
New Year's interesting scenarios. Scenarios for the new year senior classes

The scenario of the New Year "In the family circle" is intended for family celebration.
Suitable for any generation: from small to large. The entertainment program is built in such a way that none of the family members is left without attention and, of course, a gift. Official awards for success in the outgoing year, contests, games and gifts - all this will allow you to positively spend the outgoing year and meet New Year 2018.

Any of the adults who will take on the duties of the organizer can act as a leader. The host will hold contests, games and give gifts. For the best effect, it is desirable that the presenter is dressed in a Santa Claus costume or a Dog costume - a symbol of the upcoming 2018.

Musical accompaniment

The script contains music and dance competitions, for which you need to prepare a playlist in advance.
For the first - music competition- where the teams have to guess the name of the song, you can take a few familiar songs:

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.
If there was no winter.
Christmas toys.
Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!
Wizards - Three white horses.
Five minutes.
Jingle Bells.
Happy New Year.

For dance competition you need to prepare energetic New Year's compositions to your taste.


1. Diplomas or medals for successes and achievements in the outgoing year.
2. Music playlist for competitions.
3. New Year's letter.
4. Punch Box with gifts.
5. Bones-blanks for desires.
6. Preparations for the contest "Understand me".
7. Christmas decorations for a competition of dexterity and ingenuity.


Leading: New Year is coming soon. Is everyone ready to meet him? According to the good old tradition, let's remember what was good in the past year?

(All family members remember funny stories, successes and simply memorable moments. The host should prepare certificates or medals in advance to reward everyone for something good they did in the past year.)

Leading: And I didn't forget about myself. Who remembers what was my biggest achievement? (everyone begins to remember and offer options; the host can choose any of the options or name his own). It is for this feat that I award myself a medal of honor! And now I propose to play one very interesting game.

Musical competition
Family members are divided into two teams. The host turns on a musical composition and the team that first guesses the name or from which movie / cartoon this song is received 1 point in the form of a marshmallow or candy.
The team with the most marshmallows at the end of the game wins.

Leading: On New Year's Eve, there is a tradition: to thank for all the good of the outgoing year and meet the coming year with a smile and great ambitions.

Letter with closed eyes
It is necessary to prepare a text-message for the New Year 2018 in advance. Those places where adjectives should be remain empty. The rest of the text is hidden so that only spaces for adjectives remain. The task of everyone who wants to put in an empty place is any adjective that he wants. At the end, the facilitator opens the rest of the text and reads the resulting message aloud.

For example:

Coming... New Year 2018. This is the year of … Dogs. We, ... family (surname), are sure that each of us is waiting for ... a year. It cannot be otherwise, because we are …, … and …. We thank the outgoing year for all ... events, ... successes and ... achievements that have happened to us. We take all the good with us, leave the bad in the past year.

Leading: What is the New Year without gifts? Who wants to be the first to receive a gift from Santa Claus?

Game "Gift for nothing"
From a large box, you need to make a so-called Punch Box with an even number of cells in which gifts will lie. Each cell is covered with paper or an opaque film so that it is impossible to see what is in it. The host offers to receive a gift for everyone for a small action. When the person who wants to leave, he pulls out a piece of paper with the task from the bag. If he fulfills it, then he breaks through the barrier of the cell and takes out his gift.

Tasks can be varied, but designed in such a way that any member of the family can complete.

For example:

1. Tell a New Year's verse.
2. Promise to do something good in the new year.
3. Confess to something that you haven't told anyone about yet.
4. Kiss everyone present on the cheek or hug.

Leading: There is almost nothing left before the New Year. It's time to make a wish.

Leading: Humans generally don't understand dog language and the poor little animals have to work hard to explain what they want. Now you need to split into teams and choose a captain.

Competition "Understand me"
Teams draw lots to see who starts first. The leader has several pieces of paper in his hands, 1 word is written on each New Year theme. The captain's task is to explain to his team without words what word is written on a piece of paper. The captain explains the words for a while. The more words his team guesses, the more chances to win. The winning team will be the first to open their gifts when the New Year arrives.

Word options for guessing:
Christmas tree;
A bag with presents;
champagne cork;
Christmas tree decoration;
salad "Olivier";
Snow Maiden;
Father Frost;

dance competition
It is necessary to break into pairs child-adult.
For each pair, the leader includes a song to which they must perform the best dance.
The winning couple receives an award in the form of a diploma or medal.

Leading: The gifts don't stop there. For the next competition, I ask you to divide into teams.

Competition for dexterity and ingenuity
The host divides all those present into 2 teams. If the family is large, there may be more teams.
Each team chooses a captain who chooses 1 package from the leader.
The package contains improvised means with which the rest of the team will decorate the captain, making a Christmas tree out of him.
Each package should contain different items (tinsel, toilet paper, Christmas decorations, etc.).
The more complex the tools at hand, the more interesting the result will be, but you can also use ordinary Christmas tree accessories.

If time and desire allow, you can add to entertainment program a few more games and contests.

Prediction game
The host invites everyone to get the first thing that falls into their hand from the magic bag.

This will be the prediction for next year.:
Chocolate coin - for money.
Mirror - you will shine with indescribable beauty.
Keychain "Sneakers" or "Globe" - for unforgettable trips.
Chewing gum - get ready for passionate kisses.
Pen - success in any endeavors.
Candy - the year will be sweet.

