
The new times magazine The new magazine - "new time", the old team - the "old" weekly "correspondent"

Investigators of the Moscow police department on Wednesday seized documents in The New Times magazine in the center of Moscow as part of a criminal case on libel in the article "Slaves of OMON", police colonel Viktor Biryukov, head of the information and public relations department of the Moscow police department, told RIA Novosti.

According to one version, he was no longer satisfied with the format of the magazine, which gravitates towards human rights rhetoric and sharp criticism of the authorities, and the actual division of power in the publication with the editor of the political department, Yevgenia Albats.

Until January 2009, the editor-in-chief of the journal was occupied by the owner of the journal, Irena Lesnevskaya.

Earlier, the head of the Moscow police department, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, called "slanderous" reports of violations in the capital's riot police, noting that he filed a lawsuit in court for the protection of honor and dignity and compensation moral damage OMON officers, which were discussed in the publication.

On April 14, the head of the information and public relations department of the Moscow police department, police colonel Viktor Biryukov, said that investigators from the Moscow police department were seizing documents in The New Times magazine in central Moscow as part of a criminal case for libel in the article "Slaves of OMON".

According to Ilya Barabanov, deputy editor-in-chief of The New Times, the seizure of documents in the editorial office is carried out on the basis of a decision of the Tverskoy District Court.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources




Evgeny Yukechev


Ksenia Plotnikova

Maya Shelkovnikova

the same-non-del-ny work of re-dak-tion of the zhur-na-la The New Times is able to do it in 64-s, pre-im-im-s-sven-but in two- ko-lon-ni-ke, active-but with-right-len-nom red-us-mi ak-cen-ta-mi vre-call, lead-dov and qi-tat. Many ma-te-ri-a-ly do not dis-la-ga-yut to run-lo-th reading, requiring from chi-ta-te-la to me-re-niya , and behind that, and efforts to get into the text. His-about-different greetings pe-re-da-yut chi-ta-te-lu at the end of no-me-dov Brodsky, you-social cue, Ga-lich, Gre-ben -shchi-kov, Letov and others, whose verses and voices merge into the anthem of the civil and human-lo-ve-che-sko- go du ha. How should you-wife-do-you-look-to-make a society-but-whether-ti-che-journal, in what way you-build-it-in-ro-you , what role from-ve-sti-picture-ra-no-pits and, finally, some kind of in-the-na-tion should have for-go-lov-kov and texts - in-pro-sy, for some, the designer gives from-ve-you in your work.

personal sai-te

Yuri Ostro-mentz-kiy - gra-fi-che-sky di-zay-ner, di-zay-ner font, art-di-rek-tor (2004–2012) jour-na-la "Bol-shoy City". Moscow, 2013. In a fractional way - on a personal website. Fo-something - Xenia Plot-no-ko-va.

Yuri Ostro-mentz-kiy - gra-fi-che-sky di-zay-ner, di-zay-ner font, art-di-rek-tor (2004–2012) jour-na-la "Bol-shoy City". Moscow, 2013. In a fractional way - on a personal website. Fo-something - Xenia Plot-no-ko-va.

The New Times magazine is one of the not-many-healthy-th-of-the-day from-yes-actually-but whether-be-ral-no-ha -cancer-te-ra. What do you consider important for yourself, participating in his development?

For me, it was important that when I for-no-small journal-on-scrap, it completely corresponds to mu imagining about the spirit of time. Phi-lip-pom Dzyad-ko, the former re-dak-to-rum "Pain-sho-go Go-ro-da" and I, would you please about-no-vit zhur - cash I’m on-ri-co-val ma-ket, helped to put it in, and since feb-bra-la I don’t have from-no-she-tion to you-launch those-ku-shih- measures. This hour there for the chief designer Ivan Ste-pa-nenko.

The New Times and Big City are quite different magazines, just like their audiences. How would you find and, in a sense, that vi-zu-al-ny language, someone needs a new-in-mu-from-da-ny? How long did it take to re-de-sign?

