
Growing flowers at home for sale. Growing flowers as a business

Many people sooner or later think about creating their own business. Many people want to work for themselves, and not for someone else’s wallet, to achieve a luxurious life. And the search begins for an interesting activity that will both delight and generate income. In this search, it is worth paying attention to growing flowers for sale at home. In reviews of this business, people note that it is quite interesting and profitable. In order for the business to take off, you need to delve into some of the subtleties associated with this activity.

Business Features

Growing flowers for sale at home as a business is popular in many cities around the world. To make your first profit, you need to grow plants, provide conditions for receiving orders and delivery of goods.

Where to begin

They start growing flowers for selling a house from the practical side of the issue. The first step is to choose the appropriate premises. Utility rooms, apartments, garages will do. To grow flowers for sale at home in winter, you need electricity and heating.

An apartment is suitable for starting, but it is most preferable to grow plants in a private house with large windows. In terms of area, a room of about 20 square meters is best suited. There will be at least 150 plants here.

At the same time, the business will not require a lot of investment. However, you will need knowledge and skills to grow plants. For this reason, it is important to spend more time collecting data about the process. This will not be difficult, since there is a lot of literature on this topic.

Choice of colors

A business growing flowers at home for sale can develop based on three types of products. First of all, we are talking about indoor plants. You won’t need to spend much here, and there is no need to deal only with flowering species. Many people prefer decorating their rooms with exotic plants. And such an idea is quite realistic to implement in an ordinary apartment. Even if flowers are grown for sale in a greenhouse in winter, this business will still not require many costs.

The second direction is the creation of flower seedlings. During the summer season, many people purchase seedlings of all kinds of plants. Petunias, violets, purslane and other annual flowers are popular. Seedlings are purchased extremely often. When planning to start growing flowers at home for sale, it is worth considering the fact that the cost of the initial planting material will be small. However, the profitability can be very high.

The third direction is growing cut flowers. For such purposes you will need a plot of land. Here you will need to plant roses, tulips, daffodils and other types of flowers. Their choice usually depends on the personal preferences of the business owner.

When growing flowers at home for sale, it is important that agricultural technology does not create additional difficulties at first. In the summer, their price will not be too high, but this will become a school for acquiring the necessary skills so that the business expands in the future.

Growing in a greenhouse

It is most profitable to grow flowers at home for sale in winter. If flowering species are sold, you will need to purchase a greenhouse. You will need to spend money on construction, seed material, and fertilizers. All other purchases will depend on the business owner’s own preferences.

At the initial stages, greenhouses can be greenhouses or nurseries made of ordinary polyethylene. It is important to purchase high-quality planting material. Sometimes in the flower business it is quite difficult to predict what the demand for plants will be in subsequent seasons. But you need to keep in mind that roses, tulips, petunias, and chrysanthemums are always popular. At the same time, it makes sense to follow current trends and attend flower exhibitions.

Selling plants

There are several options for selling grown products. It is sold independently or through wholesale sales. Of course, the first option will be more profitable, but it will require a break from your main activities. If the work is carried out in a team, for example, a family business, it will be more convenient and profitable. If a person works alone, it is better for him to use the services of resellers. Then you won’t need to spend money on sales, delivery, or retail outlets. All the time will go directly to production, which will increase volume and expand supply.


The profitability of this business can reach 40%. If you grow a large batch of flowers, you can realistically earn 50 thousand rubles in net. But it is important to consider that the business is seasonal. The presence of holidays also affects this. The most experienced businessmen specifically calculate the “harvest” for individual holidays - March 8, Valentine's Day. As a result, income increases significantly.

Startup costs

To start a business of this kind, you will need to purchase a greenhouse worth 30 thousand rubles, seed material worth 10 thousand rubles, fertilizers and protective equipment worth 20 thousand rubles. In addition, it is recommended to create a separate website and register the activity - the cost will be 30 thousand rubles.

Equipment selection

The choice of equipment will be determined by the direction of the case. If you plan to grow flowers for sale in the ground, you will need greenhouses. Preference should be given to polycarbonate structures. It makes sense to purchase lighting, greenhouses, and watering supplies in the same place. If cultivation is planned in open ground, the business will be seasonal.


