
Tanning studio as a business. We open a solarium

Most Russian regions are located in mid-latitudes and suffer from a shortage of sunlight. This explains the high demand for artificial ultraviolet, because in modern solariums you can get a quick, intense tan without harm to health. Even in Miami there are about 100 studios - after all, the sun is more harmful to the skin than high-quality solar lamps. They are equipped with filters that reflect the aggressive rays of spectrum C and dose the rays of spectra B and A.

In large cities, there is one solarium for 10-15 thousand inhabitants (the service is often provided by fitness centers, beauty salons, beauty parlors). There is an annual expansion of the market by 30%. Many tanning studios pre-record.

The easiest way to enter a niche is to buy professional equipment (about $8,000), conclude an agreement with a salon, and install the device there. A vertical unit will require about 5.5 m². The profit is usually divided in half, the payback period is 1 year.

A more detailed business plan for a solarium is given below.

What are the best solariums?

There are horizontal and vertical solariums. Horizontal ones have a gentle effect, you can lie in them, do not turn on the lamps at face level. The disadvantages include uneven tanning. Usually the sides sunbathe badly - you have to constantly change the position of the body. To achieve the desired effect, it is visited more often.

In a vertical tan lies faster. To make the shade uniform, a person raises his hands or constantly moves. Modern equipment is equipped with elevator lamps and an aroma system.

Subspecies of solariums:

  • Turbo solarium. It has a cooling ventilation system, which contributes to a quick tan (as in windy weather).
  • Sitting. Designed for hands, décolleté and face. High power lamps provide fast results.
  • Collagen. The skin is affected by blue and red lamps with a healing effect. Blue destroy pathogenic microorganisms, red stimulate cell renewal. As a result, metabolism is activated, toxins are removed, collagen and elastane are produced.
  • Studio (professional solarium).

There are salons offering instant tanning. It does not involve exposure to ultraviolet radiation - a bronzer lotion and a turbine (or compressor) spray are applied to the skin. The method is 100% safe.

If you have already decided what type of solarium you will open, it is time to think about what you need to open a tanning studio from scratch.


Solarium as a business does not require a license, which simplifies registration.

Required package of documents:

  • organizational and legal documents (for LLC or individual entrepreneur);
  • permission from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • permission of the sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • production control program;
  • documents for cash register equipment;
  • concluded contracts for disinfection, disinsection, deratization;
  • contract for the disposal of lamps.
Specify OKVED code 93.04 (sports and recreation activities). The staff must have at least one specialist with a medical education.


It does not matter where the premises are located - in the center or in a residential area. The main conditions are a developed transport interchange and distance from competitors. It is desirable that there is an exit to the main street - then the target audience will quickly find the salon. The location of beauty salons, sports centers, shopping and entertainment complexes nearby will be a plus.

A spacious and dry room is required, with good ventilation, temperature no more than + 25 ° and humidity no higher than 80%. Area - at least 25 m², optimally - 40-50 m². You will need to organize a power supply with a power of 350 watts. Decorate the interior in a modern style. It is important that the client feel as comfortable and comfortable as possible in the salon.

Businessmen often rent spaces from owners of beauty salons, hairdressers and fitness centers, which allows both parties to attract more customers.


Mandatory steps at the stage of equipping the solarium:

  • drawing up a layout of equipment;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • examination.

You can buy both a new solarium and a used one. Used devices are cheaper by 30-50%. This is $ 2.5-4 thousand. The prices of new ones are from 5 to 8 thousand dollars. For the full operation of the salon, you need at least 2 solariums.

The best option is vertical solariums. They are used by 90% of customers. They require less space, so they can serve more people. Horizontal devices are cheaper, but not as popular.

It is important to have tanning devices for individual parts of the body: face and décolleté, shoulders and back, arms, legs.

Lamps are changed every 400-500 hours of operation.

The higher the quality of the tanning equipment, the lower the health risks for the client. Modern devices produce radiation, the quality of the impact is indistinguishable from the sun. The ability to get a natural tan will attract customers.


