
A sample of the finished project documentation for the house. An example of a social project

Term business plan went from the English expression business plan. A business plan is a structured document describing the stages of a company's development, its main activities, its strategies and risks. At its core business plan- this is a roadmap designed to bring the business to the planned goal, passing the planned routes, taking into account the intermediate stages and showing the results obtained as a result.

💡 Write a business plan or download a ready one?

Often when starting a business, when starting a business, the question arises for aspiring entrepreneurs to download a business plan or write their own? Of course, if you have sufficient experience, it is better to write your own unique business plan. True, not many entrepreneurs who first thought about starting a business have the skill of such an activity. In this case, it is better to keep in mind that writing a business plan is necessary if your business:

  • unique
  • requires big calculations
  • implies non-standard stages of development
  • involves unconventional risks
  • there are non-standard requirements for the format, for example, a potential investor
In most cases, when opening a small business, it is quite possible to use a ready-made business plan from a trusted source, of course, with its refinement according to your data.

💡 Where can I get a ready-made business plan?

On the Internet there is great amount paid and free business plans. Despite the greater variety, we recommend using the business plans presented on our portal. All business plans are provided absolutely free of charge, contain detailed financial calculations and consider risks. In addition, the portal presents a huge number of business ideas structured by areas of activity.

A sample project is a set of drawings collected in one document and representing a model of an object. In our case, at home or households. the buildings. On this page we have presented a sample of the finished house project.

Compound project documentation depends on the object - its architectural, engineering, design features. More from the number of storeys and such options as a garage, basement, basement, terrace. The number of pages in the finished project also depends on the complexity of the object.

Externally printed and designed according to the standard, the project is a document of 6-12 pages of A3 format. It is endorsed by the seal and signatures of the architect who performed the work and the chief architect.

The main components of the finished project:

  • foundation plan and ground floor;
  • floor plans (including attic);
  • floor plan (if any);
  • incision (1 or 2, as needed);
  • roof plan and top view;
  • facades with height marks;
  • color scheme of facades;
  • visualization of the object in perspective.

Any finished project from our catalog is similar to the proposed sample and contains the listed sections.

Those projects that our company offers, that is, a package of documents that the customer receives in his hands, is sufficient for the construction of a house or household. construction set of drawings. This is a package of documents according to which the customer receives a building permit, starts and successfully completes the construction. Both independently and with a contractor.

Finished project when printed, it is an A3 album of 6-12 pages.

If you have any questions, please contact the contacts indicated in the header of the site.


Steps from "A" to "Z" for beginners and experienced

Project: a set of planned actions taken to solve a problem of a particular target group limited in time and resources, with concrete results.

Social project: a program of real action, the purpose of which is aimed at solving the current social problem in society, and tasks - for positive results and changes in society.

The main requirements that the project must meet:

relevance- the reason, the grounds for the implementation of the project must meet the requirements of the time, a separate target group or other aspects that explain the emergence of the project idea;

time– the project must be limited in time;

resources- the project should have a clear description of the needs;

evaluation of quality and results- The scale for evaluating the effectiveness of the project is determined in accordance with your goals, but the results you are striving for must be clear, amenable to analysis and comprehension.

Projects can be simple or complex, short or long term, tight or large budget, risky or manageable, different results. In any case, the project is aimed at solving a specific problem. The project must be systematic, logical and adequate, that is, each section must correspond to all the others (tasks must correspond to the goal, the mechanism must correspond to the goals and objectives, the budget must correspond to the goals, objectives and mechanism, etc.).

How to write and submit a project? Steps from "A" to "Z"

Step #1: Decide on an idea, analyze the problem.

What would you like to change?

What and in what way (in the very general plan) would you like to achieve?

What problem do you want to solve?

Recorded the answer → moved to the definition of the sphere project activities, identifying the problem you will be working on.
We analyzed the problem → determined what you want to change → a project idea arose → moving on to detailing and describing the project.

Step #2: Write the goal of the project.

Target - general description expected results and expectations, the highest point of achievement that the organization aspires to in the course of the project. A goal is a course of action to achieve a desired result.

The goal should be formulated in such a way that its achievement completely solves the problem that has arisen. The goal statement should be based on the problem statement. It can be said that the goal is the problem in reverse.