By the time of the on-the-she-go with Phi-lip-pom of leaving from the "Pain-sho-go-ro-da" we would be close to the desire Xia for a b-ski-nick, and in The New Times he just lay-sting. So everything about-is-ho-di-lo is very or-ga-nothing-but and in-time. It took, say, two months to re-de-sign. The fi-zi-che-ga-ba-ri-you from-da-niya remained the same-no-mi - the work went inside-three. Before-on-mi would-la-be-le-on a simple flock for-da-cha - about-no-wind the magazine. Make it more convenient for chi-ta-te-la and for re-dak-tion and make it so that it would raz-go-va-ri-val se-go-day-nim language com. Vi-di-mo, our departure from the "Pain-sho-go Go-ro-da" coincided with the same-la-ni-em main-no-go re-dak-to-ra Ev-ge-nii Al -bang on-out in NT is exactly what Phi-lip-pom and I can do. Bo-nus - du-ho-or-ke-stras in redak-tion on holidays.

The New Times magazine, No. 42 (268) dated December 17, 2012. Photo - Maya Shel-kov-ni-ko-va.

The New Times magazine, No. 39 (265) dated November 26, 2012. Fo-to - Maya Shel-kov-ni-ko-va.

The New Times magazine, No. 38 (264) dated November 19, 2012. Fo-to - Maya Shel-kov-ni-ko-va.

The New Times magazine, No. 39 (265) dated November 19, 2012. Fo-to - Maya Shel-kov-ni-ko-va.

The New Times magazine, No. 5 (274) of February 18, 2013. Fo-to - Maya Shel-kov-ni-ko-va.

The New Times magazine, No. 39 (265) dated November 19, 2012. Fo-to - Maya Shel-kov-ni-ko-va.

An image of a jour-na-la in a strong step-pe-ni for-mi-ru-et of his acc-tsi-dent font Carmela. Na-great-shi-va-et-sya not-so-paradise ana-logia with a-go-lo-voch-th font-journal-na-la New Yorker (Irvin Type, by Rea Irvin, 1925): there is a general manner in the plastic elements and some de-ta-lyah. Is he raz-ra-bo-tan spe-qi-al-but for zhur-na-la?

I think you consider it possible to compare them because of the fact that you see them for example at the same time -men-nye roots. Both of these fonts are one way or another for-vya-for-us on the este-ti-ke mod-der-na. In my case, on the Spanish gra-fi-ke re-vo-lu-qi-on-thirties. And she has no-gi ras-here just the same from modern.

Font Carmela - ex-tra-va-gant-ny geo-met-ri-che-sky gro-tesk, from sy-la-yu-sch to este-ti-ke mod-der-na and du-hu is - pan-sky re-vo-lu-qi-on-noy gra-fi-ki of the 30s. Created in 2012 by Yuri Ostro-mentz-kim. In the co-hundred-ve font there are three sti-li-sti-che-sky se-ta: narrow cue, shi-ro cue and tra-fa-ret-ny. Public, but not for sale.

Font Carmela - ex-tra-va-gant-ny geo-met-ri-che-sky gro-tesk, from sy-la-yu-sch to este-ti-ke mod-der-na and du-hu is - pan-sky re-vo-lu-qi-on-noy gra-fi-ki of the 30s. Created in 2012 by Yuri Ostro-mentz-kim. In the co-hundred-ve font there are three sti-li-sti-che-sky se-ta: narrow cue, shi-ro cue and tra-fa-ret-ny. Public, but not for sale.

In 2011-2012, I was transferred from the Spanish pla-ka-ta from the time of the Civil War. I had a feeling that this is co-falling with the fact that it is in the air. Did I start my thoughts in the “Big City”, made a couple of fonts, and get out of it, started ri-so -vat Kar-me-lu. When I ri-co-val it, I thought that it was important not to make a sti-li-za-tion re-vo-lu-qi-on-noy gra-fi-ki, but , turning around almost a hundred years ago, passing through yourself and looking around, say something now -nah, something that I have on the tips of my fingers. Phi-lip-pom and I were called as co-man-du with already sl-alive-she-ying-on-qi-her, and we just continued -to-rit the way we know how. And what we want to say in NT has become convenient to tell Kar-me-loy. So he became the voice of The New Times. By the way, the font has two more sti-li-sti-che-se-ta, some don’t use it in zhur-na-le, but the font itself is all still on-ho-dit-sya in ra-bo-those. And on-zy-va-et-sya he is so, in a way that ...

