
The concept of organization and organizational potentials. Organizational potential of an industrial enterprise: properties, functions, value

Innovation potential depends on parameters organizational structures management, professional and qualification composition of industrial and production personnel, external conditions economic activity etc. Therefore, evaluation innovative potential is a necessary part of the strategy development process.

The structure of the innovative potential covers those elements of the organization that determine its readiness for change: decentralization in decision-making, a low level of formalization and regulation of managerial work, the ability of organizational structures to flexibly rebuild according to changes in tasks and operating conditions. Centralized hierarchical organizational structures negatively affect the innovative potential, which contradict the creative nature of innovative activity: stable relations and management procedures actively resist any innovation.

The organization's readiness for change involves a detailed assessment of the innovative potential, using the "resources - functions - projects" scheme. This scheme is used even at the stage of justification of an innovative project. It covers:

1. a description of the problem of enterprise development and the definition of tasks that are included in the problem solving program;

2. description of the environment for solving the problem (the state of the internal environment, environmental factors that affect innovative activity);

3. assessment of the resource potential in relation to a certain innovative task (providing the project with the resources necessary for its implementation);

4. assessing the ability of personnel to achieve certain performance results (resource support for management functions);

5. assessment of the level of providing the project with the functions necessary for its implementation (functional support of the project);

determination of an integral assessment of the organization's potential, its readiness to solve an innovative task;

6. determination of the main activities necessary to achieve a certain potential for the implementation of an innovative project (Lapin E.V. Economic, 2002).

Another way to assess the innovative potential of an organization is the SWOT analysis, which makes it possible not only to assess the organization's ability to implement innovations, but also to determine how this ability is affected by the innovative climate of the external environment. The standard SWOT analysis methodology is conceptualized in terms of the innovative opportunities that the business environment and the potential of the organization itself can provide. During the analysis, fix:

1. strengths the potential of the company, which will ensure it the use of opportunities that have appeared in the external environment; this helps determine the appropriate strategy for their use;

2. weak sides the potential of the firm, which deprive it of the chance to use new opportunities or create threats to its existence.

Due to the high innovative potential, the organization can quickly respond to changes in the external environment, conduct innovative search and implement organizational changes. Low potential does not provide such an opportunity; innovations under these conditions are rarely introduced and only when the company begins to feel difficulties in marketing its products. However, developing innovative solutions in response to a problem is inefficient. The innovation policy of the mass enterprise to be the result of in-depth market research, constant monitoring of competitors' actions, should resist the modern scientific and technological achievements in the relevant industry and the effective use of intellectual and creativity workers. This will enable top management develop optimal innovative strategies that will form the strategic advantages of the enterprise in the long term (Lapin E.V. Economic, 2002).

3.4. organizational potential.

Organizational capacity - a connecting link for the implementation of management processes and part of the total potential of the organization. Elements organizational capacity are independent and serve as objects of study of management science. The elements of organizational capacity include:

Organizational structure of management;

Organizational system and management style;

leadership capacity;

Functional potential of the organization;

Organizational (corporate culture).

The organizational structure of management is a form of division and cooperation of management activities, within which the management process takes place, aimed at achieving the goals of the organization. The management structure is a set of elements, levels of management and links, the mechanism of functioning of which allows the organization to achieve its goals. The organizational structure is a reflection of the division of labor existing in the organization between departments, groups, employees.

The organizational system and management style consist of an object, a subject, a management process and social resources, and also include accepted methods and methods of management.

Leadership capacity includes characteristics such as:



Organization loyalty;

Learnability, etc.

The functional capability of an organization includes activities across all functions throughout the life cycle of a product, as well as production, distribution and consumption.

Organizational (corporate culture) - as part of the organizational potential, it is formed "at the exit" of the organization in the form of a system of rules and norms of social behavior (artifacts), accepted (basic) values ​​and ideas, which contributes to the achievement of the organization's goals.


Organizational management requires a variety of approaches and ways to use the overall potential of the organization. The potential of the organization consists of the resources and sources of their replenishment that it has, its connections, position and the organizational system as a whole. The potential of the organization itself is a source of formation of the competitive advantage of the organization and that is why it needs constant development and improvement. The potential of the organization is a strategic resource of the organization, which ensures its stability in inadequate conditions of the macro environment, allows you to neutralize the negative impact of external factors. The potential of any organization has the greatest impact not only on the final results of any of its activities, but also on the limits of growth and structural development of the entire organization.


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It is known that strategic management industrial enterprise provides for the creation and use of its potential, based on the resources available to the enterprise. In the context of the complexity and dynamism of modern economic life, the organizational potential acquires a leading role among the potentials of an enterprise.

The essence of organizational potential is determined by the essence of organizational activity, which in general idea consists in selecting and combining compatible components based on the developed order of construction, establishing the nature of the links that ensure interaction between them, and forming a set of criteria for assessing the rationality of the constructed structure or process. Therefore, the organizational potential reflects the ability of the enterprise to organizational activities. A. Chandler defined the focus of this activity as meeting market requirements by producing tangible and intangible products that are in demand on the market.

Consequently, organizational potential characterizes the "viability" of an enterprise, otherwise its ability to exist, develop, adapt to life in a certain environment. This is what determines its dominant role among the potentials of the enterprise. The ability to act means a system of methods of action for the organization and implementation of work. In relation to the enterprise, the ability to act is a set of methods of action to change the internal or business environment to achieve a match between them.

Comparing the essence of organizational activity, connection with organizational potential, taking into account its orientation and approaches to achieving a balance between an enterprise and its business environment, we propose a definition of organizational potential. The organizational potential of an industrial enterprise (OPPP) is its ability to form a structured design of resources, united by a focus on matching the business environment or changing it. These abilities are presented in the form of knowledge and skills of the enterprise, which are embodied in the procedures and algorithms of actions, but also in the ways and means of creating procedures and algorithms of actions. The ability to perform certain actions is formed by repeatedly repeating a combination of purposeful actions, subject to the conditions arising from the general principles of building systems: the complementarity of components, their interaction with each other and their compliance with the values ​​or goals of the enterprise. Therefore, a necessary component of organizational capacity is a structure that defines the principles of combining actions, ensures the development, replication and control of a combination of actions.

The sources of organizational potential are organizational resources of a static and dynamic nature, which form the organizational framework and organizational mechanism of the enterprise, which largely determines the attraction and use of other resources. Organizational resources are informational in nature and are presented in the following composition: intellectual property, management system, corporate culture, information technology, relationships with customers and other partners.

The compliance of the enterprise with the state of the business environment is ensured by the functions of the organizational potential, which can be distinguished based on the purpose and definition of the organizational potential: structuring, integrating, stabilizing, communicative, adaptive and developing. According to the first, the organizational potential acts as a structurizer of monetary, material, property and labor resources, which makes it possible to ensure their complementarity as a condition for integration and interaction in the course of product creation. The communicative function complements the integrating function and consists in establishing links between all company resources and the business environment. Thanks to the stabilizing function, a certain order of resource use is formed and maintained. The adaptation function is responsible for establishing the current compliance of the enterprise with the state of the business environment. In comparison with it, the developing function is aimed at achieving strategic external compliance. Thus, the organizational potential must ensure, on the one hand, the flexibility and agility of the enterprise, and on the other hand, stability, ensuring the preservation of the qualitative certainty of the enterprise.