It is important to take care of the official documentation. In this case, you will need to register an individual entrepreneurship, ownership of your own personal plot. When applying for the second option, you will not have to pay additional taxes. The taxation system for registering an individual entrepreneur will be the unified agricultural tax. This form requires payment of 6% of profits.


Proper lighting and sufficient humidity play a big role in growing flowers for sale. In addition, you need to think about watering correctly, as well as fertilizing the plants.

It is most profitable to engage in the flower business. If the approach is competent, the profitability is up to 300%, despite the fact that the investment will be minimal. Costs will be spent on purchasing seeds and maintaining flowers.

Selling plants during the holidays is extremely profitable. If you pay attention to this type of business, the costs will pay off within a few months. To promote such a business, you need to think through a marketing strategy.

After things get better, it will make sense to think about opening a separate flower shop. Thanks to this, an ordinary hobby will become a source of good income.

At the moment, both cut flowers and potted flowers are sold. Both are popular among buyers. But there are also some differences - cut flowers grow better during the pre-holiday period. While plants in pots are purchased throughout the year. At the same time, growing flowers is a profitable field of activity, and it is permissible to start developing it at home. The key to success will be competent organization of plantations combined with an advanced marketing strategy.

Market analysis

Before getting into this business, it is important to analyze the market in this area. Currently, more than 80% of the entire flower market is allocated to foreign suppliers - Dutch, Colombian. The thing is that these manufacturers have a wide range of products that look presentable - the flowers have powerful stems and large buds. The main disadvantage of imported products is increased prices. In addition, plants brought from other countries, one way or another, will not be as fresh as those delivered, for example, from a neighboring area.

A Russian entrepreneur can take advantage of these features. Our country's greenhouses are only 2% occupied by flowers; the rest of the space is devoted to growing vegetables and fruits. All this indicates that entrepreneurs will occupy a virtually free niche in which competition is not so fierce. It is quite possible to sell garden products in a variety of ways - to design flower beds, grow exotic plants for cutting, pots, sell seedlings and saplings.

Many connoisseurs of indoor plants strive to purchase an expensive and rare specimen for their collection. Such flowers may not be very attractive, but they have an original appearance in any case. A distinctive feature of most of these plants is their difficulty in care. Here is a list of the most expensive indoor flowers.

Blue Tillandsia

This plant has a deep pink inflorescence in the shape of a spike. It grows slowly and is extremely demanding on living conditions. The room where it is located should have a temperature of 18 to 25 degrees above zero. High humidity is necessary, and tillandsia can only be planted in a leaf mixture that contains charcoal and peat with crushed bark.

Naked hypocyrta

It is a hanging plant with bare stems and bright green glossy leaves. It looks very unusual due to the orange flowers of the original shape. Hypocyrta does not tolerate sudden temperature changes and dry air. In summer it requires sunlight, and in winter it requires temperatures up to 15 degrees above zero.

Aloe vera lachenalia

Takka (Devil Flower)

A very original plant with brownish flowers. It is demanding in terms of care, which is why it is almost impossible to grow it at home. Only a greenhouse or winter garden is suitable for this. During the pollination process, this flower needs flies.

Diana's flytrap (Venus flytrap)

A plant with large flowers with long and thin “teeth”. It needs to be fed flies from time to time, and sometimes the flower catches them itself, attracting them with an unpleasant aroma.

Variegated Stapelia (Starflower)

A very unusual plant, the flowers of which have the aroma of spoiled meat. It is very important not to damage the roots during the transplantation process, otherwise the flower will die.

Velvichia is amazing

Another rare and therefore expensive plant. It has a unique appearance and rather slow growth. The flower does not tolerate frost very well and needs good soil drainage. It can develop normally only in a dry climate, and during the dormant period it cannot be watered at all.

Greenhouse business professionals believe that it is flowers that can bring maximum profit. In modern conditions, buyers and wholesalers are increasingly giving preference to high-quality domestic products. With growing demand, supply is not being satisfied, which gives great advantages to newcomers who want to occupy a niche in a promising market.