Ask questions for the purpose of your project:

Is there an exact expression of what exactly should be the result of the project?

Will we be able to see and measure the results of the project as a whole and its individual parts?

Is the goal set realistic? Is it possible to achieve the stated goal, given the available resources?

What benefit or benefit will be obtained as a result of achieving the goal by the project team, other interested parties?

Step 3: Write the tasks of the project.

Project objectives- these are specific steps that need to be taken to change the existing situation for the better, these are steps to achieve the goal.

INimportant to remember! There can be several tasks, all tasks are steps towards achieving the goal, interconnected and related to the goal of the project.

Use verbs. For example, if you need to build a house, then the tasks will be: lay the foundation, build walls, build a roof, carry out communications, make interior decoration, etc.

Check. Tasks should completely "close" the solution to the problem (the goal).

Analyze. Tasks must be effective (as a result, changes after the project are made up of concrete results).

Step 4: Checking the goal and objectives according to the smart criterion.

We look at our goal and objectives, check them according to the SMART criterion, and correct them if necessary.




Profitability (rewarding)

Time frame (time bound)

For example: Goal: "Construction of a house" - can be specified according to the SMART criterion as follows: "Construction and commissioning of a 2-storey, 6-apartment building for families of young specialists in the village of Vychegda by the second quarter of 2014."

Step number 5. From the tasks we build a logical chain of actions.

Determined the goal and objectives → Let's start planning: how it will all be.

From each task we build a logical chain of actions: how we will achieve the result. Sometimes it helps to draw the entire chain of actions and tasks in order to understand the logic of the project in each direction.

For example, if we are talking about building a house for families of young professionals, then our task blocks may be related to:

direct construction

agreements with state authorities

with work with target audience– families of young professionals

work with the press on the PR of the project and the event as a whole.

This logical chain will help us to write the project schedule in its logical sequence.

Step number 6. We write an action plan, a work schedule.

The plan defines the order in which all work will be done: it describes what, who and when will do it in a logical sequence + makes it clear what resources are needed. When planning, you can use various forms, schedules, plans.

For example: Project Implementation Plan. Example #1

Project Implementation Plan. Example #2

Project Implementation Plan. Example #3

It will also be useful to make a network plan - a schedule.

Step number 7. Consider how much our project will cost.

Each stage of the project implementation requires a certain cost. Money and resources:

how much money is required to implement the project? What will they be spent on?

From what sources is it expected to receive money? Grants, subsidies, sponsorships, other?

This section of the project should be very closely related to other sections of the project, especially the implementation mechanism and calendar plan project.

A possible cost estimate for the project:

Name of items and expenses

Calculation of the amount of costs

Project financial costs

Funds available

Requested funds

The "budget" (estimate) should be itemized.

Basic expenses:

rent of premises and utility bills

travel and transport expenses


communications and communications

holding special events

publishing costs


and other direct costs that are directly related to your project.

"Other expenses"- this is an optional item that is included in the budget if there are expenses that are not reflected in other items. This article should be especially carefully argued.

"Salary"- includes directly wages project personnel and specialists involved for a period of time under the contract, as well as “Accruals of taxes on income” - 35.8% of the total payroll fund for personnel and involved specialists.

Need to pay Special attention on the last three columns in the budget table: “funds available”, “funds requested”, “total”. The “Available Funds” column should indicate the funds that you, your organization, invest in the implementation of the project. For example: the involvement of volunteers as staff or involved specialists - must be reflected in the budget item “remuneration” in the column “available”, and the amount will correspond to the costs that the organization would incur if paid employees participated in the project instead of volunteers. specialists.

If the organization, you or sponsors provide any office equipment for the implementation of the project, then in the “available” column it is worth indicating its approximate cost, taking into account the service life.

In the “required” column, it remains to indicate the amount of funds that the organization lacks to implement the project.

Step number 8. We write the results.

When drawing up an action plan and calculating the budget, we may have an understanding that the results may be even greater than we planned. It is important that our results are consistent with the purpose of the project.

In the project, the results can be written in text, here we suggest you fill out a worksheet to determine the results:

quantitative result(what will be done?) - records the number of services provided, event participants, recipients of specific assistance, number of books published, etc.

Qualitative result(what will change?) - should reflect the positive changes that will occur as a result of events, services, etc.

