
ambulance golden hour. What is the "golden hour" when taking a photo, or what time of day is best to take pictures on the street Golden time for photography

Many tasks there are still beyond my strength, but it is always interesting to learn something new. This time I learned about the magic (in my opinion) watches for landscape photography - "gold" and "blue".

This is a real gem that people with cameras hunt for - golden hour. A unique time of day when the sun is close to the horizon, and copper-gold dust seems to hang in the air. This happens twice a day: just after dawn and shortly before sunset. Simulating such lighting in Photoshop is almost impossible, and the position of the sun during the rest of the day gives a completely different light (and, importantly, completely different shadows).

During the golden hour, it is good to shoot, for example, landscapes. The golden contour outlines the trees, hills, mountains, gives the colors warm shades, emphasizes the aerial perspective. More city photos. At this time of the day, shadows lengthen, silhouettes become clear, sunset light is reflected in the windows, glare from shop windows falls on the pavement - city shots acquire dynamism and expressiveness. The pictures taken in the backlight are wonderful. And, of course, portraits. The backlight of the setting sun will illuminate the model's hair and emphasize the tenderness of her skin with golden reflections. For portraits during the golden hour, a reflector can come in handy.

Technically, shooting at this time is simple: in most cases, neither a tripod nor a slow shutter speed is needed. Here the photographer needs to choose a special angle, see the glass elements in the decoration of the city (sunset rays beautifully fill the street lamps, bus stops, vases and glasses on the tables of street cafes with light), it is interesting to place shadows from pillars and people in the frame.

There are only two things to consider:

1. warm golden rays can turn red into dark orange or even brown, this should be borne in mind when choosing clothes for the model, if it is implied (model. Well, clothes too :)
2. You need to take pictures quickly, until the light at the end of the lens tunnel goes out. Remember - you don't really have an hour at your disposal, but only about twenty minutes, until the sun rises too high (at dawn) or falls below the horizon (at sunset). During this time, you need to make all the planned shots.

If the golden hour, not knowing such a name, I noticed in nature and even made attempts to catch it, although most often unsuccessful, then the blue hour became a real discovery for me. I was unaware of its existence. So, the next lesson from Rezza.

blue hour, like the golden hour, it also happens twice a day: when the sun has just gone below the horizon (or is about to go out because of it), the sky is painted in an intense blue color. Like the solar "dust" of the golden hour, the piercing cobalt-ultramarine glow of the sky is also almost impossible to convincingly reproduce by computer processing. But this is not necessary - with the right settings, the camera itself will capture all the necessary shades. Moreover, the camera sees the blue of the sky even when it seems completely dark to us!

☀ Blue hour

1. The location for shooting must be chosen in advance. The blue hour does not last long - 10-20 minutes - and this time should not be spent running around with a tripod.

2. For a “smooth” picture, you need to shoot at a slow shutter speed from a tripod. If you are photographing a cityscape or landscape, be sure to close your aperture to at least f16 so that all objects are in depth of field. This will also give a funny effect: artificial light sources will look like stars with several rays. The darker the sky, the longer the shutter speed is needed.

3. It is better to shoot in Manual mode or in aperture priority (Aperture).

4. Don't take photos too bright: after all, we are photographing the evening! (or, in case of special heroism, early morning:)

5. If you don't have a tripod handy, you can lean the camera on something or shoot at a fast shutter speed with a high ISO. In some cases, the velvety from the grain will benefit the frame.

6. In the last minutes of the hour, even if it seems to the eyes that it is already completely dark, at slow shutter speeds or high ISO digital camera still able to "pull" deep blue out of the sky. Try.

7. When shooting the blue hour, a cable or remote control will not interfere - any shaking of the camera will blur the picture. If there is no remote or cable, you can use the timer.

8. You can shoot in blue hour cityscapes, landscapes, deserted beaches. Wide angle is better because more blue skies fit into the frame.

9. A blue hour portrait is a difficult task not only for the photographer, but also for the model, and it is better to talk about this in a separate article. In short, if you are shooting at a slow shutter speed, the model will need to stand quite still, and the image will still likely be blurry. On the other hand, it all depends on the author's idea: if you want to shoot "ghosts", this is just a very convenient way.