How to grow flowers in a greenhouse for sale? The answer is contained in this publication.

When planning to start growing flowers in a greenhouse for sale, you need to evaluate the pros and cons of this type of business.

There are many advantages to the flower greenhouse business. These include:

  1. stable demand from retail outlets and end customers;
  2. high profitability;
  3. high productivity: up to 250 flowers can be cut from one rose bush per year;
  4. the ability to grow any type of plants, including exotic ones;
  5. good trade margin.

Despite the significant advantages, there are also disadvantages to the home greenhouse business. Among them:

  1. Necessary experience in floriculture. When starting industrial flower growing without the proper skills, it is very difficult to achieve success.
  2. High energy costs. To ensure good growth, the greenhouse must be lit almost 24 hours a day.
  3. Seasonality. In summer, the demand for flowers drops sharply, but before the holidays it reaches its maximum.
  4. Competition with foreign and out-of-town suppliers and owners of larger greenhouses.
  5. To guarantee stable profits, you need to constantly look for new sources of sales.

Sales of products: which method is more profitable?

Greenhouse owners are considering several options for selling flowers. Among them:

  • wholesale sales to buyers;
  • sale through flower shops;
  • offering products to florist salons.

A very promising option is opening your own retail outlet. Retail trade is suitable for owners of several greenhouses growing different crops.

But if you rely on roses, some of the flowers of other varieties for your own store can be purchased in bulk. By hiring a florist, you will be able to serve weddings and offer flower arrangements to restaurants and hotels.

You can read how to grow strawberries all year round at home and what varieties of strawberries to choose for business

Home business with flowers: business plan with calculations.

Business plan for growing flowers for sale: balancing expenses and income

For example, you can consider a small farm with 1 thermos greenhouse, designed for the simultaneous cultivation of 400 rose bushes. Primary expenses:

  • construction and equipment of a greenhouse (100 sq. m) – from 400,000;
  • purchase of planting material and fertilizers – from 120,000.

Monthly expenses include expenses for heating, lighting the greenhouse, replenishing the planting stock, and gasoline. This will cost from 35,000 rubles per month. Over the course of a year, the cost of maintaining a greenhouse will be about 80,000 rubles.

You can find out how to open your own flower shop from scratch and draw up a competent business plan with calculations

The profit from the sale of roses taken from 400 bushes will be at least 4,000,000 rubles.

This amount is calculated based on the minimum wholesale price for a flower (from 40 rubles). With retail sales, profits will increase significantly.

The first cut is possible 6 months after planting the cuttings. The greenhouse will pay for itself in 7-10 months, the profitability of the project is at least 70%.

Growing flowers for sale at home is an ideal option for those who love and know how to work with plants. Starting with one greenhouse, you can significantly expand production by working with new varieties and developing adjacent markets.

Flower greenhouse business at home - video with professional recommendations

Recently, many acquaintances have approached me with one request: tell me which flowers are profitable to grow for sale in order to receive a tangible income. At the same time, not only women, but also men applied. One of them once shared: “Imagine, I took extra vegetables from my garden to the market by car and sold less than the woman who was selling flower bulbs nearby.” So the workers of the earth have to turn their gaze in that direction - where they can earn more. And growing flowers is often that life-giving trickle that will help you get through difficult times. Moreover, retraining from a vegetable grower to a florist is not so difficult if you have the desire and ability to work on the land.

What to grow vegetables or flowers for sale

Many of my friends who grew vegetables in film greenhouses switched to growing flower seedlings for sale. And now, when I ask them: “Would you like to go back to vegetables again? After all, people probably think more about what to eat and don’t care about flowers at all?” They answer in the negative. And they add: “Yes, people have begun to buy flower seedlings less, but they still buy because not everyone is left without work. But we still wouldn’t earn that much on vegetables.”
This probably makes sense. Vegetable cultivation is carried out not only by private owners, but also by private enterprises and farms, including large ones, with which it is not easy to compete. But there are not many farms that grow flower planting material. I think it won’t be long before automated greenhouse complexes begin to appear en masse - after all, huge amounts of money need to be invested in them! So private traders still have room to expand.
Anyone who has visited the countries of Western and Central Europe could not help but notice that almost every balcony and courtyard there is decorated with flowering plants. I saw the most bright and lush flower arrangements in neighboring Poland. Why are we worse? Especially when so many little-known species and new chic varieties have come to our flower market from the West! Over the past decade, people have increasingly begun to decorate their garden plots with previously inaccessible plants and have become so accustomed to it that they practically cannot deny themselves such pleasure. So it turns out that even in an unstable financial situation, they try to carve out a certain amount to buy the flowers they like.

