
How to take a full length selfie. Tips for girls how to take a beautiful selfie

26.12.2016 22:31:23

In one of the articles, we looked at how to set up the Internet on a Fly phone.

Today, selfies are the most common photo genre. Open the user's page on the social network, in the same Instagram. 8 out of 10 photos, for sure, will be taken in the selfie genre. It is believed that the selfie genre is the easiest of all. It would seem that there is nothing complicated here: he stretched out his hand, focused, took a picture. But even here there are many pitfalls, due to which a huge number of initially successful shots are hopelessly ruined. Let's try to figure out how to take a selfie so as not to disappoint yourself and others.

Selfie (from the English selfie, self, himself) is, in fact, a self-portrait taken using a smartphone or camera. The selfie genre began to gain popularity in the 2000s, when Cell phones and smartphones began to be equipped with good cameras. This word first appeared in 2002 in Australia on the ABC Online Internet forum. The first self-portraits began to be made at the beginning of the 20th century, when Kodak released the Kodak Brownie portable camera. So for more than 100 years, selfies have been taken by everyone, regardless of gender, age or social status. In 2013, it became so common that it was included in the Oxford English Dictionary Online.

Selfies can be divided into several types:

Wifi - the most touching photo with friends.
Selfie is a selfie with a loved one.
Grufi - group photo. You can do it with a special selfie stick.
Beefy - selfie in a bathing suit.
Belfi - photo taken from the back. As a rule, girls do it to show an expressive figure.
Liftoluk - a photo taken in the mirror of the elevator.
Hot dog selfie - a shot of tanned legs.
Extreme selfie - photography in an extreme situation.

Selfie Basic Rules

Just reaching out and taking a picture is not enough for a good selfie. Several important conditions must be met:

Choose a good camera. More often than not, selfies are taken using the front camera, which, as a rule, has a lower resolution than the rear one. If the front camera does not have enough megapixels, but it is possible to take a gorgeous shot, it is better to turn the phone around and take a picture using the main camera. Taking selfies is better in good lighting. In the twilight or twilight of the room, the front camera may not pull out the frame and the picture will turn out to be “noisy” and blurry. Avoid using wide angle lenses. Pictures taken in this way are stretched and distorted.

Correct angle. The ideal angle for a selfie is when the camera is slightly above eye level, while the head is slightly tilted. If a selfie is taken in full height, it is better to stand slightly sideways. This is especially important for girls who like to photograph a chiseled figure. Don't lower the camera too low if you don't want your face blurred, double chin and giant nostrils. It is not recommended to take a strictly full-face selfie - the image is too flat and inexpressive. Do not fill up the horizon too much, so that there is no feeling of a falling frame.

With the correct angle, respectively, the correct posture is also associated. The number of selfie poses is almost limitless. You need to start from what you want to emphasize or, conversely, hide in the picture.

Watch out for lighting. Competent photographers are advised to choose daylight diffused light for pictures, do not stand in front of the sun, and use fluorescent lamps in the room. You need to make sure that there are not too many bright light sources in the frame.

Correct background. Even with a good camera and the right posture, you can screw up a selfie if you don't think about the right background. When taking a selfie at home, pay attention that the mess in the apartment, unwashed dishes in the kitchen or dull wallpaper did not get into the frame. When taking a photo on the street, make sure that passers-by do not get into the frame, which can draw the attention of the viewer. Of course, the ideal background for a selfie is natural. A photo taken against the background of mountains or a waterfall is difficult to spoil even if you are completely “unskilled” in terms of photography.

Mimic. The best facial expression for a selfie is a sincere smile, which is able to collect a "harvest" of likes in social networks. Do not be afraid to experiment, show your acting talent. Try to portray sadness, fear, disappointment - the main thing is that the facial expression is natural. Falsity in the photo will not be forgiven.

Pets. A pet in the frame, in any case, will provide a great selfie. Animals do not need to "play" for the camera, they are already as natural as possible. It remains only to slightly play along for a greater effect of "prettyness".

Auxiliary devices. To get as much detail as possible into the frame, for example, when taking a selfie with friends, or against the background of attractions, it is better to use a special selfie stick - a monopod. Which monopod to choose for a selfie, as well as about special applications for selfie sticks, read our article. Since the smartphone is fixed, the photo comes out clearer than the one taken at arm's length. You can add flair to your selfie with filters, such as black and white or sepia for an old photo effect.