Solarium employees who communicate with visitors are called solar consultants. In most solariums, they perform administrative functions - this is a meeting of clients, escorting to the room for procedures, settlement and cash operations. But their main tasks are to provide information about the features of artificial tanning and skin care methods, determine the client's skin type, and select the type of tanning. Often in solariums they sell cosmetic products for tanning and care, and a helioconsultant helps you choose the best product.

The work of employees is usually organized in 2 shifts. The establishment has no outlets.

Base state:

  • 2 solar consultants;
  • 1 manager;
  • cleaning woman;

In the presence of free time and experience, the owner can take on the duties of a manager. For bookkeeping, it is better to turn to outsourcing.


No matter how high-class your solarium is, without an effective marketing policy, its payback will take years. Consider this moment when drawing up a business plan for a tanning studio.

  • Signboard. This is the beginning of the beginning. The more attractive it is, the more will be willing to look inside.

  • Flyers - for distribution on the street, in shopping centers, subway crossings. Design is also important here. An image of a beautiful, tanned girl or guy on quality paper with a “juicy” call to action is the perfect solution.
  • Announcement in the media. The method is no longer so relevant, but in sparsely populated regions it can work.
  • Advertising on the Internet (own website, ads on forms, in social networks). Focus on the advantages of your solarium: safety, modern equipment, natural tan.
  • Mutual PR with other enterprises. For example, you advertise in your salon a neighboring hairdresser, and in the hairdresser there are flyers for your solarium.

Profitability and payback of a solarium: a plan with calculations

The solarium is cost-effective when calculating 15-20 clients per 1 tanning device per day. A minute costs from 10 to 15 rubles. This is 250-600 rubles per client (including the use of cosmetics).

A ready-made business plan for a solarium with calculations involves the following items of expenses for the start:

Monthly costs:

Expense item (weekly)

Amount (in rubles)

Premises for rent


Communal payments

Is it profitable or not to open a solarium?

Solarium services are seasonal, the peak period is March-April. In October and November, demand drops significantly. This is the first problem. The second "pitfall" is high rental rates (in the center, rent can cost $100/m²) and high energy consumption fees (if many sunbathing machines are used). The situation is solved by expanding the range of services.

The situation in the industry is favorable for the entry of new players. Subject to the use of advanced equipment, impeccable service, a competent advertising strategy, the introduction of additional services (phytobar, cosmetics sales, manicure, pedicure, massage), as well as a loyalty system with promotions and discount cards, your salon will almost certainly be visited and pay off in a little more than a six months.

A beautiful tan is always in fashion - in winter and summer. The profitability of beauty salons is based on this. How to open your solarium from scratch? A business plan with calculations of capital investments, income and expenses will help when starting a business from scratch.

Opening a salon that provides only tanning services is not difficult - just rent a room and purchase equipment. The difficulty lies in attracting customers in a highly competitive environment. Therefore, you need to start a business with the development of an interesting concept and an advertising campaign.

Business plan

The first thing you need to open is to draw up a solarium business plan with calculations of the necessary investments and profitability:

  1. Choice concept.
  2. Room rental.
  3. Business registration.
  4. Purchase of equipment and materials.
  5. Advertising campaign.
  6. Selection of employees.
  7. Economic part.

You also need to assess the risks and identify points that will have to pay special attention to when conducting business.


The services of the tanning studio are used by a small contingent - young women and men for whom it is important to look good. To expand the audience, along with the solarium, it is beneficial to provide a variety of related services in the institution. Complex procedures are cheaper for clients, which is a competitive advantage among the mass of similar salons.

Another option on how to open a solarium from scratch is to rent a room in a popular sports club, swimming pool or beauty salon and install tanning equipment in it.

Such a startup will require a little money, no need to spend money on advertising, investments will pay off quickly, and the landlord will supply customers. On the other hand, the owner of a solarium becomes dependent on a partner, and in the worst case, you can lose business along with equipment.

If you have a large start-up capital, it is realistic to open a solarium with professional expensive devices. However, you need to soberly assess the circle of potential customers, because the prices for services will be high. It makes sense to launch such a project in a metropolis as a separate institution or on the basis of a health complex.