And one more argument. The range of ornamental plants is huge - many times wider than vegetables. And you can select many species that grow well (for example, in a greenhouse) under the same conditions, which cannot be said about vegetables. Considering both of these factors, you can always find plants that suit you and have a constant source of income.

To all that has been said, I will add that growing flower seedlings for sale is not only one of the ways to make money. These are also numerous moments of delight and pleasure that the beautiful creations of Nature give us.

Well, now let’s talk about what needs to be taken into account when selling flower planting material and what ornamental plants you should pay attention to.


Those who have a greenhouse have the most opportunities. It is best, of course, if it is a stationary heated greenhouse. If you can’t afford one, build the simplest film one - believe me, your capabilities will expand significantly. You should also consider where you live. It’s good if you live near a large regional center - here, as a rule, purchasing power is higher and there is a demand for expensive plants.


It is also a good idea to have your own car - you will deliver the plants to the place of sale carefully and in a much larger volume (especially when it comes to flowering seedlings). But the lack of a car is not an obstacle to the implementation of your plans. For example, you can find wholesale buyers (the same landscapers) who will come to your home and pick up the grown products. The price in this case will be lower than if you yourself sold the planting material on the market. You do not spend money on delivery, payment for retail space, and most importantly, you will have time to maintain and expand your mini-production. And if you start selling bulbs or growing compact perennials, you can deliver such plants to the place of sale without a personal car.

Advertising in action

I also want to give advice for those who live in small towns - make a luxurious flower garden in front of your house. If your site is surrounded by a high solid fence, plant beautiful vines that would be visible from the street, and create a small flower bed on the street side. In general, make it clear that you have a lot of beautiful plants. Countrymen or visiting summer residents, admiring your flowers, will probably ask if you can sell them this or that plant. And over time, your circle of clients will only expand.

Seasonality of the flower business

It should be borne in mind that trading in any planting material is a seasonal matter (of course, if you are not the owner of a flower shop). Plants sell best in the spring - by this time you should have the widest range of plants for sale. In the fall, bulbs and blooming chrysanthemums do well, but the roots of perennials are not so readily taken, complaining that winter is ahead. And even explanations that it is preferable to plant winter-hardy plants in the fall do not always help.

The period for selling plants, and therefore earnings, can be significantly expanded.

  • From the end of February they are already starting to buy lily bulbs (we will return to this later).
  • In March, you can add botanical crocuses blooming in pots and shrub cuttings rooted in the past season to the lilies.
  • From April to early June is the peak of sales, when everything that is grown can be sold.
  • From mid-June to August - sale of blooming lilies.
  • September-October is the period of sales of bulbous plants and rhizomatous perennials.

In addition, from April to October you can sell indoor plants grown both from seeds and cuttings. And, of course, you can always add surplus vegetables from your plot to the flower products - with a wide range of products on offer, it’s always easier to make money.

Best Selling Plants and Flowers from Seeds

I want to focus on those plants that can be grown from seeds and that sell well. I'll start with indoor flowers.

Seedlings of indoor flowers

  • First of all, I would recommend you abutilones- they germinate without much difficulty, grow quickly, bloom in the year of sowing and are available in a wide range of colors.

For example, from a mixture of seeds I got plants with white, cream, yellow and pink flowers, although orange-flowered plants are most often sold in markets. And the “Bella F1” variety series is distinguished by its compact size and large (7 cm in diameter) flowers. In the future, you can propagate the most successful seedlings by cuttings.

  • If you have a greenhouse, you can sow tuberous begonia- they are always willing to take it in a blooming state (you just need to take into account that seedlings bloom 135-150 days after emergence).
  • Blooming brugmansi I always cause a sensation - believe me, if you can bear to sell one such plant, the whole market will gather to admire its huge fragrant flowers.

