
Calendar thematic planning migratory birds. Theme week "Birds are our friends"

Subject: Pereletn s e birds.

Target: To consolidate the generalizing concept of "Migratory birds". To consolidate and expand knowledge about the adaptation of birds to winter: what they eat, how they endure the winter cold, why they stay for the winter. Contribute to the education of a caring attitude towards birds

Final event: exhibition of drawings "Migratory birds" Date: 29.09.

Days of the week

Regional Comp.

Interaction with parents




Monday - 25.09.

Situational conversation "Conversation about birds." Objectives: to tell children about birds as living beings, to explain the reason for their flights (migratory, nomadic, wintering); teach to answer questions with full answers, to pronounce sounds correctly; promote the education of a caring attitude towards birds. . D / and "One-many": the formation of the plural of a noun (crow-crow, etc.)

Morning Anthem (complex)

Ind. work on the development of speech with Leroy and Mehdi to consolidate the ability to retell the story "Smart Jackdaw"

Labor in the corner of nature

Watering and loosening the soil, collecting dry leaves. Ts .: To instill a love for wildlife, a desire to take care of plants.

Viewing a presentation

"Children about migratory birds." Purpose: to expand children's ideas about the life of birds in the fall.

Finger gymnastics "Birds arrive"

Fix the name of the birds that live in the North.

Information sheets for parents

The theme of the week is "Migratory Birds"

Invite parents to take part in the exhibition of feeders.

Viewing migratory birds in illustrations in books and magazines

1. Social world“Secrets of the bird world” (compendium) T: to consolidate knowledge about birds, about their signs and actions performed.

2.Design Constructive-model activity from paper "Birdhouse". Purpose: to teach to lay out geometric shapes according to verbal instructions.


Birdwatching. Goals: to form a desire to take care of birds; teach and name birds and body parts; exercise in the ability to find differences and similarities in birds.

P / and "Bullfinches": coordination of speech with movement, work on the pace and rhythm of speech. Development of creative imagination.

According to FIZO (with a group of children) Walking on uneven bars. Target: learn to perform turns on the spot and on the move,

To hold balance.

D / game "Flies - does not fly" Consolidate children's knowledge about birds and their difference from animals

Drawing on wet sand "Traces of birds". Purpose: to develop motor skills.

Labor activity

Clearing the site of younger preschoolers from snow. Target: nurture a desire to help the younger in age.

work before bed

KGN. Continue to reinforce in children the skills of neatly folding bedspreads and their clothes. Reading. M Siberian "Grey neck" Foot massage, breathing exercises after sleep

3. Physical development.

C / r game "Researchers" Teach children to distribute roles and act according to the role they have assumed. Learn to model game dialogue

Psychogymnastics. Plastic studies:

Depict a crane that stands on one leg, walks through the swamp, catches frogs.

D / and "Wonderful bag" (with Timur and Vlada) Learn to distinguish geometric shapes using touch


Watching inanimate nature. P / and "Owls": introducing children to the lifestyle of owls (owls fly at night and lead an active lifestyle, and sleep during the day) Purpose: Development of general motor skills, auditory attention. Change of type of activity. Individual. R-ta for the development of basic movements Performing exercises to maintain balance. Target: cultivate endurance .

Educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents, social partners;

Group, subgroup


Image, activity in mode, moments

Tuesday - 26.09.


Conversation"The Complaint Book of Nature": repeat the basic rules of behavior in nature, give an idea of ​​the features of the lifestyle of animals and birds in winter period, contribute respectful attitude to nature, the observance of measures for its protection Di“Call it affectionately”: exercise children in word formation, form diminutive forms of nouns (sparrow-sparrow, sparrow) Morning gymnastics.

Educational cards "Which picture is superfluous". Purpose: to fix the score within 5, to develop logical thinking.

Work- On duty in the canteen. To consolidate the ability to quickly and accurately set the table, to hold forks and spoons correctly.

Learning the poem "Ten birds - a flock" by I. Tokmakova. Purpose: to promote the development of memory, enrich the vocabulary of children with the names of birds.

Making a folder-slider "Feed the birds"

Mathematical development Kolesnikova p.17 Slave. notebook p.4 “Number and number 2”. Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about number and number 2. To consolidate the ability to write a number 1. Learn to guess mathematical riddles. Learn to navigate on a piece of paper.

Musical development: according to the plan of musical hands.


Cloud watching

Goals: expand ideas about the sky and its influence on the life of our planet;

develop a perception of the beauty and diversity of the celestial sphere.

Labor activity Raking leaves under bushes and trees, clearing paths.

Target: learn to work together, to enjoy the result.

"Get in the hoop", exercise in skill

act on a signal; to consolidate the ability to throw objects at a target.

Outdoor games

"The mother hen and the kite".

Target: continue to teach how to deftly dodge the catcher .

Find clouds similar to…. Compare cirrus and cumulus

Work before sleep and after

Talking to children about the benefits of daytime naps. Continuation of reading V. Bianchi "Sinichkin calendar" Improving gymnastics and foot massage.


Musically-d / and " Guess who called." To teach to recognize their comrades by voice, to form a concept of the role of the ear for distinguishing sounds, for orientation in space, for location.

Developing interactive game "Right - Left". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to navigate in space.

Conversation "How to help nature." Purpose: to form the foundations of the ecological culture of preschoolers.

Discussion“What happens bright” (dull, light, dark). To form the concept that one color has many shades, to systematize knowledge about the division of color


Observation of a pedestrian Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the pedestrian part of the road, the rules traffic

Outdoor games "Flock", "Traffic light". Goals: develop dexterity; consolidate knowledge about the meaning of traffic lights.

Individual work Development of movements. Purpose: to consolidate the skills of throwing objects at a distance.

Cooperative activity adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

(activity centers, all group premises)

Interaction with parents/

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments

Wednesday - 27.09.

A conversation about the life of birds in the spring, drawing up models. Purpose: to expand children's ideas about relationships in nature, to activate coherent speech. Speeches.

Game exercise " Poultry yard". Purpose: to improve the musical and auditory representations of children.

Morning anthem, complex

finger game"Birds"

C: To develop fine motor skills and speech of children, the ability to correlate movements with the text.

"Let's tell a story together" Development of children's collective creativity, development

Job in the corner of the book -

Selection of literature "About birds" - fairy tales, stories, poems. Purpose: to intensify the independent activity of children in working with a book.

View the presentation "Birds of our region."

Individual interviews with parents.

View and analyze

cartoons, videos, TV shows about birds

Memorizing poems about birds.

1. Development of speech Teaching storytelling on the topic "Migratory birds" (L.E. Kylasova st. 46)

2. Creative activity “Fairytale Birds” by Volchkov p.37 Purpose: to teach children to draw birds according to ideas (according to fairy tales). To convey in the drawing the correct fit of the bird's head, the position of the wings, the tail. Cultivate love and respect for birds.



Observation of the height of the sun

Target: consolidate knowledge of the impact solar energy on plant, animal and human life.

mobile game"Sun and planets".

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the movement of planets around the sun.

Individual work with Kamil and Vova

Standing long jump.

Target: develop jumping ability, strength and eye.

Labor in nature is to feed the birds.

P / and "Sparrows and a car": develop the ability to perform movements on a signal, exercise in running in different directions and jumping

Research activities

Touching metal objects, determine where the sun heats more.

Answer which objects heat up faster: dark or light?

What can you use to look at the sun for a long time? (Dark glasses.)

work till sleep

H shading and discussion of A. Yashin's poems "Feed the Birds". Improving gymnastics after sleep, hardening of children.

