
Advertising on mobile devices: mobile advertising settings and other considerations. Features of mobile ads in contextual advertising Direct for mobile devices

Smartphones and tablets have completely entered the daily use of people. Already traffic from mobile devices is more than 60%. This number will constantly increase in the coming years, and we are unlikely to give up mobile devices. Therefore, advertising on gadgets becomes more effective and relevant every year.

Closer to your target audience

Google Adwords provides a wide range of advertising opportunities for smartphones and tablets. You can create both text ads and image ads, all of which will be seen on your screen when searching, reading sites of interest to him or in mobile applications. This tool allows you to show your ads in search and display networks just like on desktop computers. In addition, a key feature is mobile app advertising, which can further expand the reach of your target audience. Advertising in mobile applications works extremely effectively with remarketing (You can read about remarketing in). In this way, you can first show your ads on the user's desktop computer, and then, when he moves away from the PC, you can “catch up” with him with ads on his smartphone or tablet. Most users look for the services or products they are interested in on the computer while they work, but on the way home and at home, they most often use their smartphone, where your ads will be accordingly. Due to this, a feeling of constant contact is created. potential client with your company, and the more his interest increases.

Context without a site? Yes!

A key benefit of advertising on mobile devices is Mobile Numbers Only mobile ads. These ads contain the title, text, and phone number of the company, but do not contain a link to your website. Only your number is attached to your ad, and when you click on the ad, the smartphone immediately asks for permission to call your company. Thus, you pay not for clicks to your site or landing, but for calls to your company, which is the most important targeted action for some business sectors.

Mobile advertising is a rapidly growing Internet marketing tool, so you need to quickly and correctly implement it into your business. In the coming years, mobile advertising will become the main source of traffic to attract the target audience to your website.

We released new book"Content Marketing in in social networks: How to get into the head of subscribers and fall in love with your brand.

How often do we use mobile phones? Constantly. Especially now, when a mobile phone can do almost everything. Unless he knows how to cook, well, and even on the little things.

Therefore, it is no secret that mobile advertising is gaining momentum and in some places is not inferior to conventional advertising, especially when it comes to hot topics such as ordering a taxi, pizza delivery, etc. However, despite this, not all sites are yet adapted for mobile devices, not all use separate mobile ads.

In addition, not so long ago, Yandex announced the use of external networks, which will be additional source traffic for advertisers. It is still a bit difficult to judge how high quality this traffic will be, because, unlike Google, Yandex does not allow you to choose the sites where your ads will be broadcast, you can only adjust bids and add exclusions, but given the number of sites that are included in YAN, weeding out the maximum of unnecessary traffic will not work.

Among other things, do not forget that there are fewer ad spaces on mobile: if in a regular search there are three places in special placement and four in warranty, then on mobile devices you have only two at the top and one at the bottom.

We see two places promised to us, one of which, by the way, is occupied by advertising of a mobile application.

It should be noted that if the phone screen is small enough, then advertising messages take up all of it, and this, of course, is a great advantage.

And this is what guaranteed impressions will look like:

Mobile advertising settings

How to make mobile advertising, how to write an ad? In fact, there is nothing super complicated here. If mobile traffic is of interest to you, then you should not be lazy and add a mobile ad to each group. You just need to follow a few basic rules:

Short and clear text. It would seem much shorter and clearer than it is, but do not forget that the mobile screen, no matter how large it is, is still smaller than that of the desktop. Therefore, your ad should be as easy to read on a phone as possible, it should be as effective as possible.

Don't forget the virtual business card. If your campaign uses a phone number, the user will be able to call it immediately. This is especially important if you have call tracking set up and you track calls.

As for bid management, here you need to proceed from the performance indicators of advertising on mobile, and set up bid adjustments in the same Yandex. Direct in the parameters of the advertising campaign in the "Bid adjustments" section. Go to the settings, click the change button:

Select the tab "On mobile" and set the settings we need:

We save.

Nothing unusual.

Mobile Advertising Effectiveness

And now let's see how effective it can be on mobile devices and when it should not be neglected, and sometimes put in priority.

