allows you to decide on the release of only those goods that are necessary for society.

A peculiar approach to the functions of production management is presented by VV Glukhov. It proposes a division of functions in the following areas. On the basis of a managed object - an enterprise, workshop, site, team, unit (worker); on the basis of activity - economic, organizational, social; on the basis of homogeneity - general, specific; according to the content of labor - scientific research, preparation of production, operational management, supply and marketing, technical and economic planning and analysis, accounting, personnel management, planning and accounting of labor and wages, planning and accounting of finances; by the nature of the tasks - planning, organization, regulation, control, accounting and analysis, stimulation.

The described functions of intra-company management allow us to conclude that there is no single scheme, a single content of functions. However, despite this, all nine options for functions have much in common. characteristic feature of all options is that functions such as planning, organization and control are found almost everywhere. The function of motivation is widespread, in some cases it has a slightly different name. The functions proposed by S. G. Popov stand apart, although the usual content is behind the specific names.

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