The number of predictions depends on the number of people. Everyone present should get a mini-gift.

After that, the presenter proposes to spend the outgoing year, drink for the New, for all the good things, and so that all dreams come true in the New 2018.
Everyone prepares papers, write wishes, burn them, pour the ashes into glasses with drinks and drink to the sound of chimes.

The host offers to continue the holiday with fun outdoor games.

winter quest
The game is suitable for children and parents, especially for owners of private houses.
The facilitator gives the team the first clue, which will encrypt where the second clue lies. And so, having guessed all the riddles, the players will get to the treasure - it can be a bag with gifts, for example. This game is very popular with children, but adults will not mind taking part.

Let's paint everything around
Entertainment is suitable only on a private site and with a lot of snow. Painting on snow requires food coloring and water. You can first decorate the snow, and then all together make a large multi-colored snowman.

snow shot
On the fence we draw a huge target. Snowballs act as darts.
Instead of a fence, the target can be air balloons, lightly suspended from the trees.
The team that knocks down the most balls wins.

sled racing
A real family entertainment that is suitable for parents and their children.
All participants are divided into teams. Children sit in the sled, and adults will drive. On command, players must run a certain distance faster and return to their place. This is a very fun and active entertainment that will not leave anyone indifferent.

The fastest janitor
An excellent competition that will amuse everyone and help clear the paths from snow. For this competition, you need as many blades as a person participates. On command, each participant must clean a certain area faster than the rest with the help of a children's spatula.

Competition "Filmography"
All guests are invited to remember films / cartoons with a New Year's story. The player or team with the most points wins.
By the same principle, you can make a music competition. Players must remember songs that mention the words "new", "year" or "dog".

Sleight of hand and no cheating
On the table you need to lay out various objects. It is desirable that the table be round, so it will be convenient for all participants to walk around it.
Music plays, the presenter loudly names the object and the one who manages to grab it faster than the others wins.
The one who collects the most items wins.

Guess who am I
It is best to use a tantamaresque where you can insert a face so that the guesser cannot see which character he needs to guess. It will be even funnier than writing the name on your forehead or on paper.
The task of the guesser is to ask the guests clarifying questions that can only be answered yes / no. The characters should be related to the New Year: snowman, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, New Year's toy, cracker, etc.

Excellent scent
The participant is blindfolded and must rely only on his sense of smell. The host brings a certain object to him, the player will have to guess what is in front of him. Multiple players can participate at once. Then the winner will be the one who guesses the most items. You can use: fir branch, cone, champagne, sparklers, canned peas, tangerine.

Pigtail of the Snow Maiden
The competition is suitable for a family where there are girls with long hair. They will act as the Snow Maiden. And the men will have to braid their Snow Maiden's pigtail. The one who does it more accurately and faster than the others wins.

Not suitable for everyone, because. need to twist.
Players are divided into teams. Each team stands in a circle and holds hands. The leader confuses each team as difficult as possible. The task of the captains is to unravel their team as quickly as possible, while it is impossible to disengage their hands.

tangerine mood
For this competition, you will need two bags or buckets, where teams will throw tangerines from a distance. To complicate the task, each participant throws a tangerine at the host's whistle. The team with the most tangerine in the bucket or bag wins.
You can slightly change the conditions by blindfolding the participant.

round dance
What is the New Year without a round dance! All participants should gather around the Christmas tree and dance.
The presenter, meanwhile, sings the famous song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, but changes the verbs.
For example, a Christmas tree was born in the forest, she lay down in the forest ... After that, all guests should quickly lie down. The one who lays down last is out.

For those wishing to participate in New Year's contests there were more, you definitely need to take care of the awards. It may be a small thing, but it's still nice to receive prizes for your efforts.

New a year will pass fun and interesting if all family members are active. Proposed New Year's scenario suitable for every family. It remains only to choose those games and contests that your family members will especially like.

Happy New Year 2018 to you!

New Year, not without reason, is one of the most beloved holidays and it is usually celebrated widely and several times: with colleagues, with friends, with family. And, often, not professionals take up the organization of such parties, but simply an initiative group of guests who just want to entertain and please their friends. To help presenters and enthusiasts for the 2018 meeting, we offer one of the options - Scenario of the game New Year's program on its own "How the Rooster transferred powers to the Dog"- light and versatile, in which there is a place for both table entertainment and active ones, attention is also paid to the popular theme of the symbol of the coming year, and design is proposed for music competitions (look at the bottom of the page). Perhaps some of the ideas of this will be useful to professionals.


Leading: Hello dear friends. We are very pleased to welcome you to our festive pre-New Year program. Very, very soon the year of the Fire Rooster will end and the year of the Dog will come into force. And our program is called “How the Rooster Transferred Authority to the Dog.” Today, some of you may have time to be artists, someone will discover new, unexpected talents in themselves, someone will show themselves in all their glory, and someone will look at others. But what I guarantee you for sure is that everyone will have fun. And I propose right now to fill the glasses with champagne and drink for our meeting.