3.Physical development.

Reading counts. Purpose: to form interest in folk games

Breathing exercise Whose bird will fly farthest. Purpose: to develop the power of breathing.

D/ and “Name the bird that is gone” with Leroy and Mehdi Purpose: development of attentiveness and observation d-th, fixing the names of birds.

D / and “Who will pick up more actions (signs) to consolidate knowledge about birds, about their signs and actions performed.

Work in the corner of creativity Modeling "Learning to sculpt birds": learn to sculpt birds from a whole piece based on folk clay toys. Encourage to independent search decorative techniques


Research. activity What kind of sand can be sculpted? Try to make a snowball. Labor activity Collection of leaves in a pile for construction. Target: keep working together. P/ and"Crow - sparrow." Goals: learn to listen carefully to the command of the educator; develop attention; continue to learn to navigate in space .

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments

Story about birds. Tell us about the habits of a sparrow and a titmouse? Sparrow is a small, cheerful, lively bird. These birds, without fear, jump near the feet of a person, peck from a dog bowl, pick up crumbs under the very nose of a well-fed lazy cat, they are brave and trusting. The tit is interested in everything, sticks its curious beak everywhere, does not sit still for a minute, flies everywhere, fusses. Listening to "Voice of the Forest". Learn to recognize the familiar voices of birds. Morning anthem, complex

Work with Mehdi and Kmil in mathematics "Sit in the house" Consolidate knowledge of the composition of the numbers 3 and 4

To teach the physical minute “Heron” with children It is very difficult to stand like this Do not lower your leg to the floor And do not fall, do not swing Do not hold on to your neighbor. Develop balance.

Guessing riddles about birds. Purpose: to develop thinking, the ability to distinguish features birds.

Making together with the parents of the book - baby "Who flew to us in the spring." Purpose: to involve children and parents in creating a developing environment.

Thursday - 28.09.

Preparing for literacy. Sound "O" Introduce the new sound [O]. Acquaintance with the letter. To consolidate the ability to isolate a sound from a number of vowel sounds, to highlight the initial stressed vowel, to consolidate the skills of a clear pronunciation of the sound [O], to learn to determine the place of this sound in words.

Physical development. According to the plan, physical hand.


Observation "Traces of birds in the sand"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to recognize bird tracks in the snow.

Outdoor games

"Find on the trail", "Trace on the trail."

Purpose: to exercise in jumping forward, achieving naturalness, ease and accuracy of the movement.

according to FIZO with Leroy and Kira. "Don't knock down the flag." Goals: continue to “snake” between objects without knocking them down; develop attention and observation

Communication. Remind children about

friendly attitude towards each other and the ability to negotiate.

Research activities

Measure the depth of snow with a snow gauge in different parts of the second kind.

Determine the state of the soil in winter.

work before sleep and after

KGN. To educate children to respect personal belongings. Continue to consolidate the skills of neatly folding clothes. Reading to children “Sinichkin calendar. December” by V. Bianchi Health-improving gymnastics after sleep.

Entertainment "Autumn Adventures" to develop a sense of rhythm, attention, ear for music, to please children by communicating with children of other groups.

By reading and writing with Bilal, learn to find words with a given sound.

D / game "Pick up clothes for the season" Develop the ability to classify clothes by season.

Situational conversation about polite words, deeds, signs of attention (boys should let girls through, open doors for them, etc.)


Observation "What sounds do birds make": learn to distinguish between voices different birds(crows croaking, sparrows chirping, pigeons cooing, observe the behavior of birds and explain in which cases they make sounds and in which they are silent. P / game “Oncoming runs”. Purpose: to learn to run and jump without bumping into each other.

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments

Friday - 29.09.


Making and guessing riddles about birds. Continue to consolidate knowledge about wintering birds, the ability to invent fairy tales on your own

Di“Who eats what” Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about what birds eat in winter (work with diagrams).

Morning anthem, complex

Individual work with Uliana and Vova on manual labor - to consolidate the skill of folding a square and cutting a circle out of it.

Work- duty on classes.

C: to supplement jobs with missing material

Work in the corner of creativity:

bird drawing. Purpose: to continue learning how to draw birds by building images from its constituent parts.

1.natural world“Looking at the birds at the feeder.” C: Acquaintance with birds, develop interest in all living things.

2.Application"Fairytale Bird" C: to teach children to glue birds according to ideas (according to fairy tales). Transfer to the application the correct fit of the bird's head, the position of the wings, tail. Cultivate love and respect for birds.


coniferous tree observation

Goals: consolidate knowledge about trees;

develop the ability to analyze, compare, draw conclusions.

mobile game

What grows in your native land?

Goals: fix the names of the trees;

build vocabulary;

inculcate respect for nature.

IndividualJob sAziza and Veronica Practicing jumps on two legs moving forward at a distance of 2-3 m. Target: improve coordination of movements.

Labor activity

Collecting snow to build a snow town.

Goals: develop the ability to work in a team; plan work.

Research activities

Offer to compact the snow in a small area and draw with a stick the traces of birds seen.

work before sleep and after

ReadingH Sladkov "Common Tit" Purpose: to acquaint with the life of birds, to develop love for animals. Breathing exercises and foot massage.

Musical development according to the plan of the musician


Theatrical game "How a sparrow settled in a birdhouse." Purpose: to develop theatrical abilities of children.

Joint labor: book repair. C: develop a careful attitude to books.

The game "Wintering - Migratory". Purpose: to form a sign perception.

Breakaway application with the subgroup "Birds are our friends." Purpose: to continue to teach children to work in the technique of broken appliqué, to carefully use the paste and brush.


Helicopter Surveillance Goals; consolidate knowledge about air transport; generate interest in the profession of a pilot. P / s"Hit the target." Target: learn to follow the direction of a flying object, correctly calculate and perform movements. "Aircraft". Target: practice running with words. Individual work on the development of the main movements "Cross the river". Target: exercise in walking on a log straight and sideways.

Elena Rogoleva
Tale of migratory birds "On the lake"

On the farlake, among the green reeds lived, there were differentbirds. wild geese, motley mallard ducks and white swans swam all summer long lake, caught flying butterflies and dragonflies with their wide beaks, dived under water for small fish, went for a walk on the shore, nibbling juicy green grass.

Long-legged herons walked along the very edge of the water, caught with their long beaks green frogs.

Well they lived together! They built nests, laid eggs, and hatched chicks. And then they taught them to swim and fly, to catch butterflies and dragonflies, to clean their feathers with their beaks.

loved birds to their lake, did not fly far.

But once a cold wind blew, and rained down on lake beautiful butterflies. Young ducks and geese shouted:

See how many butterflies! Catch them!

They began to grab the butterflies with their beaks, but they turned out to be completely tasteless.

Ha-ha-ha! - the old wise Goose cackled. - These are not butterflies, these are yellow leaves from trees. Autumn has come.

It got colder every day. The insects disappeared, the fish swam deep to the bottom, the frogs hid under the snags, the grass turned yellow and withered.

The young got excited birds.

What's happened? We have absolutely nothing to eat! Our paws freeze in cold water! We will die of hunger and cold!

Ha-ha-ha! the wise old Goose cackled again. - Winter is coming soon. Water on lake freeze and turn to ice. It's time for us to get ready for the long journey!

Ha-ha-ha! Quack-quack-quack! - young people murmured birds. - Where? Why? We do not want!