Himnos y Canciones de la Guerra Civil Española - España 1936–1939. Coro Popular Jabalon

From what-on-chi-on-et-sya ra-bo-ta over ma-ke-tom? When-yav-la-et-sya in-no-ma-nie the main in-the-on-tion, set-pair and key fonts?

For some time, I’m che-shu-re-pu, I look at a hundred-ro-us, at the go-ri-umbrella, and then I sit down, draw on-bro- juice ma-ke-ta, in that way I consider set-ku, and everything in a magical way is almost always ideal-al-but with it co-pa-yes-et. This is, ra-zu-me-et-sya, immoral-but. Pe-re-del-ki for me - sa-my mu-chi-tel-noe, not-pleasant, complicated, and so on. Ka-zhet-sya, I’m quite-but-quick-ra-bo-melting, in-that-na-tion is-ja-la-is-sya sa-ma co-battle, just like at times -go-in-re - whether-bo at you-by-lu-cha-et-sya once-go-va-ri-vat with a person-lo-ve-com, or-bo until sv-da-nia . That's why William was chosen right away and immediately got up. On the counter with Circe and Carmela, as well as for-du-we-wa-elk.

The words of the level “im-time” and “con-cep-tion” appear later, with not-about-ho-di-mo-sti. Either the warehouse is easy and right away, or it’s necessary to do something for a long time to-pi-li-vat and to clarify, but then neither “ob-time” nor “con-cep-tion” can help.

Ar-hiv ob-lo-zhek hzhe-ne-del-ni-ka "New time" 1943–2010 - a visual-so-be-been-by-ti-pits, pro- is-ho-div-shim in the country. The journal has the property of fixing its own time (every time “new”), and the ob-lodge becomes its own ro-yes his test-fight, you-yes-vaya and ro-man-ti-che-sky teas of the 60s, and the stagnant 70s, and sa-mo- de-i-tel-ness of the 90s.

Ar-hiv ob-lo-zhek hzhe-ne-del-ni-ka "New time" 1943–2010 - a visual-so-be-been-by-ti-pits, pro- is-ho-div-shim in the country. The journal has the property of fixing its own time (every time “new”), and the ob-lodge becomes its own ro-yes his test-fight, you-yes-vaya and ro-man-ti-che-sky teas of the 60s, and the stagnant 70s, and sa-mo- de-i-tel-ness of the 90s.

Ar-hiv ob-lo-zhek hzhe-ne-del-ni-ka "New time" 1943–2010 - a visual-so-be-been-by-ti-pits, pro- is-ho-div-shim in the country. The journal has the property of fixing its own time (every time “new”), and the ob-lodge becomes its own ro-yes his test-fight, you-yes-vaya and ro-man-ti-che-sky teas of the 60s, and the stagnant 70s, and sa-mo- de-i-tel-ness of the 90s.

Ar-hiv ob-lo-zhek hzhe-ne-del-ni-ka "New time" 1943–2010 - a visual-so-be-been-by-ti-pits, pro- is-ho-div-shim in the country. The journal has the property of fixing its own time (every time “new”), and the ob-lodge becomes its own ro-yes his test-fight, you-yes-vaya and ro-man-ti-che-sky teas of the 60s, and the stagnant 70s, and sa-mo- de-i-tel-ness of the 90s.

Ar-hiv ob-lo-zhek hzhe-ne-del-ni-ka "New time" 1943–2010 - a visual-so-be-been-by-ti-pits, pro- is-ho-div-shim in the country. The journal has the property of fixing its own time (every time “new”), and the ob-lodge becomes its own ro-yes his test-fight, you-yes-vaya and ro-man-ti-che-sky teas of the 60s, and the stagnant 70s, and sa-mo- de-i-tel-ness of the 90s.