(Banquet break)

Leading: So, friends. On the eve of the New Year, I invite you to look back. No, not to look at what is behind, but to remember the past year 2017. Let's all remember together what was memorable and wonderful for you in this year, which is close to its end. And we will do it cheerfully and amicably, with the help of a chant. I will ask a question. And if your answer to this question is yes, then you get up and shout loudly: “It's me!”.

Table chant "It's me".

Housewarming celebrated in it?

Confess not melting.

Who is this? (It's me!)

Who, tell me exactly

Is a son born or a daughter?

Confess not melting.

Who is this? (It's me!)

Well, lucky ones go ahead,

Whose income has grown.

Confess not melting.

Who is this? (It's me!)

Who distinguished himself by diligence,

Got an education?

Confess not melting.

Who is this? (It's me!)

Maybe I found one among you

Who has a family?

Confess not melting.

Who is this? (It's me!)

Who changed career

Did you get a raise?

Confess not melting.

Who is this? (It's me!)

Who spit on sanctions

Vacationing abroad?

Confess not melting.

Who is this? (It's me!)

And who does not change the roots

And rests in Russia?

Confess not melting.

Who is this? (It's me!)

And who brought the marafet,

I came to the banquet today.

Confess not melting.

Who is this? (It's me!)

Leading: That's how much you have happened in one year. The main thing is to remember this. Then every year will be different. And now let's raise our glasses, tune in to the positive and drink to our friendly and cheerful team.

And now we will find out where it came from, to assign a symbol to each year. And we will do this with the help of a small one in which you will all participate.

(Distributes words, the rest at the word« people» shout« Happy New Year». The action takes place at the table)

table tale" Who is in charge?"

Actors and lines:

mouse"Don't look that little mouse"

Bull"How to give a poke"

Tiger"Now you will not be up to games"

Rabbit"I'm not an alcoholic!"

The Dragon"My word is law"

Snake"Wisdom is my second self"

Horse"Yes, you can plow on me"

Goat"Now I'll gouge out my eyes"

Monkey"I'm alone here without a flaw"

Rooster"I'll scream and trample everyone"

Dog"I'm a man's friend"

Pig"You yourself are fat"

People"Happy New Year!"

Tex fairy tales:

Somehow all the animals gathered, in short,

Decide which of them is the most important, and choose to be the king.

It happened, I'll tell you, just before the New Year,

When all the PEOPLE cooked with Olivier basins,

MOUSE came running...

BULL came

TIGER rushed


DRAGON has arrived

SNAKE Crawled

The HORSE galloped cautiously


A MONKEY has come

COCK came

Suddenly a DOG came running

Pig dragged along

The animals shouted throughout the forest, solving this dispute.

Not an hour, not two, but the whole day the conversation dragged on.

The MOUSE squeaked...

BULL answered

Roaring TIGER

Justified RABBIT

Summarized DRAKON

Hissed SNAKE

The HORSE spoke carefully

Screaming GOAT

MONKEY answered

Rooster warned

A DOG suddenly barked

Grunted PIG

Chinese god looked at it

And he ordered everyone to rule in turn.

He appointed a term for them - one year,

To change when the holiday is celebrated by the PEOPLE.

Happy MOUSE...

The BULL rejoiced

Roaring TIGER

Jumping for joy RABBIT


Hissed SNAKE

Neighing carefully HORSE

Screaming GOAT

Laughing MONKEY

Rooster spoke

A DOG suddenly barked

Grunted PIG

And now has a symbol every year,

And the New Year is so loved by all the PEOPLE.

Happy New Year!

Leading: We continue our evening. 2017 will end soon. And every year, in almost any field of activity, you need to make reports on the work done. This fate will not escape our Rooster. After all, our program, as you remember, is called “How the Rooster Transferred Authority to the Dog.” And before transferring his powers, the Rooster must report. And in this we will help him.

(The host invites them to participate in the most active and fun. Gives them pieces of paper with a written role, costumes. You can briefly instruct. The main thing: funny costumes and active speakers)

Impromptu"Comic report for last year.

Actors and props:

Television announcers(a man and a woman, a makeshift TV screen they hold in front of them)

football player(shape over clothes and ball)

Ballerina(it is better if it is a man in a tutu, do ballet movements)

Hydrometeorological center employee(woman, portray to the music)

Astronaut(motorcycle helmet)

Fashionista(woman holding a hanger with a dress)

Impromptu text


Met during the change of year

Cockerel and dog of unknown breed.

The rooster had to answer

How did he spend the year, well or not.

The dog asked him about everything

And she didn't forget anything.

The dog wants an answer.

How is it with sanctions?

Canceled or not?

Track 1 sounds (Folder "Report for the year") - Announcers come out

The dog wants an answer.

How are our players?

Goal scored or not.

Track 2 sounds (Folder Report for the year)- A football player comes out, minting the ball as best he can

The dog wants an answer.

How are our ballerinas

Is everyone dancing or not?

Track 3 sounds (Folder Report for the year)- A ballerina comes out and dances.

The dog wants an answer.

What about global warming?

Will it be summer or not?

Track 4 sounds (Folder Report for the year)-An employee of the hydrometeorological center leaves

The dog wants an answer.

What's going on in space?

All fly or not.

Track 5 sounds (Folder Report for the year)-Astronaut comes out

The dog wants an answer.

What brands are in fashion these days?

Gucci wear or not?