We will fly to warm lands, because we are - migratory birds . We will spend the whole winter there, and in the spring we will return back to our lake, - the old wise Goose reassured everyone.

No sooner said than done. Become birds gather on a long journey. The herons flew first. They circled over lake, flapped their big wings and disappeared behind the forest.

Ducks and geese followed the herons. Ahead is the main bird - the leader, and behind it, like an even wedge, the rest birds. Shouted their farewell song and disappeared into the distance.

The last to leave were the white swans. It became quiet lake cold and sad...

But let's not be sad! A snowy, frosty winter will pass, and migratory birds will return to the lake again to your beloved homeland.

Questions aboutfairy tale.

loved birds own lake or not? How did they live there?

Why birds flew away from your beloved lakes?

What is called birds who fly to warmer climes?

Who flew first? Who is behind the herons? Who is the last?

Why birds returning back?

name others migratory birds that you know.

Tale of a migratory bird

In spring, migratory birds join the birds wintering in their homeland. Where have you been, what have you seen, migratory bird?

Let's read the story of the migratory bird together.

Fairy tale "Homecoming"
Fairy tale author: Iris Revue

Spring is already in full swing. She asked the streams to murmur harder, the drops to beat more cheerfully, the snow to melt faster.

Spring asked the Red Sun to help her wake up the earth, bring the mighty forest out of hibernation, convince migratory birds to return to their homeland. Spring and the Sun tried with might and main.

In the meantime, near the feeder, a small tit and a baby sparrow were busily talking.

Did you see the new bird? - asked the tit sparrow. Sparrow, of course, saw the new one. Slender, long-tailed, with a yellow breast, like the spring sun. It was a wagtail.

You're new? - the sparrow and the tit asked the unfamiliar bird.

No, the longtail replied. I am a migratory bird, after the winter cold I returned home from warm countries. I know this forest well.

Tell us about warm countries, - asked the sparrow and the titmouse.

Good, said the migratory bird. - It's good, a lot of food. And bird food is not the last thing. There are hot sunbeams and a long day. But in the spring, it is so arranged that all migratory birds return to their homeland. Here we have offspring.

The sparrow and the tit listened attentively to the wagtail. And then they all enjoyed delicious food together.

Ten birds flock.

Sing along, sing along:
Ten birds - a flock. (clap hands)

This bird is a nightingale, (Alternately bend the fingers on the right hand, starting with the little finger)
This bird is a sparrow.
This bird is an owl
Sleepy head.
This bird is a waxwing
This bird is a corncrake

This bird is a starling, (Alternately bend the fingers on the left hand, starting with the little finger)
Gray feather.
This one is a finch.
This one is a haircut.
This one is a cheerful siskin.
Well, this one is an evil eagle. (Hold left thumb)
Birds, birds - go home! (We wave our arms like wings)

The birds are flying.

With the onset of spring

The birds are flying.

The starlings return

Workers and singers.

The fingers are clenched into fists and unclenched.

And the rooks by the puddle

The palms are open, connected by a cup.

They circle in a noisy flock. Circular movements hands.

Cranes fly in a hurry

Fingers apart, palms crossed. The thumbs are connected, the rest are flapping like wings.

And the robin and the thrush,

Engaged in nesting.

Fingers of the hands in the palm lock are open.

1 half day.

. Problematic situation “Things in the closet quarreled” Strengthen the ability to neatly fold your things.

OO Know. R. /FEMP "Count the birds"Practice counting. Improve the ability to navigate in space. Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes.Exercise in counting a given number of objects.

OO Speech r. Reading fiction.Reading poems about autumn.Learn to listen to the rhythm and melody of a poetic text.

OO social - communicative development, OO poznavat.r."R statements according to the models “Rules of conduct in autumn forest". Continue to form the skills of a culture of behavior in nature.

Walk 1

OO Poznavat.r. speech r.Observation "Leaf fall". Expand the concept of "leaf fall". To consolidate children's ideas about how cooling and shortening of the day change the life of plants. Finger gymnastics "Autumn"

OO Phys.r. , OO Hood-aesthetic.r. music.Mobile game "Leaf fall" Learn to act on a signal. Exercise in the ability to slowly spin, while maintaining a stable balance. Develop dance creativity.

OO social and communicative development, development of gaming activitiesRole-playing game "Forest Pharmacy". To improve and expand the game ideas and skills of children. To consolidate children's knowledge about the professions of pharmacy workers.

OO Poznavat.r. / speech r.Study 2 "Colorful leaves". Learn to establish causal relationships between natural phenomena. Show the relationship of all living things in nature.

OO Phys.r. Mobile game "Entertainers".

Tasks. To develop children's imagination, to form the ability to express a conceived image in motion, to enrich the motor experience of children. indus slave c


OO Phys.r. healthy lifestyle Wellness exercises after sleep.

OO Speech development. Ind. Jobby a speech pathologist.

The development of gaming activities Role-playing game "Kindergarten": the plot "Daily routine".

Tasks. To form the ability of children to reflect the sequence of regime moments in the game, organize various types of activities (cleaning, duty, play, etc.), assign roles, improve the ability to unite in the game.

OO speech r. OO Artistic-aesthetic.r.music To interest children in the round dance game "Rooks are flying."Cause a desire to emotionally perform a song, perform game actions; Develop imagination, sense of humor.

OO Speech r. Familiarization with fiction: M. Gorky "Sparrow".Arouse the desire in children to listen carefully, understand the characters of the characters, establish a connection between the described event and reality; answer content questions.

OO Poznavat.r. , OO Art.-aesthetic.r. Paper construction "Migratory bird".

target: Exercise children in folding the basic form - a kite. Strengthen the ability to independently make incisions; make a craft.

Ways : use of illustration, step-by-step implementation of actions, questions to oneself and to oneself, method of joint learning, use of a literary word, analysis.

Facilities: sample - diagram, colored paper, scissors.

Walk 2

OO Phys.r. Mobile game "Make a figure"(run) Exercise in scattered running. Develop attention. indus slave c

Speech river / OO Poznavat.r.Word game "Change the word". Exercise children in the use of nouns in the accusative and instrumental cases. Encourage children to answer in full sentences.

OO Phys.r. healthy lifestyle Game exercise "Athletes". Ind slave with….

in continuous running for 1 minute. Develop endurance

OO social and communicative developmentLabor assignments: cleaning on the site.Tasks: Invite the children to decide on their own practical task: determine what needs to be done, assign responsibilities, select inventory, perform work, evaluate its result. To cultivate industriousness, to encourage the desire for improvement of the territory of the site.

Alina Gyatsevichene
Thematic week in the senior group "Migratory birds"

Thematic week in the senior group "Migratory birds"

Comprehensive thematic planning in the senior group on the topic: "Migratory birds" 04/01/2018-04/05/2018

Target: consolidate knowledge and give a new idea about migratory birds (appearance, habitat, food, habits, flight); to teach to divide birds into migratory and wintering, based on the relationship between the nature of the food and the way it is obtained; to educate in children an interest in the feathered inhabitants of wildlife, a careful attitude towards them.

Final event: Entertainment "Day of arrival of birds"

Date of the final event: Friday -04/05/2018

Monday 01.04.18

Morning: .

Conversation with children "Spring has come, the birds have arrived." Purpose: to fix the name of migratory birds. Riddles about different birds.

Coloring pages on the theme "Birds".

Word game "Fish, bird, beast."

Purpose: to activate the vocabulary on this topic. I.m.p. "Guess who called."

Purpose: development of hearing, memory.