Of course, this primarily concerns topics that are “here and now”. For example, ordering a taxi or calling a tow truck. In the latter case, this is just a case of a priority choice for mobile advertising, because if your car is on the road and you don’t have to choose, it’s unlikely that you will have a laptop at hand, much less a desktop computer. Most likely, you will take out your phone, get on the Internet and click on the ad that will be at the top. And here it is more likely that you will not go to the site, but immediately click on the phone icon:

Now let's see how taxi advertising works:

At the same time, traffic from smartphones makes up 25% of the total traffic from advertising systems. That's a pretty good part of it. Moreover, speaking of conversions, if the percentage of orders from mobile is 4.27%, then from desktops - 3.27%. Do you feel? Mobile is not only not inferior, but also outperforms the PC. This is exactly the case when the time and effort to set up mobile advertising pays off with interest. And now we do not take into account those orders that were received after a call to the ad or from the application.

One example of food is the sale of dog food. Although the number of applications from smartphones is only 11.5% of the total, the conversion rate from smartphones is 5.66%, and from PC - 3.22%, while the cost of an application from mobile devices is lower, although not by much - only by 7.76%.

Thus, it is not always worth discounting mobile advertising. You just need to cook it right.

Here are the statistics of a study conducted by Yandex

How not to miss the opportunity to effectively attract such visitors to your selling site?

Each affiliate has its own individual approach to choosing an offer and a source of mobile traffic.

The more experienced already have well-established schemes, chips and loopholes, butit is difficult for beginners to analyze the market, select the right offer, and it is much more difficult to find a profitable link “advertising site-offer”.

But, whatever your experience in arbitration, there are a number of tools that are difficult to do without in your work. One of them is your guide to the advertising market on mobile devices in both the ru and bourg segments.

Here are the opportunities that AdMobiSpy opens up for the affiliate marketer:

  • Track banners with high CTR and download them in unlimited quantities.
  • Knowing which offer is relevant in this moment in the mobile market.
  • Search for top landings by keywords, publishers, redirects and downloading them.
  • Search interesting offers in 100 CPA affiliate programs (bourgeois and ru).
  • The ability to see in which advertising networks the mobile application is being promoted and with what targeting.
  • Tracking competitors' campaigns;
  • Analysis of mobile advertising in FB, InApp/Mobile Web and Pop-up/Redirect networks.

How to find a job offer

One of the main reasons for loss in arbitration is the wrong offer. The simplest and effective method The solution to the problem is to analyze the market, looking at what competitors are pouring into, and then optimize their campaigns and save yourself a lot of money and time.

How to see in AdMobiSpy which mobile advertising offers are in the top of search results?

Go to the "Ads" section and set up a search for advertising networks, CPA networks that you work with, for relevant results. Sort by popularity, lifetime, or newest.

There are other formats: banners, teasers, text, double - and all of them are available for download.

The dynamic counter at the bottom indicates how many times the bot encountered the ad: there are many impressions - the banner is effective and brings income.

How to keep track of changes in the RK of competitors.

The service allows you to set up tracking for changes in the number of ads, the emergence of new advertising networks and types of advertising for the offer. Knowing this important information, You will be aware of the activities of competitors in mobile advertising and can quickly rebuild and optimize your campaigns.

To receive notifications of changes, click Follow and select the required options.

Another way to determine the relevance of the offer in the market.

To do this, you need to use Analytics in AdMobiSpy.

Here we focus on the trend - an indicator of app relevance. If it is positive, the offer works well and the number of competitors on it, respectively, increases.

For example, by clicking on the game “Final Fantasy XV” with a trend of 56%, we get details on geo, sites, demographics, redirects.

Graph by ad networks where app ads are running.

There have been more ads for Final Fantasy XV in Google AdWords over the past month. The dynamics for Vungle, MobFox and AppLovin are significantly lower.

Graphs by country.

The number by country shows which geo is more efficient to work with. In this case, it's the USA.

After receiving this data, we return to the “Announcements” section, in the filters we set advertising network- Google AdWords, country - USA.

We get results for the application of interest, download the most popular blocks and put them into operation.

Maxim Voloshin has been "cooked" in working with mobile applications since 2008. It was in that year that the first iPhone fell into the hands of Maxim.