Track 6 sounds (Folder Report for the year)-Fashionista comes out, tries on a dress

Leading: All artists receive prizes and of course a flurry of applause. And we continue our program. By tradition, on December 31 every year on television, the good old, beloved comedies are shown. And what is the most traditional comedy? (Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath). To find out how old a person is, just ask him how many times he watched The Irony of Fate. Despite everything, these comedies have been loved by everyone for many years. And now I offer you the contest "Recognize the film by the song." We divide into two teams.

(The host divides the guests into two teams. Music for the teams plays in turn. They guess, get 1 point each).

Musical competition "Recognize the movie by the song

Musical excerpts for guessing include 15-20 seconds, tracks for this contest look in the Music from Movies folder

(The winning team receives a prize, such as a bottle of champagne. The most active players are invited to the stage).

Right answers:

1. Film 12 chairs

2. Watch out for the car

3. Diamond arm

4. Girls

5. Gentlemen of Fortune

6. Sannikov Land

7. Caucasian captive

8. Love and doves

9. Ghost

11. Office romance

12. Wizards

Leading: We have the most active and musical on stage. (Turns to them) What is the most Christmas song? (Choose from different options« The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree») . Let's do it together right now. (1 couplet). Agree that the song is good, but somehow out of date. And what kind of music do you like? (He asks in turn, chooses REP, rock and roll, rock, chanson. If such options are not offered, the presenter offers).

Music Game"New style for an old song"

Musical arrangement for this game in the folder "Christmas tree music"

(There is a song at the end« The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree» and the presenter, taking the artists in a round dance, leads everyone, raising the guests sitting at the table to the dance floor)

(Dancing, dance flash mob)


Leading: And our program continues. And now you will find out what will present you. So horoscope. And the first to know what awaits them next year, those who were born in the year of the pig.

Musical excerpts for this fun to watch in the folder "Horoscope"

Musical comic horoscope for the year of the Dog

Track 1 sounds from the folder "Horoscope" (Wedding, wedding)

Leading: A wedding is waiting for you. Those who are not yet married will find their destiny. And those who are married will have a great walk at their wedding. And now those who were born in the year of the Mouse or the Rat stand up.

Track 2 sounds (Hot countries)

Leading: Hot countries are waiting for you. Sun, sky, sea, beach. This is the scenery waiting for you.

And what awaits those who were born in the year of the Ox?

Sound track 3 (Weekend)

Leading: Well, you also need to work. And get high on the weekend. Those who were born in the year of the Tiger are next.

Sounds track 4 (Paris)

Leading: Paris is waiting for you, start learning French. And now the horoscope for those born in the year of the Rabbit.

Track 5 sounds (Playboy)

Leading: Do not be afraid of men, this is a special horoscope for women. And here is what awaits you.

Track 5.2 sounds (3 wishes)

Leading: 3 wishes will come true for sure, and the rest is up to you. Get up those who were born in the year of the Dragon.

Track 6 sounds (Sponges with a bow)

Leading: Such a miracle awaits the Dragons. And what awaits those who were born in the year of the Snake?

Sounds track 7 (Happiness)

Leading: Happiness with your loved one is waiting for you. Next are those who were born in the year of the Horse.

Track 8 sounds (I will become rich)

Leading: Wealth awaits Horses. And let's hear what awaits those who were born in the year of the Goat.

Track 9 sounds (I'm going to live in London)

Leading: You can change your place of residence. Get up who was born in the year of the Monkey. We will find out what the Year of the Dog will bring them.

Track 10 sounds (I'm OK so far)

Leading: No matter what, you will be OK. The following are those who were born in the year of the Rooster.

Track 11 sounds (Love will come to you too)

Leading: Love is waiting for you. Well, now the lucky ones are rising, who were born in the year of the Dog.

Track 12 sounds (everything will be awesome)

Leading: Yes, this will be your year. And he will certainly be awesome. So let's fill our glasses and drink for change only for the better.

(Banquet break)

Leading: Friends. Do you know what are the obligatory attributes of the New Year? Now we will check it.

You will need to solve riddles.

(Reads like REPA)

Table fun "New Year's riddles"

Ready for the New Year.

Hairstyled and dressed to the nines.

The table was set, the champagne was opened

And dressed up in green ... (herringbone)

To make the holiday more fun

We hung toys on the Christmas tree.

Invite your best friends

Prepare candles and... (Clapperboards)

If hands do not grow from there,

Then maybe the apartment is kaput.

If you act according to the instructions,

It will turn out cool in the sky ... .. (Firework)

To make everyone at the table happier,

So as not to sit with sour mines,

Gotta open the bottle soon

And feed everyone….. . (tangerines)

Here is Olivier on the table,

The ruddy chicken is already getting cold.

So Santa Claus is coming soon

And he will bring with him .... (Snow Maiden).

Competition for women"Dog Waltz"

Leading: They say about miniature women: "A small dog is a puppy until old age." Are there such women among you? (Goes on stage, chooses the smallest, funniest, etc.) P.) And now I invite the woman with the longest hair, just like a long-haired Afghan hound, to the stage. And there are women among you who, like mothers, take care of everyone, worry, they are as kind as Labradors. Well, I also see a glamorous fashionista. And what is the most fashionable dog? Yes, Pekingese. We go on stage.