D / I "My feathered friends."

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about bird species.

Purpose: to develop auditory and visual attention, thinking, develop children's speech, enrich their vocabulary. D / I "Decipher the word."

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to determine the first sound in a word, designate it with a letter.

D / I "When it happens."

Purpose: to consolidate temporary ideas with children (seasons, parts of the day, days of the week). Canteen duty - sorting tables for breakfast. Objective: Ability to work collaboratively.

Album "Migratory Birds".

Purpose: to activate the attention of children on the upcoming topic.

Lapbook "Migratory Birds" Offer the participation of parents to collect information for the encyclopedia for the book corner "Birds of our land".

Booklets "Flight of birds"

Purpose: consideration of bird flight patterns: in a school, flock, flank, etc.


Afternoon 1. Cognitive development. Lesson on the topic "Migratory birds".

Purpose: to clarify and expand children's knowledge of birds in the spring. Establish a relationship between living and non-living nature.

2. Musical (according to the plan of the music director)

Observation of the state of the weather.

Purpose: to find out what changes the children noticed.

P/I. "The kite and the mother hen". Purpose: to continue to teach to follow the rules of the game, to activate physical activity. P/I. "Sparrow and cat".

Purpose: to consolidate agility, speed of running.

C / R game "Forest Hospital" Situation - a conversation with Danil, Rodion "How to behave in the spring in the forest." Purpose: to cultivate a caring attitude towards the natural world around us.

Drawing bird nests with chalk.

Purpose: fixing geometric shapes: circle, oval Labor activity: clean the feeders and pour food for the birds.

Purpose: to form in children a responsible attitude towards nature, to develop an ecological culture.

Independent play activities of children in employment centers. Games by


Improving gymnastics after sleep, tempering procedures. (Walking along the massage paths).

Evening Work on the development of speech. Exercise in word formation (bird feather - bird feather).

Purpose: development of logical thinking.

Poems about migratory birds Individual work ZKR. To consolidate the skills of the correct pronunciation of the sound - with (s) for a long time, in one breath. C / R game "Veterinary Clinic for Birds"

Purpose: to evoke a sensitive, humane attitude of children towards birds, kindness, a culture of communication. Cognitive activity: "Name the figures from which the bird is built." Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes. Board-printed games "Seasons", "Domestic and wild birds"

Walk Observation of the clouds. Invite the children to find a cloud that looks like a bird, give it a name.

Purpose: to form observational imagination, fantasy in children. Develop narrative writing skills. Individual work: jumping up from a place.

Purpose: to develop jumping ability. Job assignment: collection of small debris on the site.

Tuesday 02.04.18

Morning Complex of morning exercises

Conversation "What do you know about birds?"

Riddles about migratory birds.

Purpose: to teach children to guess riddles about migratory birds, built on description and comparison.

"Birds of our region", looking at paintings, illustrations. (N.D.-S.W.)

D / I "Tell without words." "What is this bird?" "Get it by youself". Purpose: to introduce pantomime.

Board game "Birds" Purpose: to consolidate the rules of the lotto game. D \ and "Hear the bird" speech game for the development of auditory attention Vika, Sasha, Misha, Maxim

D / I "Build a bird." Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to compose an image of a bird from geometric shapes. Danil, Karina, Sasha, Sonya, Vika, Stella, Alena (formation of the KGN at the table)

Goal: continue to teach children to behave correctly at the table during meals (sit upright, do not swing in a chair, do not rush and do not talk with your mouth full); cultivate cultural behavior at the table, accuracy.

Duty in a corner of nature - care for indoor plants. Purpose: to cultivate industriousness. Book Corner: Place an exhibition of books about birds in the book corner.

Create conditions for viewing illustrations and paintings about birds.

Birds Coloring Pages

Consideration of illustrations on the theme "Birds"

Advice for parents: "We study the birds of our native land"

Organized educational activities

According to the physical plan instructor

Purpose: to maintain and strengthen the physical health of children when performing various exercises.

The development of speech "Migratory birds".

Purpose: to clarify and expand ideas about migratory birds, give information about the sound signals of birds, develop interest in the life of birds, imagination, thinking, speech of children, enrich their vocabulary; cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards birds.


Invite the children to watch the birds. What birds come to our site?

To form the ability to correctly identify birds by their appearance, to notice the beauty of birds living nearby. Observe their habits and behavior. Pay attention to the fact that birds live nearby in dreams, they are part of native nature, Birds are our friends. We must take care of them.

Mobile game "I know five names of birds"

Purpose: to develop motor activity of children. consolidate knowledge various kinds birds

P / I "Take a house"

Purpose: to train children in the ability to hit the ball against the wall, catch it with both hands. develop dexterity.

Experimental-experimental activity: compare the wall kindergarten in the shade and on the sunny side. Purpose: to teach to draw a conclusion about solar heat during the experiment Didactic exercise "Spring months"

Purpose: to know the names and sequence of spring months, the characteristic features of different periods of spring; be able to listen carefully to the teacher, highlight signs and designate them in speech. Vika, Sasha, Misha, Maxim

To ensure optimal physical activity of children throughout the day, using mobile, sports, folk games and physical exercises.

To develop cognitive interest and curiosity in the process of observing the habits of birds D / and “Who is doing what?”: To expand children's ideas about people's activities in the spring.

Job assignments: feeding birds. Objectives: Encourage children to take care of birds, apply knowledge on how to equip bird feeders, how to feed birds.

Afternoon Perception of fiction: "Chicken" by K. Chukovsky.

Evening: Wellness gymnastics after sleep.


The bird wants to wake up

The bird sings a song

Because a bird with a song

Waking up is more interesting.

(E. Kochan)

The game "Who says what"

sparrow - chirping

Cuckoo - cuckoo

Crow - croaks

Chicken - cackle

Duck - quacks

Nightingale - sings

Magpie - crackling

Role-playing game "Drivers".

Tasks: To expand the ideas and enrich the play experience of children, to convey the content of play roles in a new way. Develop emotional sphere children

D / I "Tangram". Purpose: to develop logical thinking, the ability to divide complex figures into component parts.

"Birds". Purpose: to learn how to fold bird figures according to the principle of origami. Danil, Karina, Sasha, Sonya, Vika, Stella, Alena

Board game "Vocabular words".

Purpose: to exercise children in composing words and reading them. Self-service: exercise "I do everything myself."

Tasks. Contribute to increasing the independence of children, form and consolidate good habits, monitor their appearance fix problems in clothing and hair

D / and "What a bird"

To form the ability to independently find birds and distribute them into groups

To involve children in an exhibition of books, illustrations on the theme "Secrets of the bird world."

Hatching "Bird" for the development of fine motor skills of the hands to play educational games aimed at introducing children to changes in nature: "Find the mistake", "Group", "Find the differences", etc.;

Walk. Cloud observation. Invite the children to find a cloud in the sky that looks like a bird, describe this bird, give it a name.

Purpose: to develop in children observation, imagination, fantasy; develop narrative writing skills.

D/I “Who knows more about birds?”

Purpose: to develop memory, resourcefulness, ingenuity.

С/р game «Migratory birds. The appearance of chicks in the nest

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to take on the role of birds.

Strengthen the ability of children to dramatize their favorite fairy tales and stories.

Cultivate respect for nature.

P / I "Bell".

Wednesday 03.04.18

Morning D / I "Find where is which bird"

Purpose: to consolidate the names of birds, to teach children to classify birds.

Conversation "Migratory birds"

Viewing the presentation "Children about migratory birds" Purpose: to expand children's ideas about the life of birds.