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How to take the right selfie for girls

Remember to tilt your head slightly. Don't lean too low to make it look like your neck is twisted. Selfie poses are best chosen to emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes and the outlines of the figure. For example, turn around 30 degrees. The chest can be slightly raised, just make sure that it does not look vulgar and vulgar. Watch the lighting so that it does not turn out that one part of the body in the photo is well lit, while the other is in the shadow. Don't go overboard with makeup. It is better to lightly tint the eyelashes and apply a light lip gloss. By the way, do not abuse with false eyelashes. Please note that thick shadows and sloppy eyebrows can also easily spoil the picture.

Here is an example of good shots:

And here's what you don't have to do:

How to take the right selfie for guys

Men, unlike girls, rarely bother to take selfies correctly. Guys better not try to take frilly poses. Winning selfies from guys are obtained in an embrace with animals, celebrities, in nightclubs.

Pumped up powerful biceps in the gym? Take a selfie in the mirror, and the influx of likes and new subscribers is guaranteed.

If you don’t have special muscles, you shouldn’t portray it. The spectacle will be miserable:

Extreme sports enthusiasts should bring a monopod and GoPro camera. Nothing grabs attention like a photo taken while skydiving several kilometers high, underwater or above water, in an amusement park on a roller coaster, over a seething river or a waterfall. Don't overdo it - extreme selfies are life-threatening.

The main rule for a good selfie is your sincerity. This applies to both boys and girls. The more natural you look in the frame, the more viewers will appreciate the picture. Forget duck lips. Not only is this an unnatural grimace, but he has not been in trend for a long time. Don't be afraid to try different angles, choose backgrounds, and invite your best friends into the frame.

If you are interested, you can read the article where we reviewed the main

Selfie. This word has become part of our daily vocabulary over the years. It is now even in the dictionary. In 2013, the Oxford Dictionary named selfie the word of the year.

What is a selfie from a technical point of view? Usually under this word in modern world we understand a photograph of a person taken by the same person using a smartphone. In other words, at the same moment, the photographer is also the subject of the picture.

Most people take a picture of their face and then upload it to their social media page. There is nothing wrong with this, if everything is done with taste. To do this, we have prepared for you 15 creative ideas for a selfie.

Before you start implementing the ideas from this list, get yourself a quality selfie stick, which today costs from 200 to 1000 rubles, and your selfies will look much better. Selfie sticks, or as they are also called, monopods, make your photos look more natural and you can create more interesting photos myself.

So let's get down to the ideas.

#1 You and your pet

Of course, many often post photos of cute pets (not always) animals. But why don't you take it up a notch? Place your dog or cat in front of you so that the face of the animal covers part of your face. Try to capture the moment when you look like you are part human and part animal.

#2 Selfie in selfie

Take a selfie while your friends or family members are also taking a selfie with their smartphone camera.

#3 Add accessories

The next time you're heading out for a selfie shoot, grab an accessory like a cool hat or aviator sunglasses. Alternatively, put on some bracelets, a new watch, or your favorite fitness band. Tie a scarf around your neck or wear a beautiful necklace.

#4 Create mystery

Create a sense of mystery by covering part of your face or one of your eyes.

#5 Tell your own story

Instead of just snapping your face to the camera, sit down and think about what you're passionate about and how you can capture it through photography. One way to do this is to include a few subjects in the frame that tell about you. Share a hobby you love - whether it's basketball, ballet, karate or painting.

#6 Share your shoes

Of course, not in the literal sense. Thank God, nowadays everyone has several pairs of their own shoes. It's just that today selfies of their stylish boots have become quite a popular trend.

It's nice to aim the camera straight down while grabbing the shoes. But why not get creative and take a photo of your feet along with some word that is posted next to it?

You can also write a message with chalk on the pavement or with your finger on the sand of a midday beach.

#7 Focus on the floor

If you're going to photograph your shoes, first find a really cool rug or tile floor to serve as a backdrop. Hotels and historic buildings are known for their unique flooring. Look for a floor that isn't too bright to detract from your shoes, yet interesting enough to grab your subscriber's attention.

#8 Highlight your assets

In this photo, the girl took a selfie of only the right side of her face, which creates a certain mystique that we talked about in point #4. But she also draws the user's attention to her beautiful blue eyes by wearing a blue hat. The neutral color of the background with its amazing texture also emphasizes this advantage.