The most attractive for a novice businessman is the first option, which includes additional services:

  • and pedicure;
  • cosmetic procedures and consultations;
  • sale of means for sunburn, creams, cosmetics, cocktails.

The solarium studio, which is not limited to a narrow specialization, covers a wide audience and does not depend on the season.


To open a tanning studio, choose areas located near the city center or in large residential areas. Suitable as a detached building, and non-residential premises on the ground floor of an apartment building. If it is possible to rent a cheap point in a shopping and entertainment center, then this is the best option.

Basic requirements for the premises:

  1. Ceiling height 2.6 m.
  2. Mains voltage 380 V.
  3. Powerful ventilation system.
  4. Availability of water supply and sewerage.

35-40 sq.m. is enough to accommodate two sunbathing devices, a reception room and a change house, other services are provided in separate rooms. Based on the range of procedures, a suitable place for opening a solarium is selected.

The salon needs to be renovated and create a cozy atmosphere with the help of lighting, music and interior items. In the room where the equipment is located, the standards provide for flooring made of tiles.


A solarium as a business is subject to registration with the tax office, for which the entrepreneur draws up an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company.

The following documents are required to conduct business:

  • permits from SES and fire inspection;
  • contracts for disinfection, deratization, garbage disposal and disposal of lamps;
  • sanitary books of employees;
  • confirmation of compliance of equipment and materials with regulatory requirements.

The work of the solarium is classified as a health and fitness, so the staff must have an employee with a medical education.

Equipment and materials

The equipment that is needed to open a solarium is divided into:

  1. Tanning equipment.
  2. Furniture.
  3. Office equipment.

The most popular are horizontal and vertical solariums with a minimum set of functions. The vertical technique has several advantages over the horizontal one:

  • takes up less space in the room;
  • short procedure time - up to 10 minutes;
  • lack of contact of the body with the surface of the equipment;
  • tan evenly lays down and looks natural;
  • there is no psychological discomfort in front of a closed space.

On the other hand, horizontal solariums are 2-3 times cheaper. The most inexpensive devices - for tanning individual parts of the body - are usually made in the form of a chair. The most expensive equipment additionally functions as aromatherapy, a massager, a music center, and a simulator of sea waves.

To meet the needs of all customers, it is better to purchase one of each type of device. Experts do not recommend using used equipment in work, since solariums require significant maintenance and repair costs over time. With a large flow of visitors, the llamas in the apparatus must be changed frequently, otherwise the effectiveness of the procedures is reduced.

The salon needs to be furnished with:

  1. Reception desk.
  2. Chairs, armchairs.
  3. Lockers for storage of materials.
  4. Clothes hanger.
  5. Racks and shelves.

If the institution provides additional cosmetology services, then the rooms are equipped with appropriate interior items and tools.

For accounting, reporting, recording clients, stationery and office equipment are purchased:

  • computer;
  • Printer;
  • telephone;
  • cash machine.

Creams, milk, spray contribute to obtaining a beautiful tan. The salon may include the cost of these products in the price of the session, or sell them as a separate item. In addition, it is possible to sell cosmetics, hygiene items, health and diet products.

To comply with sanitary requirements, detergents and disinfectants, disposable slippers, hats, napkins, and towels are required. To reduce the risk of falls and injury to visitors, a rubber or silicone mat should be placed in the solarium. Goggles are required to protect the eyes, if this is not acceptable, then during the procedure it is necessary to keep the eyes closed.

Promoting your services to the market is what you need to start with when opening a solarium after completing the salon with equipment and materials. Advertising does not work instantly, it takes time to attract customers, during which a few visitors can be served by one employee or the entrepreneur himself.

  1. Attractive interior design.
  2. A massive attack on the Internet sector: the creation of a website, groups in social networks, banners, mailing lists, forums.
  3. Video on television.
  4. Advertisements in newspapers, magazines, on the radio, in transport, on banners and billboards.
  5. Distribution of business cards, flyers, booklets.
  6. Promotional offers on the eve of the holidays, discounts for regular customers, packaged services.
  7. An enticing slogan, for example, in winter: “Start looking stunning now!”