Examination of the painting "The Rooks Have Arrived", compiling a story.

Complex of morning exercises "Birds"

brain gymnastics

P / I "Migratory birds"

Purpose: to teach to run, to exercise in jumping, to be able to move from one movement to another. Individual work with Timofey: reinforce the proverb “Every bird is proud of its feather” Situational conversation

"Where does the food go?"

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the need for organs

"Why can't you talk while eating?"

Conversation “How messy - all the clothes are stained!”

Purpose: to form in children the habit of monitoring their appearance. Thematic pictures with the image of birds.

Purpose: to create conditions for self-examination.

Thematic set for the construction of "Building a feeder"

Board games "Migratory birds" in the mathematical zone

Purpose: to generalize the knowledge of children about migratory birds, to form the ability to interact with partners in the game.

Bird watching calendar in the corner of nature

Purpose: daily marking of birds arriving at the site

Organized educational activity 1. FEMP. Theme: "Read More" Purpose: to introduce the number 9; teach to call numbers in direct and reverse order from any number, develop an eye, learn to navigate on a sheet of paper, determine and name its sides and angles.

See Pozina "FEMP" No. 4 p. 34.

2. Musical. (according to the plan of the music director) Making birdhouses

D / I "Divide the birds into wintering and migratory"".

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to classify birds into wintering and migratory.

Y/N “What is missing?”

Purpose: to cultivate curiosity, empathy; develop coherent speech.

D / I "Compare birds"

Purpose: to summarize the knowledge of children about migratory birds, their habits, lifestyle.

P/N: Swallows"

Communication game "Find the magic words"

Purpose: to form in children ideas about the moral norms of relations with others; develop a culture of communication. Watching educational programs

The perception of thin Literature: G Snegirev: "Swallow"

Consider the image of a swallow. Talk about what you read.

Proverbs, sayings about birds

Purpose: to teach children to understand the meaning of proverbs and sayings.


Work on the instructions of a speech therapist: "Migratory birds"

Purpose: to improve the coherent speech of children.

C / R game "How we built the feeder"

Purpose: to develop imagination, creativity, enrich the dictionary with new words.

Independent games for children Exercise Dima, Yaroslav in hitting the ball with one hand in motion. Titmouse Day Birdwatching in Spring

Purpose: to show the changes in the life and behavior of birds with the advent of spring, to systematize children's knowledge about the life of birds in spring.

Sand games. Collection of natural material for a corner of nature. Recommendations for parents: on a walk, repeat the names of birds with your children.

Afternoon Consider the book "Native Nature"

Communicative game "The wind blows on."

Gymnastics after sleep "Little Birds", hardening, self-massage

Finger game "Birdhouse"

Walk Verbal and didactic game "Who will remember more?" Purpose: to consolidate the names of birds.

D / I "Finish the sentence"

Purpose: development of speech and activation of the dictionary. Consolidation of knowledge about birds.

Observations on the walk of the behavior of birds.

Purpose: to encourage children to make their own conclusions - what is the spring revival in the life of birds.

Safety - research "What would happen if there were no birds?"

P / I "Flight of birds".

Purpose: to consolidate movements with children in one direction, run away after the signal.

C / R game "Bird Nursery"

Purpose: to give children ideas about birds (appearance, habitat, learn to divide into migratory and wintering birds, teach children to convey a variety of bird houses (birdhouses, nests)

Perception of fiction: "Birds in our forest", "Birds under our window" (V. Chaplin)

Games with portable material. Purpose: to develop independent games.

Thursday 04.04.2018

Complex of morning exercises "Birds"

D / I "Think, decompose."

Purpose: to learn to coordinate a noun with an adjective in gender, number.

D / I "Who knows more birds"

Purpose: development of memory, resourcefulness, ingenuity

Drawing with wax crayons using the "Birds" templates.

Purpose: development of hand motor skills.

Finger game "Migratory birds"

F/N “I know five bird names”

Purpose: to develop the motor activity of children, to consolidate knowledge of various types of birds.

Work on the formation of the CGT

Memorizing the tongue twister "Wash more often, do not be afraid of water"

Work to educate a culture of behavior at the table

Encourage them to follow the elementary rules of behavior at the table. Examination of subject plot pictures with birds.

Enrichment with fiction on the topic.

Organized educational activities

1. Artistic and aesthetic development.

Application: "Migratory birds"

Purpose: to teach how to create a composition using the entire area of ​​​​the sheet, to harmoniously place the details of the application. Develop visual perception, imagination, spatial representations, memory, feelings and other mental processes. Cultivate an interest in art.

2. Physical Culture. According to the plan of the physical education instructor


bird watching

Purpose: to form a desire to take care of birds; teach and name birds and body parts; exercise in the ability to find differences and similarities in birds.

Labor activity

Clearing paths from debris. Objectives: to teach how to work with a spatula; develop a love for work.

P / I "Crow and Sparrow".

P / I "Mice lead a round dance."

Purpose: to exercise in performing movements; cultivate interest in the game.

C / R game "Drivers"

Purpose: to expand the ideas and enrich the playing experience of children, to convey the content of playing roles in a new way, to develop the emotional sphere of children.

Work in the center of nature - watering houseplants

Individual work with Sergey "Run to the flag".

Portable material to activate children. Keeping a birdwatching diary.

Afternoon Gymnastics after sleep


Finger game: "Ten flock of birds"

Learn how to properly wear clothes and shoes

Education of KGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance in dressing

Individual work with Diana, Polina - cutting out images of birds according to a template.

Pronunciation and repetition of proverbs and sayings about migratory birds

Perception of fiction: G. Ladonshchikova "Cranes".

Purpose: to teach carefully, listen and memorize the poem according to the mnemonic table.

Acquaintance with the model "Bird"

Purpose: to clarify children's ideas about the structure of birds, to improve the ability to use the sign-symbolic scheme of the structure of birds.

Collective work - poster "Our Earth without birds"

Game situation: "What will happen if we don't wash our hands?"

Job assignment - cleaning toys in their places.

Board and printed games, Independent artistic activity, work in the centers: nature, books, artistic creativity.

Coloring pictures "Migratory birds"

The study of natural material - a bump.

Purpose: to develop research activities.


April rain watching.

Purpose: to invite children to describe a gloomy sky, clouds

Examining nests, hanging birdhouses on the site.

Labor activity

Clearing paths from debris.

Purpose: to teach how to work with a shovel; develop a love for work.

Mobile games "Crow and Sparrow".

Purpose: to continue to teach orientation in space, to develop the ability not to bump into each other; listen to the command of the educator; cultivate friendships.

P / I "Birds and a cage."

Purpose: to improve the performance of basic movements when running, to act on a signal. Develop coordination of movements, the ability to concentrate and distribute attention.

Individual work "Run to the flag".

Purpose: to develop the speed of running.

C / R game "Bird Nursery"

Purpose: to evoke a sensitive, humane attitude of children towards birds, kindness, a culture of communication.

Independent motor activity of children

Purpose: to activate children's interest in motor activity, to enrich motor experience

Friday 05.04.2018

Morning Complex of morning exercises "Birds"

Conversation "Secrets of the bird world" with viewing illustrations

Purpose: to develop in children an interest in the life of birds, to introduce amazing riddles and secrets of wildlife, to continue to activate the cognitive abilities of children.

The perception of thin Literature: "On the Lake" by E. Rogolev

D / I "Zoological Lotto"

to consolidate knowledge about wintering and migratory birds, education of quick wits, attention.