10. For urban photography, I personally prefer the evening blue hour - and not only because I am a convinced night owl. In the evening, there is more life in the city in all its photogenic manifestations: cars drive with headlights on, people walk around, besides, in the morning the artificial lighting on the streets is already turned off, the windows are dark, the lights are not on. In the evening, these additional spots of light add expressiveness to photographs. However, sometimes the morning “drowsiness” of the frame plays into the hands of the photographer:

Blue and golden hour calculators

Blue hour is the time before sunrise and after sunset.
"Golden Hour" is the time immediately after going out or just before sunset.

Times calculator!
Calculator two!
The latest calculator does not know anything about the cancellation of "Winter time" in Russia, so it is recommended to do the correction manually. (for Moscow it is now +4)

There are also apps for smartphones.

Professional photographers say that Golden Hour is the most best time for shooting. Therefore, in this article, you will learn what it is and how to use it.

Photo by Sidious Sid.

If there is one thing in the world that can spoil a photo more than others, then it is only lighting. you can find the most beautiful landscape, buy the most expensive camera and flash, spend more than a week creating, but without the right lighting, all your efforts will go to waste, which will only result in dull photos that even the famous photoshop cannot save.

And this is actually true, because it is often impossible to illuminate the subject with artificial lighting, so we, photographers, are very dependent on natural light.

Therefore, it is very important to find the right time with the right amount of light. Luckily, photographers have been looking for a solution to this problem ever since the invention of the very first camera, and have found the perfect solution: Golden Hour.

So what is golden hour?

The golden hour or, as it is also called, the magic hour is the time, namely the hour after dawn or the hour before sunset, although the exact time depends on your location and time of year. During the golden hour, the sun is low in the sky, emitting a soft and diffused light that is much better suited for shooting than the harsh and harsh midday light that many of us photograph most often.

Lighting during the golden hour is soft, diffused and warm. Photo taken by Martin Soika.

When shooting with such lighting, photographs are obtained with less contrast, which reduces the chances of losing the subject due to too strong a shadow or, conversely, a reflection. In addition, the warm glow gives photos a dreamlike look, while the long shadows help bring out the details, adding depth to the shot.

Another advantage of shooting during the golden hour is that there are very few people on the streets at this time, so you can not only take pictures in peace, but also take good pictures without being crowded with people.


The golden hour rule is suitable for any street shooting, both natural and big cities. Also, during the golden hour, flowers and even objects such as cars turn out well. In general, anything.

Most professional photographers are so fixated on this rule and follow it so strictly that they simply refuse to shoot at any other time. But you certainly don't have to be so punctual. But still, you should listen to these guys, because it’s not just that they are called experts and follow their advice.

Golden hour calculation

The fastest and most convenient way to find out when golden hour usually occurs in your area is to use the golden hour calculator. Just google "golden hour calculator". And you will certainly find what you need.

By calculating your golden hour, you can plan your shooting time in advance. Photo by Bethany.

If you do not trust any calculators and like to find out everything yourself, then just find out when you usually have sunrises and sunsets. Further, based on this data, you will find your own golden hour. The main thing to remember is an hour after dawn and an hour before sunset.


Once you've made the decision to go somewhere during the golden hour to take some photos, there are a few clues you need to run through your mind:

Firstly, use a tripod. I think it is not necessary to explain why it is needed and how to use it. The main thing is to set your camera for a long time.

Secondly, get ready in advance. Arrive at your shooting location at least half an hour before the golden hour, as it comes on abruptly and most often unnoticed. After all, it would be a shame to come and miss it, right?

Third, stick to the rule: the more the better. During the golden hour, the lighting changes so quickly that two photos taken 2 minutes apart will be very different from each other. Therefore, shoot as much as possible, and at home already select the best shots.

Fourth, bring a flashlight and a thermos with a warm drink. Sounds obvious. But many people forget this. Why you need a flashlight is so clear, but a thermos is just a gift from the gods, especially if you live in a country with a cold climate.

A picture taken during the golden hour is colorful, rich and deep in terms of color. The photo was taken by a man named sibbiblue.


The human body is designed in such a way that everything is vital important features can maintain a stable state for 1 hour. Thus, seriously injured people who are in intensive care in the first hour after injury are provided with more high level survival and low complication rates.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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There are quite a few practices for one or another kind of activity. But there is one simple rule that is easy to formulate in one sentence. Which can increase both activity and productivity throughout the day. And, even as a result of its rigorous use every day - change your life!