Organizational potential has general economic for the potentials of the enterprise and characteristic properties. General economic properties include a high level of integration of components, a focus on the future, the complexity of measurement and the predictive nature of assessing the state and use of potential. The characteristic properties of organizational potential are due to its intangible nature and orientation and are presented in the following composition: interaction and system-forming impact on other resources of the enterprise, various forms of manifestation of organizational potential (system of organizational resources, behavior, state), as well as specificity, flexibility and polystructurality.

systemic character. Organizational potential, according to the above definition, not only acts as a kind of matrix, structurizer for the resources at the disposal of the enterprise, but in the process of interaction sets them in motion for the production of tangible and intangible products.

The objectivity of the organizational potential is due to its importance for the viability of the enterprise.

The specificity of the organizational potential is determined by the predominance of resources in its composition, which have characteristics characteristic of the enterprise associated with the values ​​and priorities of management. specific features the organizational structure, management technologies and organizational culture are the most possessed.

The flexibility of socio-economic systems is the ability to move from one workable state to another at the lowest cost by redistributing resources. Since information is the most flexible resource of an enterprise, organizational potential, all components of which are of an informational nature, has maximum flexibility in comparison with other potentials. Polystructurality. Organizational resources differ in a number of characteristics that are important for management, including maturity, flexibility, belonging to the enterprise, and the role in adapting to the business environment. This causes a lot of connections that form the organizational potential, and, accordingly, the possibility of distinguishing different structures depending on the goals of management.

Summarizing the above characteristics of the organizational potential, we believe that it can be used as an enterprise management tool, especially in a changing business environment. The use of this tool creates a number of important analytical and managerial capabilities.

First of all, it makes it possible to establish links between internal organization enterprise and models of its interaction with the business environment, develop a productivity chain that links indicators of the state and use of organizational potential with the state of the business environment. In addition, there is a methodological basis for identifying incompatibilities and imbalances between the components of the organizational potential, assessing the rationality of using organizational resources, identifying unused organizational capabilities in order to concentrate efforts and resources on problems whose solution will improve the performance of the enterprise with minimal cost. The development of basic (normative) indicators and monitoring of the state of the organizational potential provides reasonable information for making decisions on adjusting or radically revising the foundations of building and functioning of an industrial enterprise. As a result, it becomes possible to develop a technology for managing an industrial enterprise by managing its organizational potential.


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4. Tretyakova, E.P. Methodology of forming the organizational potential of the company / E.P. Tretyakov. - Chelyabinsk, Publishing Center of SUSU, 2012. - 150 p.

5. Tretyakova, E.P. Organizational potential of the company: nature and significance / E.P. Tretyakova //Problems of printing and publishing: Izvestiya vuzov. - 2011. - No. 5. - P. 200 - 206. - 0.48 p.l.



annotation scientific article on economics and business, author of scientific work - Tretyakova Elena Petrovna, Kuvshinov Mikhail Sergeevich

The article presents the theoretical provisions that reveal the organizational potential as the ability of an organization to create a resource structure for the production of products and the maintenance of key values. By considering the properties, forms and functions of the organizational potential, the possibility of its use as a means of management has been established. sustainable functioning production organizations. To use the organizational potential in this capacity, the laws of its formation, functioning and development have been established, a model of the functioning of the organizational potential has been developed, the essence of organizational potential management has been determined, and an appropriate mechanism has been developed, including cycles of operational, tactical and strategic management using specialized technologies. Proposed and substantiated a set of productivity indicators for evaluation sustainability of functioning production organizations, as well as summary indicators of the status and effectiveness of organizational capacity. It has been established that the formation of the productivity of organizational potential occurs through education resource potentials organizations (industrial, financial, labor and market). The application of the above theoretical provisions makes it possible to ensure sustainable operation production organizations by harmonizing economic results with indicators and means of organizational activity that ensure their achievement.

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The article presents theoretical premises that consider organizational potential as the ability of an organization to create constructions of resources for manufacturing products and maintaining key values. The author argues a possibility of using organizational potential as a means of managing sustainability of an industrial enterprise based on its properties, forms and functions. In order to apply organizational potential in this capacity, the author describes the laws of its formation, functioning, and development; offers a model of organization potential functioning; determines the essence of organizational potential management, and develops an appropriate mechanism that includes cycles of operational, tactical, and strategic management with the help of specialized technologies. A set of indices of productivity for the assessment of sustainability organization and compound indices of the state and effectiveness of organizational potential are offered and grounded. It is proven that development of productivity of organizational potential is implemented through resource potentials of organization (production, financial, labor, and market). Application of the aforementioned theoretical assumptions provides sustainable functioning of an industrial enterprise by means of harmonizing economic results with indices and instruments of organizational activity, ensuring their achievement.

The text of the scientific work on the topic "Organizational potential as a means of managing the sustainable functioning of industrial organizations"

UDC 658.338 DOI: 10.14529/et170317


E.P. Tretyakova, M.S. pitchers

South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia

The article presents the theoretical provisions that reveal the organizational potential as the ability of an organization to create a resource structure for the production of products and the maintenance of key values. By considering the properties, forms and functions of the organizational potential, the possibility of its application as a means of managing the sustainable functioning of production organizations has been established. To use the organizational potential in this capacity, the laws of its formation, functioning and development have been established, a model of the functioning of the organizational potential has been developed, the essence of organizational potential management has been determined, and an appropriate mechanism has been developed, including cycles of operational, tactical and strategic management using specialized technologies. A set of productivity indicators is proposed and substantiated for assessing the sustainability of the functioning of production organizations, as well as summary indicators of the state and effectiveness of organizational potential. It has been established that the formation of the productivity of the organizational potential occurs through the formation of the resource potentials of the organization (production, financial, labor and market). The application of the above theoretical provisions makes it possible to ensure the sustainable functioning of production organizations by harmonizing economic results with the indicators and means of organizational activity that ensure their achievement.

Key words: organizational potential of the organization; sustainable functioning; resource potentials; productivity; control technology.

In modern conditions of increasing uncertainty of the business environment, the issues of maintaining the sustainable functioning of production organizations are of particular relevance. The traditional way of increasing profits by cutting costs does not always give the desired result, since in a competitive environment, reducing the costs of manufacturing organizations below a certain level is problematic. Therefore, the profitability of organizations is ensured by increasing income by expanding the range or constantly updating products, expanding the geography of sales, providing services, changing work with personnel, which requires the use of different forms of organizing activities, procedures and technologies for their creation.

Thus, the sustainable functioning of production organizations is achieved by organizational management that ensures that organizations are appropriate to their business environment through organizational activities. However, spontaneous organizational decisions may have a number of disadvantages, including fragmentation and imbalance, the lack of a single direction of action, their possible inconsistency with the state of the business environment, the presence of hidden unused reserves of an organizational nature. The solution to these problems, in our opinion, is the directed formation and application of organizational potential as the ability of an organization to organize activities, which consists in the selection

re and combination of compatible components based on the developed order of construction and establishment of links between components to ensure the strength of the system being created. This gives reason to consider the essence of the organizational potential of the organization and explore the possibility of using it as a means of maintaining the sustainable functioning of production organizations. To do this, a number of tasks should be solved: to state the author's idea of ​​the essence of organizational potential in comparison with the prevailing ideas; identify and reveal the functions and basic processes of organizational potential as a system; substantiate the author's view on the essence of organizational capacity management; build and justify an adequate mechanism for managing organizational capacity to maintain the sustainable functioning of organizations.