Ar-hiv ob-lo-zhek hzhe-ne-del-ni-ka "New time" 1943–2010 - a visual-so-be-been-by-ti-pits, pro- is-ho-div-shim in the country. The journal has the property of fixing its own time (every time “new”), and the ob-lodge becomes its own ro-yes his test-fight, you-yes-vaya and ro-man-ti-che-sky teas of the 60s, and the stagnant 70s, and sa-mo- de-i-tel-ness of the 90s.

Ar-hiv ob-lo-zhek hzhe-ne-del-ni-ka "New time" 1943–2010 - a visual-so-be-been-by-ti-pits, pro- is-ho-div-shim in the country. The journal has the property of fixing its own time (every time “new”), and the ob-lodge becomes its own ro-yes his test-fight, you-yes-vaya and ro-man-ti-che-sky teas of the 60s, and the stagnant 70s, and sa-mo- de-i-tel-ness of the 90s.

Ar-hiv ob-lo-zhek hzhe-ne-del-ni-ka "New time" 1943–2010 - a visual-so-be-been-by-ti-pits, pro- is-ho-div-shim in the country. The journal has the property of fixing its own time (every time “new”), and the ob-lodge becomes its own ro-yes his test-fight, you-yes-vaya and ro-man-ti-che-sky teas of the 60s, and the stagnant 70s, and sa-mo- de-i-tel-ness of the 90s.

Ar-hiv ob-lo-zhek hzhe-ne-del-ni-ka "New time" 1943–2010 - a visual-so-be-been-by-ti-pits, pro- is-ho-div-shim in the country. The journal has the property of fixing its own time (every time “new”), and the ob-lodge becomes its own ro-yes his test-fight, you-yes-vaya and ro-man-ti-che-sky teas of the 60s, and the stagnant 70s, and sa-mo- de-i-tel-ness of the 90s.

Ar-hiv ob-lo-zhek hzhe-ne-del-ni-ka "New time" 1943–2010 - a visual-so-be-been-by-ti-pits, pro- is-ho-div-shim in the country. The journal has the property of fixing its own time (every time “new”), and the ob-lodge becomes its own ro-yes his test-fight, you-yes-vaya and ro-man-ti-che-sky teas of the 60s, and the stagnant 70s, and sa-mo- de-i-tel-ness of the 90s.

Ar-hiv ob-lo-zhek hzhe-ne-del-ni-ka "New time" 1943–2010 - a visual-so-be-been-by-ti-pits, pro- is-ho-div-shim in the country. The journal has the property of fixing its own time (every time “new”), and the ob-lodge becomes its own ro-yes his test-fight, you-yes-vaya and ro-man-ti-che-sky teas of the 60s, and the stagnant 70s, and sa-mo- de-i-tel-ness of the 90s.

Ar-hiv ob-lo-zhek hzhe-ne-del-ni-ka "New time" 1943–2010 - a visual-so-be-been-by-ti-pits, pro- is-ho-div-shim in the country. The journal has the property of fixing its own time (every time “new”), and the ob-lodge becomes its own ro-yes his test-fight, you-yes-vaya and ro-man-ti-che-sky teas of the 60s, and the stagnant 70s, and sa-mo- de-i-tel-ness of the 90s.

Ar-hiv ob-lo-zhek hzhe-ne-del-ni-ka "New time" 1943–2010 - a visual-so-be-been-by-ti-pits, pro- is-ho-div-shim in the country. The journal has the property of fixing its own time (every time “new”), and the ob-lodge becomes its own ro-yes his test-fight, you-yes-vaya and ro-man-ti-che-sky teas of the 60s, and the stagnant 70s, and sa-mo- de-i-tel-ness of the 90s.

Ar-hiv ob-lo-zhek hzhe-ne-del-ni-ka "New time" 1943–2010 - a visual-so-be-been-by-ti-pits, pro- is-ho-div-shim in the country. The journal has the property of fixing its own time (every time “new”), and the ob-lodge becomes its own ro-yes his test-fight, you-yes-vaya and ro-man-ti-che-sky teas of the 60s, and the stagnant 70s, and sa-mo- de-i-tel-ness of the 90s.