Reading the counting:

Stork-stork, stork-bird,

What do you dream about at night?

I have swamp edges,

More frogs.

Catch them, don't catch them.

That's all, you drive!

Work with Marina, Veronica to consolidate the composition of the number 3 from two smaller ones

(with birds on a branch) Reminder to wash hands before eating

Duty in a corner of nature, in the dining room, in the classroom.

Remind children to help each other Remind them to be polite when asking and thanking them An exhibition of illustrations and postcards about "migratory birds"

Productive activity - modeling "Birds at the feeder" from plasticine

Independent activity of children in activity centers.

Free activity in the centers of creativity - the design of fairy tales about birds (which can then be illustrated and made into a book).

Organized educational activity Drawing "Birds on branches"

Purpose: to form a generalized idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren about wintering and migratory birds, to teach children to distinguish birds by essential features, to classify them into wintering and migratory birds, to learn to sketch a drawing in pencil, and then color it, passing characteristics buildings. Learn how to correctly place a drawing on a sheet of paper.

Musical (according to the plan of the music director)

Muses. games "Mom and kids", "Raven".

Singing "Bird House"


Observation: "for the birds"

D / I "Name it in one word"

D / I "How someone sings"

P / I "Flight of birds", "Owl and birds" Ind. work with Dasha, Arseniy, Sasha Sh. - to practice jumping from stumps A situational conversation about the benefits of water, about how it should be used and protected. Fix the sequence of dressing and undressing Independent activities of children on a walk, games of choice.

C / R game "Family".

Removal of equipment for labor on the site (collection of fallen leaves).

Afternoon Perception thin. Literature: Mamin-Sibiryak "Grey Neck"

Evening Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths, finger gymnastics "Birdhouse"

Examination of the illustrations "Migratory birds"

Theatrical game "Forest Barbershop"

Purpose: to involve in a game situation, to encourage improvisation in dialogue, to evoke emotions in children while playing roles, to reflect them in facial expressions, gestures, postures.

Entertainment "Day of arrival of birds"

Purpose: to create a joyful mood. With Dasha, Alena, Sonya, fix the names of migratory birds.

Individual work with Oksana, Misha in the art studio (learning to convey the structural features of the bird) Remind the children that they need to help each other, remind them how to politely ask and thank.

Develop skills to keep your hands clean. Work in the center of the book: selection of books about birds

Conducting experiments and experiments "Why ducks swim"

Walk Cognitive-research activity "Conversation about wintering and migratory birds" T. M. Bondarenko "Complex classes in the senior group of kindergarten" p. 199

D / I "Recognize the bird by description"

P / I "Swallows", "Birds in nests"

Independent games for children.

C/R games of children's choice

Elena Fedotova
Calendar-thematic plan of educational work with children in the senior group on the topic "Migratory birds"

Theme of the week: “Housewarming for the starling. Bird chores in spring (30.03.- 03.04.2015)

Target: summarize children's knowledge about migratory birds, their image life and distinctions.

Directly educational activities Educational activities in regime moments Organization of a developing environment for independent activities Interaction with parents.

Integration educational areas: "Physical Culture", "Health", "Work", "Socialization", "Safety", "Knowledge" "Communication", "Reading Fiction", "Artistic Creativity", "Music".

Directly educational activities:

1. Knowledge. Cognitive research activity. /Formation of a holistic picture of the world « Migratory birds» . T. A. Shorygina « Birds. What are they? pp. 41-69

2. Physical culture on street: outdoor games "Swan geese", "Flies - does not fly".

3. Communication. Reading fiction

G. Snegirev Swallow.

4. GCD in the gym.

5. Knowledge of FEMP. L. G. Peterson, E. E. Kochemasova "Player" Class « ahead, behind, between" pp. 21-22.

6. GCD in the music hall.

7. Artistic creativity. Drawing "Swallows in the Spring Sky" I. A. Lykov: Our birds(painting) 4-7 years old.

8. Origami Construction "Rooks - heralds of spring" I. A. Ryabkova, O. A. Dyurlyukova. Artistic and creative activity. Origami: thematic, plot, game lessons With children 5-7 years old. Page 38-40.

9. GCD in the gym.

10. Artistic creativity. Modeling from plasticine "Martin". Moskovka O. S. Lepim birds of the forest. Plasticine Secrets.

11. NOD in the music hall.

12. Development of speech "The Rooks Have Arrived" G. Ya. Zatulina Abstracts of complex classes on the development of speech. Senior group With. 126.

13. Artistic creativity. Drawing "The Lark Pecks at the Seeds". O. A. Skorlupova "Spring. Insects. Migratory birds» pp. 73-77.


1. Educational:

Develop an interest in life birds;

development of fine motor skills, imagination, creative thinking, fantasy.

Development of mental operations, attention, variability of creative abilities.

Develop a sense of composition, the ability to harmoniously place a drawing on a sheet.

Develop pencil sketching skills.

To form the ability to obtain the necessary knowledge from the content of works of art.

2. Educational:

Teaching children to draw birds, lining up composite image.

Teaching children to draw bird in motion.

Learn retell literary work is close to the text.

Form spatial relationships « ahead» ,"behind", "between".

Continue to teach children to spread Images using geometric shapes

Continue to teach children how to make paper crafts.

Learn to sculpt bird in a constructive way, observing the location and ratio of body parts, connect the parts, pressing them against each other.

3. Educational:

Cultivate interest in works of art.

Cultivate respect for birds.

Cultivate independence, accuracy.

Materials and equipment:

Illustrations « Migratory birds» , audio recording of voices and singing birds.

Illustrations "Lark", phonogram: A. Alyabyev's romance "Lark", landscape sheet, simple pencils, watercolors, oilcloth, brush, brush stand, jars of water.

Demonstration material L. G. Peterson, E. E. Kochemasova Igrolochka Ch. 2, workbooks.

Illustrations "Martin", landscape sheet, simple pencil, gouache, napkins, oilcloth, brush, brush stand, jars of water.

Reproduction of I. Savrasov's painting "The Rooks Have Arrived", square black sheets, scheme, scissors, glue, colored paper.

Illustrations migratory birds, made of plasticine swallow, stacks, plasticine, napkins, boards for modeling.

Conversation in the morning:

- "Spring has come, arrived birds»

- "Guess riddles about birds» ;

- "How birds greet spring»

Conversation before breakfast, lunch, supper:

- "Poems about birds» ;

- "How do we birds help» ;

Psycho-gymnastics "Birds"

- "Do not hurt birds»

- "Why doesn't the cuckoo make a nest?"

pronunciation, repetition, learning by heart

Song memorization "Swallow-swallow."

Poems and proverbs about birds.

Didactic games

Di "What is this bird»

Target: teach children to describe birds recognize them by their characteristic features and description.

Di "The Fourth Extra"

Target: consolidate the ability to classify birds on wintering and migratory.

Di "Compare birds»

Target: summarize children's knowledge about migratory birds, their habits,

Target: develop auditory and visual attention, thinking; develop children's speech, enrich their vocabulary.

speech games

"One is Many"

Target: form plural of nouns.

"What is the chick's name?"

Target: exercise in recognizing and naming chicks birds.

"Call it sweetly"

Target: education words with diminutive suffixes.

Walk 1.

Observations on birch buds.

Goals: continue to introduce birch, its features in the spring season.

P / and "Crane and frog

Target: develop attention, dexterity; learn to navigate by signal.

Walk 2.