While the solarium has not gained popularity, an administrator or consultant and a cleaner are enough to serve customers. If a businessman is limited in funds, then he can perform all the functions on his own. With a constant flow of visitors to work in shifts 7 days a week, you will need:

  • 2 administrators for keeping records, accounting and general management of the salon;
  • 2 solar consultants for direct communication with clients, determining skin type, conducting tanning sessions, instructing on the use of equipment;
  • 2 cleaners.

In the event that the salon provides other services, then you will need to hire specialists in manicure, pedicure, masseur, beautician.

Economic calculations

To find out how much it costs to open a solarium, you need to make an estimate of initial investments, income and expenses. Investments in a salon project with a minimum set of services and a wide range will differ by several times. For example, calculations are made for a simple solarium with one vertical and one horizontal apparatus.

To start the project, you need to pay the following expenses:

Fixed business expenses per year are:

Annual income planning is based on average market prices and solarium attendance:

Additional revenue for the salon comes from the sale of cosmetics and skin care products - another 200,000 rubles. Total earnings are 2,144,000 rubles, minus expenses - 874,000 rubles. arrived. Investments in business will pay off in 10-12 months of activity.

It makes sense to spend the proceeds from the second year on expanding the project - opening a network of the same type of solariums or beauty salons of a higher level.

Video: how to open a solarium - review.

Underwater rocks

Owners of tanning studios pay attention to the seasonality of the business. The peak of those who want to bring themselves into a beautiful shape falls in the spring and early summer - it is at this time that it is most profitable to open your own business. Then the competition is made up by the natural conditions for the production of melanin, and in autumn and winter the vital activity of many people is reduced, which negatively affects the income of solariums.

The second important point is the need to carefully observe safety precautions, instruct staff and customers, and change lamps in a timely manner. Many have heard about the dangers of artificial tanning for health, so the more positive and open information provided to customers, the better. Modern equipment, when used correctly, is harmless, comfortable and efficient.

  • Documentation
  • Choosing equipment
  • Location and design
  • Additional services
  • Staff
  • Advertising
  • Costs and profits

The beauty industry has always been and will be a sought-after business that brings good income. Moreover, there are many options for activities. For example, many women are interested in opening a tanning studio, as it is always profitable and relevant. If you are one of them, then we recommend that you read the step-by-step instructions on how to open a solarium from scratch, where to start and how to succeed in business.


Solarium as a business project involves mandatory registration and collection of certain certificates and permits. In any case, to open almost any business activity, you will need the following documents:

  1. Documents confirming the registration of LLC or IP.
  2. Permission to use the premises from the SES and the State Fire Supervision.
  3. Documents confirming the registration of the cash register with the tax authorities.
  4. Lamp Recycling Agreement.
  5. Book of complaints and suggestions.
  6. The company's charter.

The OKVED code for registration will be 93.04: "Physical and recreational activities" for the procedure itself and 52.33: "Retail trade in cosmetics and perfumery products" if you want to sell related products. Also, among your employees must be specialists with medical education. Please note that this is an approximate list of required documents for opening a solarium. In more detail about the whole procedure you will be told in the relevant authorities. Information changes frequently, so it’s better not to take risks, but find out the entire list at once.

Many women are interested in the question: is it possible to open your solarium at home? At the moment, such activities are not provided for by law.

Choosing equipment

In order to open a successful business, first of all, you need to choose high-quality equipment. Progress does not stand still and at present there are at least 4 types of solariums:

  • Horizontal. The most common unit, which has its advantages and disadvantages. Most people choose this option because of the convenience: in a horizontal solarium, you can lie down, close your eyes and even take a nap. However, many do not like closed spaces and naked contact with glass. In any case, this is a standard option, which is gradually fading into the background.
  • Vertical. An ideal option for those who want to open their own solarium, but do not have a lot of money. A vertical apparatus is cheaper than a horizontal one and takes up less space. The tan is more uniform, but the radiation will still be greater.
  • Sedentary. The procedure takes place sitting in a special chair. A convenient option for a beautiful tan of a certain area of ​​​​the body. It is believed that such a solarium has the strongest radiation.
  • Turbosolaria. The most expensive and elite type of these devices. The client can independently choose the music and aroma; turn on the hydro massager, cooling system; call a specialist using a special button and these are far from all the functions of the “wonder machine”.