Basic concepts I. Ansoff, as the founder of the concept of organizational potential, called organizational potential the total capabilities of linear and functional managers, expressed in terms of the amount of work that can be performed by general management. As the concept of strategic management developed, ideas about the essence of organizational potential also changed. Modern authors give different interpretations of this concept: the order of placement of elements of the total potential in time and space; organization system

labor and production; the ability to bring all interrelated and interdependent resources of the organization in full compliance with the chosen strategy; reserves extracted by directional change in the organization. These definitions reflect only certain aspects of organizational potential and do not allow to fully reveal its nature. Therefore, based on modern management concepts, we have proposed the following definition: "The organizational potential of an organization is its ability to form a structure of resources, united by a focus on producing products and maintaining key values" .

As an analysis of the literature has shown, the key values ​​of the vast majority of Russian production organizations are aimed at maintaining sustainable functioning, which determines the purpose, the main function of the organizational potential of these organizations.

To substantiate the organizational potential as a means of managing the sustainable functioning of production organizations, we will clarify some concepts. According to the provisions of the resource approach, the ability of an organization to perform certain activities is expressed in procedures and algorithms of actions, and most importantly, in the principles and means of their creation. In the theory of organization, stability is the ability of a system to function in states close to equilibrium, under conditions of external and internal influences. Functioning in a general sense is defined as the process of performing a function determined by the purpose of the system, while maintaining the achieved level of organization and the main parameters of the organization. Concretizing the definition, a group of MSTU researchers proposed to consider the sustainable functioning of an organization as the ability to maintain or increase the volume of sales of products, works or services for a long time with various changes in infrastructure and with fluctuations in consumer demand.

Considering that, according to modern scientific views, the products of an organization are considered not only goods and services, but also knowledge, corporate culture, patterns of behavior in the business environment, etc., sustainable functioning will be understood as the preservation of the main processes and acceptable parameters of the organization in combination with adaptation to changes in the business environment due to the flexibility of supporting processes. In this regard, we believe that for an organization, as an economic system, sustainable functioning should be expressed in terms of profitability and compliance with the state of the business environment.

The concept of "value" is used by us in

the meaning of "priorities and standards of managerial activity", which are the criteria for the rationality of decisions made. We believe that in the conditions of uncertainty and dynamism of the business environment, it is the values ​​that become stable strategic guidelines for the organization, and the goals are the means of measuring and controlling them.

According to the author's idea, organizational resources form the basis of organizational potential, which, according to the homogeneity of components, can be combined into the following groups: intellectual property, management system, corporate culture, information technology, external relations. The formation of organizational potential, as an ability, is carried out by searching, selecting and reusing a combination of organizational resources, subject to the conditions arising from the principles of building systems: value orientation, complementarity and interaction of organizational resources among themselves.

The essence of organizational potential as a system

We believe that the organizational potential in the process of formation takes on different forms: a system of organizational resources, a model of the organization's behavior and a quantitative expression of organizational potential (Fig. 1).

A behavior model is a dynamic form of organizational potential, a set of principles and methods of interaction between members of an organization and with objects of the business environment regarding the attraction, combination and use of resources. We consider the indicator of its state as a quantitative expression of the organizational potential. The sequence of occurrence and structural differences of these forms allow us to call them morphological forms.

Based on the author's definition of organizational potential, its functions can be distinguished: structuring, integrating, stabilizing, communicative, adaptive and developing. The structuring function consists in the selection and specialization of the monetary, material and property, labor and external resources involved in the production. information resources. This makes it possible to ensure their complementarity as a condition for interaction and integration in the course of product creation. Through the communicative function, links are established between the participants of the organization, as well as between the organization and the business environment. Thanks to the stabilizing function, a certain order of resource usage is maintained. The adaptive function ensures the current compliance of the organization with the state of the business environment, and the developing function ensures the strategic

Organizational Resources Conditions Organizational

Intellectual property -G> Correspondence of organizational resources with the core values ​​of the organization Complementarity of organizational resources Interaction of organizational resources / System \ / organizational \ \ resources /

Control system

/ / Model \\ 1 / behavior \ ] 1 \ organization / 1

Corporate culture -{ >

Information technology \/-*-\/ Y

External Relations

Rice. 1. Formation of the organizational capacity of the organization

compliance of the organization with the business environment through the restructuring of organizational capacity.

The management of the organizational potential of an organization should be based on the laws of its functioning and development, taking into account the influence of the business environment. We understand the functioning of the organizational potential as a process of its interaction with the resources involved in production, as a result of which products of a material and intangible nature are formed, which have a commercial and non-commercial nature (Fig. 2).

Marketable products give the organization a market and economic result. Organizational potential, as non-commercial products, is an organizational result, otherwise the ability of an organization to involve resources in a new economic turnover. This means that the impact of organizational capacity on the economic and market performance of the organization is the result of both single and multiple transformations. To develop a mechanism for managing organizational potential, let's consider the process of functioning in more detail. At the selection stage, the organizational potential acts as a kind of “filter”, with the help of which resources are selected based on criteria defined by the organization’s key values.

The structuring stage is characterized by a more active interaction of organizational potential with selected resources through the methods of differentiation, specialization, hierarchization, decomposition, integration, combination, shaping, formalization using rules and documents. As a result of structuring, the resource potentials of the organization (financial, production, labor and market) are formed. Resource potentials are the specific abilities of an organization

tion to the production of products in demand by the market with the help, respectively, of monetary, material and property, human and external information resources. Resource potentials, in our opinion, consist of components that are heterogeneous in material composition and role in production: structured resources, methods, tools, procedures and technologies for managing them. The formation of resource potentials proceeds through the mechanisms of selection and repetition of successful experience or through the mechanism of imitation. Selection includes consideration and analysis of alternative ways of combining organizational capacity with the resources involved by the organization, assessment of their compatibility and regulation of the best option selected according to established criteria. During the simulation, organizational forms, structures, technologies used in the industry are identified, tested and selected.

The stage of transformation consists in the transformation of resource potentials into products of material and intangible nature.

The development of organizational capacity, according to systemic concepts, is associated with its life cycle. The life cycle of organizational potential is the period of time during which an acceptable level of profitability and compliance of the organization with the state of the business environment is ensured. The introduction of the concept of "life cycle" is due to the way the organizational capacity is formed. The stages of the life cycle are traditional: origin, growth, maturity and extinction. Inception means the selection of organizational potential components empirically. In the course of harmonization of components, the organizational potential grows, at the stage of maturity it stabilizes at the maximum level due to complementarity

Rice. 2. Model of the process of functioning of the organizational potential of the organization of the enterprise

components and the fit of the organization to the business environment. Fading occurs when the organizational potential of the business environment does not match due to the structural shifts that have arisen in it.

Development of a mechanism for managing the organizational potential of the organization

We propose to understand the management of the organizational potential of a production organization (OPPO) as a set of processes of direct and indirect impact on the organizational potential that ensure the sustainable functioning of the organization. Depending on the scale and complexity of tasks, the processes of operational, tactical and strategic management can be distinguished. We propose to consider operational management as the preservation of organizational capacity by monitoring its state and functioning. Tactical management, in our opinion, should additionally provide for the possibility of regulating and correcting the state and application of organizational potential. Strategic is the process of managing the life cycle of organizational capacity, in which we distinguish 3 phases: building, maintaining and transforming organizational capacity (Fig. 3).

We believe that each phase of the life cycle is autonomous, has a particular result, includes a number of stages, is characterized by a balanced toolkit and a certain composition of participants. The building phase consists of creating value

but-oriented structure of organizational potential and bringing its characteristics to the desired level. Building organizational capacity is carried out taking into account the state of the business environment and the results of the previous activities of the organization. The result of this phase is the formed organizational potential that meets the key values ​​of the organization. The maintenance phase consists in maintaining the structure and productivity of the organizational potential by monitoring, analyzing, regulating (correcting) its state and applying it. The transformation phase means the formation of a new structure of organizational capacity based on the new core values ​​of the organization, which is the beginning of the next life cycle.

