
Iovlev trade union of workers of atomic energy and industry. International Association of Trade Unions of Nuclear Power and Industry Workers

Vanichkin Alexander Georgievich

Address: 107078, Moscow,
st. Novoryazanskaya, d.8A
tel: 8-499-975-21-79
fax: 8-499-261-85-06

International Association of Trade Unions of Workers nuclear energy and industry "Profatomenergoprom" was established on May 23, 2002.

Member organizations of the MOP "Atomenergoprom" are:
. Russian trade union workers of nuclear power and industry (RPRAEP);
. Trade Union of Atomenergoprom Workers of Ukraine;
. Independent trade union of workers of the Ignalina NPP of the Republic of Lithuania;
. Trade Union of Workers of Nuclear Energy, Industry and Related Industries of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
. Trade union of workers of the Sukhumi Institute of Physics and Technology of the Republic of Abkhazia;
. Trade union of workers of the Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The total number of members of the trade unions that are members of the MOP "Atomenergoprom" is about 170 thousand people.
The last congress (congress) of MOP Atomenergoprom took place in November 2009.

The Congress determined the following main activities of the MOP "Atomenergoprom":
. development and strengthening of the unity of the sectoral trade union movement;
. protection of social and labor rights and interests of workers, trade union rights and freedoms;
. extension information work;
. ensuring solidarity mutual support in organizing protest trade union actions;
. assistance (together with the VKP) to the formation of a single labor market of the CIS states, assistance in the development of legislative and executive bodies CIS countries of measures aimed at improving the use of labor potential, regulating labor migration and protecting the social and labor rights of migrants on the basis of generally recognized international standards.

Particular attention is paid to the development of information activities, timely communication to member organizations of review and comparative materials on the socio-economic situation in the CIS countries, socially significant national legislation, dissemination of the experience of member organizations in ensuring social and labor protection of trade union members, etc.

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