#9 Turn on bright colors

Color grabs people's attention, so use bright colors to help your next selfie stand out. When we talk about bright colors, flowers, summer clothes, brightly colored walls, fruits in the market and, of course, come to mind. Balloons.

#10 Mirror on the wall or car

Film yourself in front of a mirror at home or in your car.

You will get a double selfie or a simultaneous selfie from different angles, which is also unusual.

It is important to remember that while driving it is better to forget about the phone altogether. Also, before taking a picture, check the cleanliness of the mirror and the absence of unwanted objects in the background.

#11 Use reflections

There are also many surfaces that can give you an interesting reflection. You can use the shower head, cover wrist watch or sunglasses.

#12 Zoom in on details

Zoom in and shoot small parts: your eyelashes, new tattoo or engagement ring. For macro photography, you can use special lenses for your smartphone, which can be found in any store.

#13 Show off your fingers

Have you just painted your nails or do you have beautiful male fingers? Show your fingers to your friends on social networks.

#14 Take off your shadow

Shadow shots are best when the sun is directly behind you. Try to find a surface that will clearly show your shadow. Cement works well for these purposes, but if you want to be more creative, try another location, such as a lake or sandy beach.

#15 Goof off in front of the camera

Find a funny mask or fancy wig. Wear trendy sunglasses. Stick out your tongue. Make a stupid face. If you are at a wedding and participating in a group photo, then after professional camera take a picture, pull out your smartphone, make a funny face and take a photo of yourself against the background of others.

As you can see, there are a lot of ideas for selfies and it depends on you how unusual and interesting your pictures will look. If you have others creative ideas for selfies, share them in the comments.

Technology does not stand still and, finally, there is an opportunity to freely engage in such an exciting business for anyone. What are we photographing? Yes all! Including ourselves, especially after the emergence of the Instagram network. For those who are not familiar with the main principles, we dedicate this review! We will tell you how to take cool pictures, for example, on avu. The main thing is that we will tell you in detail and give advice on how to take selfies for girls (lessons, description).

How to take a selfie correctly and beautifully with your own hands

It is not always possible to ask the master to make a photo session for you, and is it necessary? The main thing is to have at hand, let's say, a smartphone or a camera, ideally with a good resolution, so it's better to use an android. The most successful in this regard are the iPhone, Zenphone and Samsung Galaxy. For camera the best option Gopro. And it will be absolutely great if you have a selfie stick.

However, sometimes you can do without it. Some manage to hold the phone or camera with the help of improvised means, for example, with a wooden mop. By the way, many people take selfies using a laptop, tablet (take a screenshot on a computer), etc. The company does not really matter, Asus, Lenovo and everything that is at hand will do.

The right to be called the pioneers of the invention of the monopod (selfie stick) belongs to the Koreans, who appreciated the idea in time, adding a little convenience in the form of a button to the original version. This method allows you to take photos from a distance.

Basic rules for girls

There are two essential ingredients for a good photo:

good camera- in most cases, frontal is used, i.e. front (again, if we are talking about phone). This is very convenient in all respects, for example, it allows you to immediately see future snapshot and evaluate (albeit approximately) its quality. Its only drawback is that most often it has a worse resolution, unlike the main one, which produces high-quality pictures;

the right background- you must have seen the perfect shots that you nullified the background(a naked man in a mirror, for example, or some kind of ugly person), so we recommend that you exclude strangers from getting into the picture if possible. Please note that if the photo is taken against the background of some sight, it is important that it stands out well against the background, but does not overshadow the poseur, also make sure that the picture is not covered by the palm of your hand.

Successful selfie at home - the best poses

And now the most important thing - poses for a beautiful picture. You have probably noticed that there are both successful shots and vice versa. The whole secret is in the right pose, and if the picture is taken in a company (regardless of the number of people), you should take care of each character. We will reveal some secrets. The instruction is:

1. good angle. For an inexperienced photographer, this can be a difficult test. But we'll fix it. Learn to "feel" the lens. Take pictures of yourself from different angles and, as they say, feel the difference. Experiment with head tilts, choose the most advantageous option. You can also practice in front of a mirror.

2. The camera feels false, so try to be sincere: a smile, laughter, joy, delight or grief - everything should be extremely natural, otherwise the most basic thing will go away - naturalness.

3. Makeup or disguise. We recommend using small tricks that will add zest to the image. These can be illuminating bases, meteorites, shimmers, illuminators, etc. If a disease prevents you from creating a cool picture (puffiness appeared in the morning, for example), mask it with sunglasses and you will definitely get normal shots.