Strategic management begins with an analysis of the business environment and the development of core values. We consider market, economic and organizational values ​​to be the key ones. Market value consists in the organization's compliance with the state of the business environment, economic value in profitability. Organizational values ​​reflect priorities in the management of attracted resources. Considering the key values ​​as strategic guidelines of the organization, we can formulate the requirements for the complex of their meters: perspective orientation; effectiveness; sensitivity to changes in the business environment; the clarity of the content of indicators; ease of calculation

Rice. 3. Model of the process of strategic management of the organizational potential of a production organization

and the availability of information; the ability to track indicators online. Based on these requirements, we consider sales growth and market capitalization as indicators of market value. As indicators of economic value, we offer profit before taxes and net cash flow.

Sales growth reflects an organization's ability to create and retain customers for a product. The high importance of sales growth is noted by foreign and domestic scientists, based on the results of empirical research. Some see sales growth as a substitute for value added. Others believe that growth in sales precedes the growth of assets and the number of employees, which is subsequently accompanied by an increase in market share and profits. But everyone agrees that rapid growth can cause financial difficulties and even bankruptcy. Therefore, one of the strategic objectives is to ensure a balanced and sustainable sales growth that allows you to maintain the profitability and financial policy of the organization. Market capitalization reflects the response of investors to the behavior of the organization in the market. Profit and net cash flow characterize the organization's ability to use the demand for products in their economic interests. All these indicators are called indicators of productivity. Organizational meters

values ​​and effectiveness of organizational potential management, we offer summary indicators: a composite resource index (CIR), which reflects the state of organizational potential, and a composite process index (CIP), which reflects the results of its application.

The nature, scale of management tasks and the requirements for the efficiency of their implementation determine the format of control. Operational management should include monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of organizational capacity management through performance indicators. cutaway tactical control we propose to use additionally consolidated indices of organizational potential and indicators of the organization's resource potentials for control. The formation of composite indices is proposed to be carried out on the basis of the indicator method. In the course of strategic management, it is required to expand the range of benchmarks by including, along with indicators, private indicators that characterize the state and effectiveness of the use of organizational potential, which are selected on the basis of the organization's key values.

Rice. 4. The mechanism for managing the organizational potential of a production organization

Based on the previously obtained results, we believe that organizational potential management should be carried out with the help of management technologies, since, due to the complementarity of the components, it is the technologies that make it possible to ensure the reliability and cost-effectiveness of the result. For strategic management, we propose to use technologies specialized in the phases of organizational potential life cycle management (technologies for building, maintaining, transforming). The building technology is aimed at building organizational capacity in accordance with the core values ​​of the organization. Maintenance technology should ensure the preservation of organizational capacity by monitoring, analyzing, regulating and correcting its state and functioning in accordance with the basic values ​​of productivity indicators, therefore it is also proposed as a tactical management tool. Regulation is defined as the elimination of deviations in the state and functioning of organizational capacity that exceed acceptable limits. Correction is considered as the improvement of the components of the organizational potential while maintaining the key values ​​of the organization. The technology of transformation is aimed at restructuring the organizational capacity in accordance with the new core values ​​of the organization.

Given the dominance of sales growth among productivity indicators, we believe that an organization operates sustainably if there is an increase or maintenance within acceptable limits of profit before taxes, net cash flow and market capitalization at a given level of sales growth. The acceptable level of variability in performance indicators is determined by the management of the organization.


In modern economic conditions, one of the dominants in the management of industrial organizations is the maintenance of sustainable functioning. A rational way to solve this problem, according to the authors, is to create a value-oriented organizational potential and use it as a means of managing the sustainable functioning of a production organization.

To substantiate this assumption, the author's idea of ​​organizational potential has been developed in the light of modern concepts strategic management, regularities of its formation, functioning and

development. On this basis, the essence of organizational potential management is determined, a management mechanism and specialized management technologies are proposed.

We believe that the developed theoretical provisions make it possible to create a methodology for measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of organizational capacity management, which makes it possible to link the economic results of organizations with organizational performance indicators and prove the possibility of using organizational capacity as a means of managing the sustainable functioning of production organizations.


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Tretyakova Elena Petrovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Marketing Department, South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk), [email protected]

Kuvshinov Mikhail Sergeevich, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Finance, Money Circulation and Credit, South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk), [email protected]

DOI: 10.14529/em170317


E.P. Tretyakova, M.S. Kuvshinov

South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation

The article presents theoretical premises that consider organizational potential as the ability of an organization to create constructions of resources for manufacturing products and maintaining key values. The author argues a possibility of using organizational potential as a means of managing sustainability of an industrial enterprise based on its properties, forms and functions. In order to apply organizational potential in this capacity, the author describes the laws of its formation, functioning, and development; offers a model of organization potential functioning; determines the essence of organizational potential management, and develops an appropriate mechanism that includes cycles of operational, tactical, and strategic management with the help of specialized technologies. A set of indices of productivity for the assessment of sustainability organization and compound indices of the state and effectiveness of organizational potential are offered and grounded. It is proven that development of productivity of organizational potential is implemented through resource potentials of organization (production, financial, labor, and market). Application of the aforementioned theoretical assumptions provides sustainable functioning of an industrial enterprise by means of harmonizing economic results with indices and instruments of organizational activity, ensuring their achievement.

Keywords: organizational potential of an organization; sustainable functioning; resource potentials; productivity; management technology.

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7. Tret "yakova E.P. Metodologiya formirovaniya organizatsionnogo potentsiala kompanii. Chelyabinsk, 2012. 150 p.

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10. Litovchenko S., Dynin A. Top-managery rossiyskikh kompaniy oboznachili klyuchevye upravlencheskie zadachi blizhayshego budushchego. Moscow, 2002. 280 p.

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15. Galukhina Ya.S., Pappe Ya.Sh. . Problemyprognozirovaniya, 2006, no. 3, pp. 23-41. (in Russian)

16. Shirokova G.V., Shatalov A.I. . Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta, 2009, ser. 8, iss. 2, pp. 3-31. (in Russian)

17 Shetty Y.K. New Look at Corporate Goals. California Management Review, 1979, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 71-79. DOI:10.2307/41165322

18. Palepu K., Healy P., Bernard V. Business Analysis and Valuation. Using Financial Statements. Southwestern College Publishing. Thompson Learning, 2000. 325 p.

19. Higgins R.C. Analysis for Financial Management. Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2001. 480 p.

20. Tret "yakova E.P. . VestnikIrGTU, 2013, no. 1, pp. 206-211. (in Russ.)

Elena P. Tretyakova, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor of the Marketing Department, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, [email protected]

Mikhail S. Kuvshinov, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Finance, Money Circulation and Credit, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, [email protected]

Received b June 2017


Tretyakova, E.P. Organizational potential as a means of managing the sustainable functioning of industrial organizations / E.P. Tretyakova, M.S. Kuvshinov // Bulletin of SUSU. Series "Economics and Management". - 2017. - V. 11, No. 3. - S. 126-134. BO!: 10.14529/et170317

Tretyakova E.P., Kuvshinov M.S. Organizational Potential as a Means of Managing Sustainable Functioning of Industrial Organizations. Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Ser. Economics and Management, 2017, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 126-134. (in Russ.). DOI: 10.14529/em170317

Organizational potential includes two components of the concept: the organization and the potential of the organization. “Organizo” (lat.) means: I communicate a slender appearance, I arrange, i.e. characterizes the formation of "order" from "chaos". Moreover, the concept of “order” or “chaos” depends on the subject who perceives it. In other words, quality as a category of organization has an evaluative characteristic in these terms. The organization allows people to understand that it is much easier to achieve success together. At present, it has acquired an independent meaning as a concept that characterizes the quality of the system, including the management system.

