
Test to determine career guidance. Individual work with natalia grace

In addition to online testing, which computer program, You can take individual testing with the author of the methodology - with Natalia Evgenievna Grace. Individual work costs significantly more. It involves filling in the test manually, followed by a meeting with the Author in St. Petersburg or via Skype. Communication with the author lasts 3 hours if you have chosen a deep test. During the conversation, you yourself make notes of everything that you consider valuable, important, interesting. The author does not send you anything. All psychological work carried out in conversation mode. The cost is 50 000 rubles.

If you choose "Basic test", the test proceeds as follows. You complete the test manually. Send it to your email [email protected] The author analyzes your answers and sends you the test results in the amount of 15-20 pages of dense A4 text. The text will contain an analysis of the flaws in your character, your strengths and abilities. You will be offered a plan of action for the coming year and options for areas of activity. In some cases, abilities are in such a state of neglect that action will be needed to develop these abilities to some level where they can be adequately assessed. If you chose the Basic professional test, then attach photos of your drawings, crafts, sculptures (if you make something with your hands) to the answers to the questionnaire. Attach audio and video recordings of your music if you are thinking about a career in music. Attach examples of author's work, whatever it may be - photographs, articles, poems, etc. This will allow the Author of the methodology to more thoroughly assess the degree of talent. Terms of work - 5-7 business days. The cost is 35,000 rubles.

If you choose the "Children's test" - there is a meeting with the child and one of the parents. Skype, or personally in St. Petersburg. Two hours are allotted for communication with the child, 1 hour for communication with the parent. The child fills out the child's test questionnaire on their own, the parent checks before sending. The cost is 50 000 rubles.

When completing the basic test, you will receive a transcript of at least 10 pages. It is very important to complete the "dream business" and the list of abilities.

Each person has their own talent! Someone solves algebra problems in seconds, another can easily organize friends and arrange a holiday. But you, for example, know how “gig” differs from “geek” and why “mom” needs 4 cores ...

    It is very important to correctly assess yourself and choose the specialty that would coincide with your interests and characteristics. Psychologist E. A. Klimov * identified five main areas in professional activity subject of labor:
  • man - nature,
  • man - technology,
  • man - man,
  • man - sign system,
  • man is a work of art.

Note that the final "diagnosis" for choosing a profession can only be given by a psychologist - a career guidance specialist. Do not forget that, in addition to interests, abilities, your physical and psychological qualities are also important.

* differential diagnostic questionnaire E.A. Klimov

Humanitarian sciences

The humanities are disciplines that study a person in the sphere of his spiritual, mental, moral, cultural and social activities. According to the object, subject and methodology, studies are often identified or intersected with the social sciences, and are also opposed to the natural and exact sciences.

The humanities include:
Anthropology, Philosophy, History, Culturology, Philology, Pedagogy, Art Criticism, Literary Studies, Psychology, Journalism, Ethics, Aesthetics, Archeology, Graphology, Linguistics, Sociology, Political Science, Jurisprudence, Law, Ethnography, Science of Science, Criminology.

Public (social) sciences

Social (social) sciences - a complex of disciplines, the object of study of which is society, social reality, being social groups and individuals. According to the object, subject and methodology, studies are often identified or intersected with the humanities.

The social sciences are:
Archeology, Graphology, Economics, History, Culturology, Linguistics, Political Science, Psychology, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Socio-Economic Geography, Regional Studies, Sociology, Jurisprudence, Law, Ethnography.

Natural Sciences

Natural sciences are branches of science responsible for the study of natural natural phenomena external to man.

The natural sciences are:
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology.

Technical science

Technical sciences - a complex of sciences that investigate phenomena important for the development of technology, or technology itself (studies the technosphere).

The technical sciences include:
Architecture, Biotechnology, Informatics, Shipbuilding, Astronautics, Materials Science, Mechanics, System Engineering, Chemical Technology, Electrical engineering, Nuclear power engineering.

Five types of professions

Man - Nature

You are a friend of all life on planet Earth! It is people like you who become explorers of the rich Kingdom of wildlife, create hundreds of new plant cultures, heal and save animals. Perhaps you have crept in and the talent of the discoverer?

Psychological requirements: observation, empathy, perseverance, composure, willingness to independent work in any, even difficult conditions,

Examples of professions: biologist, agronomist, veterinarian, forester, livestock specialist, agrochemist, gardener, etc.