Maxim and his friends liked the phone and its capabilities so much that they decided to try to develop applications for the Apple App Store. At that moment, the store was almost empty and the first money was not long in coming - in four months, the simplest IQ Test for the iPhone brought the guys 4 thousand dollars.

After several games were released, but then the App Store was filled with large players who were ready to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in game development, and Redmadrobot began to look for new business niches. The company is currently working with large corporate clients creating bespoke corporate applications for smartphones. The proceeds this year are close to 100 million rubles.

Business idea from Maxim Voloshin

Maxim's career began at the age of 18: during the day he worked in a design studio, and in the evenings he studied at MIREA, mastering the profession of an engineer. He worked in the design studio Maxim with all the initiative and dedication, so he quickly changed his position as a courier to an assistant manager, then a manager, and seven years later, by the age of 25, he became a project director.

In the design studio, employees were engaged in the development of corporate style, created logos, brand books, etc. It was there that Maxim learned to think globally and look broadly at the problem in matters of work, both with large and ordinary clients.

In this design studio, Maxim met his future Redmadrobot partners - Alexander Alekhin, a web interface specialist, and Nikolai Satunkin, who was a project manager.

At the time of the release of the first smartphone from Apple, the guys ordered one copy in the USA. A couple of months later, the App Store launched, the store was almost empty, and friends decided to create several applications for the iPhone.

First successes and first failures

The first application created was the simplest mobile IQ Test. To create a program, it was not necessary to invent and invent anything - the algorithm is known, the interface is primitive. To implement the plan, friends found a programmer, bought him a MacBook, without which it is impossible to create applications for iOs, for 30 thousand rubles and paid 20 thousand rubles for writing a program. "That's all the start-up capital!" Maxim smiles.

To start earning money, I had to work hard - it was easy to register on the App Store, but it took 3 months to complete all the documents that allow you to receive money for downloading applications.

The app was billed at $1.99, 30% of which received Apple company, everything else, minus taxes, went to the developers. In the first three months, more than 3,000 people installed the application on their smartphones.

Maxim recalls his first message about the receipt of funds to the account. At that moment, Maxim was driving and for a long time could not understand the meaning of the long English sentences that announced the receipt of the first $ 4,000 received from the sale of the IQ Test.

At that very moment, the understanding came that the market mobile applications can be in a good way earnings. Friends created the company Redmadrobot, composing its name from their favorite words; created several strategies and quests and went to conquer the App Store.

As soon as funds began to flow into the account, they decided to quit the design studio and go on their own free float.

However, after just a few months, the App Store began to flock large companies representing the gaming market, who were ready to invest up to 500 thousand dollars in the development of their applications. At that moment, the guys realized that it would not be possible to build a business on gaming applications just like that.

Change of priorities

Having sufficiently studied the market of Western applications for smartphones, where business applications and news applications have already begun to appear, Redmadrobot decides to start creating something similar in Russia. Using all the skills gained while working in a design studio, Redmadrobot came up with a concept, set a task, solved it, created a presentation and went to clients to show problems and ways to solve them.

The first clients were those whom Maxim had known since working in the design studio - advertising companies etc. There was no need to dream of a separate office, all negotiations were conducted from home, and sometimes even at home it was impossible to find a quiet corner for negotiations with clients, the first child was just born, and Maxim had to go into the car and negotiate from the car.

First orders

Where to get money to start own business? This is the problem faced by 95% of new entrepreneurs! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways to obtain start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

The first order came from advertising agency Grape, which led an active advertising campaign for Ax deodorants. Redmadrobot was commissioned to create a promotional app for the campaign. It turned out interesting - the application imitated a maracas and received signals from the owner of the smartphone through the built-in accelerometer - shake the phone and get into the rhythm of the music, open a new level, etc. The application was liked, it was downloaded and installed on smartphones by more than 10,000 people around the world and now they continue to download;) This application was a small victory!

The next was the application for F5, then close cooperation with the media group "Live" began.

In 2009, the first office was rented, and in 2010, the turnover of Redmadrobot's funds amounted to 5 million rubles. The company developed gradually - carried out one project and took on another, the company employed only 11 people.