4. Use celebrities. It's no secret that the coolest pictures with the participation of stars. This will add charm and immediately raise the rating, especially if among them there are such as Brian Spielberg, Casey, Cage, or actors from the movie "San Andreas", fashion model Kim Kardashian, etc. It's not bad if Russian stars / supermodels get into the lens, for example , participants of "Comedy Vumen".

5. Take pictures with animals. Animals (no matter what) are always cute, and studies have shown that such photos are liked by the vast majority of people. These ideas are very common in advertising business, you can use it too.

6. Use your imagination and sense of humor. Yes, do not be surprised, this is a great move. This way you will attract more viewers to your Instagram account or other network. Take pictures in front of the background computer games, for example, GTA, MTA, RP, Draenor or Minecraft (for boys) or pictures where you can depict yourself on paper, for example, on a tank or on a rover. Add jokes, for example, draw pictures of a doll or fold your lips into a bank (for girls), in a word, do not be afraid to fantasize and do not be shy. For girls, photos with a friend are suitable, for example, in the dark under an umbrella and with flowers. In a word, look for interesting and unusual options.

7. Add extreme but make sure it's safe. Now it is considered mainstream (fashion trend) fatality shots - riding on the roof of a train or on the hood of a car. Take a few shots, capture a cool moment of euphoria in stages. You can make a panoramic video and put it on YouTube for watching online. However, these options are more suitable for boys and boys a little older.


Love taking pictures? Join the fashion trend of photography - self-maid: original shots - for those who like to have fun; beautiful photos in unusual places - for fans of tourism; pictures that take your breath away - for extreme people. Well, and on the little things - cute poses with pets, in front of a mirror, with friends, girlfriends. To make a gorgeous selfie, capturing "outstanding" events, your own imagination, courage, acting skills and ... our article will help.

A selection of the best selfie poses for girls

Selfie photography is a wildly popular pastime. Millions of photos of yourself beloved / beloved, taken independently using smartphones, tablets, are posted in, stored on the hard drives of their owners' computers, in the memory of gadgets. Most of the fair sex love to be photographed. Selfie provides an opportunity to take shots that will appeal to every girl. What poses to take to show yourself in all its glory?

  1. Quality lighting. The ideal would be daylight diffused light, which hides sharp corners, shadows. Cold light lamps will help to make cool shots. On the street, choose such poses and selfie angles so that the sun illuminates your face without falling directly into your eyes.
  2. . Taking a winning pose, focus on the eyes and lips: well-applied black eyeliner, mascara will visually enlarge the eyes, bright lipstick will give the lips plumpness. Highlighter is another indispensable item with which you can emphasize the contour of the face, highlight the graceful line of the cheekbones with a darker shade.
  3. Natural posture. Whom would the unknown Norma Jeane Baker become if she had not practiced seductive poses in front of the mirror for a whole year. The result is obvious - for more than half a century, photos of the magnificent Marilyn Monroe have been an unattainable ideal for most women. Naturalness, sincerity of emotions, laid-back - the key to the success of your selfie.
  4. Beautiful background. The same type of photos of young beauties: “a la lips with a bow” in front of a mirror have become a byword. Do you want your selfie to be unusual, exciting? Choose an original shooting location that will serve as an interesting backdrop for the photo. The pose, when the smartphone, tablet is raised above the head, creates a picture rich in composition with a beautiful background, an interesting plot.
  5. Good angle. The camera, located above eye level, visually enlarges them, lengthens the figure and hides extra centimeters of volume.

Stars of world cinema, politicians did not ignore this fashionable trend. The photo of Hollywood celestials at the Oscars 2014 won the top positions in a short time. Successful poses, beautiful make-up of actresses, smiles of actors, the right moment - and the picture collected millions of votes in social networks in a couple of weeks. Treat selfies as a pleasant pastime, and fashionable cool photos will collect no less likes from girlfriends and friends.

Selfie photoshoot at home by the mirror

Own pictures at the mirror allow the girl to appear in a favorable light not only in front of her friends, but, which is much more difficult, to please herself. In daylight, try to have the lighting from the front and not from behind you. Indeed, with the latest version, the flash power of the front camera of a smartphone or tablet will not be enough and the face will turn out in the shade.

Also watch the video about the best selfie poses.