The potential represents the capabilities of an individual, family, enterprise, company, city, region, region, republic, state, commercial structures, society and public organizations, state executive and representative structures (institutions) in a certain area. Organizational potential, therefore, is a collective concept, it includes both organizational and material factors, as well as relations regarding production, distribution, exchange and consumption, and, consequently, management relations.

Organizational potential is a combination of various (extended in time and space) objective and subjective factors that ensure the implementation of the tasks set.

Considering the organizational potential of the region, we assume that it covers sources, opportunities, means, reserves that can be put into action, used to solve some regional problem, achieve a specific regional goal.

The organizational potential of the region is classified according to the characteristics of its qualitative use. They include the following: political, social, economic, regional, structural-sectoral, natural-resource, scientific-technical, technological, labor, personnel, military-economic, export, industrial, corporate (production level) and others.

The list of signs can be continued, however, in modern conditions, when positive shifts in social production are finally outlined for many years, I would like to pay more attention to qualitative indicators organizational development of Russia. First of all, it is about economic potential of the region, which represents the total ability of the region's economy, its structural components: industries, territorial economic complexes, state and commercial enterprises to carry out production and economic activities, produce a variety of products, satisfy the needs of the population and, in general, social needs. The economic potential of the region is largely determined by the characteristics of its natural resources, production, labor and scientific and technical potential, accumulated national wealth. The first sprouts of positive economic shifts are clearly visible in the use production potential.

The quantitative and qualitative level of fixed assets, as the leading link in the material and technical base of society, is production potential. Here we have in mind the existing and potential possibilities of production, the presence of production factors, its provision with resources.

An important role in the organizational potential of the region is played by scientific and technical potential, which is a set of personnel, material and technical, information resources designed to solve the problems facing the region.

The network of scientific organizations - research, design, design institutes, as well as research departments of universities, functioning for the production, dissemination and implementation of scientific knowledge in practice, the implementation of a unified scientific and technical policy, is scientific potential region (it is often considered as part of the entire scientific and technical potential).

Almost 3% of the employed work in the field of science, and 14% together with the branches of education and culture. In one of the crisis years (1995), 930 samples of new technology were created, while in Soviet times (in 1980) there were 1749. However, the scientific "intellect-intensive" sphere of production in Russia was undermined by the crisis. At the same time, the “order” of spending on R&D in the United States in recent years has been 2.4-2.6% of GDP, while we have 0.4-0.6%.

Of particular importance for the practical implementation of the achievements of scientific and technological progress in production is the formation of an innovative infrastructure - organizations that contribute to the implementation of innovative activities and the formation of "growth points" (innovation and technology centers, technology incubators, technology parks, educational and business centers, etc. ).

The study of the scientific and technical potential of the region is currently necessary, since the current system of state distribution of productive forces, taking into account the specialization and cooperation of regions, in the conditions of hypertrophied sovereignty of the latter, does not meet modern requirements.

Two forms of using the organizational potential of the region can be distinguished: mechanical (formal) and organic (adaptive, informal).

mechanical, stable the form of organization is more suitable under the following conditions:

    the environment is relatively stable;

    goals are clearly defined and time-tested;

    technologies are relatively uniform and stable;

    activities are routine;

    decision making is programmable, coordination and control processes tend to be rigidly structured, hierarchical system.

organic, adaptive the form of management organization is applicable under the following conditions:

    the environment is relatively indefinite and mobile;

    goals are different and changeable;

    technology is complex and dynamic;

    there are many non-routine activities for which creativity and a willingness to respond quickly are important;

    communication and coordination systems are informal and non-hierarchical.

In other words, the concept of restructuring the organizational potential of the region is based on provisions that require, on the one hand, the rejection of established management stereotypes, outdated, obsolete structures, forms of interaction with business entities, and, on the other hand, the wide involvement of new, intensive elements of organizational structures focused on on the criteria and indicators of a market economy, democratic methods of management.

The inefficiency of the existing organizational potential of the region is due to the lack of fundamental basic principles of regional development that could ensure its effective use. These include, in particular:

Uncertainty of the political structure (constitutional system, type of democracy, model of the contract between the citizen and the state). The subjects of the Federation, despite the rather definite articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, are in captivity of their own ambitions regarding the unlimited sovereignty of their constitutional rights and the adoption of their own (often contradicting the Constitution of the Russian Federation) laws. President Yeltsin B.N. repeatedly tried to overcome the uncontrollable independence of the heads of administrations of the subjects of the Federation. He did not succeed. The All-Russian Conference on the Development of Federative Relations, which was organized by the Government of the Russian Federation at the end of January 1999, can serve as evidence of the latter. The agenda included the issue of considering the Statement of the participants of the All-Russian Conference "On the improvement of federal relations and the strengthening of Russian statehood." Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Primakov E.M. invited all governors to sign the text, which would seem to cause no discrepancies. The project, for example, contained the following words: “We, the participants of the All-Russian Conference on the Development of Federative Relations, representing the state authorities of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation,

acting in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Constitutions and Charters of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation,

striving to strengthen the unity of the political, legal and economic space of the Russian Federation and guided by the need to preserve public harmony, strengthen the foundations of the constitutional system,

I undertake to build my relations on mutual recognition and respect for the constitutional rights of public authorities at all levels and striving to develop integration processes in the Russian Federation, recognizing the need to ensure a decent standard of living for the population, create budgetary and financial conditions in the regions under which citizens will be guaranteed a standard social minimum, regardless of the territory of their residence,

striving to unite the efforts of all levels of the state system and civil society to establish the principle of equal rights for citizens of different nationalities and religions, to strengthen mutual understanding between them,

undertaking to act in concert in the conduct of regional policy at the federal and regional levels,

aware of their personal responsibility for ensuring these interests,

have jointly adopted this Statement and recognize it as necessary:”. Next come the obligations of the executive authorities to comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and eliminate contradictions in the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that this Application was not only not signed by the Conference participants, but not even announced, which speaks of the tacit disagreement of the heads of administrations to give up their sovereign ambitions. How actively the governors have taken up calls to take sovereignty to the region "as much as you can", it is just as difficult to "take" it back. It was obvious that the opposition of the central authorities to the regional ones seriously hindered the economic development of the country. What are the articles of the regional constitutions of a number of Caucasian and other republics worth, for example, on the right to pursue their own foreign policy, to have their own armed forces and other legislative acts that contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

President of the Russian Federation Putin V.V. continued this work more actively. By Decree No. 849 of May 13, 2000 “On the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Federal District”, he transformed the Institute of Plenipotentiary Representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the regions of the Russian Federation into the Institute of Plenipotentiary Representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in seven federal districts: . Moscow), Northwestern (St. Petersburg), North Caucasian (Rostov-on-Don), Volga (Nizhny Novgorod), Ural (Yekaterinburg), Siberian (Novosibirsk), Far East (Khabarovsk). With this step, he took measures to strengthen the vertical of state power. This is first. Secondly, the President becomes not only the guarantor of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, but also its conductor. With this, he actually began the administrative reform of the Russian Federation, which B.N. did not dare to undertake during the years of his presidency. Yeltsin.