    Natural Sciences
  • Earth sciences (geology, geography, cartography and geoinformatics, hydrometeorology, ecology and nature management),
  • Biological Sciences (Biology, Soil Science, Bioengineering),

Man - Technique

Technical progress does not stand still and you are its perpetual motion machine! You know how to deal with a broken alarm clock, you can fine-tune any technique, you are not afraid to take a fresh look at ordinary things and, by tightening a couple of nuts, get a new invention. Complex mechanisms do not scare, but inspire you. But you know how to use not only imagination, but also ingenuity to find a common language with any technique.

Psychological requirements: attentiveness, rationality, developed technical thinking, good coordination of movements, the ability to concentrate and quickly switch attention, observation.

Examples of professions: engineer, designer, technician, mechanic, radio mechanic, pilot, electrician, etc.

    Recommended educational areas:
    Technical science
  • Engineering and technology of shipbuilding and water transport,
  • Photonics, instrument making, optical and biotechnical systems and technologies,

Man - Man

In the human stream, you are like a fish in water! Constant contact with others does not scare you, on the contrary, you can see something interesting in every person. You easily share your experience, know how to negotiate and empathize. As a rule, your role is the soul of the company both on vacation and at work.

Psychological requirements: openness and communication skills, stress resistance, goodwill, responsiveness, the ability to create a positive atmosphere in the work team, resolve disagreements, good oratory skills, developed facial expressions, knowledge of people's psychology.

Examples of professions: teacher, educator, sports coach, medical worker, service sector, tour guide, lawyer, specialist personnel service and etc.

    Recommended educational areas:
    Humanities, Natural sciences, Social (social) sciences
  • Service sector,

Man - sign system

What a sin to hide, in the exact sciences you have no equal! Mathematical calculations, statistics, drawings, information Technology… for you it's not just numbers and graphs - it's a fascinating world full of discoveries and mysteries. For the most complicated case, you can easily create a convenient plan of action. You are an invaluable worker where attentiveness, perseverance and a good memory are required.

In boys and girls, inclinations, preferences and interests change very quickly during adolescence. Today, a young man dreams of becoming a policeman, and the very next day he is more impressed with the profession of a logistician. It can be very difficult to follow the train of thought of a teenager, however, by the time he graduates from school, it is important to make sure that the child understands what his life purpose is and in what area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity he is best to work.

Today, there are many different ways to determine which profession is most suitable for your son or daughter. Of course, the child must decide for himself in which direction he will receive further education, and in which field of activity he will be able to achieve success. You can only help your offspring and "push" him to the right choice.

The simplest and at the same time effective direction is to conduct various tests aimed at determining the range of interests of the child and professions suitable for him. You can organize such tests for your son or daughter at home, since they do not require any special devices. In this article, we will introduce you to some of them.

Test for determining the future profession for schoolchildren J. Holland

The test for choosing a profession for teenagers by J. Holland is extremely simple. With it, you can determine what type of personality a student belongs to, and in what field of activity he will be able to work with great success and enthusiasm.

J. Holland's questionnaire consists of 42 pairs of professions. The child who passes the test must, without hesitation, choose in each pair the work that is closer to him. The list of J. Holland's questions is as follows:

  1. Process engineer (1) or designer (2).
  2. Electrician (1) or health officer (3).
  3. Cook (1) or typesetter (4).
  4. Photographer (1) or store manager (5).
  5. Draftsman (1) or designer (6).
  6. Philosopher (2) or psychiatrist (3).
  7. Chemical scientist (2) or accountant (4).
  8. Editor scientific journal(2) or lawyer (5).
  9. Linguist (2) or translator fiction (6).
  10. Pediatrician (3) or statistician (4).
  11. Head teacher for extracurricular activities (3) or chairman of the trade union committee (5).
  12. Sports doctor (3) or columnist (6).
  13. Notary (4) or purveyor (5).
  14. Computer operator (4) or cartoonist (6).
  15. Politician (5) or writer (6).
  16. Gardener (1) or meteorologist (2).
  17. Trolleybus driver (1) or paramedic (3).
  18. Electronic engineer (1) or clerk (4).
  19. Painter (1) or Metal Painter (6).
  20. Biologist (2) or ophthalmologist (3).
  21. TV reporter (5) or actor (6).
  22. Hydrologist (2) or Auditor (4).
  23. Zoologist (2) or chief livestock specialist (5).
  24. Mathematician (2) or architect (6).
  25. An employee of the children's room of the police (3) or an accountant (4).
  26. Teacher (3) or youth club leader (5).
  27. Educator (3) or ceramic artist (6).
  28. Economist (4) or department head (5).
  29. Corrector (4) or critic (6).
  30. House manager (5) or conductor (6).
  31. Radio operator (1) or specialist in nuclear physics (2).
  32. Watchmaker (1) or installer (4).
  33. Seed agronomist (1) or chairman of an agricultural cooperative (5).
  34. Cutter (1) or decorator (6).
  35. Archaeologist (2) or Expert (4).
  36. Museum employee (2) or consultant (3).
  37. Scientist (2) or director (6).
  38. Speech therapist (3) or stenographer (6).
  39. Doctor (3) or diplomat (5).
  40. Copier (4) or director (5).
  41. Poet (6) or psychologist (3).
  42. Telemechanic (1) or foreman (5).

Please note that there is a number in brackets after each profession name. This is the number of the group to which the child's answer should be assigned if he has chosen this field of activity. After the teenager gives all the answers, it is necessary to add up how many professions are selected in each category. Depending on the group in which the student chose the most works, you can understand what field of activity he is located in, as follows:

  • guys who have preferred professions from the first group, can work as a mechanic, engineer, agronomist, driver, as well as perform any work related to the performance of clearly defined tasks;
  • second group of professions determines the choice of people whose work should be associated with an ongoing thought process. These are, first of all, theoretical scientists working in such fields as physics, chemistry, mathematics, and so on;
  • boys and girls who chose mainly answers from third group, they cannot imagine their life without communication with people. Ideal Professions for them - doctors, teachers, psychologists, guides;
  • to the fourth group include office clerks - accountants, managers, clerks, secretaries, and so on;
  • professions from the fifth group choose guys with pronounced leadership qualities and organizational skills. They will make excellent managers, directors, co-operators;
  • finally to sixth type include all boys and girls with pronounced creative inclinations. These are future actors, singers, conductors, musicians and all workers of similar professions.

Test "How to choose a profession for a teenager?" I.L. Solomina

Questionnaire I.L. Solomin is based on the well-known test of Academician Klimov. During this test, the child being tested is offered several statements, each of which he must evaluate on the following scale:

  • 0 - not at all;
  • 1 - perhaps so;
  • 2 - true;
  • 3 is absolutely correct.

The first group of statements begins with the phrase "I want ...":

    1. Serve people.
    2. Engage in treatment.
    3. Teach, educate.
    4. Protect rights and safety.
    5. Manage people.
    1. Drive cars.
    2. Repair equipment.
    3. Gather and set up equipment.
    4. Process materials, produce objects and things.
    5. Engage in construction.
    1. Edit texts and tables.
    2. Make calculations and calculations.
    3. Process information.
    4. Work with drawings, maps and diagrams.
    5. Receive and transmit signals and messages.
    1. Do art work.
    2. Draw, photograph.
    3. Create works of art.
    4. Perform on stage.
    5. Sew, embroider, knit.
    1. Take care of animals.
    2. Prepare products.
    3. Work outdoors.
    4. Grow vegetables and fruits.
    5. Deal with nature.
    1. Work with your hands.
    2. Implement decisions.
    3. Reproduce existing samples, multiply, copy.
    4. Get a concrete practical result.
    5. Bring ideas to life.
    1. Work with your head.
    2. Decisions.
    3. Create new designs.
    4. Analyze, study, observe, measure, control.
    5. Plan, design, develop, model.