Ar-hiv ob-lo-zhek hzhe-ne-del-ni-ka "New time" 1943–2010 - a visual-so-be-been-by-ti-pits, pro- is-ho-div-shim in the country. The journal has the property of fixing its own time (every time “new”), and the ob-lodge becomes its own ro-yes his test-fight, you-yes-vaya and ro-man-ti-che-sky teas of the 60s, and the stagnant 70s, and sa-mo- de-i-tel-ness of the 90s.

Ar-hiv ob-lo-zhek hzhe-ne-del-ni-ka "New time" 1943–2010 - a visual-so-be-been-by-ti-pits, pro- is-ho-div-shim in the country. The journal has the property of fixing its own time (every time “new”), and the ob-lodge becomes its own ro-yes his test-fight, you-yes-vaya and ro-man-ti-che-sky teas of the 60s, and the stagnant 70s, and sa-mo- de-i-tel-ness of the 90s.

Ar-hiv ob-lo-zhek hzhe-ne-del-ni-ka "New time" 1943–2010 - a visual-so-be-been-by-ti-pits, pro- is-ho-div-shim in the country. The journal has the property of fixing its own time (every time “new”), and the ob-lodge becomes its own ro-yes his test-fight, you-yes-vaya and ro-man-ti-che-sky teas of the 60s, and the stagnant 70s, and sa-mo- de-i-tel-ness of the 90s.

Ar-hiv ob-lo-zhek hzhe-ne-del-ni-ka "New time" 1943–2010 - a visual-so-be-been-by-ti-pits, pro- is-ho-div-shim in the country. The journal has the property of fixing its own time (every time “new”), and the ob-lodge becomes its own ro-yes his test-fight, you-yes-vaya and ro-man-ti-che-sky teas of the 60s, and the stagnant 70s, and sa-mo- de-i-tel-ness of the 90s.

Va-le-riy Go-ly-zhen-kov

Graphic designer, type designer, pe-da-gog, letterhead studio partner

There is a feeling that the Engraved style of the William font does not find its place in the journal-on-le, you-stu-pa-et its-about-different asi-stem element. In la-guy, this is de-la-et-sya for something that would emphasize the structural de-le-tion of the journal-on-la. How important is chi-ta-te-lu, but for-me-chatting and mother-to-child, in what time-de-le zhur-na-la is he on-ho-dit-sya?

Without-conditions-but, chi-ta-te-lu is important, but damn it, where he is, even if he doesn’t know about it. And in general, the whole magazine is built on strong contrasts. What-would not be-lo-gla-day-to. He is not a comfortable esthete-ti-che-ski, he is such a “like a freak”. He talks about non-convenient is-to-rii. And just like the content, its appearance requires chi-ta-te-la from the vet-but-th effort. Not in the sense of udo-bo-chi-ta-e-mo-sti, ra-zu-me-et-sya, but precisely in the sense of este-ti-che-com-for- that.

Do-pu-stim, for the first time, a man takes a magazine in his hands. He is all of it quickly about-whether-stay-va-et. From na-cha-la or from the end - it doesn’t matter. This first time, he should easily understand that the magazine consists of, do-pu-stim, three blocks: but-in-stay, fi-che-ditch and ras-pi-sa-ny. Chi-ta-tel from the first time should be easy to understand where what: where about “read-tat”, and where about “quickly pro-be-reap- sya ”and so on.

About meeting re-di-zai-na chi-ta-te-la-mi, I always ot-ve-tea for example, but one and the same: one-on-lo-vi- on chi-ta-te-lei loudly ear-dit, and the other ru-kople-shchet. In place of the first-howl, in-lo-vi-do-not come new ones.