Of course, the quality of governance is not determined only by the political balance of the central and regional authorities, but it largely depends on it. At the same time, it is difficult to see positive consequences for economic reforms in this political reform. Indeed, if earlier Russia traditionally had 11 economic regions, then in the early 1990s, without abolishing the latter, 8 associations of economic interaction appeared. Now 7 districts have been formed, which for the most part coincide with associations of economic interaction. It is difficult to assume that such districts can promptly interact with the governors of the subjects of the Federation. The territorial and quantitative (number of subjects of the Federation) scale of the districts, I think, will make it difficult to choose the accents of the socio-economic development of individual territorial entities. Representatives of the President of the Russian Federation receive very large powers. In particular, they concentrate: 1 the efforts of all power ministries in the regions; 2. the efforts of all federal agencies executive power located in the subjects of the Federation; 3. provide a supervisory, control function over the implementation in the regions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. Particularly large-scale is the Central District, which, in addition to the Central Association for Economic Interaction, also includes the Central Black Earth Association. It includes Moscow, the Moscow region and the entire industrial center of Russia, which must be managed not from military, but from economic positions. With the exceptional opportunities of many of them, it seems difficult not only to coordinate them, but, most importantly, the choice of strategic directions for development.

As we can see, the organizational potential of these authorized representatives of the President of the Russian Federation is of such high importance that we can assume the need for their participation in the work of the Government of the Russian Federation, as was previously assumed the participation of representative leaders of economic interaction associations in its work.

It is difficult to imagine an increase in the quality of management with the emergence of a new district intermediate management body (is it executive?), but the need for its organizational focus on socio-economic goals is obvious.

2. The absence of a system of values ​​(social stereotypes) that the population of the region aspires to. Behind this lies a mutual misunderstanding of the goals of the administration (governments) of the region and various segments of the population. Executive authorities, both locally and in central administrative structures, do not know which social group of the population should be targeted. It is obvious that everyone (from beggars to large entrepreneurs) needs state support, but it is necessary to prioritize here. Moreover, in order to regain the confidence of the population, an adequate economic policy is needed, in particular, the recognition of private property and self-government, the realization of the advantages of a person's individuality.

3. Lack of a strategic program for economic development. Since the beginning of market reforms (1991), everything has been done to destroy the existing, albeit inefficient, economy of the country and regions, but practically nothing has been done to stop its further disintegration, and even more so to create a strategic program for socio-economic development. This applies to almost all regions-subjects of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the subjects of the Russian Federation now (more than ever) need state regulation and the participation of each of them in the system of social territorial division and labor cooperation.

4. Organs government controlled, including the office of the President of the Russian Federation, executive and representative bodies of government, regional and local government, public and commercial management structures were constantly changing, adapting to the demands of the times. This does not at all mean that the structure of economic management in the Russian Federation has objectively improved. This did not happen for many reasons, among which the following should be highlighted:

Liberalization, i.e. removal or sharp reduction of state control in all spheres of economic activity, primarily through the abolition of directive planning and mandatory state orders for the products of enterprises, the transition to pricing mainly in accordance with supply and demand, and, finally, the abolition of the state monopoly of foreign trade and allowing all economic entities to engage in foreign economic activity;

Privatization, i.e. changing the nature of property through the transfer or sale on various terms of state property to economic entities that use it in the future in economic activities, while bearing full property responsibility for the results;

Formation of market infrastructure, i.e. new mechanisms for establishing economic ties, including, in particular, commodity and stock exchanges, markets, commercial banks;

Demonopolization of the economy and encouragement of competition by removing restrictions on the movement of goods in the domestic market. Formation and preservation of natural monopolies;

Restructuring the economy. So far, it is carried out spontaneously, without scientific justification, giving the regions the opportunity to independently choose a strategy for socio-economic development. Moreover, the latter often has a purely personal (governor's) character and weak consistency with the interests of the socio-economic development of the region;

System social support has unprecedented distortion. This applies, in particular, to non-payment of wages to public sector employees, pensions to pensioners, delays in budget payments for social purposes in many regions of Russia. The differentiation of incomes of the population in various regions of Russia has acquired a stable character. Currently, it reaches 30 or more times.

The regulation of the economy is ensured with the help of macro-economic, primarily financial and stabilization means, providing an administrative impact on the economic stability of the country. Tight monetary policy contributed to the suppression of inflation, but did not help the formation and development of domestic production at all. However, in our opinion, she objectively could not help him. It is possible that this goal was not set by the reformers 1 .

The organizational structure of management in the regions and in the central government bodies did not have a unified concept. The absence of a simultaneous administrative reform, adequate to the qualitative changes taking place in society, has led to weak interaction between management structures in a single management vertical. This, by the way, is reflected in the names of the leaders of the regional administration - from the heads of administrations and governors to the chairmen of governments and presidents of the republics. This circumstance, in turn, weakens the leading role of the federal structures of executive power.

Therefore, the universal economic crisis, a change in structural and technological priorities in the development of the country's industry, the growing influence of Western (foreign) financial and other socio-economic technologies, as well as the dominance of foreign consumer products in the domestic market, and finally, the ongoing social tension in all regions of Russia - all this is reflected in distorted system of using the organizational potential of regional management.

To implement its effective use, it is necessary to form a regional organizational and economic production complex. Strictly speaking, a region is a dynamic and stable territorial or local (compact) combination of enterprises and sectors of the economy, also united by branched and close internal ties.

The organization of governance in the region, in our opinion, must comply with two requirements. One of them is purely organizational, which provides for a uniform organization of regional state structures management. Another requirement is economic, which involves ensuring a balanced economic development of the regions, implementing plans for regional development and pursuing a policy of developing new territories.

It should be borne in mind that the quality of regional governance is influenced by external and internal, objective and subjective, natural and acquired factors of development. It is easy to see that, firstly, each region in the process of economic reforms acquires a new geopolitical and economic position. So, some have become frontier, others have lost their place (specialization) in the single economic space of the country. Secondly, many regions are forced to change the patterns and structure of their industrial and agricultural development.

In this context, attention should be paid to the objective factors in the development of the regional management system of the Russian Federation and to the acquired (subjective) factors of the regional industrial and social policy. First of all we are talking about her internal features (inherent only to her). First of all, this applies to geography and nature.

Huge territory. WITH On the one hand, it is a positive factor (an abundance of resources, a variety of conditions and opportunities), on the other hand, it is a negative one (low population density, difficulties in the interaction of territories, remoteness from the administrative and cultural center, etc.).

Harsh nature. Russia is located in the harsh northeastern regions, 3/4 of its territory is covered with tundra and taiga on permafrost, only a fifth of it is suitable for plowing, and even then half of it lies in the zone of risky farming. Modern Russia has lost vast territories with an almost tropical climate (Crimea, the Caucasus, Central Asian territories). Many rivers and seas freeze in winter. The territorial boundaries of Russia have shifted (due to the collapse of the Soviet Union) and require large material and organizational costs.

The uneven distribution of the population. 3/4 of the population of Russia are concentrated in its European part, which is 1/4 of the country's territory, and the remaining 3/4 account for only 1/4 of the population.

National-territorial construction of the Russian state. A huge variety of nations coexists with a significant predominance of one of them in terms of numbers, rigid state centralism - with the traditional autonomy of the remote outskirts and disproportions in the level and nature of the economic development of a number of regions of Russia.

Along with the natural features of Russia, its development was greatly influenced by the qualitative features acquired in the course of the formation of state socialism, which hinder progressive socio-economic and scientific and technological development. This can be seen, firstly, in the concentration of economic life in the largest cities and the decline in population density with distance from regional centers. The complexity of the territorial structure is aggravated by the fetishization of large and largest enterprises and industries, the creation of territorial production complexes. The result of this is the monopoly of individual superfactories, the country's dependence on two or three centers of production, hyper-specialized regions. Enterprises took on an unusual function - the development of the social sphere in the respective territories. Superfactories had their own (often closed) cities with their own systems and services.