(They go on stage, the presenter gives each picture with the image of a dog))

Leading: Now you will have to show yourself in all its glory, dance as if you were such a dog.

Musical design and pictures for this look in the folder "Dog Waltz"

Competition for men "Russian size"

Leading: And now the competition for men. Look, Santa Claus has a long beard, a long fur coat, a long staff. It's obvious that he's a real man. And among you we will choose a real man. The competition is called "Russian size". Which one of you has the longest last name? (calls to the stage). Longest rise. (Calls 6-8 people to the stage)

So, we have contenders for the title of "The Real Man" on stage. We have a full hall of real men. And we will choose the real one. (Takes a ruler.)

Round 1 The longest foot.

Round 2 The longest tongue

Round 3 The longest nose

Round 4 The widest smile.

(After each round, 1-2 people are eliminated, so that in the end there is only one left. He is awarded with a prize and a medal)

Click on the archive with the right mouse button;

Select in the pop-up window - EXTRACT TO CURRENT FOLDER and click on this line:

A working folder with the same name appears, in which the necessary files are located.

New Year is a holiday of kindness, fun and gifts!

Exit. (music)


The merry hall shines today,

Sparkling with many lights

On a noisy New Year's holiday

Calling friendly friends!

Near the Christmas tree today voices are heard:

Hello, New Year's holiday,

Hello beautiful Christmas tree!

“Oh, winter is good…”

Exit of the Snow Maidens. Dance.

1Snow Maiden

How good Christmas tree!

How she dressed up, look!

Dress on a tree of green silk,

Bright beads on it, confetti!

2 Snow Maiden

Let's hold hands, friends,

And let's dance!

Not every day, but once a year

The New Year is coming!


Hello, New Year's holiday!

The winds sing about you

And greet you today

Gathered at the Christmas tree kids!

3 Snow Maiden

What's that noise? What's the hum?

Real ramble!

4 Snow Maiden

Are you comfortable, dear guests?

Is it visible to everyone? Does everyone hear?

Is there enough space for everyone?

1 Snow Maiden

Good health, dear guests!

2 Snow Maiden

And little kids

Moms and dads,

Grandmothers and grandfathers!

3 Snow Maiden

We guys are just class!

We are trying for you!

4 Snow Maiden

We are masters of all trades

With us you will not die of boredom!

Order! At this very hour

We will do everything for you!

1 Snow Maiden

How many of you are here today?

I can't count in a day!

2 Snow Maiden

Here are Sasha and Natasha,

Vanya, Ksyusha and Lyubasha,

Vova, Glory, Petit -

Here are the children!

3 Snow Maiden

I hear wonderful, magical music. Someone is in a hurry to visit us!

Exit of the Main Snow Maiden (phonogram).

Snow Maiden.

To all the girls, to all the boys

I confess now

What I miss so much

And glad to see you.

Hello guys! Happy New Year! Happy New Year boys and girls! Moms and dads! Grandmothers and grandfathers! Happy New Year! And to celebrate the New Year, friends, Without a song, we can’t do it.

Grade 1 - song "That's so cold, that's frost .."

Snow Maiden.

Here we are warmed up! Are you warm?

Snow Maiden.

Guys, who is missing at the holiday?


Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden.

Right. Let's call together in chorus: "Santa Claus!"

The noise of the motor is heard (phonogram), Baba Yaga flies into the hall on a broomstick. Baba Yaga has a small backpack (bag) behind her shoulders, under her arm she holds a toy Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden.

Who are you?

Baba Yaga.

Who, who? I am Grandma Yaga. Arrived with Santa Claus for the holiday! And she brought gifts!

Snow Maiden.

We are waiting for Santa Claus! And where is Santa Claus? Where are the gifts?

Baba Yaga.

Here's Santa Claus.

Puts down a toy.

And here's a gift bag for you.

He takes off his backpack.

Snow Maiden.

I do not understand anything.

Baba Yaga.

There is nothing to understand here. Get it and sign up!

Snow Maiden.

Oh, what to do? How to disenchant grandfather?

Baba Yaga.

I know how. We need to sing a song. Just what it's called, I forgot. I have, like him... memory chlorophos. Oh, that is ... dichlorvos. No, no, not dichlorvos, but the supply manager. Phew, totally confused.


You have sclerosis, grandma.

Baba Yaga.

That's it, I say - sclerosis. Tepericha remembered the name of the song - "A heifer was born in the forest."


Yes, not a heifer, but a Christmas tree.

Baba Yaga (sings). The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,

She grew up in the forest

Pale in winter and summer.


Not pale, but slim.

Baba Yaga.

Gray bunny in shorts

Jumped under the tree.


What did you jump in?

Baba Yaga.

In shorts. It's cold in winter, so he rode in them so as not to freeze. Please don't disturb me. And then I forget everything!

Gray bunny in shorts

Jumping under the Christmas tree

Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf

I ran with a sheep.


Why with a sheep?

Baba Yaga.

Why, why? Because wolves are very fond of eating sheep, so he ran with her. Listen, why are you bothering me? Let me sing the song! Well, they fooled me! I completely forgot everything.

Snow Maiden.

Dear grandmother, are there any other songs that can disenchant D. Moroz?

Baba Yaga.

Eat. The song should be fun and New Year's! And still it is necessary to show magic movements.