Over time, an understanding crystallized that working with promotional projects and startups takes too much time, and does not bring too much money, so Redmadrobot abandoned such projects.

Mismatch issues

In 2011, most media holdings, banks, operators mobile communications realized that without their own mobile application, "life is not sweet for them." Everyone wanted to get a quality product faster than the competitor.

Who tried to save money and wrote an application own resources, someone used people who promised to do it quickly and cheaply.

Both that, and other option led to alterations. With such alterations, Redmadrobot began to be handled very often.

At the same time, a dozen orders fell on Redmadrobot, which first pleased the developers, and then returned them to the ground. Clients wanted to get a level of development that neither they nor anyone else in Russia could provide.

The situation was developing into a stalemate - the projects "flew" on time, the applications did not work well, the customers were angry, the Redmadrobot company was on the verge of a crisis. I had to choose who exactly should expand the staff - designers, testers, programmers or managers top management. It was necessary to get everyone at once, and even with minimal cost money.

An attempt was made to partially subcontract orders, but this was even more difficult to control. Redmadrobot has decided to hire top managers who have already worked in large IT companies. Top managers began to recruit staff and helped to competently build production processes.

With the solution of one problem, another appeared - the threat of a cash gap. It so happened that large companies work without prepayment, so Redmadrobot had to invest almost 100% of the proceeds for one order in another order. But without such expenses, it would not be possible to become someone in the market of large players.

Market and competition

Now everyone can be on the mobile application market, it is enough to be able to use the search. A lot of information about designing applications for iOS and Android systems is posted in the free, free access.

There are about a couple hundred on the market. small companies. They carry out small orders and the competition among these companies is very high.

In the field professional development mobile business applications the situation is different.

On Russian market there are literally three or four companies that can take on large clients with a multi-million dollar client base. There is no serious competition, rather there is a lack of worthy personnel. Redmadrobot currently has 60 employees. All of them are busy with the work process and the arrival of a new client will make it necessary to tighten the work schedule even more.

Future plans

The revenue of Redmadrobot this year will be 90-100 million rubles, next year it is planned to reach the level of 150-170 million rubles.

The company chooses a path in which 10-15 customers a year can get a really high-quality product.

The maximum goal is to increase the value of the company, but keep the current staff without expanding. This will become possible only when funds are earned not only by the development of mobile applications, but also by the sale of self-created products.

Mobile ads in contextual advertising- a goldmine of the 21st century. According to the latest statistics, 89% of Russian residents regularly use the Internet on a mobile phone, the share of mobile traffic is from 30% to 50%. In turn, mobile ads are adapted contextual advertising that is displayed on mobile devices. This format is rapidly gaining popularity among advertisers.

  • On average, the conversion of mobile contextual advertising is significantly higher than the conversion of contextual advertising on computers. This is explained by the fact that users are much more tired of ads on computers than of ads on the phone, and therefore click more willingly.
  • In desktop advertising, traffic sources divide the advertising “market” approximately equally, in mobile advertising there is a bias: there are several leading traffic sources and many small ones.
  • In mobile advertising, test budgets are significantly larger than similar budgets in desktop advertising.
  • In mobile advertising, the presence of a call to action button in an ad is critical (for example: a call button in contextual advertising ads).
  • Text and images in mobile ads should be less intrusive, because such advertising can be regarded as an invasion of personal space.

Peculiarities mobile ads in contextual advertising:

  • There are significantly fewer advertisements in search results on mobile devices (than on a computer): 2 ads in special placement and 1 in guaranteed impressions on mobile devices versus 4 ads in special placement, 4 ads in guarantee, ads with dynamic ads and a contextual display banner on desktop .
  • Only new ads can be made mobile. Once the campaign is running, unfortunately, the ad type cannot be changed.
  • The ad text is shorter (more stringent character limits) than when displayed on desktops. This is explained by the fact that a short text is more convenient to read and perceive from the phone.
  • If you have a virtual business card, a handset icon is displayed so that you can make a call directly from the search results.
  • When displayed in YAN, images can be added to the ad, but their dimension differs from the images in desktop ads.
  • It is possible to add up to 4 sitelink tests, but it is desirable that each of them fit on one line. The explanation is similar: a short text is more convenient to read and understand from a mobile device.