Efficiency- whether the results obtained are commensurate with the efforts expended.

The criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the project are the results that demonstrate how well the developers understand what they are striving for and how they will achieve it.

Step number 9. we make a project.

A completed project usually contains the following sections:

Brief annotation of the project: briefly describe your idea (3-5 sentences), goals, results (no more than 1 sheet A4, 12-14 font)

Detailed description of the project:

The relevance of the problem, why exactly your project is important and needed.

Goals and objectives of the project.

Target group of the project: for whom your project is designed, for whom you are doing it.

Project implementation mechanism: stages, meaningful activities, activities, etc.

Calendar plan for the implementation of the project (remember about visibility, schedules are welcome).

Budget (estimate).

Specific expected results (quantitative and qualitative), criteria and methods for evaluating results, the effect of the project in the long term.

Possible further development project, if any.

applications (photo materials, diagrams, sketches, etc.)

The design of the text of the project is as important as its content. Use a large font (at least 12) and one and a half spacing. Highlight the main points, structure the text to make it easier to read, use headings and subheadings, bold and underline fonts, bulleted lists, etc.

If you need to make a presentation:

no more than 1-2 slides for each section;

the font should be as large as possible and readable even from afar, the title and text of the presentation slides should be printed in the same font, it is recommended to use a font size of at least 20 in the presentation;

when using a light background, the font should be black or a very dark shade of other colors (brown, blue); when using a dark background color, the font is white color;

Last update:  02/17/2020

Reading time: 24 min. | Views: 40308

Hello, dear readers of the Internet magazine about money "RichPro.ru"! This article will talk about how to write a business plan. This publication is a direct instruction for action that will allow you to turn a raw business idea into a confident one. step by step plan to achieve a clear goal.

We'll consider:

  • What is a business plan and why is it needed;
  • How to draw up a business plan;
  • How to structure it and write it yourself;
  • Ready-made business plans for small businesses - examples and samples with calculations.

At the end of the topic, we will show the main mistakes of novice entrepreneurs. There will be a lot of arguments in favor of creating quality And thoughtful business plan that will bring the realization of your idea and success affairs in the future.

Also, this article will provide examples of finished works that you can simply use, or you can take as a basis for developing your project. Ready examples submitted business plans download for free.

In addition, we will answer the most frequently asked questions and clarify why not everyone writes a business plan, if it is so necessary.

So, let's start in order!

The structure of the business plan and the content of its main sections − step by step guide in its drafting

1. How to write a business plan: detailed instructions on how to write it yourself 📝

7. Conclusion + related video 🎥

For every entrepreneur who wants to develop himself and develop his business, a business plan is very important. He performs many responsible functions that no other person is able to do differently.

With it, you can get financial support and open, develop your business much earlier than you can collect a significant amount for the business.

Investors generally react positively to a good, thoughtful, error-free business plan, as they see it as a way to make easy money with all the troubles invented and described.

In addition, even before the establishment opens, you see what awaits you. What risks are possible, what solution algorithms will be relevant in a given situation. This is not only favorable information for the investor, but also desired plan, if you get into trouble yourself. In the end, if the calculation of risks is too daunting, you can remake a little, transform the general idea to reduce them.

Creating a Good Business Plan is an excellent solution for finding investments and developing your own action algorithms even in the most difficult situations, which are more than enough in business.

That is why, in addition to their own efforts it is worth using "other people's brains". A business plan includes many sections and calculations, research and knowledge, only with successful operation, with which success can be achieved.

The ideal option would be to study all aspects on your own. To do this, it is not enough to sit and read the relevant literature. It is worth changing the circle of contacts, turning to courses and trainings, finding specialists for consultations on certain issues. That's the only way really figure it out in the situation and dispel all your doubts and delusions.

A business plan is worth writing for many reasons, however home is a clear algorithm of actions by which you can quickly get from point A(your current position, full of hopes and fears) to point B(in which you will already be the owner of your own successful business stable and regular income). This is the first step towards fulfilling the dream and the confident status of the middle class.

If you still have questions, then perhaps you will find the answers to them in the video: "How to write a business plan (for yourself and investors)".

That's all we have. We wish everyone good luck in business! We will also be grateful for your comments on this article, share your opinions, ask questions on the topic of the publication.

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