Guys, let's try.

Grade 3 - the song "New Year's toys, candles and crackers ..." (round dance in pairs)

Baba Yaga.

And Santa Claus loves obedient, polite and friendly children. Who is the best in the room? Hands up? Now we will check you. (Children who raise their hands come out)

The game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends" is being played.

If you do not agree, be silent, and if you agree, answer in chorus:

Who's the hottest one here?

I'll ask everyone now:

Who here loves song, laughter?

- Who is accustomed to your order,

Does he exercise in the morning?

- Which one of you, tell me, brothers,

Forgetting to wash?

- And one more question:

Who doesn't wash their nose?

Ay, well done!

Are there evil, greedy, unkind children in the hall? (raise hand). I will take these with me for re-education.

The game "object in a circle." Whoever falls out goes into the circle.

Baba Yaga.

Let's re-educate you! Oh, and it will be difficult for me! I need helpers.


Guys, let's help Baba Yaga!

They dance (cutting), the presenter shows the movements.

Baba Yaga.

Here you go! Everything is fine. And I have no time to sharpen my laces with you, it's time to go home!

The noise of the engine is heard, Baba Yaga flies away (phonogram).

Exit Santa Claus (phonogram)

Santa Claus (comes out with a bag)

Hello guys, hello dear guests!

Hello and you, granddaughter of the Snow Maiden! Thanks for helping me out!

Happy New Year,

I wish you to be healthy!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

And with merry round dance!

Song of the 2nd grade “The blizzard covered my city ...” (round dance with movements)

1 Snow Maiden.

What is New Year?

This is a friendly dance

This is the laughter of funny guys

Near all the elegant Christmas trees.

That's what the New Year means!

2 Snow Maiden

What is New Year?

These are pipes and violins,

Jokes, songs and smiles,

That's what the New Year means!

3 Snow Maiden.

What is New Year?

Inconspicuous giggles

In every jumping snowflake.

That's what the New Year means!

4 Snow Maiden.

Number twenty eighteen

Already lit their fires

Year of the Dog is coming

Accept congratulations!

The dogs run. They bark.

1 doggy. Have you heard? Woof! Woof! Didn't you hear? Woof! Woof!
2 doggy. Did you see? Woof! Woof! Didn't see? Woof! Woof!

3 doggy.

The holiday is slowly coming

The door will be opened by a good dog!

Gently wagging his tail,

He bears his generous contribution!

4 doggy.

Four paws, wet nose

This New Year brought us!

A bundle of light and warmth

The dog came to us all!

5 doggy.

In the upcoming New Year

Soon the whole country will enter!

I wish not a joke

I give you a cool booth!

I'm not talking nonsense now

The Year of the Dog is upon us!

6 doggy.

So, doggie, without a doubt,

Not an easy place

And the palace will present

To you this New Year!

7 doggy.

Year of the dog - good year!

All good things will come!

Let it give a lot of laughter

And in all matters of success!

8 doggy.

I wish this year

You reach great heights!

Wherever you are,

I want to be surprised!

May every moment

Raises the mood!

9 doggy .

In general, this New Year,

I wish happiness to the platoon!

Let the dog come to you

And bring good!

10 doggy.

And we did not come with empty paws, but with ditties.

Just don't be discouraged
Sing along with us!
And you need to sing along according to the meaning - either “”, or “Red summer is coming!”

1. A crow sits on an oak tree
And the gifts are very much waiting,
White snow is falling...
Children. Hello, hello New Year!
2. Magpie sits on a pine tree,
No gifts - no use ...
Santa Claus will bring them!
Children. Hello, hello New Year!
3. Children swim in the river
And ran through the grass
The shepherd tends cows...
Children. Red summer is coming!
4. Our bear is dancing under the tree,
And the fox waving its tail
All the people are having fun...
Children. Hello, hello New Year!
5. Look under the leaves
The strawberry ripens,
And the goat chews the grass...
Children. Red summer is coming!
6. What is, what is?
Suddenly we sang in the winter!
Santa Claus is coming...
Children. Hello, hello New Year!
7. Oh how I want a gift!
I feel a little sorry for myself.
I'm waiting for a week...
Children. Hello, hello New Year!

8. Beauty, it's beautiful all around,
The nightingale sings in the forest
What a miracle, what a miracle
Children . Red summer is coming!
9. White snow, like us - flies
And lay down at the gate
All gifts await...
Children. Hello, hello New Year!

Dance of the Dogs to the song "Do you hear someone coming, hurrying up the stairs to us ..."


They say, on New Year's Eve, whatever you want,
Everything will always happen, everything will always come true.

4 Snow Maiden.

We are not afraid of snow storms and thunders if friendship is in our house.

1 Snow Maiden.

Sadness does not scare us if we meet a friend,
If we understand a friend and do not offend him.

2 Snow Maiden.

We wish peace to all friends, we begin the song of friendship.
8th grade. The song "New Year's weather, pre-holiday fuss ..."

3 Snow Maiden

We are all very well

fun today

Because he came to us

New Year's holiday.

4 Snow Maiden

Everyone who hears us, who knows us,

We congratulate you on the New Year!

Snow Maiden.

We wish you happiness and good luck!

Good health in addition!

Father Frost

Holidays joyful, cheerful!