When taking a selfie at the mirror, turn sideways with it by 35–40⁰. Practice in advance: find poses that emphasize the dignity of the figure and beautiful facial features. To make the skin of the face look matte and wrinkles become invisible, directed cold light with a flash is the ideal solution. What poses will help you take a good selfie in front of the mirror:

  • Half turn to the mirror;
  • With a slight tilt of the head;
  • Full-length portrait rotated 30⁰ left or right;
  • Leaning on some object or putting your foot on a slight elevation.

Interested in taking not static shots, but a lively, emotional selfie with incredible poses? The naturalness of movements, a sincere desire to have fun will give hand-made pictures a lively brilliance. Don't want to repeat the mistakes of bad selfies? Give up frilly tense poses, vulgar accessories. If the hand enters the frame in the foreground, change the position - in this case, the proportions of the figure are violated.

Cuddling with pets

Photos with animals are such “cutes”: touching, sometimes funny. Pets in any position are excellent, so the main concern of the girls for this kind of selfie is themselves. Gentle hugs with your favorite cats will emphasize your tenderness, love for your pet. Funny selfies with dogs will cheer you up, and pictures with exotic pandas, koalas, camels will remind you of a wonderful vacation in. Whatever poses you take, do not forget about the naturalness, naturalness of the image.

Selfie in the car

Interesting self-made pictures of motorists refute the opinion that a girl and a car are incompatible. Black sunglasses, bright lipstick - and, voila, in front of you is a gorgeous selfie of a fatal beauty. Winning poses will be when the camera is to the left of the model. Admiration is worthy of young mothers who manage to do everything in the world: take a selfie with a baby in a child seat in the back seat; without violating traffic rules, drive a car; chat with friends sitting next to you.

follow me style

Do you love to travel the world? Tell the whole world about unusual places, ancient cultural monuments, cool events - not only with the help of words, but using visual images. The “follow me” style involves the monotony of a selfie pose – a rear view and an endless number of background options – gorgeous waterfalls on the Iguazu River, ancient ruins of the Roman Colosseum, museums rich in artifacts, and even endless expanses of the sky.

Cool selfie poses for guys

How to distinguish young people in a selfie? Sports hobbies, extreme sports, rest in a nightclub, pictures with celebrities - will not leave any girl indifferent. Original poses in an embrace with a shark or in the cockpit will emphasize courage, determination young man. Do not forget about the relevance of selfies - serious events, tragic events - will certainly arouse general interest, only with a negative attitude.

Selfie in the gym during a workout

Are you proud of your success in the gym? Take a self-made photo that shows your inflated cubes. Take the pose of a real athlete, swinging dumbbells - the girls will gasp when they see your biceps. But do not get carried away with narcissism in the mirror - you are not a young lady. Yes, and increased workload, exhausting workouts leave not so many opportunities for selfie: doing exercises requires both hands free from the smartphone.

In the night club

Meeting up with friends at the disco is great fun. To leave a memory of a cool session in the best nightclub in the city will help "club selfie". Relaxed poses, cheerful smiles, good mood will become ideal components of a bright hand-made photo. Love to dance? Selfies of your own dance steps or "show performances" of friends will replenish your collection of self photo frames.

extreme selfie with gopro

Shooting so-called "selfies" was invented many years ago. However, this style gained popularity only with the development of smartphones. At first, many people did not understand why such devices needed a front camera - video communication then cost a lot of money. Only later did smartphone owners realize that with a small lens above the screen, you can take pictures of yourself. Our tips will help you, if not reach a new level, then at least impress your friends and girlfriends. You will quickly realize that you can take a cool selfie without much difficulty.

There are several rules for the perfect selfie. Finding natural light is one of them. Even professional photographers with multi-thousand-dollar gear prefer to shoot outdoors, as natural light is no substitute. In nature, you will be lit evenly, the contrast of the picture will be perfect.

However, be careful! If the sun is shining outside, then glare may appear. It will be better if the luminary is to your right or left. In no case should the sun be behind you - then even the regime will not save you.

Check out artificial lighting

Of course, I want to take pictures not only on the street, but also indoors. In the case of artificial lighting, you need to spend at least a couple of minutes preparing for shooting. Get a little closer to the light source and see how it affects your skin tone. If you don't like the result, then switch to another light source.