There is also in-to-on-qi-on-naya with-stav-la-yu-schaya. In this conditional journal-on-le, composed of a hundred of news, fi-che-ditch and ras-pi-sa-ny, it’s important, but mother what-mu-de-divided te-ma in-pa-la in fi-che-ry (ma-te-ri-a-ly, like pra-vi-lo, in se-re-di-not no-me-ra, made by special-ci-al-but for con-cret-but -th you-launch: re-port-ta-zhi, in-ter-view, ras-follow-before-va-niya, etc. - Approx. ed.), and not, for example, in new-in-sti. If the inter-view with op-po-zi-qi-o-ne-rum N is not in news, but in fi-che, this fact itself is already a lot -rit about zhur-on-le as about so-be-sed-no-ke. And this story is more important than everything else. Redaction should give the opportunity to chi-ta-te-lu mak-si-mal-but easy to count the weight of the in-for-ma-tion and its in-that-on- tion.

Unfortunately, it is necessary to admit that the average-not-hundred-ti-sti-che-chi-ta-tel is go-from: on the one hand, considers that everything is a cup-le-but, but with the other - not in the co-st-I-nii from-li-chit the re-advertising module from the con-ten-ta. For some reason, he successfully sends a complaint to this very re-cla-mu.

Journal of The New Times, No. 37 (263) dated November 12, 2012.

Journal of The New Times, No. 37 (263) dated November 12, 2012.

The New Times magazine, no. 41 (267) of December 10, 2012.

Sad news from the world of Russian independent media - after 10 years of work, The New Times magazine is closing.

Free speech shrinks like shagreen leather

It is a pity that the field of independent information continues to shrink.

It's a pity.
Thanks to Evgenia Albats for having such a magazine.

I can't believe it is. I worked for this magazine for 8 years!

There are so many things connected with this magazine that now I feel like I lost a tooth. Front.

There will be no more paper NT. I would like to write some sad, funny, dangerous, idiotic, instructive, but by no means boring story, because there were so many of them, these stories, that ... I will not write a story, NT is the story itself. Countries, journalism and my little life. Sad.

There is a courtyard near Bessarabka on Khreshchatyk, where for many years there was a restaurant of Ukrainian cuisine, and now a craft bar. We were sitting in that restaurant on a warm October evening when they called from Moscow and told the news: Anna Politkovskaya had been killed. Then there was an interview with Irena Stefanovna " Novaya Gazeta", in which she said that the times were worse, and hardly meaner. Then it became known that she had acquired Novoye Vremya and would restart it with Raf Shakirov and Zhenya Albats. Then at the debate led by one novice blogger, Zhenya invited me to participate in this project. Then there were 5 years of evenings in the editorial office on Tverskoy Boulevard. And now the New Times has released the last issue, and this is very sad.

I found the very first issue of New Times ten years ago in the school cafeteria.
Then I bought it quite often - probably, more often only the Russian Newsweek, so where is it now?
Then, in 2010, it was in the New Times that my photograph appeared for the first time in print - ridiculous, and even stolen from LiveJournal, but I didn’t think about it then, but I thought that this was an achievement, a holiday and inspiration.
Then I began to sometimes work with the magazine, and despite all the difficulties, sometimes I shoot very interesting orders.
And in the summer of 2013, my camera was stolen - on the flash drive there were photographs of the morning shooting of a round table in the editorial office of the magazine that were not copied anywhere, and the shame in front of Evgenia Albats was stronger than the feeling of loss due to the purchase of a new camera.
Each new edition is a great experience of self-assessment in terms of unfamiliar demands and the new context in which your photographs are placed, and the first and not the first pages in the New Times taught me a lot.
Then it was in the magazine that I met Olya Osipova and Ivan Stepanenko, without whom my books would not exist.
Then it was in the magazine that I was advised in Texas to find a visitors "bureau, without which the trip to Abilene would not have happened.
I am not writing here about the investigations of Barabanov or Morar, about the columns of Oleg Navalny or Saprykin - you have read all this and know without me. It's just that the New Times, although it was difficult with it, also influenced almost all the journalists you know.
It is a pity that it will no longer be in print. Hope this is temporary. Or that something new will grow.