You can choose one of the proposed options to open, but the ideal option would be to purchase all four types. Especially if you want to open not just a solarium, but a real tanning studio.

Location and design

You can open your own tanning studio, or you can install a solarium in one of these places:

  1. Beauty salon or barbershop;
  2. Hotel.
  3. Gym.

We would advise starting from such places, as it is more beneficial for beginners. Women willingly combine several procedures together and will be happy to go to the solarium, especially if you put it in a well-known beauty salon or fitness center. If you have enough money, then you can open a good tanning studio. Premises are best rented in central areas, especially if you live in a small town. However, before doing this, you should carefully evaluate the competition. It would be a bad idea to open a solarium next to a similar establishment.

After you have found the necessary premises for opening a tanning studio, you need to carefully consider the design and interior of the premises. Your establishment should be comfortable and relaxed. Buy plasma TVs, designer sofas with coffee tables. Hang beautiful pictures or posters on the walls. You can see examples of design for a solarium or tanning studio in the photo:

Additional services

If you still decide to open a tanning studio, and not put a solarium in a hairdresser, then you better think about additional services that can be provided in the institution:

  • sauna;
  • massage room;
  • SPA treatments;
  • beauty salon;
  • phytobar;
  • sale of skin care cosmetics (scrubs, creams, lotions, etc.).

Thus, you will establish yourself as a successful company. In addition, you can earn much more by opening a solarium. Perhaps at first such an idea will not be “affordable” for you, but in the future be sure to try to make it a reality.


The number of staff will depend on the scale of the business project, but, in any case, even for a small tanning studio you will need:

  1. Two professionals working in shifts.
  2. Administrator.
  3. Cleaner.
  4. outsourcing accountant(if necessary).

May be of interest: Opening a cosmetics store from scratch


Of course, in order to open a profitable solarium, you need to take care of advertising. Development methods are quite standard and will not soon lose their relevance:

  • distribution of flyers on the streets of the city;
  • development of a group in social networks and / and creation of a website on the Internet;
  • filing advertisements in various media: magazines, newspapers, radio, television, etc.;
  • posting ads on specialized sites on the Internet;
  • advertising on public transport, stops, etc.

In addition to the proposed options, do not forget about contests, promotions, discounts and gift certificates. These customer acquisition mechanisms are very effective!

Costs and profits

As practice shows, in order to open a good solarium, you will need from 500,000 rubles. In this amount, we included expenses for the purchase of two devices (vertical and horizontal types) and other equipment, rent and repair of premises, and staff salaries. This amount is approximate and in any case, before opening it will be necessary to draw up a detailed business plan for the solarium.

As for profit, the seasonality of the procedure should be taken into account here. Most often, people resort to the services of artificial tanning in spring and early summer, the period of least customer interest is considered to be autumn and winter. In any case, by providing additional services, you will not be left without earnings. By opening a business at a tanning studio, you can receive from 100,000 rubles of net income per month (subject to the success of the establishment). Payback occurs in 0.5-2 years.

Buy ready solarium business plan with calculations you can have our trusted partners!

Opening a solarium from scratch is not so difficult. Such a business idea is suitable for both a novice entrepreneur and a professional. The profitability of the project is quite high, while the costs are average. Before opening, be sure to take into account all the risks, draw up a competent business plan and you can safely get down to business.

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Many people are willing to pay a lot of money to become beautiful. That is why the so-called beauty business brings a good profit to the owners. But the creation of a full-fledged beauty salon requires serious investments. How to be a budding entrepreneur? Open a tanning studio. It's much easier and cheaper. In this article, we will talk about how to open a solarium from scratch, how to properly organize its work and how profitable it is.