In addition, Brugmansia reproduces well from cuttings - it is enough to have one queen cell.

  • Selling well hypoesthes blood red and Coleus Blume - their colorful leaves always attract attention. These plants also take cuttings well.
  • Easy to care for and always eye-catching blooming kufeya fiery red, and, of course, fuchsia hybrid.
  • The blooming ones are no less delightful. passion flowers- just remember that the flower lasts only a day, so give the plant the opportunity to form more buds.
  • Pelargonium zonal from the “Black Velvet” series you can realize even without flowers - because it has extraordinary foliage! In addition, these plants are easily propagated by cuttings.
  • For sophisticated buyers you can offer Strelitzia royale and Nicholas(the second is especially rare), but you will have to wait at least four years for them to bloom.

Although you can sell non-flowering specimens (the plants look quite presentable), showing a photograph of the flower.

  • There is always a demand for philodendrons- double pinnately cut and Sello - with their beautiful large foliage.
  • The hybrid catharanthus “First Kiss” grows very quickly and sells well - it can also be recommended as a flower bed plant, but after a flowering period (albeit a long one), the plant is thrown away.
  • For a wider assortment, you can grow powerful Washingtonia palm trees, Canarian date and graceful chamedorea (but their seeds usually take at least a month to germinate), as well as asparagus, powerful grevillea, mimosolia jacaranda, southern cordylina, and cyperus alecifolia.
  • And you are unlikely to see the “Splash” crossandra among your competitors.

Only those gardeners who have heated greenhouses can grow full-fledged flowering seedlings of annuals.

The best selling flowers are petunias.

The most popular and sold in recent years is the hybrid petunia. Of the low-growing large-flowered varieties (or rather, hybrids), I would recommend the “Limbo F1” variety series - the plants turn out to be very compact, with really large flowers of pure color. For several years now, the petunia “Hit Parad F1” with its large bright flowers has been a constant favorite among flower growers who grow seedlings. Petunia "Daddy F1" is also selling well - its large flowers are decorated with bright veins.

The flowers of the still very rare superb petunia are very beautiful. But it is somewhat tall and its flowers are not resistant to adverse weather conditions, so warn buyers to plant the plant somewhere under a canopy. Despite certain shortcomings, there is always a demand for this new product.[k]

Of the terry petunias, the best are “Pirouette F1” and “Sonata”. The latter looks great in hanging pots. Of the hanging petunia varieties, the ‘Wonder Wave F1″ variety series has so far been considered one of the most successful and popular. But last season, for the first time, ampelous petunia from the “Velvet F1” series appeared on the European flower market (including in our country). My friends grew it and were absolutely delighted. And at the price of seeds it is much more attractive than “Wonder Wave F1”. But the inexpensive “Avalanche F1” is less in demand among buyers - its shoots are coarser and not very branched. Therefore, it is better to grow it for personal use (for example, to decorate balconies), but to sell it in hanging baskets, still plant “Velvet F1” or “Wonder Wave F1”.

Of the multi-flowered petunias, I would like to draw your special attention to “Sonja Orchid F1” and “Sonja Rose Star F1”, these hybrids not only have delightful flower colors, but are also resistant to rain (their flowers do not show traces of raindrops, which is the sin of most large-flowered petunias). In addition, these plants look very beautiful in hanging pots, forming lush hanging shoots up to 30 cm long, and in some cases they can completely replace ampelous petunia.

The most “selling” colors of petunias are wine red, purple, red, blue, pearl, wine red with a white star and red with a white star, white-edged varieties, and also veined varieties. There are also buyers for petunia with its rare yellow flowers.

Growing perennial seedlings for sale

When thinking over the assortment of flowers, the planting material of which you can offer to customers, do not forget to include perennials. After all, they can be offered to customers not only in spring, but also in autumn, and, if desired, also in summer with a closed root system, that is, by planting the plants in pots in advance. In addition, having grown perennial flowers from seeds, in the future you will be able to propagate most of them vegetatively and not bother with seedlings.