I remember how in the spring of 2011, after a conversation with the editor-in-chief of The New Times, Yevgenia Albats, I - very inspired and satisfied - looked into the office of the politics department, where I was supposed to work.
A shaggy-haired guy with glasses was sitting there, who at first carefully looked into this very inspired and pleased face of mine, then he chuckled and silently put down the ashtray. Then I did not know yet that Yegor Mostovshchikov is almost the entire policy department of The New Times magazine (plus the editor is Ilya Barabanov). That we will write a lot of articles about Putin and one article about Putin's Botox. That in the editorial office they will traditionally argue how long I can last. That I will last 3.5 years. And during these 3.5 years, I myself will more than once be the whole department of politics of The New Times magazine. And this, perhaps, was the main feature of the editorial office: in it, each person could, even in one day, be completely different values.

P.s. I am very sorry that the printed version of the magazine is being closed. But the site remains, and this is a little consolation. There is a theory among the staff of the magazine that The New Times will work as long as two conditions are met: 1. there is at least one person on the staff; 2. this person is Evgenia Markovna. After all, she is The New Times.

Evgenia Albats, hold on. You are stronger than any circumstances. Yes, and all of us, what really.

The New Times- a huge part of my life. I came to the magazine at the very beginning - still at the stage of its creation and preparation of the first issue. At that time, there was also a large online editorial office, which was ahead of its time in many respects - streams from mass actions were being prepared, there was a large proportion of videos and there was a rich site.

But it was the paper The New Times that pulled everything, kept the quality. So much has happened over the years. And the mask show with the security forces in the editorial office, and the nights at the airport, trying to get to Natasha Morari, who was being expelled from the country, and the bookmark found under the car of Zhenya Albats, and Barabanov, who was hidden in some apartments after another investigation, and the coolest interview with the family Luzhkov after his resignation, which collapsed the website of the publication (and there were hundreds of such interesting interviews!), And dozens of investigations, and live broadcasts of Novodvorskaya ...

Thanks to Evgenia Albats for the quality, for her convictions and for her humanity.

now it will become easier in Russia, one more complex condensation disappears, even less freedom to be different. I worked for the magazine for 8 months and got an experience that I did not expect at all in my forties. thanks to the editor-in-chief, thanks to those with whom I shared this time.

With the cessation of the publication of The New Times in Russia, socio-political magazines have ended, only somewhere far away, "Spark" is still flickering.

And although Yevgenia Albats herself clearly named the reason - "the money ran out", it is clear that the state made every effort to do this. From restrictions to advertising market to the pressure on the printing house. From Roskomnadzor to Russian Post.

Dealing with magazines is easier than dealing with a crisis.

But these kind sympathetic words coexist in the network with outright gloating.

One of the most popular liberal publications The New Times closes the paper version.

Whether the market is to blame, refused to enter into itself those who like to show off money for offices. Either the people are not like that again, the damned fascist, the multinational publication does not honor and does not even read.

Antonio Gramsci and then, probably, shed a tear.

Closed another liberal magazine.

They write maliciously that the guardians of the market are not on friendly terms with the market for some reason. It's right. I'm afraid the publishers don't even understand the problem.

In terms of the market, Ekho Moskvy, for example, does not compete with Vesti FM at all. Because they have different audiences. Ekho Moskvy competes with Novaya Gazeta.

There were too many liberal publications. They were all too uniform. The same authors, goals, style. Why are there so many of them? They love different business slogans, such as "be different or die," but they don't want to be different from each other. You have to die in accordance with the slogan.

The decrease in the audience, its fragmentation led to the fact that many liberal media began to switch to a paid subscription. Thus exacerbating his position. Because opponents used to read them too. But to read opponents also for not so little money? No, please.

Liberal office plankton earns hard, in Moscow it’s not bad, but Dozhdi is unable to pull everything in a row.

Especially since the Ukrainian press dealt the most serious blow to the liberal press. General radicalization calls for harsh language. Where are they tougher? Russians are forced to look back at the law. Ukrainians are allowed literally everything in relation to Russia and the Kremlin. You can call to hang, talk about genetic inferiority, curse - whatever you want. Well, everything else is approximately the same as that of our native liberals. Plus it's free. As much as you want. Yes, and the authors are the same: Muzhdabaev, Ganapolsky are published here, and Sytin, for example, is there.