Why waste time creating both mobile and desktop ads:

  • The behavior of users when using the Internet from a computer and from a mobile device is different. By driving a request from a mobile phone into a search, people get a more accurate and concise answer. Based on this, the text of mobile and desktop ads will differ (in some cases dramatically).
  • Mobile ads in YAN have a different image dimension than the same ads on desktop. Therefore, a number of images intended for desktop ads may not display correctly on mobile devices.
  • In the Yandex.Direct auction, when selecting ads for impressions for mobile search results, the product of the CTR that was accumulated during impressions on mobile search results and the bid, taking into account the price coefficient for mobile search results, is taken into account. devices, as well as the quality factor. If the advertiser has only one desktop ad, then when it is selected on mobile devices, the data (CTR) that the non-mobile ad has accumulated during impressions on mobile devices will be taken into account. It is logical to conclude that this is incorrect.
  • When ranking ads on a mobile device, Yandex gives preference to mobile ads.
  • Last, but not least, the conversion of the same ad adapted for mobile and desktop versions will be fundamentally different when shown on a mobile device.
  • The presence in one group of two ad options: desktop and mobile will allow you to correctly distribute traffic - mobile ads are shown on phones, the rest - on computers and wide-screen tablets.

The presence of two options for ads: desktop and mobile will allow you to flexibly manage bids: the bid amount is set separately for computers and widescreen tablets, separately for mobile devices. The minimum betting ratio for mobile is 50% and the maximum is 1200%.

Basic rules for displaying different types of ads:

  • If only desktop ads are created in an ad group, Yandex will display them on both mobile devices and computers. This is the wrong approach to creating advertisements.
  • If only mobile ads are created in an ad group, Yandex will display them on both mobile devices and computers. This is the wrong approach to creating advertisements.
  • If the group contains both mobile and desktop ads, then their ranking will be the most correct. Advertising campaign, launched with this rule in mind, will be significantly more conversion (and other data being equal).

It should be noted that the launch of mobile ads in contextual advertising (along with desktop ads) is preceded by the collection of a semantic core (specifically for mobile advertising). It is important that the semantic core for desktop contextual advertising often differs from the semantic core for mobile advertising. This is based on a behavioral factor, namely: user requests are dependent on the device on which they are entered:

  • Requests entered from mobile devices have fewer characters
  • Requests entered from mobile devices are less emotional
  • As a rule, requests entered from mobile devices do not have a "long tail"

You can select the most relevant list of queries using wordstat.

Steps to create a mobile ad:

  • Create an ad group (same as for desktop ads). It should be noted that "by default" it will be shown in both mobile and desktop ads.

  • That is why in the ad itself we put a tick "Mobile ad"

  • We fill in the fields taking into account the above features: title, text, quick links, image.
  • We add a business card so that it is possible to make a call directly from the search results.

  • We send the ad/group of ads for moderation.

In addition, it should be noted that you can add a new mobile ad to an existing desktop ad group. This is done as follows:

  • Go to the already created ad group.
  • After that, click the "+ announcement" button

  • Further, the scheme is identical to the previous option for creating a mobile ad.

It is also important to note that analytics systems provide detailed statistics mobile advertisements (including by types of mobile devices).

When you click on the handset (if a virtual business card is added to the ad), the user has the opportunity to make a call directly from the search results.

Here is a case study to confirm the higher conversion rate of mobile ads for mobile devices.

The first photo illustrates the display statistics for desktop ads on mobile devices.

Ad title: Buy Electrolux Electric Kettle

Advertisement text: Buy electrolux kettle! 30% discount! Free shipping! Click!

The average CTR for this ad group was 0.2%.

The second photo illustrates the statistics of mobile ad impressions on mobile devices.

Ad title: Buy an Electrolux kettle

Ad text: Electrolux kettle! 30% discount!

The average CTR for this ad group was 8%.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the correct division of traffic by adapted ads, of course, has a positive effect on all indicators of advertisements, including conversion. However, we should not forget about the features of mobile ads, neglecting which can waste your budget.

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