Perennials blooming in spring

Since planting material for perennial flowers is more readily purchased in the spring than in the fall, place your bet on spring-flowering perennials. Flowering plants are purchased much more actively, because, as they say, the buyer can show the product face to face. And the price for flowering perennials is higher than the price at which you will sell them in a non-flowering state in another period, for example, in the fall. And one more plus: most spring-flowering perennials are small plants, so it is not difficult to deliver them to the place of sale even for those who do not have personal transport.

The choice of seeds of perennial ornamental plants that would bloom in spring is quite wide - these are:

  • alpine aster,
  • Arends saxifrage “Floral Carpet”, “Purple Robe” and “Mossy”,
  • erinus alpine,
  • Lychnis alpine and a rather rare white-flowered variety of Lychnis vulgaris “Snowbird”,
  • Euphorbia multicolor,
  • alpine penstemon,
  • mountain gerbil,
  • the cyanosis is pretty,
  • charming and at the same time very rare hairy phlox,
  • breakers ideal for rock gardens,
  • as well as the still little-known Sisyrynchiums - “E. K. Balls", narrow-leaved and less winter-hardy, but larger Sisyrynchium Californian "Yellow Stone".

This list would not be complete without rock alyssum, Caucasian arabis and hybrid aubrieta, but these plants are better sold in pots, since their survival rate is worse with bare root. Be sure to include in your assortment one of the most beautiful spring-flowering perennials - doronicum orientalis, especially the “Little Lion” variety, which is distinguished by a neat bush shape and a height of only 25 cm, as well as “Finesse” with unusually narrow “petals” for doronicums. The most suitable for cutting is the large-flowered form of Doronicum orientalis.

If you are an experienced gardener, do not be lazy to grow a very spectacular and unusually rare white-flowered form of the loose swimsuit and handsome lumbago - the common one with different colors and shapes of flowers, the spring and unusually rare alpine lumbago "Sulphurea" with yellow flowers. Such spectacular and rare spring-flowering plants are always in demand and the price is consistently high. Just do not forget that the lumbago must be grown in pots, and be sure to warn the buyer that the plant must be planted carefully, trying not to destroy the clod of earth, otherwise the lumbago will hurt, or even not take root at all.


Perennial violets are also in good demand. First of all this:

  • violas with decorative foliage - purple-leaved Labrador violet and variegated Manjuri violet “Fuji Dawn”,
  • as well as a rare type of violet with an atypical dissected leaf shape - petiolate violet.
  • For discerning buyers, plant a rare form of violet sister Rubra with quite large pink-red flowers.
  • And be sure to sow perennial varieties of horned violet - thanks to the long flowering period, you can sell flowering bushes of this plant not only in spring, but also in autumn. In addition, its bright numerous flowers will decorate your garden plot for a long time.


Well, the queen of spring-flowering perennials can safely be called primrose.

Flowering primroses sell very well, so sow more of these plants and different ones.

In addition to the common primrose, the tall primrose is in good demand, among the many varieties of which one of the most outstanding is the “Crescendo F1” variety series. By sowing such seeds, you will get strong plants 30 cm high with large flowers of rich colors that have a long flowering period. And the new variety of tall primrose “Gold Lace”, like the auricular primrose “Viennese Waltz”, amazes with the unusual multi-colored color of its flowers. Don’t forget also about fine-toothed primrose - its spectacular spherical inflorescences invariably attract the eyes of buyers. Fans of large plants will certainly like Japanese primrose, although it blooms in June. Well, having grown seedlings of garden rarities - yellow primrose, Laurentia, rounded, Pari, powdered, pink "Gigas", Walton, Chionanta, Chungan, you can be sure that your competitors do not have such plants!

But New England aster “Lucida” and “September Ruby”, arctic chrysanthemum and annual hybrid delphinium seedlings that bloom at the end of the season are best sold in the fall, during their flowering. And be sure to plant Karvinsky small-petalled (erigeron) in hanging baskets for autumn sale - by autumn you will get an unusually airy, beautiful cloud of numerous small flowers and delicate foliage.