P/ and "Bees and swallows"

Purpose of the game: expansion and deepening of the process of interaction of children with other people. Development of dexterity, endurance.

Individual Job(Matvey, Alena, Xenia) Movement development. Target: exercise in throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands.

Walk 3.

Hanging feeders for birds.

Target: cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

P / s "Birds and Rain".

Target: to form the ability to move in different directions, without bumping into each other; improve the ability to respond to a signal, develop orientation in space.

Walk 4.

P / s "Falcon and Doves"

Target: exercise children in dodging.

Labor in nature at will children: collection of garbage, fallen branches on the site.

Walk 5.

Wagtail observation.

Target: introduce the wagtail, appearance.

P / s "Burn, burn bright!"

Target: to develop in children endurance, orientation in space. Practice running fast.

Walk 6.

Magpie Watch

Target: learn to recognize bird by plumage and sound, cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

Individual Job(Amir, Artem, Polina) "Who is the most accurate".

Target: develop an eye when throwing at a horizontal target. Walk 7.

Puddles observation.

Target: to form ideas about spring changes in inanimate nature.

P / s "The Birds and the Cat"

Target: to consolidate the ability to act on a signal, improve running in different directions, develop attention, dexterity.


Observation of habits birds.

Target: continue to expand and refine children's knowledge about birds.

P/ and « birder»

Target: learn to distinguish and imitate the cries of various birds; develop the ability to navigate with closed eyes.

Walk 9.

Watching the spring sky.

Goals: learn see the beauty of spring

sky on a sunny day; Expand words knowledge.

Walk 10.

Springtime observation.

Target: to consolidate knowledge about spring changes in nature.

Individual Job(Veronica, Arseniy, Dima) to consolidate the ability to throw and catch the ball.

Plot - role-playing games:

"Larks Arrive"»

Target: introduce children to national holiday- meeting spring, enrich their understanding of the traditions and rituals of the Russian people.

"We are ornithologists"

Target: to introduce children to the profession of ornithologists, to develop interest in research activities.

Visual activity:

Coloring « Migratory birds»

Stencil drawing « Birds»

- "Draw bird»

Working in the book corner: an exhibition of books about birds, viewing illustrations, reading works.


Origami "Crane"

- "Lay out bird from geometric shapes

Joint work of parents and child.

Drawing "We meet birds in spring»

Competition for the best reciter of poems about birds.

Photo report "We meet birds»

Information sheet.

-"Tell the kids about birds»

- "Read to your children..."

A. Tolstoy "Magpie",

V. Bianchi "Forest houses",

V. Suteev "What is this bird,

V. Bianchi Sinichkin calendar» ,

V. Bondarenko "The crane is back",

V. Sukhomlinsky "The rook has arrived",

I. Sergeev "The Tale of the Nightingale",

I. Bondarchuk "House for birds» ,

L. Poltava "Where do our birds» ,

N. Sladkov "The Rooks Have Arrived",

R. n. With. "The Tale of the Crooked Duck"

Sokolov- Mikitov "Forest Pictures"

Flint W. "Where the White Crane Lives"

Flint W. « Birds in our forest» .

- "Watching Together"

WITH children for a walk with birds.

Help from parents:

"House for birds»

Manufacturing with birdhouse children.

Educator MBDOU "Kindergarten combined type№1" Samara Fedotova Elena Rinatovna

Purpose: To clarify and expand children's ideas about birds, their characteristic features, features. Introduce interesting facts from the life of birds, to show their uniqueness.
To consolidate the idea that seasonal changes in nature affect the life of plants, animals, and humans. To form the idea that the departure of birds is associated with
the disappearance of the insects they feed on, the freezing of water bodies.

Group, subgroup
Morning: games, duty,
individual. Job,
errands, morning
gymnastics, KGN,
breakfast, games
Reception and examination of children.
Morning exercises, Finger
theme game. Articulatory
Didactic game "Seasons"
With kids. repeat
sequence of seasons
months of the year and days of the week. Game "What
For what?"
Read the poem and discuss
The birdhouse was empty, the birds flew away,
The leaves on the trees also do not sit.
All day today everyone is flying, flying ...
Apparently, they also want to fly to Africa.
(I. Tokmakova)

Independent activity in the center
activity. Add to group
thematic pictures with the image
birds. Give the kids their own
Wed game: "Forestry"
Games with a large builder.
Sparrow watching in autumn
Mobile game "Owl Owl".
Exercise "Hit the target."
Communication game "Let's find the magic
Rinse your mouth before bed.
Ind. work with children
Hitting the ball with one hand
Conversation "Migratory birds"
Labor assignments: we bring to
takeaway inventory order

Games, preparation for
walk. Walk:
games, observation,
work, individual
work, exercise
health work.
Return from
walks, CGN, lunch,
work before bed
II floor. days: heal. And
having hardened. procedures,
KGN, afternoon tea, games
children activities,
leisure, circles ind.
Preparing for a walk
Second walk
Work on the instructions of the teacher - speech therapist.
Development exercise
phonemic hearing.
Acquaintance with thin. literature I.SokolovMikitov; "The Cranes Fly"

Articulation gymnastics.
Finger game. Riddles
about migratory birds.
I. ex. "Merry Account". "We select
"Guess who's gone?"
Reading syllables.
Watching the autumn sky.
P/n: "Geese-swans"
I. ex. "From circle to circle"
P/n: "Find the named tree
Teach Dima, Gosh, Vanya to act
on signal
Evening: preparation for
dinner, dinner, games,
dt, going home
Reading: D. MaminSibiryak "Grey
neck" Talk about what you read
With Alicia, Nastya, Serezha Z.,
Varvara - Repeat finger
gymnastics "10 flock of birds"
Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents
Learn the counting:
The counting rhyme begins: on the oak -
starling and jackdaw. The starling flew home
and counting end.

Create conditions for c\r games.
Games with portable toys
Situational conversation on the topic
"Childhood fears"
Purpose: to try to find out what
afraid of children, help children get rid of
from a possible sense of fear
Conversation: "Neatness in clothes"
teach children to take care of themselves
appearance. Purpose: to improve
self-care skills.
Independent activity of children on
plot. Games with portable material.
draw attention to self
gaming activity.
Construction and constructive games

Morning: games, duty,
individual. Job,
errands, morning
gymnastics, KGN,
breakfast, games.

Games, preparation for
games, observation,
work, individual
work, exercise
health work.
Return from
KGN, lunch, work before
II floor. days: heal. And
having hardened. procedures,
KGN, afternoon tea, games
children activities,
leisure, circles ind.
Preparing for a walk
Second walk
Evening: preparation for
dinner, dinner, games,
dt, going home
Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas
Group, subgroup
Support for the child's personality
Reception and inspection.
Ind. work with Dima, Liza, Yura
Educational activities in regime
Conversation "If you are lost on the street."
Morning, finger and
articulation gymnastics.
Board games: "Take care
living", "Seasons"
Cutting out images of birds
template. Strengthen the ability to work with
template: hold the workpiece
left hand, outline in simple
pencil along the contour, carefully
cut along the contour.
Organization of the subject-spatial
developmental environment to support children
initiatives (corners of independent
Canteen duty.
Bring in board games.
Examination of illustrations on the topic.