It is impossible not to notice that with the collapse of the Union and the active development of economic reforms, old ties and relations quickly collapsed, and interregional disproportions began to grow catastrophically. It is no coincidence that this process, on the one hand, was accompanied by a decline in production and an increase in inter-district contrasts in social indicators (child mortality, crime rates, etc.), and on the other hand, by the search for new technological solutions when creating new industries and specializing regions. However, new technologies (even if they were found) could not solve the problem of state building on their own, an administrative, economic action (revolutionary reform) was needed to qualitatively replace the socio-economic paradigm community development, without which Russia cannot join the ranks of the developed states of the world economic system.

Such an action (political upheaval) took place, but with it suddenly came a terrifying general (as it is now called - systemic) crisis. Politicians, including government officials, had no time for socio-economic development programs. And those who understood their necessity considered it possible to cope with economic and technological problems in a short time, in extreme cases in 400-500 days. Thanks to these unfortunate officials and politicians, the country has been in a crisis situation for more than ten years. The political struggle for power replaced economic reforms and shifted socio-economic problems away from the center - to the regions of the Russian Federation.

Under these conditions, the qualitative parameters of the organizational and economic development of society are identified with the system of regional management. This circumstance is due to the fact that the possibility of renewal and revitalization of economic ties, the use of the organizational potential of the regions were associated with its features, models of management of economic systems, models of development of the subjects of the Federation. The managerial elite of regional control systems used them in their own interests.

Qualitative territorial features of the subjects of the Federation made it possible to identify 5 models of regional development. These include:

    Industrially developed regions of Russia, which have

historically established organizational potential, which, however, needs a serious renewal of equipment and production technologies.

    Agricultural regions where it is necessary to re-create the ruined agro-industrial complex of Russia.

    Regions with developed military industrial a complex that has undergone a hasty conversion. Here is the problem of establishing new socio-economic relations between enterprises of the military-industrial complex with government bodies power and market structures. Military-industrial complex enterprises should work on the basis of economic contracts and state orders.

    resource regions. It is known that northern regions Russia has exceptionally rich reserves of unique natural resources. The danger of this regional management model lies in the lack of a legal framework for the preservation of these wealth from their reckless and wasteful use in the interests of local regional elites.

    Management model built on the geographic and special resource prerogatives of Russian regions. So, the free economic zone of the Kaliningrad region does not cause discrepancies. She can serve organizational form management for other regions, some cities and regions of the country in the form of offshore zones, customs and other market structures. The unique reserves of gold in Chukotka, diamonds in Yakutia, non-ferrous metals in the north of Siberia suggest the creation of an adequate system of regional management. However, here the problems of belonging to the relevant property and its legal protection remain relevant.

The significance and scope of the changes that have taken place in the territorial structure of the Russian Federation should not be exaggerated, since each region is trying to independently cope with the difficulties of the transition period. As a result, economic disintegration has become a steady trend, and the federal executive bodies cannot effectively and sustainably prevent this process.

The process of disintegration is ambiguous. On the one hand, it reflects the historically inherent tendency in Russia towards a certain autonomy of regional markets. The desire for independence of the regions is explained by the geopolitical features of the country, the elimination of an over-centralized system of government and the objective need to expand the powers of local authorities, the transition to market relations. On the other hand, there is a noticeable inclination towards economic separatism, a desire to seize all new powers without prior notice. It has not yet been proven which path unambiguously leads to disintegration and which does not. At least it is clear that state regulation becomes objectively necessary. Here it is impossible not to rely on world experience.

A similar situation developed in various countries building federal relations. This is quite evident in the USA. At the end of the 19th century, the French historian Tocqueville, in his book “The Old Order and Revolution”, exploring the complexities of relations between the territorial subjects of the Federation and the central authorities of the United States, characterizes the situation as follows: “Either I am very mistaken, or the federal government tends to weaken ... When they realize that the weakness of the Federal Government threatens the very existence of the Union, the opposite trend will arise - to strengthen it.

In the management of the regions in France, this problem was not so acute. Already at the very beginning, the prefect of the district (territorial formation of the country) was the simultaneous head of the department and received all instructions and orders directly from the Prime Minister of France. Whereas in Russia the head of the region is an elected person and the relationship between the prime minister and the head of the regional administration is advisory in nature, which greatly complicates the unity of power and state administration in the Russian Federation.

For many today it has become clear that state regulation of the socio-economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation is a strategic factor.

An exceptionally deep territorial division of labor has historically developed in the country, and not a single, even the largest region is able to exist in the regime of absolute autonomy. Illusory ideas of local authorities in the opposite way not only violate the integrity of the single economic space and hinder market reform, but also prevent the use of the advantages of state regulation of the socio-economic interests of the regions. That is why it is necessary to create a federal legal space in which the interests of the regions and the federation would not oppose each other.

The preservation and strengthening of the Russian state directly depends on how successfully federal relations are formed, local self-government develops, and vertical and horizontal management structures for the activities of legislative and executive authorities are built. That is why the new state structure attaches great importance to the strengthening and development of federalism. Federalism - the relations of the subjects of the Federation among themselves and with the Federation as a whole, based on the delimitation of the subjects of jurisdiction and powers between the federal state authorities and the state authorities of the subjects of the Federation, as well as on the constitutional and legal equality of the subjects of the federation among themselves and in relations with federal state bodies authorities.

The tasks of strengthening federalism are solved as a result of:

Protecting and ensuring the interests of the Federation as a whole, the actions of the state authorities and regions aimed at maintaining the unity and territorial integrity of Russia;

Decentralization, democratization of power, expansion of the powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and increasing their responsibility to the population;

Legal and economic equalization of the rights and competence of the subjects of the Federation;

Development of political, economic and legal measures that ensure the constitutionally established independence of the regions, a combination of selective state support for individual regions with state stimulation of economic activity throughout Russia;

Consistent and proportional interaction of subjects of the Federation with federal authorities in economic, financial, social, cultural and national policy;

Real provision to every citizen of Russia of guaranteed constitutional rights and freedoms throughout the state.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 65), the Russian Federation includes 89 subjects of the Federation, which are called regions: 21 republics, 6 territories, 49 regions, 1 autonomous region, 10 autonomous districts and 2 federal cities. Administrative-territorial formations of the lower level - cities, towns, rural and urban areas, village councils, etc. there are about 27 thousand units.

Of the 11 economic regions of Russia, 4 are located in the North-Central strip of the European part of Russia: Northern, Northwestern, Central and Volga-Vyatka; 2 - in South European: Central Black Earth and North Caucasian; 2 - in Eastern European: Volga and Ural; 3 - in the Asian part: West Siberian, East Siberian and Far East.

It should be borne in mind that in Russia, as well as in other countries, the number of administrative-territorial entities has always been a mystery. If such regional formations as republics were built on a national-territorial basis, then this did not cause discrepancies and protests. However, krais, oblasts, and okrugs always had very approximate criterial boundaries, so they changed quite often. This applies to such historical precedents as provinces under tsarist rule or economic councils under the Soviet administrative command system.

The economic and social situation of the subjects of the Federation is characterized by extreme inconsistency. According to 1995 data, the levels of economic development of the regions, calculated on the basis of the per capita volume of the gross regional product (GRP) as a percentage of the average Russian indicator, differ by economic regions by 2.9 times ( Western Siberia- 152%, North Caucasus 52%), and on the basis of gross industrial output - 3.9 times. In the context of the subjects of the Federation (without AO), the gap in levels (in terms of GRP) reaches 17.6 times (Tyumen region - 370%, Dagestan - 21%). Until recently, the situation has not changed much.