Well, what about those plants that bloom in the hot summer months, and you sell their planting material in spring and autumn? In this case, you will need photographs of these plants during flowering. Photos must be selected carefully, because the success of your trade will depend on their quality.

Perennials blooming in summer

Of the summer-blooming perennials, the most popular are bluebells, and all of them are low, medium and tall. In addition, planting material of these flowers is taken no less readily in the fall than in the spring. Therefore, bells are another crop that needs special emphasis. Try to make the range of these plants as wide as possible, starting with the easiest to grow - Carpathian bellflower, peach-leaved and crowded, and then move on to varieties whose seeds need stratification. And remember that when sowing, the bell seeds are not sprinkled with soil or sprinkled with very little soil. By the way, in addition to the summer-flowering species, there are bells that bloom in the spring - these are the Oshe bell, the saxifraga bell, as well as the Takeshima bell "Alba", which begins flowering in May and blooms until mid-summer.

Also selling well:

  • carnations,
  • hybrid delphinium,
  • multileaf lupine,
  • beautiful small petal,
  • monarda double and tubular,
  • perennial species of foxgloves,
  • greatest cornflower (garden chamomile),
  • Platycodons (all colors),
  • perennial horned violet,
  • Physostegia virginiana - both white and pink,
  • Echinacea purpurea and
  • swamp hibiscus, which blooms at the end of the season with huge flowers - the above-ground part of this plant dies off in the winter, and grows back in the spring.

The idea of ​​the business is to grow indoor flowers at home for subsequent sale. The older the flower, the more expensive it is.


Let's start by calculating the potential income that the activity of breeding and growing indoor flowers can bring.

For example, let's take the following indoor plants: Monstera, Money Tree and Dracaena.


A plant 12 cm high costs about 593 rubles with a pot. And the same flower but 2.4 meters high costs 10,000-15,000 rubles. This is how a flower grows in 5 years.


You will have to buy 2 pots (1000 rubles), as well as fertilizers (500 rubles for 5 years). Total expenses for 5 years will be: 2,100 rubles.

Prices for monsteras over 2 meters high start from 10,000 rubles. Consequently, the profit from the sale of one monstera can be at least 7,900 rubles. The disadvantage of breeding monsteras is the need for large premises. Therefore, it will be more profitable to sell one-year or six-month monsteras.

Money Tree.

A money tree shoot costs 40 rubles. But, after 2 years, this flower can be sold for 800 rubles

Expenses for 2 years will be 300 rubles (200 pots + 40 rubles shoot + 60 rubles fertilizer) Profit: 500 rubles.

Dracaena Marginata Bicolor

1 barrel 12 cm. Cost 200 rubles. But here is the same flower after 3-4 years: 3 trunks 150 cm. Cost 3,400 rubles

Expenses for 4 years will be:

Pots: 500 rubles
Fertilizers 200 rubles
Buying a shoot 200 rubles

Total expenses: 900 rubles.

The profit from the sale of one Dracaena can be 2,500 rubles.

Business growing home flowers

As can be seen from the examples growing indoor plants for sale The business is highly profitable, but it takes a lot of time.

Before starting this type of business, you will need to read materials about growing indoor flowers, what kind of lighting they need, what kind of soil, how often they need to be watered, and so on; you can get all the necessary information from specialized literature, as well as from the Internet, on forums etc.

You can start a flower growing business in an apartment, but the most suitable for these purposes is a private house with a separate room with large windows.

It is advisable that the area of ​​the room that is planned to be used for growing flowers should be at least 20 sq.m.

So in a room with an area of ​​20 square meters, you can place up to 100-150 plants; the time to care for this number of plants will take 1.5-2 hours a day.

Sales of grown flowers can be carried out in the following directions:

  • Sales through friends, a rather interesting sales channel, the capacity depends on the number of friends and the so-called “word of mouth”;
  • Sales via the Internet. Currently, online platforms are gaining more and more popularity, offering their users to post various advertisements for sales and purchases of various things.
  • Implementation. To increase sales volumes, you can try to establish sales through flower shops. Plants can be given for sale or for a specific order.

The business of breeding and growing flowers can be considered as an additional income, without leaving your main job; this type of business is also suitable for retirees.

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