We study demand

Most entrepreneurs believe that a solarium is a classic seasonal business. But actually it is not. People come to the tanning studio even in summer, because not everyone has time to sunbathe for several hours.

With the right approach, clients will visit the solarium all year round

Tanning in a solarium is much safer than under the open sun, it lays down more evenly and lasts longer than usual. Therefore, you will almost always have clients (but there is still a certain seasonality).

Note: with the right planning and marketing, you will be able to build a steady flow of visitors. Give discounts to regular customers, arrange promotions in “unfavorable” months, and you will receive a guaranteed profit.

Explore the local service market. Find out what your competitors offer, find out what their pricing policy and terms of service are. Think about how you can make everything better and more competitive.

When calculating, do not forget that in parallel with tanning, you can provide other services that will increase your profits. Starting with a solarium, you can create a full-fledged beauty salon, providing the following services:

  1. Production of oxygen cocktails, phyto / fresh bar.
  2. Therapeutic and relaxing massage.
  3. Providing pedicure/manicure services.
  4. Eyebrow correction, eyebrow tattoo, eyelash extension.
  5. Makeup services.
  6. Variety of spa treatments.

It is necessary to think in advance whether you will provide these services or limit yourself to one tanning studio. Based on this, you will select the premises for your business. Remember that in the case of additional services, you will need to equip a separate room.

By providing additional services, you will increase your profits and the number of customers

How to register

Do you want to know what it takes to open a solarium or tanning studio? Unlike a classic beauty salon, studios do not require licensing. You do not have to apply to the relevant authorities and wait several months to obtain a license - you just need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. When registering, you should select the OKVED code 93.04, which allows you to conduct sports and recreation activities.

Additionally, you will need to conclude several contracts:

  1. About regular deratization.
  2. Contract for disinfestation and disinfection.
  3. Agreement on the disposal of fluorescent and fluorescent lamps.

These contracts are concluded with local organizations that have the necessary license to work. You will also need to obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspection about the compliance of your premises with certain standards. At the tax office, you will need to draw up documents for the cash register and approve the control program for the existing production.

Note: To open a salon, you will need a medical degree. If you do not have it, then you will need to hire a person with the appropriate diploma.

Requirements for the premises

What room is suitable for a solarium? In principle, to accommodate one device, an area of ​​​​2.5 by 2 meters (at least 2.6 meters high) with supply and exhaust ventilation will be required. Typically, small rooms of 10 square meters are used to install the device. In addition to the solarium room, a reception area and staff quarters are needed. The total area of ​​the premises must be at least 35 m2. If you plan to install three or more solariums, then add another 10-12 m2 for each. For the provision of individual services, premises of 15-20 m2 are also needed.

Vertical solarium takes up almost no space

Where is the best location for your studio? In the city center, in a residential area, near the passage places. A good option for beginners is to rent a room in a beauty salon. His clients may well become yours. You can also chat with the owners of local gyms and place the machines with them.

Note: Almost all modern solariums are powered by 380 volts. Take this into account when choosing a room - pulling a separate line will be very expensive.

What is needed for a solarium

So, you already know where to start opening a solarium - first study the market, then find a room. After that, it's time to start choosing good equipment. There are two ways:

  1. Choose an inexpensive device that only allows you to sunbathe.
  2. Purchase a modern device that performs massage, aromatherapy, etc. during the session.

Read also: How to attract clients for a manicure at home

In most cases, the simplest device is enough to work, so we do not recommend that you overpay for unnecessary functions.

Devices can also be divided into vertical and horizontal. Vertical ones are more preferable - they take up a minimum of space, the body in them gets an even and beautiful tan, since it does not come into contact with the surface. It is necessary to lie down in horizontal devices, so the body in some cases may take an unnatural shape. In such devices, sometimes white spots remain on the skin, which will certainly cause dissatisfaction among customers.

You should also be aware of the existence of special chairs and turbo solariums. Armchairs are used for zone tanning - they allow you to give a beautiful color to your hands, face, neck. A turbo solarium is a modern device that allows you to listen to music, conduct aromatherapy and massage, call employees, etc. while tanning. The price for them is quite high.