Golden hour rule

So, if you want to motivate yourself, increase your productivity:

“Upon awakening, immediately, give an hour of attention to the necessary activity!”

How to pay attention

It all depends on what activity you need to increase motivation for. Key options: read, study, view relevant educational information on the activity, motivational literature, plan the day, analyze relevant data.

Why it will help motivate yourself

In general, this rule is an unspoken charter for many deeply religious people. When the first hour after sleep - they read religious literature and pray. It was well expressed by the 19th century religious figure, Henry Ward Beecher: The first hour of the day, this is a short guide to the whole day". Those. start with God and spend the day with Him...

B. Tacy, coach personal growth, also gives Special attention"Golden Hour". He is sure that the thoughts that we have at the beginning of the day set a certain emotional and mental inclination throughout the day! Why not use it to your advantage then?

As a neuro programmer - to programmers. Already mentioned earlier, oh. The bottom line is: our consciousness reacts differently at different times of the day. It's easy to install by yourself. In the morning, our inner analyst - a skeptic, and sometimes just a grumbler, has not yet woken up, which means that consciousness is more disposed to self-hypnosis.

Follow this rule, and then: The Golden Hour will bring the Golden Day!

Blue hour is a special time for photographers. The sky becomes various shades of blue, it is velvety and delicious. The "blue" hour follows the "golden" hour, during which the sun has not yet set below the horizon and everything is bathed in a golden glow. Further, when the sun has already dropped below the horizon, everything is filled with blue and its shades, that is, the blue hour begins. Taking pictures during this time is easy as you don't have to worry about harsh light or shadows.

In this article, you will learn:

  • When the blue hour comes
  • How to take photos during blue hour
  • The best blue hour subjects

When is blue hour?

The blue hour occurs twice a day, just before sunrise and just after sunset. It lasts from 20 to 40 minutes depending on the weather and geographical location. During this time, the sky can take on various shades of blue and reflect orange, yellow, purple, and pink.

To catch blue hour, keep track of sunrise and sunset times in your area and plan to arrive at your location early. There is also a great website, http://www.bluehoursite.com/, which will tell you the exact blue hour time based on the date and your location.

Photos taken during the blue hour look amazing! Although it seems that it is very difficult to create them, in fact it is not. Shooting during blue hour is easy enough, the hardest part is getting there on time. These tips will help beginners with blue hour photography.

Photo by Howard Ignatius

1. Shoot in Shutter Priority Mode

During blue hour, the sky will be relatively dark because the sun is below the horizon. You will need a slow shutter speed to let in enough light for a properly exposed image.

Setting the camera to Shutter Priority mode will allow you to manually select the shutter speed. A shutter speed of 1 to 6 seconds should be sufficient for a good result. For the photos in the article, I used a 6-second shutter speed in Shutter Priority mode.

Photo Jeff Welles

In Shutter Priority mode, your camera will choose aperture and ISO (if ISO is set to auto) automatically. This will make it easier for you when you are just starting to shoot during the blue hours.

2. Use remote or self-timer with timer

Pressing the shutter release may cause camera shake, resulting in a blurred image. To avoid this, use the remote control or the 2s timer self-timer.

3. Use a tripod

As mentioned above, you will be using a slow shutter speed, so a tripod will help you get a sharp shot. If when using long exposure If you hold the camera in your hands, the photos will be blurred due to camera shake.

Photo by Darlene Hildebrandt

Photo by Darlene Hildebrandt

4. Shoot VRAW

It is best to photograph in RAW format during the blue hour. This will give you best quality and more processing benefits. One of the great benefits of shooting in RAW format is the ability to adjust exposure compensation while editing. So, if your photos come out a bit dark or light, you can adjust them up or down accordingly.

But even if you only shoot in JPEG format, don't worry - you can still get great blue hour shots.

Photo by Darlene Hildebrandt

5. Add electric lighting

It will be easier to take a photo during the blue hours if you choose a place near electric lights. This extra light can add drama and interest to your photos.

Photo by Darlene Hildebrandt Photo by Dena Hines

If there is electric lighting in your shots, don't shoot too close to them. If you're standing very close to a light source, glare can be a problem. Unwanted, randomly arranged patches of light may appear in your image.

What to photograph during blue hour

The easiest subjects to start with are landscapes that contain electric lighting.

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