Funny. People who fought for cheap migrant workers, in fact, suffer from them. Although they hardly realize it.

There is only one road - to federal channels in gladiator fights. There just isn't enough room for everyone.

The overproduction of liberal thought is decimating their ranks. But they blame everything on censorship.

The editor-in-chief of The New Times, Yevgenia Albats, said that the magazine was closing, "only the website would remain." Moreover, judging by the fact that the subscription button on the site has stopped working (it just throws it to the main page), the site will remain in the sense of an archive, and not an online publication. Why does this news excite us?

Firstly, because The New Times (like, for example, Republic) is a political magazine operating on a strict subscription model, that is, in some way comparable to Sputnik and Pogrom. Publications using the hard paywall model (when best content only for money, and for free - news / short texts), there are not many in Russia, and we are following them closely.

Secondly, because of The New Times attendance figures: having FOUR TIMES SMALLER AUDIENCE than ours, Evgenia Markovna maintained a solid editorial staff, sent correspondents on business trips, and rented an office. I think the office rent alone was more than our entire monthly budget. We work four times better, but we have money ... I think half of the editorial staff receives less than Evgenia Markovna spends on a manicure per month.

And thirdly, because the example of The New Times, most likely, will soon be cited as evidence of the inoperability of the subscription model in Russia, like, people do not want to pay money. Although it is clearly seen from the comparative statistics shown on the screen that the Albats publication was deeply subsidized (who subsidized it? I don’t even know who can subsidize the publication of a member of the Public Council of the Russian Jewish Congress ...), and, obviously, Albats sponsors ran out of desire give money. That is, this is not a failure of the subscription model, but a failure of the model of a subsidized political publication that defends the interests of multinational Russians (for example, the legendary Crimean Tatar nationalist Aidar Muzhdabaev has already expressed his grief over the closure).

- "New time", the Soviet political magazine, the edition of the newspaper "Trud". It began to be published in June 1943 in Moscow, initially twice a month in Russian (until June 1945 under the title "War and the Working Class"). Since January 1947, it has been published weekly. ... ...

The New Times magazine ("New time")- The New Times (New time) - a weekly socio-political magazine. The volume of the magazine is 64 pages, the circulation is 50 thousand copies. Published weekly on Mondays. Established in 1998 by the journalistic team of the New ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

I one of the largest Russian newspapers, 1868 1917, St. Petersburg (daily since 1869). Initially liberal, with the transition of the publication to A.S. Suvorin (1876) conservative. Since 1905 the organ of the Black Hundreds. Closed after the October Revolution. II… … encyclopedic Dictionary

New time: New time period in the history of mankind between the Middle Ages and the Newest time. Novoe Vremya (Novoto Vreme) is a political party in Bulgaria. New time (Jaunais Laiks) nationally conservative political ... ... Wikipedia

Journal literary and political; published in St. Petersburg in 1861-63. M. M. Dostoevsky, and F. M. Dostoevsky was his unspoken editor. Back in September 1860, an advertisement written by F. M. was placed at the main newspapers, in which he ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

I Novoe vremya ("New time") Russian newspaper; was published in 1868 1917 in St. Petersburg (until the 234th issue of 1869 5 times a week, then daily; from 1881 2 editions were published, morning and evening; in 1891 it had a weekly illustrated ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Magazine; see Literary Magazine... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

I from French the words journal, meaning diary proper, then a daily paper; in Russian lang. this is the name of periodicals that come out at longer intervals than a newspaper. common word, corresponding to the Russian concept of journal ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron


  • Magazine "Znamya" No. 9. September 2016,. Read in SEPTEMBER: The September issue of Znamya opens with two poems by the remarkable poet Oleg Chukhontsev. Oleg Grigorievich is significant in big things, and in things like this ...
  • Journal "Logos" No. 2/2015, Not available. Logos is one of the oldest independent humanitarian journals that emerged in the post-Soviet period. The magazine continues the Western tradition, developing that intellectual line of Russian culture, ...

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