In terms of the number of people employed in the public sector (1995), Eastern Siberia (49%), the European North - 48% and the Far East - 48% are in the lead. At the average Russian level (42%) or slightly higher than it are the regions of the North-West, the Center, the Volga-Vyatka, the Volga region, the Urals and all the eastern ones. The share of the private sector is higher or at the level of the average (34%) in the regions of the North-West, the Center, the Chernozem region, and the North Caucasus. Mixed form of ownership against the average (22%) are allocated areas of the European North, Volga-Vyatka, Chernozem, Volga, Urals and three eastern. In 1998, there were 75 financial and industrial groups, which included more than 1,500 enterprises and 90 banks.

The Russian Federation has another qualitative characteristic of the territorial organization of regional administration - associations of economic interaction, we have eight of them.

Associations of economic interaction are an organizational form of integration of the economic interests of the regions. However, not all of them use this advantage well. Two of them are in a particularly difficult position. The first one is AEV "Central Russia". It includes the most economically developed regions and, at the same time, the most disunited in political claims that violate their potential for joint organizational development. Suffice it to say that such “monster” industrial regions as Moscow and the Moscow region have self-sufficient capabilities and practically do not need interaction with other regions of the association. The second is the AEV "Northern Caucasus", which is torn apart by national-territorial claims, and will not be able to cope with economic and social problems on its own (without federal support). At the same time, the effective advantages are visible in the activities of the associations of economic interaction "Siberian Agreement", "Ural", "Central Chernozem Region". The problems of applying this organizational form of regional governance lies in its legal uncertainty, both in relation to each other and in relation to the Federation. It is clear that the heterogeneous economic and political space of the regions of Russia complicates both their economic interaction and the participation of the latter in a joint state program of socio-economic development.

The above circumstances especially sharply pose the problem of a new quality of regional management, namely, programs for its solution - the formation of a new regional policy of the Russian Federation. In this context, regional policy in the Russian Federation should be understood as one of the most important activities of state bodies, in particular, the Government of the Russian Federation, synthesizing its regional aspects and representing a system of principles, priority areas, methods and measures of federal authorities to influence the territorial structure society to achieve the historical goals of the socio-economic development of the country. The Constitution of the Russian Federation declares a dialogue system for coordinating the interests of federal authorities, authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation, local governments to ensure sustainable self-development of a person in a specific territory, in a specific time and in a specific society.

The territory of the Russian Federation and now (after the collapse of the USSR) is huge. It is over 17 million square meters. km. The population is over 150 million people. The European part concentrates 4/5 of the total population and 1/10 of fuel and energy reserves. The length of the territory is 9 thousand km from west to east and 4 thousand km. - from North to South. Transport accessibility and cost-effectiveness of movement is an issue that has yet to be addressed. More than 2/3 joint ventures with foreign capital are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and most of the large commercial banks are also located here.

It should be noted that the possibilities of state support for the regions are already being considered. This is especially true for financial support.

Financial assistance to the regions is provided mainly through the following funds:

Federal Fund for Financial Support of the Subjects of the Federation (FFSR). The center's transfers are allocated to equalize average per capita spending using federal social standards and the budget spending index for each group of regions; - Regional Development Fund (RDF), which is a regional section of the investment part of the federal budget for social purposes. Regional cut federal budget development provides support for productive investments; - Fund for the Development of Regional Finances (FRRF), formed at the expense of loans from the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, directed to those regions that meet the standards and indicators of reforms, heal their budget.

Multi-channel assistance needs to be reconstructed on the basis of creating a single source of financing for the socio-economic development of the regions.

The further development of the regional management system, in our opinion, is associated not so much with the use of the potentials of the region, but with the strategic line of the state management system of the country as a whole and the balanced development of the regions. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the diversity of their features. To do this, it is necessary to determine the strategic directions of their development.

In our opinion, it is quite difficult to do this without a deep diagnosis of regional development. We have shown that there has been a qualitative shift in the system of government in the country and in individual subjects of the Federation. By a qualitative shift, we mean changes in the system at various levels. The first level - (the topmost) involves changes in the Government of the Russian Federation. Here, first of all, there was a change in the paradigm of the organization. The second level - (regional) in accordance with the changes in the first, many of its functions have been transferred to the second, often inconsistent with each other. The third - (municipal), declared above the first level, weakly consistent with the previous ones. The fourth level - (enterprise - primary production link) was generally removed from the state management structure, thereby significantly delaying the organizational, technological and socio-economic development of society.

The weakness of the management system, as we see, lies in their organizational disunity: the inconsistency of development goals, the lack of understandable organizational forms of interaction, the weakness of material and financial mutual support at all levels of social development. All this exacerbates the problem of the formation and effective use of the organizational potential of the region.

It is interesting that all over the world, close attention is paid to the organizational factors of the development of society at all levels of the state and commercial management. In this regard, it is interesting, for example, the statement of one major entrepreneur: “Wherever we invested only economic factors of production, especially capital, we did not achieve development. In the few cases where we have been able to generate management energy, we have generated rapid development.”

Consequently, the organizational potential of the region is a universal category. Its implementation will not give the desired effect until it synthesizes the interests and strategic goals of all levels of government.

Organizational potential of the enterprise

Organizational potential is the total capabilities of the employees of the management apparatus, expressed in the volume and types of work that the management of the enterprise can perform.

The basis of organizational potential is the culture of the organization - the totality of managerial personnel, value systems, systems and procedures. This part of the organizational potential is subject to the strongest influence from the chosen strategy of the company Spivak V.A. Corporate culture. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001.

An increase in organizational capacity can be achieved by improving the organizational structure of management.

In the early 1970s American scientist I. Ansoff put forward a number of new ideas regarding approaches to understanding and developing organizational management structures. He identified two approaches to the formation of organizational structures.

The first one is the structural approach. The main emphasis in it was placed on the internal structure of firms, the division of functions and the rationalization of management. The second is a dynamic approach. It focuses on the analysis of the firm's links with the environment in which it operates and with sources of resources. With a dynamic approach, analysis managerial problems is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, the firm is considered in conditions of stable external relations. Organizational problems are operational in nature. At the second stage, the impact on the organization of changes in the external environment is studied. The organizational problems arising from this are considered strategic. Ansoff believed that the main task of the top management of a modern firm is to solve strategic problems in a changing external environment.

The main strategy of firms in the conditions of constant external relations was the reduction of production costs and price competition. The result was a divisional structure. Ansoff viewed this kind of organizational structure as " functional structure repeated several times." The formation of multinational companies has led to the need to bring marketing services closer to the national markets in which the company operates. It was divided and branches were formed in different countries. Ansoff called such a structure a multinational structure, a matrix of the branch-country type. Ansoff believed that the idea of ​​a matrix is ​​one of the main modern science on the formation of organizational structures.

The behavior of modern firms can be structured in three directions, i.e., three main strategies can be distinguished: achieving resource efficiency, ensuring competitiveness, and an active policy in the field of innovation. Depending on which strategy prevails, one or another type of structure is chosen. The use of multiple strategies requires the formation of matrices various types or a reasonable combination of different types of structures within the same company. One of the latest forms of multinational structure is the product-market matrix, which attempts to combine market policy with the development of the company's strategy. Having considered the evolution of organizational structures, Ansoff identified the main trends in their development. The main trend can be considered the awareness of managers of the fact that any organization is a complex set of a large number related elements.

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