Most importantly, stand facing the lamp. Otherwise, your face will plunge into darkness, the smartphone may not be able to cope with its highlighting. You can also position yourself to the right or left of the light source - this will make the picture more daring. You can further enhance the effect by slightly tilting the device. Frames like this are perfect for avu. But do not overdo it, a person should not tilt his head to one side to view the picture, almost breaking his neck.

You can tilt not only the smartphone

When shooting a selfie, you have to rely on the device itself and on the head - the rest of the body in the frame is usually not visible. But this does not mean that in every frame it is necessary to fool around, making faces. No, you can achieve variety simply by slightly tilting your head to the left or right. Rotate it more and more until you get the perfect angle.

Don't hold your smartphone above head level unless it's a group photo. And it’s not at all necessary to look into the lens - try to glance somewhere to the side. All this allows you to get very interesting shots, sometimes even mysterious.

Don't twist your lips

At one time it was very popular when taking a selfie to squeeze your lips and literally turn them out. In the people, this facial expression was called "duckface". For some reason, the girls themselves liked these photos. But now even they understand that such facial expressions are far from normal. A normal smile looks much better.

If you can't smile in front of the camera, then remember some funny moment in your life. As a result, if you do not laugh, then you will definitely smile.

Move the camera away from your face

If you want to take a great selfie, then you need to figure out how to fit more space into the frame. To do this, you can get a smartphone with a wide-angle camera. But if your budget does not allow you to do this, or you are just already attached to your device, then get yourself monopod. With it, you can move the smartphone away from your face by about one and a half meters. As a result, the picture will become more understandable - a person will be able to see the background and determine exactly where you are. This will make you stand out from the background. huge amount monotonous selfies.

In a separate article, we wrote how to use a selfie stick. There is nothing difficult in this. Of course, it is absolutely not necessary to take a monopod with you absolutely everywhere. Practice shows that good pictures are obtained without it. A selfie stick will come in handy somewhere on vacation when you want to get perfect photos.

Note: Using a monopod, you can take a picture of yourself on the main camera. And it shoots most often much better than the front.

Use an alternative to the shutter button

If you don't have a monopod, you'll most often shoot with your phone by pressing the virtual shutter button. By doing so, you are causing some shaking, which can make the photo look blurry. Most often this happens under artificial lighting, when the shutter speed increases up to 1/15 second. It is correct to shoot in such conditions using alternative buttons. In particular, you can press one of the volume buttons. On some smartphones, you can press the power key - this will also take a picture.

There are other alternatives as well. You can purchase Bluetooth button, which will allow you to remotely press the shutter button. Some devices allow you to give a voice command. For example, Samsung smartphones perceive the word "take a picture". There are also special selfie apps, which almost automatically capture the frame when your face is in the right place. And sometimes the standard Camera applications also receive similar functionality - this applies not only to South Korean products, but also Chinese smartphones .

Adjust white balance and exposure

Digital cameras are very bad with light and colors. Artificial lighting can cause certain problems. Also, the smartphone experiences some difficulties at dusk, if there is a large amount of snow around. If you notice that your skin has an unnatural color, then try changing the white balance. Now any smartphone can do this.

As for exposure, this word refers to how light or dark a picture is. This setting can also be adjusted. And many people do not know this, trying to shoot at full auto.

Edit your pictures

Do not think that experienced photographers get a masterpiece immediately after pressing the shutter button. No, they edit their photos in various photo editors. Here you can also process your selfies in third-party applications. To do this, you do not need to turn on the computer, now many similar programs exist on operating system Android. You can verify this by reading the article. "The best graphic editors". With the help of such applications, you can turn an ordinary selfie into a very unusual picture that will definitely catch the eye of a person scrolling through Instagram.

Apply filters

Many of the photographs are good on their own. A selfie can highlight a well-applied filter. In particular, this should help those who are thinking about how to take a beautiful selfie with a budget smartphone. The simplest cameras shoot with different artifacts, they are not able to produce a clear picture. The filter can hide technical flaws.

Now many pre-installed programs have the function of applying a filter " Camera" And " Gallery". There are also filters in Instagram and many other clients social networks. Do not do without them in photo editors.


This concludes our list of tips. The most important rule when shooting a selfie is to fantasize more. Believe me, no one will appreciate your picture, most of which is occupied by the face. Try to come up with something new - go somewhere, take a picture against the backdrop of a landmark, do something unusual ... Surprise the viewer! And try not to abuse the front camera - you don't need to take a selfie every day in in large numbers. This only diminishes their value.

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