games, lotto.
Observation of natural phenomena.
P. i. "Bird Flight"
I. ex. "Jump off the bench"
D. i. "1,2,3 run to the tree."
Ind. movement development work:
gymnastic climbing
Conversation "In nature, everything is interconnected"
Take out for a walk: shovels, molds.
Work. Shoveling snow in a heap.
To form a desire to help the janitor.
Rinsing the mouth before bed, Familiarization with fiction. “Why does Tyupa not catch birds” conversation on content.
Artik. Gymnastics.
Exercise for fingers under the text
poems by I. Tokmakova “Birds
flock." Develop fine motor skills
hands, memorize the text of the poem ..
And / exercise "One"
I/ex. "Wonderful bag"
Watching the onset of dusk.
Mobile game: "Where we were, we are not
We'll tell you what we've done and show you."
I. ex. "Get in the Hoop"
D. game "1,2,3 run to the plant"
Did. game: "Collect the bird" (from
geometric shapes)

With Dima, Zhenya, Denis. drawing with
using the shading technique.

when creating an image.
Sports exercises with a subgroup
Children: Throw the ball into the ring.
Individual work with Dasha,
Sergei K, Nastya to work out a throw in
Individual. work with children
fixing the composition of numbers 3,4 out of two
Communication game "Find a friend"
Conversation "Long Journey"
Communication "What can spoil
Create conditions for independent
games in the center of play, knowledge, theater and
Freehand drawing in the center
creativity with various materials
Create conditions for independent
outdoor games for children
improve motor skills.
Labor in the corner for girls:

spread the covers on the furniture.

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas
Group, subgroup
Support for the child's personality
Morning: games, duty,
individual. Job,
errands, morning
gymnastics, KGN,
breakfast, games.
Reception and examination of children.
Morning, finger and
articulation gymnastics.
Didactic game "Recognize the bird by
Ind. work with Vanya, Dima, Roma,
Sergei K.
"What bird?" Consolidate knowledge about
migratory birds, develop the skill
build proposals, activate
dictionary on the topic.
Educational activities in regime
Communication situation: “Let's draw signs,
how to behave in the forest
Organization of the subject-spatial
developmental environment to support children
initiatives (corners of independent
Duty in the dining room and in the corner
Organize a book exhibition
related illustrations.
Examining the illustrations
photographs on the subject of the plan.
S.r. game "The family is going for a walk
in the forest"
Construction games with big and small
Sky observation.
P / n: "Gusigusi"
I. Upr. "Hit the target"
Di. "Know the Bird"
Individual work with Nastya,
Anfisa, Ulyana, Gosha.
Practice walking with a bag on
head to keep balance.
Practice throwing the ball
each other.
Egor: "What first, what then."

connected speech.
Independent motor
activity of children in the area. Labor
activity: shoveling snow into a heap..
Purpose: to organize collective labor,
instill a sense of satisfaction
the result of labor.
Working with the calendar: When to end
Equip a place for creative play.
Offer children games for development
fine motor skills: spinning tops, magnetic
Conduct an experiment with children "Attracted
- is not attracted. Find items
interacting with a magnet
identify materials,
attracted to a magnet.
Labor on site.
Teaching kids on their own
maintain order in the area
kindergarten: clean up
Independent motor
activity of children in the area.
Labor in the corner for girls:
straighten clothes on dolls, comb
Games, preparation for
games, observations
work, individual
work, exercise
health work.
Return from
walks, CGN, lunch,
work before bed
II floor. days: heal. And
having hardened. procedures,
KGN, afternoon tea, games
children activities,
leisure, circles ind.
Preparing for a walk
Second walk
Reading thin. Literature. The story of E. Charushin "Sparrow"
Wellness gymnastics after
sleep. hardening.
Hand massage with su jocks.
Artik. gymnastics
speech game
I. ex. "The Fourth Extra"
I. exercise "Who is gone"
Dove watching.
P / and "Sparrows and a cat"
And / exercise "Throw catch"
D / and in nature "Guess by description"
learn to recognize and distinguish birds
Work on the instructions of a speech pathologist.
Artem Ch, Lisa, Sasha Sh.
drawing with technique
Show line features
movements, basic working methods,
expressive possibilities of stroke
when creating an image.
Individual work with Lada,
Barbara, Zhenya, Gosha, Ulyana.
Objectives: to teach to throw the ball at the target;
develop accuracy, attention.
Evening: preparation for
dinner, dinner, games,
Acquaintance with the model "Bird"
Purpose: to clarify children's understanding of
structure of birds. improve
With Nastya, Zhenya, Sasha L, Artem
Ch. game "Orientation in
space", "The idea of
Communication "What can spoil

dt, going home
ability to use symbols
symbolic structure of birds.
environment", development
spatial representations,
attention. Drawing up a descriptive
story "Stork" according to the scheme
seat the dolls on the sofa;
arrange dishes in cabinets;
straighten furniture covers
Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas
Group, subgroup
Support for the child's personality
Evening: preparation for
dinner, dinner, games,
Didactic game "Geometric
Formation of CGT - to teach children
proper use of the canteen
Situational conversation on the topic "Benefits
fresh air for the body "goal:
Train children in long jump
places, pushing off with two legs;
improve coordination
movements. (Sasha L, Artem Ch.,
Zhenya, Gosha)
Situational conversations "The sun,
air and water are our best friends!”
Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about
healthy lifestyle
Work on the site is to collect snow in a heap.
Purpose: to form the habit of bringing
started work to the end.
children in the area.
Games with portable material.
Role-playing game "Shop". Create
conditions for a role-playing game
Morning: games, duty,
individual. Job,
errands, morning
gymnastics, KGN,
breakfast, games.
Games, preparation for
games, observation,
work, individual
work, exercise
health work.
Return from
walks, CGN, lunch,
work before bed
II floor. days: heal. And
having hardened. procedures,
KGN, afternoon tea, games
children activities,
leisure, circles ind.
Preparing for a walk
Second walk
Reception and examination of children.
Morning gymnastics.
Hand massage.
Artik.. gymnastics.
DI. "What comes first, what comes next."
To consolidate knowledge about the stages of development
birds (egg, chick, bird), develop
connected speech.
Sky observation.
P / games "Wolf in the ditch"
Purpose: to learn to follow the rules of the game
And / ex: "Hit the target"
D. game "Forbidden allowed"
Wellness gymnastics after
sleep. hardening.
Finger gymnastics.
Artik. Gymnastics.
Next game "Opposite"
Didactic games: "Finish
birch observations
P / n: "flight of birds"
I / ex “Who is next?”.
D / I "Find an object of the same shape"
Ind. work with Alicia I., Sasha Sh,
Anfisa for design
Purpose: to consolidate the ability to bend a sheet
paper cut in half
with Gosha, Dima, Varvara, Zhenya.
Movement development.
Goals: improve techniques
throwing objects horizontally
develop eye, coordination
movements, dexterity;
develop a positive attitude towards
Individual task for Ulyana,
Nastya, Vasilisa. Wife, Barbara -
"Sound chain" Form at
children's ability to distinguish sounds in a word
Educational activities in regime
Didactic game "Pick up an object
to the sign ": swan (lake),
swan (neck), swan (wedge).
Organization of the subject-spatial
developmental environment to support children
initiatives (corners of independent
Duty in the corner of nature and the dining room, in
corner of nature.
Create conditions for desktop printing
games, lotto.
Hood. the word Apple is ripe, red,
sweet, Crispy apple, with skin
smooth. I'll break the apple in half
I will share an apple with my friend. I.
Labor activity arrange collection
flower seeds.
Purpose: to learn to work together.
Games with portable material. to help
children to interact with
joint game.
Independent motor activity
children on the site
Pronunciation of a tongue twister
Independent games in the centers.

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