The second group of questions begins with the phrase "I can ...":

    1. Meet new people.
    2. Be sensitive and kind.
    3. Listen to people.
    4. Understand people.
    5. It is good to speak and speak in public.
    1. Find and fix faults.
    2. Use devices, machines, mechanisms.
    3. Understand technical devices.
    4. Dexterous with tools.
    5. Good orientation in space.
    1. Be focused and diligent.
    2. It's good to count in your mind.
    3. Convert information.
    4. Operate with signs and symbols.
    5. Find and fix errors.
    1. Create beautiful, tastefully made things.
    2. Understand literature and art.
    3. Sing, play musical instruments.
    4. Write poetry, write stories.
    5. Paint.
    1. Learn about animals or plants.
    2. Raise plants or animals.
    3. Fight diseases and pests.
    4. Focus on natural phenomena.
    5. Work on the ground.
    1. Follow instructions quickly.
    2. Follow the instructions exactly.
    3. Work according to the given algorithm.
    4. Do the same work.
    5. Comply with rules and regulations.
    1. Create new instructions and give instructions.
    2. Make unconventional decisions.
    3. It's easy to come up with new ways of behaving.
    4. To take responsibility.
    5. Organize your own work.

As you can see, the statements are grouped into groups of 5 each. In these groups, it is necessary to calculate the total number of points (it will always be in the range from 0 to 15) and compare these values ​​with each other. Initially, the obtained values ​​​​are compared in groups 1-5, they denote the following types:

  1. Man is man.
  2. Man is technology.
  3. Man is a sign system.
  4. Man is an artistic image.
  5. Man is nature.

After that, it is determined which group has more points, 6 or 7. Depending on this, you can find out what type of profession the child is more inclined to - executive (group 6) or creative (7). By combining all the obtained indicators, you can determine the list of professions that are most suitable for each teenager:

With the help of these and other tests, you can easily choose for each child interesting profession in which he can take place.

Tests aimed at identifying the inclinations and abilities of adolescents and young people are widely used. The task of such questionnaires is to help a young man or woman decide on the choice of a profession. Testing is also used in the learning process in secondary and higher educational institutions in order to control the assimilation of knowledge.

Adults also have to deal with tests not only while reading entertainment magazines. Most reputable companies use various types of testing in the process of selecting candidates for vacant positions. In such tests there are questions of both professional and psychological nature. Sometimes a person does not even notice that they have been tested.

To take the test, you will need a piece of paper and a pen.
This technique is aimed at determining the dominant hemisphere of the brain.
Answer the following questions using a ten-point scale. Categorical denial corresponds to 0 points, unconditional agreement - 10 points. But if, for example, the very first question confuses you, because you do not consider yourself to be a gloomy person, but at the same time you are not a happy optimist, then all the other points from 1 to 9 are at your disposal. Try to give yourself a fair assessment " for the mood."

Some people love to sing. Others can listen to music all day long. Such people usually subtly feel everything that is happening around. Simply put, they love beauty. For them, art is an adornment of life. And there are people for whom the field of art is something completely unnecessary and useless. By answering the proposed questions, you will find out which group you belong to.
1. Is there a difference between the words tone and nuance?

A career guidance test is a set of questions, answering which as honestly as possible, a person passes an objective test of emotional and professional preferences, which allows you to make a choice. future profession. Career guidance helps to identify the interests and inclination of a person to a particular field of activity.

Career guidance tests expand the horizons of a person in the world of professions and determine his possible place in it.

Career guidance allows:

  • determine their professional inclinations and abilities;
  • identify character traits and personal qualities;
  • clarify the level of development of their abilities;
  • choose a branch of professional activity.

Choosing a profession is the most important stage in the life of any person. From right choice future profession depends on the whole subsequent life. And the first step in this business is testing. Many organizations charge a lot of money for this. But we offer you a career guidance test for free. Schoolchildren are encouraged to engage in determining their future profession in high school, starting from grade 8 and every year, in order to observe a change in preferences or, conversely, confirmation of a confident choice. Testing should take place in a calm environment. You should not start testing after excursions to enterprises, meetings with representatives of professions or going to the cinema, which can impress a student and push him to an unconscious choice of profession. In this case, a teenager can only get positive emotions without full view about the profession.

Career guidance test

Career guidance takes into account age features of people. It is very important for schoolchildren at the time of choosing a profession. However, during the period of a change of profession or position, he will also give a lot to understand to adults. It is very important to choose relevant tests suitable for a particular situation. For example, before starting a job, you can choose to take a self-identification test personal qualities that the position requires: this is not only professional suitability, attentiveness, memory, but also the ability to make responsible decisions, manage people, the ability to work in a team or alone. Do not be afraid to act and change your profession, regardless of age, place of residence, social status, family. After all, life provides many opportunities!

We offer career guidance tests that will help you in choosing your future profession. You can go through them online absolutely free.

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