In a heavily used tanning bed, the lamps need to be changed every six months.

How many devices are needed for normal operation? We recommend buying one vertical and one horizontal unit. It is not worth saving and buying used devices - you will spend a lot of money on their maintenance and repair. Buy better inexpensive, but high-quality new devices.

You should also provide for the purchase of other necessary equipment: a rack, a computer, various cosmetics, chairs or a sofa for waiting, hygiene items, etc.

Approximately your expenses will be as follows - 400 thousand for the purchase of two solariums, 40 thousand for the purchase of furniture, 25 thousand for various consumables and cosmetics, 50,000 for office equipment.


Who will work in your salon? If you have time, then you can take on the duties of an administrator and accountant. Then you will need to hire only one person who will replace you as an administrator for shift work. If not, then you will need two administrators and an accountant. You can not hire an accountant for a permanent job - sign an outsourcing agreement and save on wages for a specialist.

Note: administrators should be beautiful, well-groomed girls with pleasant speech and manners. Be sure to teach them how to work with solariums and safety precautions.

The job of an administrator is to:

  1. Book a client for a specific time.
  2. Meet him, consult on all issues, accept payment.
  3. Choose the most suitable tanning program.
  4. Set the desired mode.
  5. Conduct a session.
  6. Follow the client and establish feedback with him.

Your staff must be able to correctly calculate the tan


To attract customers, you will need to draw up a competent marketing plan and provide for advertising costs. It must be done before the opening. Usually the budget for this is laid at the level of 50-70 thousand. You will need to create a good sign, place ads on a local forum and in the media, create groups on social networks, launch paper advertising (banner, flyers, various calendars, business cards, etc.). In the marketing plan, it is necessary to describe the logic of transferring an occasional client to the status of a permanent one. Arrange various promotions, issue discount cards to people, make discounts for certain categories of people.

It would also be nice to create your own business card website, where you can place information about the services offered, phone numbers, prices, descriptions of procedures, etc.

  • Step-by-step plan for opening a solarium
  • Which OKVED to indicate during registration
  • What documents are needed to open a solarium
  • What taxation system to specify when registering
  • Solarium technology
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The goal of the project is to open a solarium club in Vladivostok. In the course of the analysis, it was revealed that the market niche of high-quality service in the solarium services sector is quite free and attractive, for a number of reasons: 1. Fast return on investment 2. High profitability 3. Capital mobility.

Do I need permission to open a solarium

A limited liability company with two founders will be registered as an organizational and legal form. Borrowed funds in the form of a loan for the purchase of equipment will be used as sources of project financing.

What equipment to choose for a solarium

Solarium equipment will be purchased from the official distributor of Sunlux, consumables from Aktual LLC, mesopreparations and consumables from Kosmedgarant.

How much money do you need to start this business

Investments for the purchase of specialized equipment will amount to more than 950,000 rubles. This includes: a solarium - 4 pieces, a mirror with lighting and a shelf, devices for cosmetic procedures, a sink, a sterilizer. In addition, office equipment will be purchased in the amount of just over 150,000 rubles. Thus, the total investment in the project will be about 1,100,000 rubles.

A room with a total area of ​​95 sq. m. will be chosen for the solarium. meters.

More than 70% of our solarium clients will be women, a quarter of clients will be left by men. In total, the number of closest competitors of our organization will be 11 companies.

Our organization will provide such services as: solarium, therapeutic massage, anti-stress therapy, glycol peeling, skin diagnostics and treatment and other services. The operating mode will be set from 9:00 to 21:00.

The staff of the company will include 9 people, including: beautician, massage therapist, manager, administrator, accountant and cleaner. The monthly wage fund, according to the business plan, will amount to 370,000 rubles.

How much can you earn from this business

The monthly revenue of the solarium will be more than 1,500,000 rubles. The payback period for investments in a solarium according to a business plan is 2.5 years.

*Attention! The business plan may contain somewhat outdated data, as the market is constantly changing, prices are rising (inflation), etc.

Download solarium business plan

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