But, mind you, don't forget about school.

1Snow Maiden

Study for "4", "5".

2Snow Maiden

Help mom around the house.


We wish that every home

He was rich in peace and warmth!

Happy new year guys

Happy New Year, dear guests!

Happy New Year, have a good time!


Happy New Year!

Song 5th grade. “What kind of holiday is this, full of different songs ...”

Meeting the Year of the Dog with family or close friends, you can arrange an unusual party by inviting guests to visit the "dog's skin". To do this, in the design of the holiday and the script, it is enough to make accents on the declared topic. For example, at the entrance, everyone is given a headband with the image of a dog or with foam ears, cards with the names of those invited in the form of bones are placed on the table, and for entertainment, contests and games are taken related to the symbol of the year, the Dog. We offer one of the options - scenario of the New Year's holiday-2018 "Dog fun", the ideas of which can be taken as a basis for organizing such a party.

Tips and Ideas for Organizing a Dog Fun Party

1. Hide paper bones throughout the room. Periodically announce for a minute throughout the search for food until they are found. s all stocks. The prize is given to the one who found the most bones.

2. Determine the excellent student of training, from time to time whistling the whistle, after which it is necessary to take a certain, pre-announced pose. The most attentive gets a medal. Whoever has more of them at the end of the holiday is an excellent worker in training.

3. Invite guests to divide into groups for speed: “smooth-haired” stand to the right of the host (in clothes made of smooth fabric), on the left - "hairy" (in knitted clothes, with fringe, etc.).

4. Lay out on the floor (in a straight line, in a circle, in a zigzag) cardboard traces with numbers of three colors from 1 to 11 inscriptions down. Three "hounds" choose the color of the trail that each will follow. Task: moving on your haunches and turning over the tracks (if not yours, put them in place), collect your own as quickly as possible.

5. Players approach the obstacle lying on the floor from different sides. Holding a man's handkerchief in their teeth, without the help of hands they pull the enemy to their side.

6. Determine among those present the most "tailed" (all kinds of pendants on clothes, a tail of hair, dangling earrings, etc. are considered).

7. Invite guests to eat corn sticks without touching the bowl with their hands.

8. Ask those present, taking a brush in their mouth, without the help of hands to write “woof” on a piece of paper with gouache.

9. There are 3 prizes in boxes on the table, guests are a meter away from the table. The facilitator reads the text. As soon as he says the word "woof", the players must take the prize. The inattentive get out of the fight. Text: “The puppy woke up when it was already dawn. "How nicely I slept," he thought, and yawned loudly. Deciding to take a walk before breakfast, the puppy pushed open the door with his paw. A cold frosty wind burned his nose. The puppy recoiled in surprise and loudly ... sneezed. Thinking about going for a walk, he decided to refresh himself. He was already pretty tired of his food, so the puppy ate the cat's breakfast with pleasure, which he really liked. Licking his lips, he lifted his muzzle. In front of him stood the cat whose breakfast he had just eaten. The puppy said ... "thank you" and with the usual "woof" rushed after the cat.

10. Give paper bones to the winners of the competitions. At the end of the evening, the owner of the a large number bones, give a soft toy - a dog.

11. Before twelve o'clock, put on socks of the same color on your feet and on your hands. For each blow of the chimes with the cry of "Woof!" stretch the "paws" forward.

12. Leaving, each guest will find in his pocket wish card.

I wish that henceforth and more
You did not know the dog's lot.
I want you to run
On the trail of happiness and success.
I wish you everywhere and always
Playfully do big things.
May it always be on your bones
Both meat and caviar lie.
In any case, I want to know in advance:
"The dog is buried where", what awaits you.
Let your voice be heard everywhere
Decisive will be your reward.
"Having eaten the dog" in worldly ups and downs,
Know, finally, the joys of the world.
Whatever happens, whatever happens -
Keep your nose downwind and your tail against.
Fortune's favorite, my dear friend,
You smell for good luck do not lose yours.
Let it be every day like:
Hair on end, tail up and full mouth.

(Download masks and headbands for creating images of dogs below:)

Father Frost ,
Dog ,

Props: gifts for participation in competitions, "snowballs" (paper balls), bags, a ball.

Parents take their places, the music stops, the Storyteller appears, in whose hands is a small chest.

Time of magic, miracles and good fairy tales. Hello my dears, I have prepared one for you. amazing story which has been waiting in the wings for many years. Please, sit back, drop everything negative thoughts while I'm getting ready (digs in the chest for a few seconds and pulls out a scroll) .

In our hall there are not enough main listeners, for whom we actually write our magical stories. (doors open and children enter, taking their seats).

In a distant country, many years ago, there lived a girl who terribly did not like the New Year. But, one day everything changed, because it is not for nothing that miracles come to life at this time of the year.

(Zlyuchka appears)

What a nightmare! All these toys, gifts, garlands, sweets, costumes! How does this make me angry! How can I not love this! That would take and cancel this New Year! Who needs him anyway?

(Children respond in unison)

Why? Why do you need this holiday?

Child 1:
We receive gifts
We are waiting for Santa Claus
We sing sonorous songs,
And we spread smiles!

Child 2:
We decorate the Christmas tree at home,
And congratulations to each other
And we chew sweets
We all have fun!

Child 3:
And also, we are round dances,
Together we drive everything in the garden,
And we play and we laugh
I love this holiday!

Child 4:
We also learn poems
And we put on costumes
Waiting for fireworks and crackers
We love this holiday!

Child 5:
And beautiful toys
And garlands and little animals,
The fires are burning, burning
The bells are ringing!

And what? You can hang garlands every day, just think!

(Bells ring, the door swings open, Santa Claus appears with a Dog)

Father Frost :
What is it, what happened?
Not enough magic?
How could this happen?
Where is the faith in miracles?

Lost a long time ago!

Father Frost :
Not good things
Also, baby, you can’t
New Year, special holiday,
It's time to celebrate it!

Think, sit
Write down all your wishes
And we with this kids,
Let's drive away all sadness!

Also, my new friend
Everyone knows him around
Will help with this
Return faith in miracles!

Dog :
I am the symbol of the coming year
And here I am at the threshold
I'll fix my fur coat and my ears,
And I will fill your days with happiness!

Father Frost :
Guys, are you ready for the New Year?

(Children respond in unison)

Dog :
I'm so perky
And I love to play, I love
And today with you children,
I want to play, I want to!

Game "Catch the snow".
3-4 children are selected. Everyone gets a packet. The host throws "snowballs". The task is to catch as many "snowballs" as possible. The winner will receive a symbolic prize.
Props: "snowballs" (paper balls), bags.

Father Frost :
It's definitely going to be a fun year.
All sorrows will go away
There will be joy, sweets,
Miracles are waiting for you!

Dog :
I will protect you
Protect from adversity
I will help you
And spread smiles!

Father Frost :
I know, I know that kids
Prepared a surprise
And today our Zlyuchka,
They will have fun!

Dog (referring to Angry):
How are you? Improved?

I'm like a cloud
And in the soul everything is that thorn,
I don't want a holiday
I don't like New Years!

Father Frost :
What offended you?
Why isn't it fun?
Why are you so angry?
You need to have fun!
Tell me why
Maybe I can help!

Yes, I have never received a normal gift in my life! Why should I love this holiday?

Father Frost :
Or maybe you misbehaved?

Who is bad? Am I bad? Yes, I'm just a golden child! I'm out, last year I stole tangerines, and the year before last, in general, a Christmas tree!

Dog :
I would bite you! Okay, tangerines, but a whole tree!

Father Frost :
And now the guys will tell us how to behave in order to get on my list of good children!

Riddles about good deeds and politeness (you can use others, for example,):

1. I am for good deeds
What do I always say?
(Thank you)

2. I'll take the paper
Where will I take her?
(Into the urn)

3. For candy, for a toy,
And for the sweet cheesecake
I will say a good word
(Thank you)

4. I'll start the day with a smile
What will I tell everyone?

5. When I leave
I will say a word
I'll say goodbye to everyone,
I'll try to be polite!

6. Elders must be respected
Seniors need...
(To help)

7. I won't be disobedient
And I won't be rude
And before eating
Hands with soap will ...

Never done anything like it!

Father Frost :
But in vain, I give gifts to obedient children and then help them all year round.

Dog :
Like the next symbol of the year. You know, you need to be kinder, more careful, more polite.

It's all boring!

Dog :
You think about your behavior for now, and I'll play with the guys!

Yes, think!

Competition "What is the New Year?"
The presenter takes the ball and, asking this question, throws it to the child, the one with the answer returns the ball.
Props: ball.

Father Frost :
And to finally convince you, the guys have prepared something else!

(Children's number. Children can read, sing New Year's songs, or dance a dance)

Tell me, are there dances on New Year's Eve?

Dog :
Of course, such, for example!

(Starts to dance, and the kids have to repeat)

And tell me, do they give sweets?

Dog :
Of course they do! Do you know what kind of sugar bones are waiting for me in the kennel?

What do you need to do to receive a gift?

Father Frost :
Change! Stop dirtying, stealing Christmas trees, being sarcastic, being rude, spoiling things.

And you can, I'll do it all next year, and this year I will receive a gift. Take my word for it! Simply, after all these poems and such a warm atmosphere, I wanted to celebrate the New Year, as expected, with a Christmas tree, tangerines, gifts, crackers. Please believe!

Father Frost (referring to children):
Will we believe?

(Children answer)

Do you need to lead a round dance?

Dog :

(Music sounds, and the children dance)

Father Frost :
Zlyuchka-thorn, but do you want a real New Year's miracle?


Father Frost :
Then, on the count of three, Christmas tree, burn!

(Christmas lights on the Christmas tree are lit)

Dog :
What a beauty!

(Story teller appears)

So, one girl was restored to faith in magic and miracles. New Year should be loved only for the fact that the whole city and the whole country is filled with the warmth of multi-colored lights, the aroma of tangerines and goodness. Our fairy tale has come to an end, and in conclusion, I would like to wish you all the best, bright, joyful! Be happy and don't be sad!

Dog :
Oh Grandpa, haven't we forgotten anything?

Father Frost :
Gifts in my bag
I'll give them to the kids
And much, much joy
Now I will give them!

And I won't offend Zlyuchka,
After all, I am very kind,
I give gifts to everyone
Hold them guys!

(Gives Christmas gifts)

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